Exemple #1
    def draw(
            self, img, rvec, tvec, status, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs,
            triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp, new_imgp,
            imgp_to_objp_idxs, objp, objp_groups, group_id, color_palette,
            color_palette_size):  # TODO: move these variables to another class
        Draw 2D composite view.
        'status' can have the following values:
            0: bad frame
            1: good frame but not a keyframe
            2: good frame and also a keyframe

        # Start drawing on copy of current image
        self.img[:, :, :] = img

        if status:
            # Draw world axis-system
            draw_axis_system(self.img, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)

            # Draw to-be-triangulated point as dots with text indicating depth w.r.t. the camera
            imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(triangl_idxs, new_imgp,
            text_imgp = np.array(imgp)
            text_imgp += [(-15, 10)]  # adjust for text-position
            objp_idxs = imgp_to_objp_idxs[np.array(sorted(triangl_idxs))]
            groups = objp_groups[objp_idxs]
            P = trfm.P_from_R_and_t(cvh.Rodrigues(rvec), tvec)
            objp_depth = trfm.projection_depth(objp[objp_idxs], P)
            objp_colors = color_palette[
                groups % color_palette_size]  # set color by group id
            for ip, ipt, opd, opg, color in zip(imgp, text_imgp, objp_depth,
                                                groups, objp_colors):
                cvh.circle(self.img, ip, 2, color,
                           thickness=-1)  # draw triangulated point
                cvh.putText(self.img, "%.3f" % opd, ipt, fontFace, fontScale,
                            color)  # draw depths

            # Draw to-be-triangulated point as a cross
            nontriangl_imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(
                nontriangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp).astype(int)
            color = color_palette[group_id % color_palette_size]
            for p in nontriangl_imgp:
                cvh.line(self.img, (p[0] - 2, p[1]), (p[0] + 2, p[1]), color)
                cvh.line(self.img, (p[0], p[1] - 2), (p[0], p[1] + 2), color)

            # Draw red corner around image: it's a bad frame
            for (p1, p2) in self.image_box:
                cvh.line(self.img, p1, p2, rgb(255, 0, 0), thickness=4)

        # Display image
        cv2.imshow(self.img_title, self.img)
Exemple #2
def keypoint_mask(points):
    """Returns a mask that covers the keypoints with False, using 'keypoint_coverage_radius' as radius."""
    mask_img = np.ones((imageSize[1], imageSize[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
    for p in points:
        cvh.circle(mask_img, p, keypoint_coverage_radius, False, thickness=-1)
    # <DEBUG: visualize mask>    TODO: remove
    print "countZero:", cv2.countNonZero(mask_img), "(total):", mask_img.size
    cv2.imshow("img", mask_img * 255)
    # </DEBUG>
    return mask_img
def keypoint_mask(points):
    """Returns a mask that covers the keypoints with False, using 'keypoint_coverage_radius' as radius."""
    mask_img = np.ones((imageSize[1], imageSize[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
    for p in points:
        cvh.circle(mask_img, p, keypoint_coverage_radius, False, thickness=-1)
    # <DEBUG: visualize mask>    TODO: remove
    print "countZero:", cv2.countNonZero(mask_img), "(total):", mask_img.size
    cv2.imshow("img", mask_img*255)
    # </DEBUG>
    return mask_img
def draw_axis_system(img, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs):
    axis_system_objp = np.array([ [0., 0., 0.],      # Origin (black)
                                  [4., 0., 0.],      # X-axis (red)
                                  [0., 4., 0.],      # Y-axis (green)
                                  [0., 0., 4.] ])    # Z-axis (blue)
    imgp_reproj, jacob = cv2.projectPoints(
            axis_system_objp, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs )
    origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis = np.rint(imgp_reproj.reshape(-1, 2)).astype(np.int32)    # round to nearest int
    if not (0 <= origin[0] < img.shape[1] and 0 <= origin[1] < img.shape[0]):    # projected origin lies out of the image
        return img    # so don't draw axis-system
    cvh.line(img, origin, xAxis, rgb(255,0,0), thickness=2, lineType=cv2.CV_AA)
    cvh.line(img, origin, yAxis, rgb(0,255,0), thickness=2, lineType=cv2.CV_AA)
    cvh.line(img, origin, zAxis, rgb(0,0,255), thickness=2, lineType=cv2.CV_AA)
    cvh.circle(img, origin, 4, rgb(0,0,0), thickness=-1)    # filled circle, radius 4
    cvh.circle(img, origin, 5, rgb(255,255,255), thickness=2)    # white 'O', radius 5
    return img
 def draw(self, img, rvec, tvec, status,
         cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp, new_imgp, imgp_to_objp_idxs, objp, objp_groups, group_id, color_palette, color_palette_size):    # TODO: move these variables to another class
     Draw 2D composite view.
     'status' can have the following values:
         0: bad frame
         1: good frame but not a keyframe
         2: good frame and also a keyframe
     # Start drawing on copy of current image
     self.img[:, :, :] = img
     if status:
         # Draw world axis-system
         draw_axis_system(self.img, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
         # Draw to-be-triangulated point as dots with text indicating depth w.r.t. the camera
         imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(triangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp)
         text_imgp = np.array(imgp)
         text_imgp += [(-15, 10)]    # adjust for text-position
         objp_idxs = imgp_to_objp_idxs[np.array(sorted(triangl_idxs))]
         groups = objp_groups[objp_idxs]
         P = trfm.P_from_R_and_t(cvh.Rodrigues(rvec), tvec)
         objp_depth = trfm.projection_depth(objp[objp_idxs], P)
         objp_colors = color_palette[groups % color_palette_size]    # set color by group id
         for ip, ipt, opd, opg, color in zip(imgp, text_imgp, objp_depth, groups, objp_colors):
             cvh.circle(self.img, ip, 2, color, thickness=-1)    # draw triangulated point
             cvh.putText(self.img, "%.3f" % opd, ipt, fontFace, fontScale, color)    # draw depths
         # Draw to-be-triangulated point as a cross
         nontriangl_imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(nontriangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp).astype(int)
         color = color_palette[group_id % color_palette_size]
         for p in nontriangl_imgp:
             cvh.line(self.img, (p[0]-2, p[1]), (p[0]+2, p[1]), color)
             cvh.line(self.img, (p[0], p[1]-2), (p[0], p[1]+2), color)
         # Draw red corner around image: it's a bad frame
         for (p1, p2) in self.image_box:
             cvh.line(self.img, p1, p2, rgb(255,0,0), thickness=4)
     # Display image
     cv2.imshow(self.img_title, self.img)
Exemple #6
def draw_axis_system(img, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs):
    axis_system_objp = np.array([
        [0., 0., 0.],  # Origin (black)
        [4., 0., 0.],  # X-axis (red)
        [0., 4., 0.],  # Y-axis (green)
        [0., 0., 4.]
    ])  # Z-axis (blue)
    imgp_reproj, jacob = cv2.projectPoints(axis_system_objp, rvec, tvec,
                                           cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
    origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis = np.rint(imgp_reproj.reshape(-1, 2)).astype(
        np.int32)  # round to nearest int
    if not (0 <= origin[0] < img.shape[1] and 0 <= origin[1] < img.shape[0]
            ):  # projected origin lies out of the image
        return img  # so don't draw axis-system
             rgb(255, 0, 0),
             rgb(0, 255, 0),
             rgb(0, 0, 255),
    cvh.circle(img, origin, 4, rgb(0, 0, 0),
               thickness=-1)  # filled circle, radius 4
    cvh.circle(img, origin, 5, rgb(255, 255, 255),
               thickness=2)  # white 'O', radius 5
    return img
Exemple #7
def handle_new_frame(
        base_imgp,  # includes 2D points of both triangulated as not-yet triangl points of last keyframe
        prev_imgp,  # includes 2D points of last frame
        nontriangl_idxs,  # indices of 2D points in base_imgp
        imgp_to_objp_idxs,  # indices from 2D points in base_imgp to 3D points in objp
        all_idxs_tmp,  # list of idxs of 2D points in base_imgp, matches prev_imgp to base_imgp
        objp,  # triangulated 3D points
        group_id,  # corresponding group ids of triangulated 3D points, and current group id
        tvec_keyfr,  # rvec and tvec of last keyframe
        base_img):  # used for debug

    # Save initial indexing state
    triangl_idxs_old = set(triangl_idxs)
    nontriangl_idxs_old = set(nontriangl_idxs)
    all_idxs_tmp_old = np.array(all_idxs_tmp)

    # Calculate OF (Optical Flow), and filter outliers based on OF error
    new_imgp, status_OF, err_OF = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(
        prev_img_gray, new_img_gray, prev_imgp
    )  # WARNING: OpenCV can output corrupted values in 'status_OF': "RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less"
    new_to_prev_idxs = np.where(
        np.logical_and((status_OF.reshape(-1) == 1),
                       (err_OF.reshape(-1) < max_OF_error)))[0]

    # If there is too much OF error in the entire image, simply reject the frame
    lost_tracks_ratio = (len(prev_imgp) - len(new_to_prev_idxs)) / float(
    print "# points lost because of excessive OF error / # points before: ", len(
        prev_imgp) - len(new_to_prev_idxs), "/", len(
            prev_imgp), "=", lost_tracks_ratio
    if lost_tracks_ratio > max_lost_tracks_ratio:  # reject frame
        print "REJECTED: I lost track of all points!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img

    # Save matches by idxs
    preserve_idxs = set(all_idxs_tmp[new_to_prev_idxs])
    triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_update_by_idxs(
        preserve_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp)
    if len(triangl_idxs) < 8:  # solvePnP uses 8-point algorithm
        print "REJECTED: I lost track of too many already-triangulated points, so we can't do solvePnP() anymore...\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
    new_imgp = new_imgp[new_to_prev_idxs]
    #cv2.cornerSubPix(    # TODO: activate this secret weapon    <-- hmm, actually seems to make it worse
    #new_img_gray, new_imgp,
    #(corner_min_dist,corner_min_dist),    # window
    #(-1,-1),    # deadzone
    #(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001) )    # termination criteria
    ##corners = corners.reshape(-1, 2)

    # Do solvePnPRansac() on current frame's (new_imgp) already triangulated points, ...
    triangl_idxs_array = np.array(
        sorted(triangl_idxs))  # select already-triangulated point-indices
    filtered_triangl_imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(
        triangl_idxs, new_imgp,
        all_idxs_tmp)  # collect corresponding image-points
    filtered_triangl_objp = objp[imgp_to_objp_idxs[
        triangl_idxs_array]]  # collect corresponding object-points
    print "Doing solvePnP() on", filtered_triangl_objp.shape[0], "points"
    rvec_, tvec_, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(  # perform solvePnPRansac() to identify outliers, force to obey max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio
            ceil((1 - max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio) * len(triangl_idxs))),

    # ... if ratio of 'inliers' vs input is too low, reject frame, ...
    if inliers == None:  # inliers is empty => reject frame
        print "REJECTED: No inliers based on solvePnP()!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
    inliers = inliers.reshape(-1)
    solvePnP_outlier_ratio = (len(triangl_idxs) - len(inliers)) / float(
    print "solvePnP_outlier_ratio:", solvePnP_outlier_ratio
    if solvePnP_outlier_ratio > max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio or len(
            inliers) < 8:  # reject frame
        if solvePnP_outlier_ratio > max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio:
            print "REJECTED: Not enough inliers (ratio) based on solvePnP()!\n"
            print "REJECTED: Not enough inliers (absolute) based on solvePnP() to perform (non-RANSAC) solvePnP()!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img

    # <DEBUG: visualize reprojection error>    TODO: remove
    reproj_error, imgp_reproj1 = reprojection_error(filtered_triangl_objp,
                                                    rvec_, tvec_, cameraMatrix,
    print "solvePnP reproj_error:", reproj_error
    i3 = np.array(new_img)
        for imgppr, imgppp in zip(filtered_triangl_imgp, imgp_reproj1):
            cvh.line(i3, imgppr.T, imgppp.T, rgb(255, 0, 0))
    except OverflowError:
        print "WARNING: OverflowError!"
    cv2.imshow("img", i3)
    # </DEBUG>

    # ... then do solvePnP() on inliers, to get the current frame's pose estimation, ...
    triangl_idxs_array = triangl_idxs_array[
        inliers]  # select inliers among all already-triangulated point-indices
    filtered_triangl_imgp, filtered_triangl_objp = filtered_triangl_imgp[
        inliers], filtered_triangl_objp[inliers]
    preserve_idxs = set(triangl_idxs_array) | nontriangl_idxs
    new_imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(preserve_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp)
    triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_update_by_idxs(  # update indices to only preserve inliers
        preserve_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp)
    ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(  # perform solvePnP() to estimate the pose
        filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)

    # .. finally do a check on the average reprojection error, and reject frame if too high.
    reproj_error, imgp_reproj = reprojection_error(filtered_triangl_objp,
                                                   filtered_triangl_imgp, rvec,
                                                   tvec, cameraMatrix,
    print "solvePnP refined reproj_error:", reproj_error
    if reproj_error > max_solvePnP_reproj_error:  # reject frame
        print "REJECTED: Too high reprojection error based on pose estimate of solvePnP()!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img

    # <DEBUG: verify poses by reprojection error>    TODO: remove
    i0 = draw_axis_system(np.array(new_img), rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix,
        for imgppp in imgp_reproj1:
            cvh.circle(i0, imgppp.T, 2, rgb(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1)
    except OverflowError:
        print "WARNING: OverflowError!"
    for imgppp in imgp_reproj:
        cvh.circle(i0, imgppp.T, 2, rgb(0, 255, 255), thickness=-1)
    print "cur img check"
    cv2.imshow("img", i0)
    # </DEBUG>

    # <DEBUG: verify OpticalFlow motion on preserved inliers>    TODO: remove
        cvh.drawKeypointsAndMotion(new_img, base_imgp[all_idxs_tmp], new_imgp,
                                   rgb(0, 0, 255)))
    # </DEBUG>

    # Check whether we got a new keyframe
    is_keyframe = keyframe_test(base_imgp[all_idxs_tmp], new_imgp)
    print "is_keyframe:", is_keyframe
    if is_keyframe:
        # If some points are not yet triangulated, do it now:
        if nontriangl_idxs:

            # First do triangulation of not-yet triangulated points using initial pose estimation, ...
            nontriangl_idxs_array = np.array(sorted(
                nontriangl_idxs))  # select not-yet-triangulated point-indices
            imgp0 = base_imgp[
                nontriangl_idxs_array]  # collect corresponding image-points of last keyframe
            imgp1 = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(
                nontriangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp
            )  # collect corresponding image-points of current frame
            # <DEBUG: check sanity of input to triangulation function>    TODO: remove
            check_triangulation_input(base_img, new_img, imgp0, imgp1,
                                      rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, rvec, tvec,
                                      cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
            # </DEBUG>
            imgpnrm0 = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array(
                [imgp0]), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[
                    0]  # undistort and normalize to homogenous coordinates
            imgpnrm1 = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([imgp1]), cameraMatrix,
            objp_done = linear_LS_triangulation(  # triangulate
                                    tvec_keyfr),  # data from last keyframe
                                    tvec))  # data from current frame
            objp_done = objp_done.T

            # <DEBUG: check reprojection error of the new freshly triangulated points, based on both pose estimates of keyframe and current cam>    TODO: remove
            print "triangl_reproj_error 0:", reprojection_error(
                objp_done, imgp0, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, cameraMatrix,
            print "triangl_reproj_error 1:", reprojection_error(
                objp_done, imgp1, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]
            # </DEBUG>

            filtered_triangl_objp = np.concatenate(
                 objp_done))  # collect all desired object-points
            filtered_triangl_imgp = np.concatenate(
                 imgp1))  # collect corresponding image-points of current frame

            # ... then do solvePnP() on all preserved points ('inliers') to refine pose estimation, ...
            ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(  # perform solvePnP(), we start from the initial pose estimation
            print "total triangl_reproj_error 1 refined:", reprojection_error(
                filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, rvec, tvec,
                cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]  # TODO: remove

            # ... then do re-triangulation of 'inliers_objp_done' using refined pose estimation.
            objp_done = linear_LS_triangulation(  # triangulate
                                    tvec_keyfr),  # data from last keyframe
                                    tvec))  # data from current frame
            objp_done = objp_done.T

            # <DEBUG: check reprojection error of the new freshly (refined) triangulated points, based on both pose estimates of keyframe and current cam>    TODO: remove
            print "triangl_reproj_error 0 refined:", reprojection_error(
                objp_done, imgp0, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, cameraMatrix,
            print "triangl_reproj_error 1 refined:", reprojection_error(
                objp_done, imgp1, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]
            # </DEBUG>

            # Update image-points and indices, and store the newly triangulated object-points and assign them the current group id
            new_imgp = filtered_triangl_imgp
            triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_update_by_idxs(
                preserve_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp)
            objp_groups_done = np.empty((len(objp_done)), dtype=int)
            objp_groups_done.fill(group_id)  # assign to current 'group_id'
                objp, objp_groups
            ), imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs = idxs_add_objp(
                (objp_done, objp_groups_done), preserve_idxs - triangl_idxs,
                (objp, objp_groups), imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs,
                nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp)

            ## <DEBUG: check intermediate outlier filtering>    TODO: remove
            #i4 = np.array(new_img)
            #objp_test = objp[imgp_to_objp_idxs[np.array(sorted(triangl_idxs))]]
            #imgp_test = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(triangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp)
            ##print imgp_test - filtered_triangl_imgp
            #reproj_error, imgp_reproj4 = reprojection_error(objp_test, imgp_test, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
            #print "checking both 2", reproj_error
            #for imgppr, imgppp in zip(imgp_test, imgp_reproj4): cvh.line(i4, imgppr.T, imgppp.T, rgb(255,0,0))
            #cv2.imshow("img", i4)
            ## </DEBUG>

        # Check whether we should add new image-points
        mask_img = keypoint_mask(
        )  # generate mask that covers all image-points (with a certain radius)
        print "coverage:", 1 - cv2.countNonZero(mask_img) / float(
            mask_img.size)  # TODO: remove: unused
        to_add = target_amount_keypoints - len(
            new_imgp)  # limit the amount of to-be-added image-points

        # Add new image-points
        if to_add > 0:
            print "to_add:", to_add
            imgp_extra = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(new_img_gray, to_add,
                                                 corner_min_dist, None,
                                                 mask_img).reshape((-1, 2))
            print "added:", len(imgp_extra)
            group_id += 1  # create a new group to assign the new batch of points to, later on
            imgp_extra = zeros((0, 2))
            print "adding zero new points"
        base_imgp, new_imgp, imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_rebase_and_add_imgp(  # update indices to include new image-points
            imgp_extra, base_imgp, new_imgp, imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs,
            nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp)

        # <DEBUG: visualize newly added points>    TODO: remove
                new_img, [cv2.KeyPoint(p[0], p[1], 7.) for p in imgp_extra],
                color=rgb(0, 0, 255)))
        # </DEBUG>

        # Now this frame becomes the base (= keyframe)
        rvec_keyfr = rvec
        tvec_keyfr = tvec
        base_img = new_img

    # Successfully return
    return True + int(
    ), base_imgp, new_imgp, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp, objp, objp_groups, group_id, rvec, tvec, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
Exemple #8
    def draw(
            self, rvec, tvec, status, triangl_idxs, imgp_to_objp_idxs, objp,
            objp_groups, color_palette,
            color_palette_size):  # TODO: move these variables to another class
        Draw 3D composite view.
        Navigate using the following keys:
        'status' can have the following values:
            0: bad frame
            1: good frame but not a keyframe
            2: good frame and also a keyframe

        # Calculate current camera's axis-system expressed in world coordinates and cache center
        if status:
            R_cam = cvh.Rodrigues(rvec)
            cam_axissys_objp = np.empty((4, 3))
            cam_axissys_objp[0, :] = -R_cam.T.dot(tvec).reshape(
                1, 3)  # cam_origin
                1:4, :] = cam_axissys_objp[0, :] + R_cam  # cam_x, cam_y, cam_z
            self.cams_pos = np.concatenate(
                (self.cams_pos, cam_axissys_objp[0:1, :]))  # cache cam_origin
            if status == 2:  # frame is a keyframe
                self.cams_pos_keyfr = np.concatenate(
                     cam_axissys_objp[0:1, :]))  # cache cam_origin

        while True:
            # Fill with dark gray background color

            # Draw world axis system
            if trfm.projection_depth(
                    np.array([[0, 0, 4]]), self.P
            )[0] > 0:  # only draw axis-system if its Z-axis is entirely in sight
                draw_axis_system(self.img, cvh.Rodrigues(self.P[0:3, 0:3]),
                                 self.P[0:3, 3], self.K, None)

            # Draw 3D points
            objp_proj, objp_visible = trfm.project_points(
                objp, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
            objp_visible = set(np.where(objp_visible)[0])
            current_idxs = set(imgp_to_objp_idxs[np.array(
                tuple(triangl_idxs))]) & objp_visible
            done_idxs = np.array(tuple(objp_visible - current_idxs), dtype=int)
            current_idxs = np.array(tuple(current_idxs), dtype=int)
            groups = objp_groups[current_idxs]
            for opp, opg, color in zip(
                    objp_proj[current_idxs], groups,
                    color_palette[groups % color_palette_size]):
                cvh.circle(self.img, opp[0:2], 4, color,
                           thickness=-1)  # draw point, big radius
            groups = objp_groups[done_idxs]
            for opp, opg, color in zip(
                    objp_proj[done_idxs], groups,
                    color_palette[groups % color_palette_size]):
                cvh.circle(self.img, opp[0:2], 2, color,
                           thickness=-1)  # draw point, small radius

            # Draw camera trajectory
            cams_pos_proj, cams_pos_visible = trfm.project_points(
                self.cams_pos, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
            cams_pos_proj = cams_pos_proj[np.where(cams_pos_visible)[0]]
            color = rgb(0, 0, 0)
            for p1, p2 in zip(cams_pos_proj[:-1], cams_pos_proj[1:]):
                cvh.line(self.img, p1, p2, color,
                         thickness=2)  # interconnect trajectory points
            cams_pos_keyfr_proj, cams_pos_keyfr_visible = trfm.project_points(
                self.cams_pos_keyfr, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
            cams_pos_keyfr_proj = cams_pos_keyfr_proj[np.where(
            color = rgb(255, 255, 255)
            for p in cams_pos_proj:
                cvh.circle(self.img, p, 1, color,
                           thickness=-1)  # draw trajectory points
            for p in cams_pos_keyfr_proj:
                cvh.circle(self.img, p, 3,
                           color)  # highlight keyframe trajectory points

            # Draw current camera axis system
            if status:
                (cam_origin, cam_xAxis, cam_yAxis, cam_zAxis), cam_visible = \
                        trfm.project_points(cam_axissys_objp, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
                if cam_visible.sum() == len(
                ):  # only draw axis-system if it's entirely in sight
                             rgb(255, 0, 0),
                             rgb(0, 255, 0),
                             rgb(0, 0, 255),
                    cvh.circle(self.img, cam_zAxis, 3,
                               rgb(0, 0,
                                   255))  # small dot to highlight cam Z axis
                last_cam_origin, last_cam_visible = trfm.project_points(
                    self.cams_pos[-1:], self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
                if last_cam_visible[0]:  # only draw if in sight
                    cvh.putText(self.img, '?', last_cam_origin[0] - (11, 11),
                                fontFace, fontScale * 4,
                                rgb(255, 0,
                                    0))  # draw '?' because it's a bad frame

            # Display image
            cv2.imshow(self.img_title, self.img)

            # Translate view by keyboard
            key = cv2.waitKey() & 0xFF
            delta_t_view = np.zeros((3))
            if key in (0x51, 0x53):  # LEFT/RIGHT key
                delta_t_view[0] = 2 * (
                    key == 0x51) - 1  # LEFT -> increase cam X pos
            elif key in (0x52, 0x54):  # UP/DOWN key
                delta_t_view[1] = 2 * (key
                                       == 0x52) - 1  # UP -> increase cam Y pos
            elif key in (0x55, 0x56):  # PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN key
                delta_t_view[2] = 2 * (
                    key == 0x55) - 1  # PAGEUP -> increase cam Z pos
            elif key in (0x50, 0x57):  # HOME/END key
                delta_z_rot = 2 * (
                    key == 0x50
                ) - 1  # HOME -> counter-clockwise rotate around cam Z axis
                       0:4] = cvh.Rodrigues((0, 0, delta_z_rot * pi / 36)).dot(
                           self.P[0:3, 0:4])  # by steps of 5 degrees
            self.P[0:3, 3] += delta_t_view * 0.3
def handle_new_frame(base_imgp,    # includes 2D points of both triangulated as not-yet triangl points of last keyframe
                     prev_imgp,    # includes 2D points of last frame
                     prev_img, prev_img_gray,
                     new_img, new_img_gray,
                     triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs,    # indices of 2D points in base_imgp
                     imgp_to_objp_idxs,    # indices from 2D points in base_imgp to 3D points in objp
                     all_idxs_tmp,    # list of idxs of 2D points in base_imgp, matches prev_imgp to base_imgp
                     objp,    # triangulated 3D points
                     objp_groups, group_id,    # corresponding group ids of triangulated 3D points, and current group id
                     rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr,    # rvec and tvec of last keyframe
                     base_img):    # used for debug
    # Save initial indexing state
    triangl_idxs_old = set(triangl_idxs)
    nontriangl_idxs_old = set(nontriangl_idxs)
    all_idxs_tmp_old = np.array(all_idxs_tmp)
    # Calculate OF (Optical Flow), and filter outliers based on OF error
    new_imgp, status_OF, err_OF = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_img_gray, new_img_gray, prev_imgp)    # WARNING: OpenCV can output corrupted values in 'status_OF': "RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less"
    new_to_prev_idxs = np.where(np.logical_and((status_OF.reshape(-1) == 1), (err_OF.reshape(-1) < max_OF_error)))[0]
    # If there is too much OF error in the entire image, simply reject the frame
    lost_tracks_ratio = (len(prev_imgp) - len(new_to_prev_idxs)) / float(len(prev_imgp))
    print "# points lost because of excessive OF error / # points before: ", len(prev_imgp) - len(new_to_prev_idxs), "/", len(prev_imgp), "=", lost_tracks_ratio
    if lost_tracks_ratio > max_lost_tracks_ratio:    # reject frame
        print "REJECTED: I lost track of all points!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
    # Save matches by idxs
    preserve_idxs = set(all_idxs_tmp[new_to_prev_idxs])
    triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_update_by_idxs(
            preserve_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp )
    if len(triangl_idxs) < 8:    # solvePnP uses 8-point algorithm
        print "REJECTED: I lost track of too many already-triangulated points, so we can't do solvePnP() anymore...\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
    new_imgp = new_imgp[new_to_prev_idxs]
    #cv2.cornerSubPix(    # TODO: activate this secret weapon    <-- hmm, actually seems to make it worse
                #new_img_gray, new_imgp,
                #(corner_min_dist,corner_min_dist),    # window
                #(-1,-1),    # deadzone
                #(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001) )    # termination criteria
        ##corners = corners.reshape(-1, 2)
    # Do solvePnPRansac() on current frame's (new_imgp) already triangulated points, ...
    triangl_idxs_array = np.array(sorted(triangl_idxs))    # select already-triangulated point-indices
    filtered_triangl_imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(triangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp)    # collect corresponding image-points
    filtered_triangl_objp = objp[imgp_to_objp_idxs[triangl_idxs_array]]    # collect corresponding object-points
    print "Doing solvePnP() on", filtered_triangl_objp.shape[0], "points"
    rvec_, tvec_, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(    # perform solvePnPRansac() to identify outliers, force to obey max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio
            filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, minInliersCount=int(ceil((1 - max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio) * len(triangl_idxs))), reprojectionError=max_solvePnP_reproj_error )
    # ... if ratio of 'inliers' vs input is too low, reject frame, ...
    if inliers == None:    # inliers is empty => reject frame
        print "REJECTED: No inliers based on solvePnP()!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
    inliers = inliers.reshape(-1)
    solvePnP_outlier_ratio = (len(triangl_idxs) - len(inliers)) / float(len(triangl_idxs))
    print "solvePnP_outlier_ratio:", solvePnP_outlier_ratio
    if solvePnP_outlier_ratio > max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio or len(inliers) < 8:    # reject frame
        if solvePnP_outlier_ratio > max_solvePnP_outlier_ratio:
            print "REJECTED: Not enough inliers (ratio) based on solvePnP()!\n"
            print "REJECTED: Not enough inliers (absolute) based on solvePnP() to perform (non-RANSAC) solvePnP()!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
    # <DEBUG: visualize reprojection error>    TODO: remove
    reproj_error, imgp_reproj1 = reprojection_error(filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, rvec_, tvec_, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
    print "solvePnP reproj_error:", reproj_error
    i3 = np.array(new_img)
        for imgppr, imgppp in zip(filtered_triangl_imgp, imgp_reproj1): cvh.line(i3, imgppr.T, imgppp.T, rgb(255,0,0))
    except OverflowError: print "WARNING: OverflowError!"
    cv2.imshow("img", i3)
    # </DEBUG>
    # ... then do solvePnP() on inliers, to get the current frame's pose estimation, ...
    triangl_idxs_array = triangl_idxs_array[inliers]    # select inliers among all already-triangulated point-indices
    filtered_triangl_imgp, filtered_triangl_objp = filtered_triangl_imgp[inliers], filtered_triangl_objp[inliers]
    preserve_idxs = set(triangl_idxs_array) | nontriangl_idxs
    new_imgp = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(preserve_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp)
    triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_update_by_idxs(    # update indices to only preserve inliers
            preserve_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp )
    ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(    # perform solvePnP() to estimate the pose
            filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs )
    # .. finally do a check on the average reprojection error, and reject frame if too high.
    reproj_error, imgp_reproj = reprojection_error(filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
    print "solvePnP refined reproj_error:", reproj_error
    if reproj_error > max_solvePnP_reproj_error:    # reject frame
        print "REJECTED: Too high reprojection error based on pose estimate of solvePnP()!\n"
        return False, base_imgp, prev_imgp, triangl_idxs_old, nontriangl_idxs_old, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp_old, objp, objp_groups, group_id, None, None, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
    # <DEBUG: verify poses by reprojection error>    TODO: remove
    i0 = draw_axis_system(np.array(new_img), rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
        for imgppp in imgp_reproj1: cvh.circle(i0, imgppp.T, 2, rgb(255,0,0), thickness=-1)
    except OverflowError: print "WARNING: OverflowError!"
    for imgppp in imgp_reproj : cvh.circle(i0, imgppp.T, 2, rgb(0,255,255), thickness=-1)
    print "cur img check"
    cv2.imshow("img", i0)
    # </DEBUG>
    # <DEBUG: verify OpticalFlow motion on preserved inliers>    TODO: remove
    cv2.imshow("img", cvh.drawKeypointsAndMotion(new_img, base_imgp[all_idxs_tmp], new_imgp, rgb(0,0,255)))
    # </DEBUG>
    # Check whether we got a new keyframe
    is_keyframe = keyframe_test(base_imgp[all_idxs_tmp], new_imgp)
    print "is_keyframe:", is_keyframe
    if is_keyframe:
        # If some points are not yet triangulated, do it now:
        if nontriangl_idxs:
            # First do triangulation of not-yet triangulated points using initial pose estimation, ...
            nontriangl_idxs_array = np.array(sorted(nontriangl_idxs))    # select not-yet-triangulated point-indices
            imgp0 = base_imgp[nontriangl_idxs_array]    # collect corresponding image-points of last keyframe
            imgp1 = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(nontriangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp)    # collect corresponding image-points of current frame
            # <DEBUG: check sanity of input to triangulation function>    TODO: remove
            check_triangulation_input(base_img, new_img, imgp0, imgp1, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
            # </DEBUG>
            imgpnrm0 = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([imgp0]), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]    # undistort and normalize to homogenous coordinates
            imgpnrm1 = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([imgp1]), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]
            objp_done = linear_LS_triangulation(    # triangulate
                    imgpnrm0.T, trfm.P_from_R_and_t(cvh.Rodrigues(rvec_keyfr), tvec_keyfr),    # data from last keyframe
                    imgpnrm1.T, trfm.P_from_R_and_t(cvh.Rodrigues(rvec), tvec) )               # data from current frame
            objp_done = objp_done.T
            # <DEBUG: check reprojection error of the new freshly triangulated points, based on both pose estimates of keyframe and current cam>    TODO: remove
            print "triangl_reproj_error 0:", reprojection_error(objp_done, imgp0, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]
            print "triangl_reproj_error 1:", reprojection_error(objp_done, imgp1, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]
            # </DEBUG>
            filtered_triangl_objp = np.concatenate((filtered_triangl_objp, objp_done))    # collect all desired object-points
            filtered_triangl_imgp = np.concatenate((filtered_triangl_imgp, imgp1))    # collect corresponding image-points of current frame
            # ... then do solvePnP() on all preserved points ('inliers') to refine pose estimation, ...
            ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(    # perform solvePnP(), we start from the initial pose estimation
                    filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess=True )
            print "total triangl_reproj_error 1 refined:", reprojection_error(filtered_triangl_objp, filtered_triangl_imgp, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]    # TODO: remove
            # ... then do re-triangulation of 'inliers_objp_done' using refined pose estimation.
            objp_done = linear_LS_triangulation(    # triangulate
                    imgpnrm0.T, trfm.P_from_R_and_t(cvh.Rodrigues(rvec_keyfr), tvec_keyfr),    # data from last keyframe
                    imgpnrm1.T, trfm.P_from_R_and_t(cvh.Rodrigues(rvec), tvec) )               # data from current frame
            objp_done = objp_done.T
            # <DEBUG: check reprojection error of the new freshly (refined) triangulated points, based on both pose estimates of keyframe and current cam>    TODO: remove
            print "triangl_reproj_error 0 refined:", reprojection_error(objp_done, imgp0, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]
            print "triangl_reproj_error 1 refined:", reprojection_error(objp_done, imgp1, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)[0]
            # </DEBUG>
            # Update image-points and indices, and store the newly triangulated object-points and assign them the current group id
            new_imgp = filtered_triangl_imgp
            triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_update_by_idxs(
                    preserve_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp )
            objp_groups_done = np.empty((len(objp_done)), dtype=int); objp_groups_done.fill(group_id)    # assign to current 'group_id'
            (objp, objp_groups), imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs = idxs_add_objp(
                    (objp_done, objp_groups_done), preserve_idxs - triangl_idxs, (objp, objp_groups), imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp )
            ## <DEBUG: check intermediate outlier filtering>    TODO: remove
            #i4 = np.array(new_img)
            #objp_test = objp[imgp_to_objp_idxs[np.array(sorted(triangl_idxs))]]
            #imgp_test = idxs_get_new_imgp_by_idxs(triangl_idxs, new_imgp, all_idxs_tmp)
            ##print imgp_test - filtered_triangl_imgp
            #reproj_error, imgp_reproj4 = reprojection_error(objp_test, imgp_test, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
            #print "checking both 2", reproj_error
            #for imgppr, imgppp in zip(imgp_test, imgp_reproj4): cvh.line(i4, imgppr.T, imgppp.T, rgb(255,0,0))
            #cv2.imshow("img", i4)
            ## </DEBUG>
        # Check whether we should add new image-points
        mask_img = keypoint_mask(new_imgp)    # generate mask that covers all image-points (with a certain radius)
        print "coverage:", 1 - cv2.countNonZero(mask_img)/float(mask_img.size)    # TODO: remove: unused
        to_add = target_amount_keypoints - len(new_imgp)    # limit the amount of to-be-added image-points
        # Add new image-points
        if to_add > 0:
            print "to_add:", to_add
            imgp_extra = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(new_img_gray, to_add, corner_quality_level, corner_min_dist, None, mask_img).reshape((-1, 2))
            print "added:", len(imgp_extra)
            group_id += 1    # create a new group to assign the new batch of points to, later on
            imgp_extra = zeros((0, 2))
            print "adding zero new points"
        base_imgp, new_imgp, imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp = idxs_rebase_and_add_imgp(    # update indices to include new image-points
                imgp_extra, base_imgp, new_imgp, imgp_to_objp_idxs, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, all_idxs_tmp )
        # <DEBUG: visualize newly added points>    TODO: remove
        cv2.imshow("img", cv2.drawKeypoints(new_img, [cv2.KeyPoint(p[0],p[1], 7.) for p in imgp_extra], color=rgb(0,0,255)))
        # </DEBUG>
        # Now this frame becomes the base (= keyframe)
        rvec_keyfr = rvec
        tvec_keyfr = tvec
        base_img = new_img
    # Successfully return
    return True + int(is_keyframe), base_imgp, new_imgp, triangl_idxs, nontriangl_idxs, imgp_to_objp_idxs, all_idxs_tmp, objp, objp_groups, group_id, rvec, tvec, rvec_keyfr, tvec_keyfr, base_img
 def draw(self, rvec, tvec, status,
          triangl_idxs, imgp_to_objp_idxs, objp, objp_groups, color_palette, color_palette_size):    # TODO: move these variables to another class
     Draw 3D composite view.
     Navigate using the following keys:
     'status' can have the following values:
         0: bad frame
         1: good frame but not a keyframe
         2: good frame and also a keyframe
     # Calculate current camera's axis-system expressed in world coordinates and cache center
     if status:
         R_cam = cvh.Rodrigues(rvec)
         cam_axissys_objp = np.empty((4, 3))
         cam_axissys_objp[0, :] = -R_cam.T.dot(tvec).reshape(1, 3)    # cam_origin
         cam_axissys_objp[1:4, :] = cam_axissys_objp[0, :] + R_cam    # cam_x, cam_y, cam_z
         self.cams_pos = np.concatenate((self.cams_pos, cam_axissys_objp[0:1, :]))    # cache cam_origin
         if status == 2:    # frame is a keyframe
             self.cams_pos_keyfr = np.concatenate((self.cams_pos_keyfr, cam_axissys_objp[0:1, :]))    # cache cam_origin
     while True:
         # Fill with dark gray background color
         # Draw world axis system
         if trfm.projection_depth(np.array([[0,0,4]]), self.P)[0] > 0:    # only draw axis-system if its Z-axis is entirely in sight
             draw_axis_system(self.img, cvh.Rodrigues(self.P[0:3, 0:3]), self.P[0:3, 3], self.K, None)
         # Draw 3D points
         objp_proj, objp_visible = trfm.project_points(objp, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
         objp_visible = set(np.where(objp_visible)[0])
         current_idxs = set(imgp_to_objp_idxs[np.array(tuple(triangl_idxs))]) & objp_visible
         done_idxs = np.array(tuple(objp_visible - current_idxs), dtype=int)
         current_idxs = np.array(tuple(current_idxs), dtype=int)
         groups = objp_groups[current_idxs]
         for opp, opg, color in zip(objp_proj[current_idxs], groups, color_palette[groups % color_palette_size]):
             cvh.circle(self.img, opp[0:2], 4, color, thickness=-1)    # draw point, big radius
         groups = objp_groups[done_idxs]
         for opp, opg, color in zip(objp_proj[done_idxs], groups, color_palette[groups % color_palette_size]):
             cvh.circle(self.img, opp[0:2], 2, color, thickness=-1)    # draw point, small radius
         # Draw camera trajectory
         cams_pos_proj, cams_pos_visible = trfm.project_points(self.cams_pos, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
         cams_pos_proj = cams_pos_proj[np.where(cams_pos_visible)[0]]
         color = rgb(0,0,0)
         for p1, p2 in zip(cams_pos_proj[:-1], cams_pos_proj[1:]):
             cvh.line(self.img, p1, p2, color, thickness=2)    # interconnect trajectory points
         cams_pos_keyfr_proj, cams_pos_keyfr_visible = trfm.project_points(self.cams_pos_keyfr, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
         cams_pos_keyfr_proj = cams_pos_keyfr_proj[np.where(cams_pos_keyfr_visible)[0]]
         color = rgb(255,255,255)
         for p in cams_pos_proj:
             cvh.circle(self.img, p, 1, color, thickness=-1)    # draw trajectory points
         for p in cams_pos_keyfr_proj:
             cvh.circle(self.img, p, 3, color)    # highlight keyframe trajectory points
         # Draw current camera axis system
         if status:
             (cam_origin, cam_xAxis, cam_yAxis, cam_zAxis), cam_visible = \
                     trfm.project_points(cam_axissys_objp, self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
             if cam_visible.sum() == len(cam_visible):    # only draw axis-system if it's entirely in sight
                 cvh.line(self.img, cam_origin, cam_xAxis, rgb(255,0,0), lineType=cv2.CV_AA)
                 cvh.line(self.img, cam_origin, cam_yAxis, rgb(0,255,0), lineType=cv2.CV_AA)
                 cvh.line(self.img, cam_origin, cam_zAxis, rgb(0,0,255), lineType=cv2.CV_AA)
                 cvh.circle(self.img, cam_zAxis, 3, rgb(0,0,255))    # small dot to highlight cam Z axis
             last_cam_origin, last_cam_visible = trfm.project_points(self.cams_pos[-1:], self.K, self.img.shape, self.P)
             if last_cam_visible[0]:    # only draw if in sight
                 cvh.putText(self.img, '?', last_cam_origin[0] - (11, 11), fontFace, fontScale * 4, rgb(255,0,0))    # draw '?' because it's a bad frame
         # Display image
         cv2.imshow(self.img_title, self.img)
         # Translate view by keyboard
         key = cv2.waitKey() & 0xFF
         delta_t_view = np.zeros((3))
         if key in (0x51, 0x53):    # LEFT/RIGHT key
             delta_t_view[0] = 2 * (key == 0x51) - 1    # LEFT -> increase cam X pos
         elif key in (0x52, 0x54):    # UP/DOWN key
             delta_t_view[1] = 2 * (key == 0x52) - 1    # UP -> increase cam Y pos
         elif key in (0x55, 0x56):    # PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN key
             delta_t_view[2] = 2 * (key == 0x55) - 1    # PAGEUP -> increase cam Z pos
         elif key in (0x50, 0x57):    # HOME/END key
             delta_z_rot = 2 * (key == 0x50) - 1    # HOME -> counter-clockwise rotate around cam Z axis
             self.P[0:3, 0:4] = cvh.Rodrigues((0, 0, delta_z_rot * pi/36)).dot(self.P[0:3, 0:4])    # by steps of 5 degrees
         self.P[0:3, 3] += delta_t_view * 0.3