class SentinelDrive(DriveOdometry): ''' Derived class of DriveOdometry. Tracks the odometry of the sentinel robot ''' def __init__(self): super(SentinelDrive, self).__init__() def _init_vars(self): ''' Initialize state variables. All angular variables are in radians. All self._chassis_kf variables are relative to the static world frame ("odom") All self._imu_kf variables are relative to the IMU on the Type-A MCB ''' # 2 Kalman Filters # self._chassis_kf is for chassis relative odometry # self._imu_kf is for imu relative odometry self._chassis_kf = None # number of state params for self._chassis_kf # 6-D state: x, y and first and second derivatives in that order self._chassis_D = 6 # number of measurement params for self._chassis_kf # 2-D measurement: vx, vy self._chassis_M = 2 # no control vars for self._chassis_kf # Wheel odom vars self.GEAR_RATIO = 19.0 self.WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.035 self._imu_kf = None # number of state params for self._imu_kf # 9-D state: roll, pitch, yaw and first and second derivatives in that order self._imu_D = 9 # number of measurement params for self._imu_kf # 6-D measurement: rol, pit, yaw and first derivatives self._imu_M = 6 # no control vars for self._imu_kf def _publish_odom(self, timestamp): ''' See base class comment ''' # One of the kalman filters have not been initialized yet, don't publish if not self._chassis_kf or not self._imu_kf: return if self._should_reset(): rospy.logwarn("Odometry diverged, resetting kalman filters...") self._reset_kf() return odom_msg = Odometry() odom_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" odom_msg.child_frame_id = "base_center" # fitting 2 frame transforms into 1 odom msg odom_msg.header.stamp = timestamp chassis_state = self._chassis_kf.statePost[:, 0] imu_state = self._imu_kf.statePost[:, 0] # Translation (odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x, odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y) = chassis_state[0:2] odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0 # Rotation mod = 2 * math.pi mcb_imu_quat = tf_conversions.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( imu_state[0] % mod, imu_state[1] % mod, imu_state[2] % mod) pose_quat = convert_quat_to_frame(mcb_imu_quat, "base_center", "mcb_imu") (odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) = pose_quat # Set pose covariances chassis_cov = self._chassis_kf.errorCovPost imu_cov = self._imu_kf.errorCovPost pose_cov_matrix = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.float32) pose_cov_matrix[0:2, 0:2] = chassis_cov[0:2, 0:2] pose_cov_matrix[3:6, 3:6] = imu_cov[0:3, 0:3] odom_msg.pose.covariance = tuple(pose_cov_matrix.flatten()) # Translational velocity (odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x, odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y) = chassis_state[2:4] odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z = 0 # Angular velocities twist_euler = convert_angv_to_frame(imu_state[3:6], "base_center", "mcb_imu") (odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x, odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y, odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z) = twist_euler[0:3] # Set velocity covariances twist_cov_matrix = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.float32) twist_cov_matrix[0:2, 0:2] = chassis_cov[2:4, 2:4] twist_cov_matrix[3:6, 3:6] = imu_cov[3:6, 3:6] odom_msg.twist.covariance = tuple(twist_cov_matrix.flatten()) self._odom_pub.publish(odom_msg) def _publish_accel(self, timestamp): ''' See base class comment ''' # One of the kalman filters have not been initialized yet, don't publish if not self._imu_kf or not self._chassis_kf: return accel_msg = AccelStamped() accel_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" accel_msg.header.stamp = timestamp (accel_msg.accel.linear.x, accel_msg.accel.linear.y) = self._chassis_kf.statePost[4:6, 0] accel_msg.accel.linear.z = 0 (accel_msg.accel.angular.x, accel_msg.accel.angular.y, accel_msg.accel.angular.z) = self._imu_kf.statePost[6:9, 0] self._accel_pub.publish(accel_msg) def _init_chassis_kf(self, initial_meas): ''' Initializes self._chassis_kf to 0 position and acceleration and initial velocity based on the initial measurements. @params initial_meas - (2, 1) np.array world frame relative [[vx], [vy]] ''' self._chassis_kf = KalmanFilter(dynamParams=self._chassis_D, measureParams=self._chassis_M) # transitionMatrix will be edited before each predict/correct step with coefficients for the delta_t self._chassis_kf.transitionMatrix = np.eye( self._chassis_D, dtype=np.float32) # transitionMatrix @ state_n = state_n+1 self._chassis_kf.measurementMatrix = np.array( [ # predictedMeasurements += measurementMatrix @ statePre_n [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], # vx [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] # vy ], np.float32) # guessed covariances. self._chassis_kf.processNoiseCov = np.diag( np.array([0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.1**2, 0.1**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2], dtype=np.float32)) self._chassis_kf.measurementNoiseCov = 0.005 * np.eye(self._chassis_M, dtype=np.float32) # initial state # opencv KalmanFilter initializes both statePre and statePost to 0 proper vectors vel_start = 2 vel_end = vel_start + self._chassis_M self._chassis_kf.statePre[vel_start:vel_end, 0] = initial_meas[:self._chassis_M, 0] self._chassis_kf.statePost[vel_start:vel_end, 0] = initial_meas[:self._chassis_M, 0] def _init_imu_kf(self, initial_meas): ''' Initializes self._imu_kf to 0 angular position and acceleration and initial velocity based on the initial measurements. @params initial_meas - (6, 1) np.array IMU frame relative [[roll], [pitch], [yaw], [wx], [wy], [wz]] ''' self._imu_kf = KalmanFilter(dynamParams=self._imu_D, measureParams=self._imu_M) # transitionMatrix will be edited before each predict/correct step with coefficients for the delta_t self._imu_kf.transitionMatrix = np.eye( self._imu_D, dtype=np.float32) # transitionMatrix @ state_n = state_n+1 self._imu_kf.measurementMatrix = np.array([ [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], ], dtype=np.float32) # guessed covariances. self._imu_kf.processNoiseCov = np.diag( np.array([ 0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.1**2, 0.1**2, 0.1**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2 ], dtype=np.float32)) self._imu_kf.measurementNoiseCov = np.diag( np.array([0.005**2, 0.005**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.02**2], dtype=np.float32)) # initial state self._imu_kf.statePre[:self._imu_M, 0] = initial_meas[:self._imu_M, 0] self._imu_kf.statePost[:self._imu_M, 0] = initial_meas[:self._imu_M, 0] def _configure_chassis_kf_for_update(self, delta_t): ''' Configures self._chassis_kf for the predict step based on the time difference between last measurement and current measurement as part of the extended Kalman Filter @params delta_t. Time difference between last measurement and current measurement ''' vel = delta_t # velocity/2nd-derivative factor acc = 0.5 * delta_t**2 np.fill_diagonal(self._chassis_kf.transitionMatrix[:4, 2:], vel) np.fill_diagonal(self._chassis_kf.transitionMatrix[:2, 4:], acc) def _configure_imu_kf_for_update(self, delta_t): ''' Configures self._imu_kf for the predict step based on the time difference between last measurement and current measurement as part of the extended Kalman Filter @params delta_t. Time difference between last measurement and current measurement ''' vel = delta_t # velocity/2nd-derivative factor acc = 0.5 * delta_t**2 np.fill_diagonal(self._imu_kf.transitionMatrix[:6, 3:], vel) np.fill_diagonal(self._imu_kf.transitionMatrix[:3, 6:], acc) def update(self, imu_stamped): ''' Updates the current odometry state of this object by carrying out the predict and update step on self._chassis_kf and self._imu_kf @params imu_stamped - the McbOdomMessage ROS message that contains the raw sensor data from the MCB ''' current_timestamp = imu_stamped.header.stamp.to_sec() # Must update IMU first and then chassis # bec chassis uses yaw readings of the IMU to determine direction of motion # IMU update current_imu_meas = np.array([ [imu_stamped.rol], [imu_stamped.pit], [imu_stamped.yaw], [imu_stamped.wx], [imu_stamped.wy], [imu_stamped.wz], ], np.float32) if not self._imu_kf: self._init_imu_kf(current_imu_meas) self._configure_imu_kf_for_update( current_timestamp - self._last_update_timestamp.to_sec() if self. _last_update_timestamp else 0) self._imu_kf.predict() self._imu_kf.correct(current_imu_meas) # Chassis update # Convert from RPM to radians/s rf = -(imu_stamped.rf_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 lf = (imu_stamped.lf_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 lb = (imu_stamped.lb_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 rb = -(imu_stamped.rb_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 ave_mag = (rf + lf + lb + rb) / 4 signed_mag = self.WHEEL_RADIUS * ave_mag # Convert yaw from IMU frame to chassis frame yaw = convert_euler_to_frame(self._imu_kf.statePost[0:3, 0], "base_center", "mcb_imu")[2] vx = -signed_mag * math.sin(yaw) vy = signed_mag * math.cos(yaw) current_chassis_meas = np.array([[vx], [vy]], np.float32) if not self._chassis_kf: self._init_chassis_kf(current_chassis_meas) self._configure_chassis_kf_for_update( current_timestamp - self._last_update_timestamp.to_sec() if self. _last_update_timestamp else 0) self._chassis_kf.predict() self._chassis_kf.correct(current_chassis_meas) self._last_update_timestamp = imu_stamped.header.stamp def _should_reset(self): ''' See base class comment ''' if self._imu_kf and self._chassis_kf: abs_imu_state = np.abs(self._imu_kf.statePost) abs_chassis_state = np.abs(self._chassis_kf.statePost) abs_imu_error = np.abs(self._imu_kf.errorCovPost) abs_chassis_error = np.abs(self._chassis_kf.errorCovPost) return (np.any(np.isnan(abs_imu_error)) or np.any(np.isnan(abs_chassis_error)) or np.any(abs_imu_state[3:, :] > 100) or np.any(abs_chassis_state[2:, :] > 100)) return False def _reset_kf(self): ''' Clears the 2 Kalman Filters' states ''' self._chassis_kf = None self._imu_kf = None
class FourWheelMecanumDrive(DriveOdometry): ''' Derived class of DriveOdometry. Tracks the odometry of robots with four wheel mecanum drives ''' def __init__(self): super(FourWheelMecanumDrive, self).__init__() def _init_vars(self): ''' Initialize state variables. All angular variables are in radians. All self._chassis_kf variables are relative to the static world frame ("odom") All self._imu_kf variables are relative to the IMU on the Type-A MCB ''' # 2 Kalman Filters # self._chassis_kf is for chassis relative odometry # self._imu_kf is for imu relative odometry self._chassis_kf = None # number of state params for self._chassis_kf # 12-D state: x, y, z, chassis-relative yaw and their first and second derivatives in that order self._chassis_D = 12 # number of measurement params for self._chassis_kf # 4-D measurement: vx, vy, vz, wz_wheels self._chassis_M = 4 # no control vars for self._chassis_kf # Mecanum wheel odom vars self.GEAR_RATIO = 19.0 self.WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.075 # To be set by derived classes, differs from robot to robot # Length between front mecanum wheels and back mecanum wheels self.L = None # Width between right mecanum wheels and left mecanum wheels self.W = None # Matrix that defines the transformation of wheel RPM to # chassis relative velocities. Differs from robot to robot # Since it is reliant on self.L and self.W self.MECANUM_M = None self._imu_kf = None # number of state params for self._imu_kf # 9-D state: roll, pitch, yaw and first and second derivatives in that order self._imu_D = 9 # number of measurement params for self._imu_kf # 7-D measurement: roll, pitch, yaw and first derivatives + wz measured based on chassis measurements self._imu_M = 7 # no control vars for self._imu_kf def _publish_odom(self, timestamp): ''' See base class comment ''' # One of the kalman filters have not been initialized yet, don't publish if not self._chassis_kf or not self._imu_kf: return if self._should_reset(): rospy.logwarn("Odometry diverged, resetting kalman filters...") self._reset_kf() return odom_msg = Odometry() odom_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" odom_msg.child_frame_id = "base_center" # fitting 2 frame transforms into 1 odom msg odom_msg.header.stamp = timestamp chassis_state = self._chassis_kf.statePost[:, 0] imu_state = self._imu_kf.statePost[:, 0] # Translation (odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x, odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y, odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z) = chassis_state[0:3] # Rotation mod = 2 * math.pi mcb_imu_quat = tf_conversions.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( imu_state[0] % mod, imu_state[1] % mod, imu_state[2] % mod) pose_quat = convert_quat_to_frame(mcb_imu_quat, "base_center", "mcb_imu") (odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) = pose_quat # Set pose covariances chassis_cov = self._chassis_kf.errorCovPost imu_cov = self._imu_kf.errorCovPost pose_cov_matrix = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.float32) pose_cov_matrix[0:3, 0:3] = chassis_cov[0:3, 0:3] pose_cov_matrix[3:6, 3:6] = imu_cov[0:3, 0:3] odom_msg.pose.covariance = tuple(pose_cov_matrix.flatten()) # Translational velocity (odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x, odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y, odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z) = chassis_state[4:7] # Angular velocities twist_euler = convert_angv_to_frame(imu_state[3:6], "base_center", "mcb_imu") (odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x, odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y, odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z) = twist_euler[0:3] # Set velocity covariances twist_cov_matrix = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.float32) twist_cov_matrix[0:3, 0:3] = chassis_cov[4:7, 4:7] twist_cov_matrix[3:6, 3:6] = imu_cov[3:6, 3:6] odom_msg.twist.covariance = tuple(twist_cov_matrix.flatten()) self._odom_pub.publish(odom_msg) def _publish_accel(self, timestamp): ''' See base class comment ''' # One of the kalman filters have not been initialized yet, don't publish if not self._imu_kf or not self._chassis_kf: return accel_msg = AccelStamped() accel_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" accel_msg.header.stamp = timestamp (accel_msg.accel.linear.x, accel_msg.accel.linear.y, accel_msg.accel.linear.z) = self._chassis_kf.statePost[8:11, 0] (accel_msg.accel.angular.x, accel_msg.accel.angular.y, accel_msg.accel.angular.z) = self._imu_kf.statePost[6:9, 0] self._accel_pub.publish(accel_msg) def _init_chassis_kf(self, initial_meas): ''' Initializes self._chassis_kf to 0 position and acceleration and initial velocity based on the initial measurements. @params initial_meas - (4, 1) np.array world frame relative [[vx], [vy], [vz], [wz_chassis]] ''' self._chassis_kf = KalmanFilter(dynamParams=self._chassis_D, measureParams=self._chassis_M) # transitionMatrix will be edited before each predict/correct step with coefficients for the delta_t self._chassis_kf.transitionMatrix = np.eye( self._chassis_D, dtype=np.float32) # transitionMatrix @ state_n = state_n+1 self._chassis_kf.measurementMatrix = np.array( [ # predictedMeasurements += measurementMatrix @ statePre_n [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # vx [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # vy [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # vz [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], # wz_wheels ], np.float32) self._chassis_kf.processNoiseCov = np.diag( np.array([ 0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.1**2, 0.1**2, 0.1**2, 0.1 **2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2 ], dtype=np.float32)) self._chassis_kf.measurementNoiseCov = 0.005 * np.eye(self._chassis_M, dtype=np.float32) # initial state # opencv KalmanFilter initializes both statePre and statePost to 0 proper vectors (i.e. 2 dims) vel_start = 4 vel_end = vel_start + self._chassis_M self._chassis_kf.statePre[vel_start:vel_end, 0] = initial_meas[:self._chassis_M, 0] self._chassis_kf.statePost[vel_start:vel_end, 0] = initial_meas[:self._chassis_M, 0] def _init_imu_kf(self, initial_meas): ''' Initializes self._imu_kf to 0 angular position and acceleration and initial velocity based on the initial measurements. @params initial_meas - (7, 1) np.array IMU frame relative [[roll], [pitch], [yaw], [wx], [wy], [wz], [yaw based on chassis yaw]] ''' self._imu_kf = KalmanFilter(dynamParams=self._imu_D, measureParams=self._imu_M) # transitionMatrix will be edited before each predict/correct step with coefficients for the delta_t self._imu_kf.transitionMatrix = np.eye( self._imu_D, dtype=np.float32) # transitionMatrix @ state_n = state_n+1 self._imu_kf.measurementMatrix = np.array([ [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ], dtype=np.float32) # guessed covariances. self._imu_kf.processNoiseCov = np.diag( np.array([ 0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.05**2, 0.1**2, 0.1**2, 0.1**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2 ], dtype=np.float32)) self._imu_kf.measurementNoiseCov = np.diag( np.array([ 0.005**2, 0.005**2, 0.05**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.01**2, 0.0075 **2 ], dtype=np.float32)) # initial state self._imu_kf.statePre[:self._imu_M, 0] = initial_meas[:self._imu_M, 0] self._imu_kf.statePost[:self._imu_M, 0] = initial_meas[:self._imu_M, 0] def _configure_chassis_kf_for_update(self, delta_t): ''' Configures self._chassis_kf for the predict step based on the time difference between last measurement and current measurement as part of the extended Kalman Filter @params delta_t. Time difference between last measurement and current measurement ''' vel = delta_t # velocity/2nd-derivative factor acc = 0.5 * delta_t**2 np.fill_diagonal(self._chassis_kf.transitionMatrix[:8, 4:], vel) np.fill_diagonal(self._chassis_kf.transitionMatrix[:4, 8:], acc) def _configure_imu_kf_for_update(self, delta_t): ''' Configures self._imu_kf for the predict step based on the time difference between last measurement and current measurement as part of the extended Kalman Filter @params delta_t. Time difference between last measurement and current measurement ''' vel = delta_t # velocity/2nd-derivative factor acc = 0.5 * delta_t**2 np.fill_diagonal(self._imu_kf.transitionMatrix[:6, 3:], vel) np.fill_diagonal(self._imu_kf.transitionMatrix[:3, 6:], acc) def update(self, imu_stamped): ''' Updates the current odometry state of this object by carrying out the predict and update step on self._chassis_kf and self._imu_kf @params imu_stamped - the McbOdomMessage ROS message that contains the raw sensor data from the MCB ''' current_timestamp = imu_stamped.header.stamp.to_sec() # Must update chassis first and then IMU # bec imu KF's yaw_wheels measurement uses # chassis statePost's yaw_wheels estimate to compute # an additional measurement for yaw based on wheels yaw to correct IMU yaw drift # Chassis update # Convert from RPM to radians/s # See: rf = -(imu_stamped.rf_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 lf = (imu_stamped.lf_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 lb = (imu_stamped.lb_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 rb = -(imu_stamped.rb_rpm / self.GEAR_RATIO * 2 * math.pi) / 60 velocities = np.matmul(self.MECANUM_M, np.array([[rf], [lf], [lb], [rb]])) # Sum and convert to world relative # now working in ros coordinates vx_chassis = velocities[1, 0] vy_chassis = -velocities[0, 0] # Chassis predict: if KF init already, use statePre's yaw to compute # robot vx and vy in static frame # else use chassis_yaw = 0 # Stretch TODO: slope odometry chassis_yaw = 0 if self._chassis_kf: self._configure_chassis_kf_for_update( current_timestamp - self._last_update_timestamp.to_sec() if self. _last_update_timestamp else 0) self._chassis_kf.predict() chassis_yaw = self._chassis_kf.statePre[3, 0] vx = vx_chassis * math.cos(chassis_yaw) - vy_chassis * math.sin( chassis_yaw) vy = vx_chassis * math.sin(chassis_yaw) + vy_chassis * math.cos( chassis_yaw) wz_wheels = velocities[2, 0] current_chassis_meas = np.array([[vx], [vy], [0], [wz_wheels]], np.float32) if not self._chassis_kf: self._init_chassis_kf(current_chassis_meas) self._configure_chassis_kf_for_update(0) self._chassis_kf.predict() self._chassis_kf.correct(current_chassis_meas) # IMU update current_imu_meas = np.array( [[imu_stamped.rol], [imu_stamped.pit], [imu_stamped.yaw], [imu_stamped.wx], [imu_stamped.wy], [imu_stamped.wz], [0]], np.float32) if not self._imu_kf: self._init_imu_kf(current_imu_meas) self._configure_imu_kf_for_update( current_timestamp - self._last_update_timestamp.to_sec() if self. _last_update_timestamp else 0) self._imu_kf.predict() # Convert yaw wheels readings from base_center frame to IMU frame # to use as an additional measurement for the yaw in order to correct IMU yaw drift predicted_trans_quat = tf_conversions.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( self._imu_kf.statePre[0, 0], self._imu_kf.statePre[1, 0], self._imu_kf.statePre[2, 0]) predicted_trans_quat[3] = -predicted_trans_quat[3] yaw_wheels = convert_euler_to_quat_frame( (0, 0, self._chassis_kf.statePost[3, 0]), predicted_trans_quat)[2] current_imu_meas[6, 0] = yaw_wheels #print(current_imu_meas) self._imu_kf.correct(current_imu_meas) #print(self._imu_kf.statePost[2,0], self._imu_kf.statePost[5, 0], self._imu_kf.statePost[8, 0]) #with open("/home/nvidia/our-log.csv", "a+") as f: #f.write(str(current_timestamp) + "," + str(self._chassis_kf.statePost[0, 0]) + "," + str(self._chassis_kf.statePost[1, 0]) + "," + str(self._chassis_kf.statePost[2, 0]) + "\n") self._last_update_timestamp = imu_stamped.header.stamp def _should_reset(self): ''' See base class comment ''' if self._imu_kf and self._chassis_kf: abs_imu_state = np.abs(self._imu_kf.statePost) abs_chassis_state = np.abs(self._chassis_kf.statePost) abs_imu_error = np.abs(self._imu_kf.errorCovPost) abs_chassis_error = np.abs(self._chassis_kf.errorCovPost) return (np.any(np.isnan(abs_imu_error)) or np.any(np.isnan(abs_chassis_error)) or np.any(abs_imu_state[3:, :] > 100) or np.any(abs_chassis_state[4:, :] > 100)) return False def _reset_kf(self): ''' Clears the 2 Kalman Filters' states ''' self._chassis_kf = None self._imu_kf = None