def __init__(self, scraper):
    Initializes this form.
    'scraper' -> the currently running ScrapeEngine
    CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, \
       "comicformLocation", "comicformSize")
    # whether or not this form should call cancel when it is closed.
    # this is mainly to fix a difficult bug caused by calling cancel twice 
    self.__cancel_on_close = True
    # stops us from calling close twice.  also fixes a tricky bug.
    self.__already_closed = False
    # an internal reference to the main scrapeengine object
    self.__scraper = scraper
    # the book that is currently being scraped
    self.__current_book = None
    # the page from the currently scraped book that is currently displayed
    self.__current_page = 0 
    # the number of pages in the currently scraped book
    self.__current_page_count = 0
 def __init__(self, scraper, books):
    Initializes this form.
    'scraper' -> this the ScrapeEngine that we are running as part of.
    'books' -> a list of all the comic books being scraped.
    CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, "welcomeformLocation")
 def __init__(self, scraper, status):
    Initializes this form.
    'scraper' -> the ScrapeEngine that we are running as part of.
    'status' -> a list containing two integers, the first is the number of 
               books that were scraped and the second is the number that were
               skipped (both reported to the user by this form)
    CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, "finishformLocation")
    self.__build_gui( status[0], status[1] )
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, scraper, status):
    Initializes this form.
    'scraper' -> the ScrapeEngine that we are running as part of.
    'status' -> a list containing two integers, the first is the number of 
               books that were scraped and the second is the number that were
               skipped (both reported to the user by this form)
    CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, "finishformLocation")
    self.__build_gui( status[0], status[1] )
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, scraper, book, series_refs, search_terms_s):
    Initializes this form.
    'scraper' -> the currently running ScrapeEngine
    'book' -> the ComicBook being scraped
    'series_refs' -> set or list containing the SeriesRefs to display
    'search_terms_s' -> the user's search string that found the series models
    # the the shared global configuration
    self.__config = scraper.config
    # a list of SeriesRef objects that back this form; one ref per table
    # row, where each SeriesRef represents a series the user can pick
    self.__series_refs = list(series_refs)
    # the MatchScore object that we use to compute series match scores
    self.__matchscore = MatchScore()
    # true when the user is pressing the control key, false otherwise
    self.__pressing_controlkey = False;
    # the 'ok' button for this dialog
    self.__ok_button = None
    # the 'skip' button for this dialog
    self.__skip_button = None
    # the 'show issues' button for this dialog
    self.__issues_button = None
    # the table that displays series (on per row) for the user to pick from
    self.__table = None
    # IssueCoverPanel that shows cover art for the current selected SeriesRef
    self.__coverpanel = None
    # the index (in self.__series_refs) of the currently selected SeriesRef
    self.__chosen_index = None
    if len(series_refs) <= 0:
       raise Exception("do not invoke the SeriesForm with no series!")
    CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, "seriesformLocation")
    self.__build_gui(book, search_terms_s);
    def __init__(self, scraper, issue_ref_hint, issue_refs, series_ref):
      Initializes this form.  If a good issue key hint is given, that issue will
      be preselected in the table if possible.
      'scraper' -> the currently running ScrapeEngine
      'issue_ref_hint' -> may be the issue id for the given book (or may not!)
      'issue_refs' -> a set or list containing the IssueRefs to display
      'series_ref' -> SeriesRef for the series that the given issues belong to

        # the the shared global configuration
        self.__config = scraper.config

        # a list of IssueRef objects that back this form; one ref per table row,
        # where each IssueRef represents an issue that the user can pick
        self.__issue_refs = list(issue_refs)

        # true when the user is pressing the control key, false otherwise
        self.__pressing_controlkey = False

        # the ok button for this dialog
        self.__ok_button = None

        # the skip button for this dialog
        self.__skip_button = None

        # the label for this dialog
        self.__label = None

        # the table that displays issues (one per row) for the user to pick from
        self.__table = None

        # whether or no we were able to pre-select the "hinted" issue in the table
        self.__found_issue_in_table = False

        # IssueCoverPAnel that shows the cover for the currently selected IssueRef
        self.__coverpanel = None

        ## the index (into self.__issue_refs) of the currently selected IssueRef
        self.__chosen_index = None

        if len(issue_refs) <= 0:
            raise Exception("do not invoke the IssueForm with no IssueRefs!")
        CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow,
        self.__build_gui(issue_ref_hint, series_ref)
    def __init__(self, scraper, issue_ref_hint, issue_refs, series_ref):
      Initializes this form.  If a good issue key hint is given, that issue will
      be preselected in the table if possible.
      'scraper' -> the currently running ScrapeEngine
      'issue_ref_hint' -> may be the issue id for the given book (or may not!)
      'issue_refs' -> a set or list containing the IssueRefs to display
      'series_ref' -> SeriesRef for the series that the given issues belong to

        # the the shared global configuration
        self.__config = scraper.config

        # a list of IssueRef objects that back this form; one ref per table row,
        # where each IssueRef represents an issue that the user can pick
        self.__issue_refs = list(issue_refs)

        # true when the user is pressing the control key, false otherwise
        self.__pressing_controlkey = False

        # the ok button for this dialog
        self.__ok_button = None

        # the skip button for this dialog
        self.__skip_button = None

        # the label for this dialog
        self.__label = None

        # the table that displays issues (one per row) for the user to pick from
        self.__table = None

        # whether or no we were able to pre-select the "hinted" issue in the table
        self.__found_issue_in_table = False

        # IssueCoverPAnel that shows the cover for the currently selected IssueRef
        self.__coverpanel = None

        ## the index (into self.__issue_refs) of the currently selected IssueRef
        self.__chosen_index = None

        if len(issue_refs) <= 0:
            raise Exception("do not invoke the IssueForm with no IssueRefs!")
        CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, "issueformLocation")
        self.__build_gui(issue_ref_hint, series_ref)
 def __init__(self, scraper, initial_search_s, failed_search_s=""):
    Initializes this form.
    'scraper' -> the currently running ScrapeEngine
    'initial_search_s' -> the initial value in this form's text field.
    'failed_search_s' -> (optional) the failed search terms associated with
       this SearchForm.  If this is NOT empty, the search dialog will display
       an error message about the failed search terms couldn't be found
    # the text label for this form (displays regular message)
    self.__label = None
    # the fail label for this form (display 'search failed' message)
    self.__fail_label = None
    # whether or not the fail label should be visible
    self.__fail_label_is_visible = failed_search_s and failed_search_s.strip()
    # the search button (i.e. the 'ok' button) for this form
    self.__search_button = None
    # true when the user is pressing the control key, false otherwise
    self.__pressing_controlkey = False;
    # the skip button for this form
    self.__skip_button = None
    # the cancel button for this form
    self.__cancel_button = None
    # the textbox for this form
    self.__textbox = None
    CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, "searchformLocation")
    self.__build_gui(initial_search_s, failed_search_s)
    def __init__(self, owner, scrape_engine):
      Initializes this ProgressBarForm with the given owner window, and the
      given ScrapeEngine object, which will be cancelled if the user closes 
      this Form manually.

        CVForm.__init__(self, owner, "pbformLocation")

        pb = ProgressBar()
        pb.Minimum = 0
        pb.Maximum = 1
        pb.Step = 1
        pb.Value = 0

        self.Height = 45
        self.Width = 400
        pb.Width = 400

        self.pb = pb
        self.__scrape_engine = scrape_engine
        self.__cancel_on_close_b = True
 def __init__(self, owner):
    Initializes this form.
    owner -> this form's owner window/dialog
    # these are the strings that the user sees for each checkbox; they can 
    # also be used to reference each checkbox inside the checkboxlist
    ConfigForm.__SERIES_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormSeriesCB")
    ConfigForm.__NUMBER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormNumberCB")
    ConfigForm.__PUBLISHED_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPublishedCB")
    ConfigForm.__RELEASED_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormReleasedCB")
    ConfigForm.__TITLE_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormTitleCB")
    ConfigForm.__CROSSOVERS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCrossoversCB")
    ConfigForm.__WRITER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormWriterCB")
    ConfigForm.__PENCILLER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPencillerCB")
    ConfigForm.__INKER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormInkerCB")
    ConfigForm.__COVER_ARTIST_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCoverCB")
    ConfigForm.__COLORIST_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormColoristCB")
    ConfigForm.__LETTERER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormLettererCB")
    ConfigForm.__EDITOR_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormEditorCB")
    ConfigForm.__SUMMARY_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormSummaryCB")
    ConfigForm.__IMPRINT_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormImprintCB")
    ConfigForm.__PUBLISHER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPublisherCB")
    ConfigForm.__VOLUME_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormVolumeCB")
    ConfigForm.__CHARACTERS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCharactersCB")
    ConfigForm.__TEAMS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormTeamsCB")
    ConfigForm.__LOCATIONS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormLocationsCB")
    ConfigForm.__WEBPAGE_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormWebCB")
    # the TabControl that contains all our TabPages
    self.__tabcontrol = None
    # the ok button for this dialog
    self.__ok_button = None
    # the cancel button for this dialog
    self.__cancel_button = None
    # the restore defaults button for this dialog
    self.__restore_button = None
    # "options" checkboxes
    self.__ow_existing_cb = None 
    self.__ignore_blanks_cb = None                                          
    self.__autochoose_series_cb = None
    self.__confirm_issue_cb = None
    self.__convert_imprints_cb = None
    self.__summary_dialog_cb = None
    self.__download_thumbs_cb = None
    self.__preserve_thumbs_cb = None
    self.__fast_rescrape_cb = None
    self.__rescrape_tags_cb = None
    self.__rescrape_notes_cb = None
    # "api key" textbox
    self.__api_key_tbox = None
    # "advanced settings" textbox
    self.__advanced_tbox = None
    # "data" checkbox list
    self.__update_checklist = None
    CVForm.__init__(self, owner, "configformLocation")
    def __init__(self, owner):
      Initializes this form.
      owner -> this form's owner window/dialog

        # these are the strings that the user sees for each checkbox; they can
        # also be used to reference each checkbox inside the checkboxlist
        ConfigForm.__SERIES_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormSeriesCB")
        ConfigForm.__NUMBER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormNumberCB")
        ConfigForm.__PUBLISHED_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPublishedCB")
        ConfigForm.__RELEASED_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormReleasedCB")
        ConfigForm.__TITLE_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormTitleCB")
        ConfigForm.__CROSSOVERS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCrossoversCB")
        ConfigForm.__WRITER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormWriterCB")
        ConfigForm.__PENCILLER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPencillerCB")
        ConfigForm.__INKER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormInkerCB")
        ConfigForm.__COVER_ARTIST_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCoverCB")
        ConfigForm.__COLORIST_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormColoristCB")
        ConfigForm.__LETTERER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormLettererCB")
        ConfigForm.__EDITOR_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormEditorCB")
        ConfigForm.__SUMMARY_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormSummaryCB")
        ConfigForm.__IMPRINT_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormImprintCB")
        ConfigForm.__PUBLISHER_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormPublisherCB")
        ConfigForm.__VOLUME_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormVolumeCB")
        ConfigForm.__CHARACTERS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormCharactersCB")
        ConfigForm.__TEAMS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormTeamsCB")
        ConfigForm.__LOCATIONS_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormLocationsCB")
        ConfigForm.__WEBPAGE_CB = i18n.get("ConfigFormWebCB")

        # the TabControl that contains all our TabPages
        self.__tabcontrol = None

        # the ok button for this dialog
        self.__ok_button = None

        # the cancel button for this dialog
        self.__cancel_button = None

        # the restore defaults button for this dialog
        self.__restore_button = None

        # "options" checkboxes
        self.__ow_existing_cb = None
        self.__ignore_blanks_cb = None
        self.__autochoose_series_cb = None
        self.__confirm_issue_cb = None
        self.__convert_imprints_cb = None
        self.__summary_dialog_cb = None
        self.__download_thumbs_cb = None
        self.__preserve_thumbs_cb = None
        self.__fast_rescrape_cb = None
        self.__rescrape_tags_cb = None
        self.__rescrape_notes_cb = None

        # "api key" textbox
        self.__api_key_tbox = None

        # "advanced settings" textbox
        self.__advanced_tbox = None

        # "data" checkbox list
        self.__update_checklist = None

        CVForm.__init__(self, owner, "configformLocation")