Exemple #1
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):

        if not have_cv:
            raise ImportError("cviewer library is not available")

        THRESH = self.inputs.threshold
        K = self.inputs.number_of_permutations
        TAIL = self.inputs.t_tail
        edge_key = self.inputs.edge_key
        details = edge_key + '-thresh-' + str(THRESH) + '-k-' + str(
            K) + '-tail-' + TAIL + '.pck'

        # Fill in the data from the networks
        X = ntwks_to_matrices(self.inputs.in_group1, edge_key)
        Y = ntwks_to_matrices(self.inputs.in_group2, edge_key)

        PVAL, ADJ, _ = nbs.compute_nbs(X, Y, THRESH, K, TAIL)


        pADJ = ADJ.copy()
        for idx, _ in enumerate(PVAL):
            x, y = np.where(ADJ == idx + 1)
            pADJ[x, y] = PVAL[idx]

        # Create networkx graphs from the adjacency matrix
        nbsgraph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(ADJ)
        nbs_pval_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(pADJ)

        # Relabel nodes because they should not start at zero for our convention
        nbsgraph = nx.relabel_nodes(nbsgraph, lambda x: x + 1)
        nbs_pval_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(nbs_pval_graph, lambda x: x + 1)

        if isdefined(self.inputs.node_position_network):
            node_ntwk_name = self.inputs.node_position_network
            node_ntwk_name = self.inputs.in_group1[0]

        node_network = nx.read_gpickle(node_ntwk_name)
            'Populating node dictionaries with attributes from {node}'.format(

        for nid, ndata in node_network.nodes(data=True):
            nbsgraph.nodes[nid] = ndata
            nbs_pval_graph.nodes[nid] = ndata

        path = op.abspath('NBS_Result_' + details)
        nx.write_gpickle(nbsgraph, path)
            'Saving output NBS edge network as {out}'.format(out=path))

        pval_path = op.abspath('NBS_P_vals_' + details)
        nx.write_gpickle(nbs_pval_graph, pval_path)
            'Saving output p-value network as {out}'.format(out=pval_path))
        return runtime
Exemple #2
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):

        if not have_cv:
            raise ImportError("cviewer library is not available")

        THRESH = self.inputs.threshold
        K = self.inputs.number_of_permutations
        TAIL = self.inputs.t_tail
        edge_key = self.inputs.edge_key
        details = edge_key + '-thresh-' + str(THRESH) + '-k-' + str(K) + '-tail-' + TAIL + '.pck'

        # Fill in the data from the networks
        X = ntwks_to_matrices(self.inputs.in_group1, edge_key)
        Y = ntwks_to_matrices(self.inputs.in_group2, edge_key)

        PVAL, ADJ, _ = nbs.compute_nbs(X, Y, THRESH, K, TAIL)


        pADJ = ADJ.copy()
        for idx, _ in enumerate(PVAL):
            x, y = np.where(ADJ == idx + 1)
            pADJ[x, y] = PVAL[idx]

        # Create networkx graphs from the adjacency matrix
        nbsgraph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(ADJ)
        nbs_pval_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(pADJ)

        # Relabel nodes because they should not start at zero for our convention
        nbsgraph = nx.relabel_nodes(nbsgraph, lambda x: x + 1)
        nbs_pval_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(nbs_pval_graph, lambda x: x + 1)

        if isdefined(self.inputs.node_position_network):
            node_ntwk_name = self.inputs.node_position_network
            node_ntwk_name = self.inputs.in_group1[0]

        node_network = nx.read_gpickle(node_ntwk_name)
        iflogger.info('Populating node dictionaries with attributes from %s',

        for nid, ndata in node_network.nodes(data=True):
            nbsgraph.nodes[nid] = ndata
            nbs_pval_graph.nodes[nid] = ndata

        path = op.abspath('NBS_Result_' + details)
        nx.write_gpickle(nbsgraph, path)
        iflogger.info('Saving output NBS edge network as %s', path)

        pval_path = op.abspath('NBS_P_vals_' + details)
        nx.write_gpickle(nbs_pval_graph, pval_path)
        iflogger.info('Saving output p-value network as %s', pval_path)
        return runtime
Exemple #3
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        from cviewer.libs.pyconto.groupstatistics import nbs

        THRESH = self.inputs.threshold
        K = self.inputs.number_of_permutations
        TAIL = self.inputs.t_tail
        edge_key = self.inputs.edge_key
        details = (edge_key + "-thresh-" + str(THRESH) + "-k-" + str(K) +
                   "-tail-" + TAIL + ".pck")

        # Fill in the data from the networks
        X = ntwks_to_matrices(self.inputs.in_group1, edge_key)
        Y = ntwks_to_matrices(self.inputs.in_group2, edge_key)

        PVAL, ADJ, _ = nbs.compute_nbs(X, Y, THRESH, K, TAIL)


        pADJ = ADJ.copy()
        for idx, _ in enumerate(PVAL):
            x, y = np.where(ADJ == idx + 1)
            pADJ[x, y] = PVAL[idx]

        # Create networkx graphs from the adjacency matrix
        nbsgraph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(ADJ)
        nbs_pval_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(pADJ)

        # Relabel nodes because they should not start at zero for our convention
        nbsgraph = nx.relabel_nodes(nbsgraph, lambda x: x + 1)
        nbs_pval_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(nbs_pval_graph, lambda x: x + 1)

        if isdefined(self.inputs.node_position_network):
            node_ntwk_name = self.inputs.node_position_network
            node_ntwk_name = self.inputs.in_group1[0]

        node_network = nx.read_gpickle(node_ntwk_name)
        iflogger.info("Populating node dictionaries with attributes from %s",

        for nid, ndata in node_network.nodes(data=True):
            nbsgraph.nodes[nid] = ndata
            nbs_pval_graph.nodes[nid] = ndata

        path = op.abspath("NBS_Result_" + details)
        nx.write_gpickle(nbsgraph, path)
        iflogger.info("Saving output NBS edge network as %s", path)

        pval_path = op.abspath("NBS_P_vals_" + details)
        nx.write_gpickle(nbs_pval_graph, pval_path)
        iflogger.info("Saving output p-value network as %s", pval_path)
        return runtime
# Run the NBS with the following parameter options:
# Set an appropriate threshold. It is difficult to provide a rule of thumb
# to guide the choice of this threshold. Trial-and-error is always an option
# with the number of permutations generated per trial set low.

# Generate 100 permutations. Many more permutations are required in practice
# to yield a reliable estimate.
K = 100

# Set TAIL to left, and thus test the alternative hypothesis that mean of
# population X < mean of population Y
TAIL = 'left'

# Run the NBS
PVAL, ADJ, NULL = nbs.compute_nbs(X, Y, THRESH, K, TAIL)

print "pval", PVAL
print "null", NULL

imshow(ADJ, interpolation='nearest')
title('Edges identified by the NBS')

# Index of true positives
ind_tp = np.vstack((set1, set2))

# Index of positives idenfitied by the NBS
ind_obs = np.array(np.where(np.triu(ADJ))).T
# Run the NBS with the following parameter options: 
# Set an appropriate threshold. It is difficult to provide a rule of thumb 
# to guide the choice of this threshold. Trial-and-error is always an option
# with the number of permutations generated per trial set low. 

# Generate 100 permutations. Many more permutations are required in practice
# to yield a reliable estimate. 

# Set TAIL to left, and thus test the alternative hypothesis that mean of 
# population X < mean of population Y

# Run the NBS
PVAL, ADJ, NULL = nbs.compute_nbs(X,Y,THRESH,K,TAIL); 

print "pval", PVAL
print "null", NULL

imshow(ADJ, interpolation='nearest')
title('Edges identified by the NBS')

# Index of true positives
ind_tp = np.vstack( (set1, set2) )

# Index of positives idenfitied by the NBS
ind_obs = np.array(np.where(np.triu(ADJ))).T