Exemple #1
def getVersion(mac):
        clnt = CvpClient()
        clnt.connect(['{}'.format(host)], user, password)
        serialNumber = clnt.api.get_device_by_mac(mac)['serialNumber']
        version = clnt.get('/api/v1/rest/{}/Eos/image'.format(serialNumber))['notifications'][0]['updates']['version']['value']

        if trace:
            sys.stderr.write('cvprac api call to {} unsuccessful.\n'.format(mac))

        return None

        if trace:
            sys.stderr.write('cvprac api call to {} successful.\n'.format(mac))

        return version
class TestCvpClient(DutSystemTest):
    ''' Test cases for the CvpClient class.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
    NEW_PASSWORD = '******'

    def setUp(self):
        ''' Instantiate the CvpClient class.
            Log messages to the /tmp/TestCvpClient.log
        super(TestCvpClient, self).setUp()
        self.clnt = CvpClient(filename='/tmp/TestCvpClient.log')

    def tearDown(self):
        ''' Destroy the CvpClient class.
        super(TestCvpClient, self).tearDown()
        self.clnt = None

    def _change_passwd(self, nodes, username, old_password, new_password):
        ''' Helper method to change the user password on CVP.
        # Create a new connection to handle the request.
        clnt = CvpClient(filename='/tmp/TestCvpClient.log')
        clnt.connect(nodes, username, old_password)
        data = {
            'user': {
                'userId': username,
                'password': new_password,
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'userStatus': 'Enabled',
            'roles': ['network-admin']
        result = clnt.post("/user/updateUser.do?userId=%s" % username, data)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_clnt_init(self):
        ''' Verify CvpClient init
        clnt = CvpClient()
        self.assertEqual(clnt.log.getEffectiveLevel(), logging.INFO)

    def test_clnt_init_syslog(self):
        ''' Verify CvpClient init with syslog argument
        clnt = CvpClient(syslog=True)

    def test_clnt_init_syslog_filename(self):
        ''' Verify CvpClient init with syslog and filename argument
        logfile = '/tmp/foo'
        clnt = CvpClient(syslog=True, logger='cvpracTmp', filename=logfile)

    def test_clnt_init_log_level(self):
        ''' Verify CvpClient init with setting log level
        clnt = CvpClient(log_level='DEBUG')
        self.assertEqual(clnt.log.getEffectiveLevel(), logging.DEBUG)

    def test_set_log_level(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.clnt.log.getEffectiveLevel(), logging.DEBUG)
        self.assertEqual(self.clnt.log.getEffectiveLevel(), logging.INFO)

    def test_set_log_level_invalid_value(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.clnt.log.getEffectiveLevel(), logging.INFO)

    def test_connect_http_good(self):
        ''' Verify http connection succeeds to a single CVP node
            Uses default protocol and port.
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])

    def test_connect_https_good(self):
        ''' Verify https connection succeeds to a single CVP node
            Uses https protocol and port.
        dut = self.duts[0]

    def test_connect_username_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connect fails with bad username.
        dut = self.duts[0]
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], 'username', dut['password'])

    def test_connect_password_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connect fails with bad password.
        dut = self.duts[0]
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], 'password')

    def test_connect_node_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connection fails to a single bogus CVP node
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):

    def test_connect_non_cvp_node(self):
        ''' Verify connection fails to a non-CVP node
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect(['localhost'], 'username', 'password')

    def test_connect_all_nodes_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connection fails to a single bogus CVP node
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect(['bogus1', 'bogus2', 'bogus3'],

    def test_connect_n1_bad_n2_good(self):
        ''' Verify connect succeeds even if one node is bad
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect(['bogus', dut['node']],

    def test_connect_nodes_arg_bad(self):
        ''' Verify non-list nodes argument raises a TypeError
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.clnt.connect('bogus', 'username', 'password')

    def test_connect_port_bad(self):
        ''' Verify non-http protocol with default port raises a TypeError
        dut = self.duts[0]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_get_not_connected(self):
        ''' Verify get with no connection raises a ValueError
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_get(self):
        ''' Verify get of CVP info
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        self.assertIn('version', result)

    def test_get_recover_session(self):
        ''' Verify client(get) recovers session after logout
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        self.assertIn('version', result)

    def test_get_recover_session_bg(self):
        ''' Verify client(get) recovers session after logout for bad/good node
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect(['bogus', dut['node']], dut['username'],
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        self.assertIn('version', result)

    def test_get_cvp_error(self):
        ''' Verify get of bad CVP request returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpRequestError):

    def test_get_cvp_url_bad(self):
        ''' Verify get with bad URL returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpApiError):

    def test_get_handle_timeout(self):
        ''' Verify get with bad URL returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(Timeout):
            self.clnt.get('/tasks/getTasks.do', timeout=0.0001)

    def test_get_except_fail_reconnect(self):
        ''' Verify exception raised if session fails and cannot be
        dut = self.duts[0]
        nodes = ['bogus', dut['node']]
        self.clnt.connect(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'])
        # Change the password for the CVP user so that a session reconnect
        # to any node will fail
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'],

            # Logout to end the current session and force a reconnect for the
            # next request.
            result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
            self.assertIn('data', result)
            self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

        except Exception as error:
            # Should not have had an exception.  Restore the CVP password
            # and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
            # Try a get request and expect a CvpSessionLogOutError
            result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        except CvpSessionLogOutError as error:
        except Exception as error:
            # Unexpected error, restore password and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
        # Restore password
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,

    def test_post_not_connected(self):
        ''' Verify post with no connection raises a ValueError
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.clnt.post('/bogus', None)

    def test_post(self):
        ''' Verify post of CVP info
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_post_recover_session(self):
        ''' Verify client(post) recovers session after logout
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_post_recover_session_bg(self):
        ''' Verify client(post) recovers session after logout for bad/good node
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect(['bogus', dut['node']], dut['username'],
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_post_cvp_bad_schema(self):
        ''' Verify post with bad schema returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpApiError):
            self.clnt.post('/aaa/saveAAADetails.do', None)

    def test_post_cvp_url_bad(self):
        ''' Verify post with bad URL returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpApiError):
            self.clnt.post('/aaa/bogus.do', None)

    def test_post_except_fail_reconn(self):
        ''' Verify exception raised if session fails and cannot be
        dut = self.duts[0]
        nodes = ['bogus', dut['node']]
        self.clnt.connect(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'])
        # Change the password for the CVP user so that a session reconnect
        # to any node will fail
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'],

            # Logout to end the current session and force a reconnect for the
            # next request.
            result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
            self.assertIn('data', result)
            self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

        except Exception as error:
            # Should not have had an exception.  Restore the CVP password
            # and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
            # Try a post request and expect a CvpSessionLogOutError
            result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        except CvpSessionLogOutError as error:
        except Exception as error:
            # Unexpected error, restore password and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
        # Restore password
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
from pprint import pprint
from cvprac.cvp_client import CvpClient
from cvprac.cvp_api import CvpApi
import urllib3
import requests

                         )  # This will disable invalid cert warnings

clnt = CvpClient()

clnt.connect(['cvp.lab.local'], 'jpatterson', 'P3pp3r101!')

result = clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')

test1 = clnt.get(

Exemple #4
class TestCvpClient(DutSystemTest):
    ''' Test cases for the CvpClient class.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
    NEW_PASSWORD = '******'

    def setUp(self):
        ''' Instantiate the CvpClient class.
            Log messages to the /tmp/TestCvpClient.log
        super(TestCvpClient, self).setUp()
        self.clnt = CvpClient(filename='/tmp/TestCvpClient.log')

    def tearDown(self):
        ''' Destroy the CvpClient class.
        super(TestCvpClient, self).tearDown()
        self.clnt = None

    def _change_passwd(self, nodes, username, old_password, new_password):
        ''' Helper method to change the user password on CVP.
        # Create a new connection to handle the request.
        clnt = CvpClient(filename='/tmp/TestCvpClient.log')
        clnt.connect(nodes, username, old_password)
        data = {
            'user': {
                'userId': username,
                'password': new_password,
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'userStatus': 'Enabled',
            'roles': [
        result = clnt.post("/user/updateUser.do?userId=%s" % username, data)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_clnt_init(self):
        ''' Verify CvpClient init
        clnt = CvpClient()

    def test_clnt_init_syslog(self):
        ''' Verify CvpClient init with syslog argument
        clnt = CvpClient(syslog=True)

    def test_clnt_init_syslog_filename(self):
        ''' Verify CvpClient init with syslog and filename argument
        logfile = '/tmp/foo'
        clnt = CvpClient(syslog=True, logger='cvpracTmp', filename=logfile)

    def test_connect_http_good(self):
        ''' Verify http connection succeeds to a single CVP node
            Uses default protocol and port.
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])

    def test_connect_https_good(self):
        ''' Verify https connection succeeds to a single CVP node
            Uses https protocol and port.
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'],

    def test_connect_username_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connect fails with bad username.
        dut = self.duts[0]
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], 'username', dut['password'])

    def test_connect_password_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connect fails with bad password.
        dut = self.duts[0]
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], 'password')

    def test_connect_node_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connection fails to a single bogus CVP node
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect(['bogus'], 'username', 'password',

    def test_connect_non_cvp_node(self):
        ''' Verify connection fails to a non-CVP node
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect(['localhost'], 'username', 'password')

    def test_connect_all_nodes_bad(self):
        ''' Verify connection fails to a single bogus CVP node
        with self.assertRaises(CvpLoginError):
            self.clnt.connect(['bogus1', 'bogus2', 'bogus3'], 'username',
                              'password', connect_timeout=1)

    def test_connect_n1_bad_n2_good(self):
        ''' Verify connect succeeds even if one node is bad
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect(['bogus', dut['node']], dut['username'],
                          dut['password'], connect_timeout=2)

    def test_connect_nodes_arg_bad(self):
        ''' Verify non-list nodes argument raises a TypeError
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.clnt.connect('bogus', 'username', 'password')

    def test_connect_port_bad(self):
        ''' Verify non-http protocol with default port raises a TypeError
        dut = self.duts[0]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'],

    def test_get_not_connected(self):
        ''' Verify get with no connection raises a ValueError
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_get(self):
        ''' Verify get of CVP info
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        self.assertIn('version', result)

    def test_get_recover_session(self):
        ''' Verify client(get) recovers session after logout
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        self.assertIn('version', result)

    def test_get_recover_session_bg(self):
        ''' Verify client(get) recovers session after logout for bad/good node
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect(['bogus', dut['node']], dut['username'],
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        self.assertIn('version', result)

    def test_get_cvp_error(self):
        ''' Verify get of bad CVP request returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpRequestError):

    def test_get_cvp_url_bad(self):
        ''' Verify get with bad URL returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpApiError):

    def test_get_handle_timeout(self):
        ''' Verify get with bad URL returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(Timeout):
            self.clnt.get('/tasks/getTasks.do', timeout=0.0001)

    def test_get_except_fail_reconnect(self):
        ''' Verify exception raised if session fails and cannot be
        dut = self.duts[0]
        nodes = ['bogus', dut['node']]
        self.clnt.connect(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'])
        # Change the password for the CVP user so that a session reconnect
        # to any node will fail
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'],

            # Logout to end the current session and force a reconnect for the
            # next request.
            result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
            self.assertIn('data', result)
            self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

        except Exception as error:
            # Should not have had an exception. Restore the CVP password
            # and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
            # Try a get request and expect a CvpSessionLogOutError
            result = self.clnt.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')
        except CvpSessionLogOutError as error:
        except Exception as error:
            # Unexpected error, restore password and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
        # Restore password
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,

    def test_post_not_connected(self):
        ''' Verify post with no connection raises a ValueError
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.clnt.post('/bogus', None)

    def test_post(self):
        ''' Verify post of CVP info
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_post_recover_session(self):
        ''' Verify client(post) recovers session after logout
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_post_recover_session_bg(self):
        ''' Verify client(post) recovers session after logout for bad/good node
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect(['bogus', dut['node']], dut['username'],
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertIn('data', result)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])
        result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

    def test_post_cvp_bad_schema(self):
        ''' Verify post with bad schema returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpApiError):
            self.clnt.post('/aaa/saveAAADetails.do', None)

    def test_post_cvp_url_bad(self):
        ''' Verify post with bad URL returns an error
        dut = self.duts[0]
        self.clnt.connect([dut['node']], dut['username'], dut['password'])
        with self.assertRaises(CvpApiError):
            self.clnt.post('/aaa/bogus.do', None)

    def test_post_except_fail_reconn(self):
        ''' Verify exception raised if session fails and cannot be
        dut = self.duts[0]
        nodes = ['bogus', dut['node']]
        self.clnt.connect(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'])
        # Change the password for the CVP user so that a session reconnect
        # to any node will fail
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], dut['password'],

            # Logout to end the current session and force a reconnect for the
            # next request.
            result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
            self.assertIn('data', result)
            self.assertEqual('success', result['data'])

        except Exception as error:
            # Should not have had an exception. Restore the CVP password
            # and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
            # Try a post request and expect a CvpSessionLogOutError
            result = self.clnt.post('/login/logout.do', None)
        except CvpSessionLogOutError as error:
        except Exception as error:
            # Unexpected error, restore password and re-raise the error.
            self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
            raise error
        # Restore password
        self._change_passwd(nodes, dut['username'], self.NEW_PASSWORD,
sheet.column_dimensions['E'].width = 14
sheet.column_dimensions['F'].width = 16

thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin'),

ws.cell(row=1, column=1).border = thin_border
ws.cell(row=1, column=2).border = thin_border
ws.cell(row=1, column=3).border = thin_border
ws.cell(row=1, column=4).border = thin_border
ws.cell(row=1, column=5).border = thin_border
ws.cell(row=1, column=6).border = thin_border

cvp_info = client.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')

print "################################################################################"
print "CVP Version is %s" % (cvp_info['version'])

cvp_inventory = client.get('/inventory/devices')

no_of_devices = len(cvp_inventory)

x = 2
y = 2
z = 1
print "Total Number of Devices in CVP: " + str(no_of_devices)

for i in range(no_of_devices):
    sheet['A' + str(x)].value = cvp_inventory[i]["hostname"]
Exemple #6
from pprint import pprint
from cvprac.cvp_client import CvpClient
from cvprac.cvp_api import CvpApi
import urllib3
import requests

                         )  # This will disable invalid cert warnings

client = CvpClient()
api = CvpApi(client)

client.connect(['cvp.lab.local'], 'jpatterson', 'P3pp3r101!')

result = client.get('/cvpInfo/getCvpInfo.do')

newresult = client.get(

print newresult

# test1 = clnt.get('/cvpservice/snapshot/getSnapshots.do?startIndex=0&endIndex=0')

print result
#!/usr/bin/env python
This program uses cvprac, the CloudVision Portal API to first get a template-ID
for snapshot template: SnapshotOfConfig1 and container-ID for container: mlane1,
then POST a request for CVP to capture snapshot configs for every switch in the
from cvprac.cvp_client import CvpClient  # Import CvpClient class module
clnt = CvpClient()  # create clnt object from CvpClient class
clnt.connect([''], 'cvpadmin', 'cvpadmin1')  # Connect to CVP

#  Next get Container information for mlane1
result = clnt.get(
# And, extract the container key or container-ID.
contnr = result['data'][0]['key']

# Get information for snapshot template: SnapshotOfConfig1
result2 = clnt.get(
# And, extract it's key or template-ID
snapTemplt = result2['data'][0]['key']

# Build a dictionary which includes: "templateid" and "containerid"
parms2 = {"templateId": snapTemplt, "containerId": contnr}

# Execute a POST to the Container Snapshot module and pass the parameter dictionary: parms2
snapResult = clnt.post('/snapshot/captureContainerLevelSnapshot.do', parms2)