def xtest_createLocalMirror(self): print('createLocalMirror') dataRoot = cvac.DirectoryPath( "corpus" ); corpusConfigFile = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) corpus = self.cs.openCorpus( corpusConfigFile ) if not corpus: raise RuntimeError("could not open corpus from config file at '" +dataRoot.relativePath+"/"+corpusConfigFile.filename+"'") adapter = self.ic.createObjectAdapter("") ident = Ice.Identity() = IcePy.generateUUID() ident.category = "" # adapter.add( self, ident ) adapter.add( TestCorpusCallback(), ident ) adapter.activate() # adapter = self.ic.createObjectAdapter("CorpusServer") # adapter.add( TestCorpusCallback(), ic.stringToIdentity("CorpusServer:default -p 10011")) # adapter.activate() # receiver = cvac.CorpusCallbackPrx.uncheckedCast( # adapter.createProxy( self.ic.stringToIdentity("callbackReceiver"))) self.cs.createLocalMirror( corpus, ident ) if not self.cs.localMirrorExists( corpus ): raise RuntimeError( "could not create local mirror for", corpusConfigFile.filename )
def parseFolder(localDir, lmAnnotations, lmImages, lmFolder, CVAC_DataDir): '''Parse all XML files in the specified folder and return all found labels. (this currently only works locally on the file system) lmAnnotations is equivalent to HOMEANNOTATIONS in the Matlab LabelMeToolbox: it is the path to the Annotation root folder on the file system, or the LabelMe server's Annotation folder http address. lmFolder is the equivalent to HOMEIMAGESin the Matlab LabelMeToolbox. Both lmAnnotations and lmFolder are assumed to be in localDir ''' labels = [] fsAnnotPath = os.path.join(CVAC_DataDir, localDir, lmAnnotations, lmFolder) \ + '/*.xml' for fsAnnotFullpath in glob.glob(fsAnnotPath): # parse the XML file on the file system tree = et.parse(fsAnnotFullpath) root = tree.getroot() # find out image name, prepend image path cvacDir = cvac.DirectoryPath(os.path.join(localDir, lmImages, lmFolder)) felem = root.find('filename') if felem == None: print('Annotation file ' + fsAnnotFullpath + \ ' does not have filename element') continue else: imgFname = felem.text.encode( 'utf-8').strip() # strip any leading or trailing white space cvacFp = cvac.FilePath(cvacDir, imgFname) substrate = cvac.Substrate(True, False, cvacFp, -1, -1) labels = labels + parseLabeledObjects(root, substrate) return labels
def xtest_openCorpus(self): print('openCorpus') dataRoot = cvac.DirectoryPath( "corpus" ); corpusConfigFile = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) corpus2 = self.cs.openCorpus( corpusConfigFile ) if not corpus2: raise RuntimeError("could not open corpus from config file at '" +dataRoot.relativePath+"/"+corpusConfigFile.filename+"'")
def xtest_getDataSetRequiresLocalMirror(self): print('getDataSetRequiresLocalMirror') # try with one where we do expect it: dataRoot = cvac.DirectoryPath( "corpus" ); corpusConfigFile1 = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) corpus1 = self.cs.openCorpus( corpusConfigFile1 ) required = self.cs.getDataSetRequiresLocalMirror( corpus1 ) if not required: raise RuntimeError("Corpus", corpusConfigFile1.filename, "is expected to require a local mirror for data access, but it does not") # now try with one that should not require it corpusTestDir = cvac.DirectoryPath( "corpusTestDir" ); corpus2 = self.cs.createCorpus( corpusTestDir ) required = self.cs.getDataSetRequiresLocalMirror( corpus2 ) if required: raise RuntimeError("Corpus at", corpusTestDir.relativePath, "is expected to not require a local mirror for data access, but it does")
def xtest_createCorpus(self): print('createCorpus') corpusTestDir = cvac.DirectoryPath( "easyTestData" ); corpus3 = self.cs.createCorpus( corpusTestDir ) if not corpus3: raise RuntimeError("could not create corpus from path '" +corpusTestDir.relativePath+"/"+corpusTestDir+"'") labels = self.cs.getDataSet(corpus3) if not labels or len(labels) == 0: raise RuntimeError("no labels back from createCorpus(easyTestData)")
def test_exists(self): testDir = cvac.DirectoryPath("testImg") existingFile = cvac.FilePath(testDir, "TestUsFlag.jpg") noFile = cvac.FilePath(testDir, "NonExistentFile.jpg") if not self.fs.exists(existingFile): raise RuntimeError("This file should exist: " + self.getFSPath(existingFile)) if self.fs.exists(noFile): raise RuntimeError("This file should not exist: " + self.getFSPath(noFile))
def addFileToLabelableSet(lset, ldir, lfile, video=True, image=True): isVideo = False isImage = False if '.' not in lfile: return # No extension so don't add it #see if we have a video or image file if not just skip it name, ext = lfile.rsplit('.', 1) extLower = ext.lower() if extLower in getVideoExtensions(): isVideo = True elif extLower in getImageExtensions(): isImage = True else: return if isVideo and video == False: return if isImage and image == False: return # strip off cvac data dir ldir = stripCVAC_DataDir(ldir) props = {} # last directory is the label name ldir = os.path.normpath(ldir) ldir = ldir.rstrip('\\') ldir = ldir.rstrip('/') labelName = os.path.basename(ldir) # FIll in props with each directory nextDir = os.path.dirname(ldir) while nextDir != None and nextDir != "": nextProp = os.path.basename(nextDir) if nextProp != None and nextProp != "": props[nextProp] = "" nextd = os.path.dirname(nextDir) if nextd == nextDir: break else: nextDir = nextd dirpath = cvac.DirectoryPath(ldir) fpath = cvac.FilePath(dirpath, lfile) if isVideo == True: sub = cvac.VideoSubstrate() sub.width = 0 sub.height = 0 sub.videopath = fpath else: sub = cvac.ImageSubstrate() sub.width = 0 sub.height = 0 sub.path = fpath lab = cvac.Label(True, labelName, props, cvac.Semantics("")) lset.append(cvac.Labelable(0.0, lab, sub))
def xtest_localMirrorExists(self): print('localMirrorExists') # try with one where we expect the mirror to exist already, # mainly because test_createLocalMirror has been called already dataRoot = cvac.DirectoryPath( "corpus" ); corpusConfigFile = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) corpus = self.cs.openCorpus( corpusConfigFile ) if not corpus: raise RuntimeError("could not open corpus from config file at '" +dataRoot.relativePath+"/"+corpusConfigFile.filename+"'") exists = self.cs.localMirrorExists( corpus ) if not exists: raise RuntimeError("expected corpus to already have a local mirror")
def test_putFile(self): print('putFile') # read the bytes from TestKrFlag.jpg testDir = cvac.DirectoryPath("testImg") origFilePath = cvac.FilePath(testDir, "TestKrFlag.jpg") origFS = self.dataDir + "/" + self.getFSPath(origFilePath) if not os.path.exists(origFS): raise RuntimeError("Cannot obtain FS path to original file,", "see comments. file: " + origFS) forig = open(origFS, 'rb') bytes = bytearray( # "put" the file's bytes as a different file which must not exist, # and compare the result via file system access putFilePath = cvac.FilePath(testDir, "TargetFilename.jpg") putFS = self.dataDir + "/" + self.getFSPath(putFilePath) try: self.fs.putFile(putFilePath, bytes) except cvac.FileServiceException as ex: print( "if you do not have 'put' permissions, " + "was the file deleted properly in a prior test run?\nfile: " + putFS) raise ex forig.close() if not os.path.exists(putFS): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot obtain path to the just-'put' file", "on the file system, see comments. file: " + putFS) if not self.filesAreEqual(origFS, putFS): raise RuntimeError("file was not 'put' correctly to " + putFS) # try to "put" an existing file; this should fail permitted = True try: self.fs.putFile(origFilePath, bytes) except cvac.FileServiceException: permitted = False if permitted: raise RuntimeError("should not have permission to put this file") # delete the "put" file on the server print('deleteFile') self.fs.deleteFile(putFilePath) if os.path.exists(putFS): raise RuntimeError("FileServer did not delete 'put' file: " + putFS)
def parseSamples( root, CVAC_DataDir ): ''' for each catalog file, collect all samples including videos files and their annotation files then, each segment information is converted to cvac.LabeledVideoSegment ''' dirCommon = '' dir = root.find('directory') if dir != None: dirCommon = dir.text labels = [] for sample in root.findall('sample'): media = sample.find('media') mediaLocal = media.find('local') mediaDir = dirCommon if mediaLocal.find('relativePath') != None: mediaDir=os.path.join(mediaDir,mediaLocal.find('relativePath').text) mediaName = mediaLocal.find('filename').text mediaFilepath = cvac.FilePath(cvac.DirectoryPath(mediaDir),mediaName) annot = sample.find('annotation') annotLocal = annot.find('local') annotDir = dirCommon if annotLocal.find('relativePath') != None: annotDir=os.path.join(annotDir,annotLocal.find('relativePath').text) annotName = annotLocal.find('filename').text annotObj = TRECVIDAnnotaitonParser(os.path.join(CVAC_DataDir,\ annotDir,annotName)) #print(os.path.join(CVAC_DataDir,annotDir,annotName)) bndFrms = annotObj.getCutAll() #annotObj.getCutHard() for HardCuts #annotObj.getCutSoft() for SoftCuts for frm in bndFrms: label = cvac.LabeledVideoSegment() label.confidence = 1.0 label.lab = cvac.Label(True,os.path.join(mediaDir,mediaName)) label.sub = cvac.Substrate(False,True,mediaFilepath,long(-1),long(-1)) label.start = cvac.VideoSeekTime(long(frm[0]),long(-1)) label.last = cvac.VideoSeekTime(long(frm[1]),long(-1)) label.startAfterTx = cvac.VideoSeekTime(long(-1),long(-1)) label.lastBeforeTx = cvac.VideoSeekTime(long(-1),long(-1)) label.loc = cvac.Location() labels = labels + [label] return labels
def xtest_getDataSet(self): print('getDataSet') dataRoot = cvac.DirectoryPath( "corpus" ); corpusConfigFile1 = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) corpus1 = self.cs.openCorpus( corpusConfigFile1 ) if not corpus1: raise RuntimeError("Could not open CvacCorpusTest corpus") try: labels = self.cs.getDataSet( corpus1 ) raise RuntimeError("the CorpusServer should not be able to get the data", "without creating a local mirror") except RuntimeError: # we expect this error: "could not obtain labels from Corpus..." pass # this time we expect to be able to access the labels corpusConfigFile2 = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) corpus2 = self.cs.openCorpus( corpusConfigFile2 ) labels = self.cs.getDataSet( corpus2 ) if not labels: raise RuntimeError("could not obtain labels from Corpus '""'")
def xtest_openCorpusLabelMe(self): print('openCorpusLabelMe') dataRoot = cvac.DirectoryPath( "corpus" ); corpusConfigFile = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) # corpusConfigFile = cvac.FilePath( dataRoot, "" ) corpus = self.cs.openCorpus( corpusConfigFile ) if not corpus: raise RuntimeError("could not open corpus from config file at '" +dataRoot.relativePath+"/"+corpusConfigFile.filename+"'"+"\n" +"Did you build CVAC with BUILD_LABELME_CORPUS=ON?") adapter = self.ic.createObjectAdapter("") ident = Ice.Identity() = IcePy.generateUUID() ident.category = "" adapter.add( TestCorpusCallback(), ident ) adapter.activate() self.cs.createLocalMirror( corpus, ident ) labels = self.cs.getDataSet( corpus ) if not labels: raise RuntimeError("could not obtain labels from Corpus '""'")
srcPath = os.path.abspath(thisPath + "/../../lib/python") sys.path.append(srcPath) import cvac import easy runset = cvac.RunSet([]) singleImages = cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq( cvac.Purpose(cvac.PurposeType.MULTICLASS, 1)) singleImages.labeledArtifacts = [] runset.purposedLists.append(singleImages) tlab = cvac.Label(False, '') tsub = cvac.Substrate( True, False, cvac.FilePath(cvac.DirectoryPath("trainImg/us"), "US001.jpg"), 0, 0) singleImages.labeledArtifacts.append(cvac.Labelable(0, tlab, tsub)) tlab = cvac.Label(False, '') tsub = cvac.Substrate( True, False, cvac.FilePath(cvac.DirectoryPath("trainImg/kr"), "Kr001.jpg"), 0, 0) singleImages.labeledArtifacts.append(cvac.Labelable(0, tlab, tsub)) # Ex. for image files in a directory tFileSuffixes = ["jpg", "bmp"] directory_images = cvac.PurposedDirectory( cvac.Purpose(cvac.PurposeType.MULTICLASS, 1), cvac.DirectoryPath("testImg"), tFileSuffixes, 1) runset.purposedLists.append(directory_images)
def to_CVAC_ResultSet(protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg): rslt_set = [] for ridx, rslt in enumerate(protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt): # set original label for each result ''' Note: All the fields should be checked with HasField, but for some reason some of the field checks fail with an exception with HasField. But in the case of vidSub and imgSub, if we just check for field not null it does not work and we have to use HasField. ''' if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].original. HasField('vidSub')): # VideoSubstrate # todo: copy the framepaths opath = cvac.FilePath( directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx] relativePath.encode('utf-8')), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.videopath.filename.encode('utf-8')) osub = cvac.VideoSubstrate( videopath=opath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.height) elif (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].original. HasField('imgSub')): # ImageSubstrate opath = cvac.FilePath(directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].'utf-8')), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res. results.rslt[ridx].original.imgSub.path. filename.encode('utf-8')) osub = cvac.ImageSubstrate( path=opath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.height) else: print "error: unsupported Labelable (original) substrate" olab = cvac.Label( hasLabel=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.lab.hasLabel, name=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].original.'utf-8'), semantix=cvac.Semantics(url=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].original.lab.semantix.url)) olabelable = cvac.Labelable(confidence=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res. results.rslt[ridx].original.confidence, lab=olab, sub=osub) # set found label for each result # Labelable case flabelable = [] if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labelable): if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labelable[0].vidSub): # VideoSubstrate fpath = cvac.FilePath( directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labelable[0].vidSub.videopath. directory.relativePath.encode('utf-8')), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.videopath.filename.encode('utf-8')) fsub = cvac.VideoSubstrate( videopath=fpath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.height) elif (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labelable[0].imgSub): # ImageSubstrate fpath = cvac.FilePath( directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labelable[0].imgSub.path. directory.relativePath.encode('utf-8')), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.path.filename.encode('utf-8')) fsub = cvac.ImageSubstrate( path=fpath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.height) else: print "error: unsupported Labelable (found) substrate" flab = cvac.Label( hasLabel=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labelable[0].lab.hasLabel, name=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labelable[0]'utf-8'), semantix=cvac.Semantics( url=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labelable[0].lab.semantix.url)) if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labelable[0].vidSub): # VideoSubstrate flabelable = cvac.Labelable( confidence=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labelable[0].confidence, lab=flab, sub=fsub) else: # ImageSubstrate flabelable = cvac.Labelable( confidence=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labelable[0].confidence, lab=flab, sub=fsub) # LabeledTrack case ftlabelable = [] # If we have video tracks locLabelable = [] # If we have location Labelabables if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labeledTrack): if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labeledTrack[0].vidSub): # VideoSubstrate ftpath = cvac.FilePath( directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].vidSub.'utf-8')), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.videopath.filename.encode('utf-8')) ftsub = cvac.VideoSubstrate( videopath=ftpath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.height) elif (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].imgSub): # ImageSubstrate ftpath = cvac.FilePath( directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].imgSub.path. directory.relativePath.encode('utf-8')), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.path.filename.encode('utf-8')) ftsub = cvac.ImageSubstrate( path=ftpath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.height) else: print "error: unsupported LabeledLocation (found) substrate" ftlab = cvac.Label( hasLabel=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].lab.hasLabel, name=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledTrack[0]'utf-8'), semantix=cvac.Semantics( url=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].lab.semantix.url)) track = [] for fidx, frm in enumerate(protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledTrack[0]. keyframesLocations.framelocation): vst = cvac.VideoSeekTime(time=frm.frame.time, framecnt=frm.frame.framecnt) # '-1' is used to flag locations that are not of a particular type if frm.loc.x != -1 and frm.loc.y != -1: pt2d = cvac.Point2D(x=frm.loc.x, y=frm.loc.y) elif frm.locPrecise.x != -1 and frm.locPrecise.y != -1: pt2d = cvac.PreciseLocation( centerX=round(frm.locPrecise.x, 1), centerY=round(frm.locPrecise.y, 1)) else: print "error: unsupported location type" frmLoc = cvac.FrameLocation(frame=vst, loc=pt2d, occluded=frm.occluded, outOfFrame=frm.outOfFrame) track.append(frmLoc) if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labeledTrack[0].interp == 0): interpol = cvac.Interpolation.DISCRETE elif (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].interp == 1): interpol = cvac.Interpolation.LINEAR elif (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].interp == 2): interpol = cvac.Interpolation.POLYNOMIAL else: print "error: interpolation type not supported" if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labeledTrack[0].vidSub): # VideoSubstrate ftlabelable = cvac.LabeledTrack( confidence=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].confidence, lab=ftlab, sub=ftsub, keyframesLocations=track, interp=interpol) else: # ImageSubstrate ftlabelable = cvac.LabeledTrack( confidence=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledTrack[0].confidence, lab=ftlab, sub=ftsub, keyframesLocations=track, interp=interpol) elif (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labeledLocation): if (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx].foundLabels. labeledLocation[0].vidSub): # VideoSubstrate ftpath = cvac.FilePath( directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[0].vidSub.'utf-8')), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.videopath.filename.encode('utf-8')) ftsub = cvac.VideoSubstrate( videopath=ftpath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.vidSub.height) elif (protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledLocation[0].imgSub): # ImageSubstrate ftpath = cvac.FilePath( directory=cvac.DirectoryPath( relativePath=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[0].imgSub.path. directory.relativePath), filename=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.path.filename) ftsub = cvac.ImageSubstrate( path=ftpath, width=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.width, height=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. original.imgSub.height) else: print "error: unsupported LabeledTrack (found) substrate" hasLabel = protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[0].lab.hasLabel name = protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[0]'utf-8') semantix = cvac.Semantics( url=protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ridx]. foundLabels.labeledLocation[0].lab.semantix.url) ftlab = cvac.Label(hasLabel=hasLabel, name=name, semantix=semantix) for lidx, loc in enumerate(protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results. rslt[ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation): ftbox = cvac.BBox() ftbox.x = protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[lidx].loc.x ftbox.y = protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[lidx].loc.y ftbox.width = protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[lidx].loc.width ftbox.height = protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[lidx].loc.height confidence = protobuf_matlab_bridge_msg.res.results.rslt[ ridx].foundLabels.labeledLocation[lidx].confidence locLabelable.append( cvac.LabeledLocation(confidence=confidence, lab=ftlab, sub=ftsub, loc=ftbox)) # append result if flabelable and ftlabelable: rslt_set.append(cvac.Result(olabelable, [flabelable, ftlabelable])) elif flabelable: rslt_set.append(cvac.Result(olabelable, [flabelable])) elif ftlabelable: rslt_set.append(cvac.Result(olabelable, [ftlabelable])) elif locLabelable: rslt_set.append(cvac.Result(olabelable, locLabelable)) else: print "debug: didn't find a label, so setting an empty one" rslt_set.append(cvac.Result(olabelable, [cvac.Labelable()])) resultset = cvac.ResultSet(rslt_set) return resultset
def test_remotePutGetDelete(self): print('putFile remote') properties = self.ic.getProperties() proxyStr = properties.getProperty('PythonFileService.Proxy') #need to get the server host to connect to remoteHost = os.getenv('CVAC_REMOTE_TEST_SERVER') if remoteHost: proxyStr = proxyStr + " -h " + remoteHost base = self.ic.stringToProxy(proxyStr) #configStr = "FileService:default -h -p 10110" baser = self.ic.stringToProxy(proxyStr) if not baser: raise RuntimeError("Unknown service?", proxyStr) fsr = cvac.FileServicePrx.checkedCast(baser) if not fsr: raise RuntimeError("Invalid proxy:", proxyStr) # read the bytes from TestUsFlag.jpg testDir = cvac.DirectoryPath("testImg") origFilePath = cvac.FilePath(testDir, "TestUsFlag.jpg") origFS = self.dataDir + "/" + self.getFSPath(origFilePath) if not os.path.exists(origFS): raise RuntimeError("Cannot obtain FS path to original file,", "see comments. file: " + origFS) forig = open(origFS, 'rb') bytes = bytearray( # "put" the file's bytes as a different file which must not exist # if the file exists output an error. putFilePath = cvac.FilePath(testDir, "TargetFilename.jpg") if fsr.exists(putFilePath): raise RuntimeError("File " + putFilePath.filename + " exists on remote host " + proxyStr + " remove and rerun test.") try: fsr.putFile(putFilePath, bytes) except cvac.FileServiceException as ex: print( "if you do not have 'put' permissions, " + "was the file deleted properly in a prior test run?\nfile: " + putFilePath.filename) raise ex forig.close() # "get" the bytes again from the same name that we used for putting, # store them in a file on the local file system with the same name, # and compare the obtained file to the original one print('getFile remote') getFS = self.dataDir + "/" + self.getFSPath(putFilePath) if os.path.exists(getFS): print("Local file exists already - cannot getFile remote. file: " + getFS) else: fgetFS = open(getFS, 'wb') recvbytes = fsr.getFile(putFilePath) fgetFS.write(recvbytes) fgetFS.close() # now compare the results and delete the local file if not self.filesAreEqual(origFS, getFS): raise RuntimeError( "File was not 'put' or subsequently 'get' correctly to.", "Please check, then remove manually: " + getFS) os.remove(getFS) # delete the file on the remote side and check that it's gone print('deleteFile remote') fsr.deleteFile(putFilePath) try: dummy = fsr.getFile(putFilePath) raise RuntimeError("File was not deleted on remote FileServer:", putFilePath) except: # we expect the except pass
def parse(CVAC_DataDir, localDir, vidfile, framefolder, annotfile): print('vatic.parse called with: {0}, {1}, {2}'.format( vidfile, framefolder, annotfile)) # what's the file name, where is it located? both on file # system as well as in CVAC terms: cvacDir = cvac.DirectoryPath(localDir) cvacFp = cvac.FilePath(cvacDir, vidfile) substrate = cvac.Substrate(False, True, cvacFp, -1, -1) fsPath = CVAC_DataDir + '/' + localDir + '/' + annotfile af = open(fsPath, 'r') # parse line by line and assemble lines with the same # trackID into a CVAC LabeledTrack. Some checks are performed # to see whether the output format is what we expect. labels = [] paths = {} lastTrackID = -1 lbltrack = None for line in af: cols = line.strip().split(' ') # line has \n - remove it trackID = int(cols[0]) xmin = int(cols[1]) ymin = int(cols[2]) xmax = int(cols[3]) ymax = int(cols[4]) frame = int(cols[5]) lost = cols[6] occluded = cols[7] generated = cols[8] labelname = cols[9].strip('"') # single label, enclosed in "" attributes = cols[10:] # attribute columns, if any # print trackID, xmin, ymin, labelname, attributes # ignore lost and occluded labels if lost == "1": isLost = True else: isLost = False if occluded == "1": isOccluded = True else: isOccluded = False # format consistency checks if trackID == -1 or trackID < lastTrackID or trackID > lastTrackID + 1: raise RuntimeError("unexpected trackID: {0} (was {1}).".format( trackID, lastTrackID)) # new track or continuation of previous track? if trackID == lastTrackID: # make sure labels haven't changed if != labelname: raise RuntimeError( "in trackID {0}, expected identical labels ({0} vs {1})". format(, labelname)) else: lbltrack = cvac.LabeledTrack() labels = labels + [lbltrack] lastTrackID = trackID lbltrack.confidence = 1.0 properties = {} for attrib in attributes: properties[attrib.text] = '' lbltrack.lab = cvac.Label(True, labelname, properties, cvac.Semantics()) lbltrack.sub = substrate lbltrack.keyframesLocations = [] lbltrack.interp = cvac.Interpolation.DISCRETE vst = cvac.VideoSeekTime(-1, frame) # no time, but frame number loc = cvac.BBox(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin) frameloc = cvac.FrameLocation(vst, loc, isOccluded, isLost) lbltrack.keyframesLocations.append(frameloc) return labels
def test_getFile(self): print('getFile') # test with a small file for now testDir = cvac.DirectoryPath("testImg") filePath = cvac.FilePath(testDir, "TestUsFlag.jpg") self.getFileAndCompare(filePath)