def main(argv):
    t, y = read_data(argv[0])
    degree = int(argv[1])

    A = +matrix([[t**k] for k in xrange(degree + 1)])
    c = +y

    gels(A, c)

    print c[:degree + 1]
    plot_poly(t, y, c, degree)
def main(argv):
    t, y   = read_data(argv[0])
    degree = int(argv[1])

    A = +matrix( [[t ** k] for k in xrange(degree + 1)] )
    c = +y

    gels(A, c)

    print c[:degree + 1]
    plot_poly(t, y, c, degree)
    def setUp(self):
        Use cvxopt to get ground truth values

        from cvxopt import lapack, solvers, matrix, spdiag, log, div, normal, setseed
        from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

        m, n = 100, 30
        A = normal(m, n)
        b = normal(m, 1)
        b /= (1.1 * max(abs(b)))
        self.m, self.n, self.A, self.b = m, n, A, b

        # l1 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_1
        x = variable(n)
        op(sum(abs(A * x + b))).solve()
        self.x1 = x.value

        # l2 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_2
        bprime = -matrix(b)
        Aprime = matrix(A)
        lapack.gels(Aprime, bprime)
        self.x2 = bprime[:n]

        # Deadzone approximation
        # minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))
        x = variable(n)
        dzop = op(sum(max(abs(A * x + b) - 0.5, 0.0)))
        self.obj_dz = sum(
            np.max([np.abs(A * x.value + b) - 0.5,
                    np.zeros((m, 1))], axis=0))

        # Log barrier
        # minimize -sum (log ( 1.0 - (A*x+b)**2))
        def F(x=None, z=None):
            if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
            y = A * x + b
            if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
            f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
            gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1 - y**2)
            if z is None: return f, gradf.T
            H = A.T * spdiag(2.0 * z[0] * div(1.0 + y**2, (1.0 - y**2)**2)) * A
            return f, gradf.T, H

        self.cxlb = solvers.cp(F)['x']
Exemple #4
def l1(P, q):
    m, n = P.size
    c = matrix(n*[0.0] + m*[1.0])
    h = matrix([q, -q])

    def Fi(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):    
        if trans == 'N':
            u = P*x[:n]
            y[:m] = alpha * ( u - x[n:]) + beta*y[:m]
            y[m:] = alpha * (-u - x[n:]) + beta*y[m:]
            y[:n] =  alpha * P.T * (x[:m] - x[m:]) + beta*y[:n]
            y[n:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:]) + beta*y[n:]

    def Fkkt(W): 
        d1, d2 = W['d'][:m], W['d'][m:]
        D = 4*(d1**2 + d2**2)**-1
        A = P.T * spdiag(D) * P

        def f(x, y, z):
            x[:n] += P.T * ( mul( div(d2**2 - d1**2, d1**2 + d2**2), x[n:]) 
                + mul( .5*D, z[:m]-z[m:] ) )
            lapack.potrs(A, x)

            u = P*x[:n]
            x[n:] =  div( x[n:] - div(z[:m], d1**2) - div(z[m:], d2**2) + 
                mul(d1**-2 - d2**-2, u), d1**-2 + d2**-2 )

            z[:m] = div(u-x[n:]-z[:m], d1)
            z[m:] = div(-u-x[n:]-z[m:], d2)
        return f

    uls =  +q
    lapack.gels(+P, uls)
    rls = P*uls[:n] - q 

    x0 = matrix( [uls[:n],  1.1*abs(rls)] ) 
    s0 = +h
    Fi(x0, s0, alpha=-1, beta=1) 

    if max(abs(rls)) > 1e-10:  
        w = .9/max(abs(rls)) * rls
        w = matrix(0.0, (m,1))
    z0 = matrix([.5*(1+w), .5*(1-w)])

    dims = {'l': 2*m, 'q': [], 's': []}
    sol = solvers.conelp(c, Fi, h, dims, kktsolver = Fkkt,  
        primalstart={'x': x0, 's': s0}, dualstart={'z': z0})
    return sol['x'][:n]
def fit_polynomial(X, Y, d):
    m = len(X)
    assert(len(Y) == m)

    A = matrix( [[X**k] for k in xrange(d)])

   # make a deep copy of Y
    xls = +Y

    # general least-squares: minimize ||A*x - y||_2
    xls = xls[:d]

    return xls
def fit_polynomial(X, Y, d):
    m = len(X)
    assert (len(Y) == m)

    A = matrix([[X**k] for k in xrange(d)])

    # make a deep copy of Y
    xls = +Y

    # general least-squares: minimize ||A*x - y||_2
    lapack.gels(+A, xls)
    xls = xls[:d]

    return xls
    def setUp(self):
        Use cvxopt to get ground truth values

        from cvxopt import lapack,solvers,matrix,spdiag,log,div,normal,setseed
        from cvxopt.modeling import variable,op,max,sum
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

        m,n = 100,30
        A = normal(m,n)
        b = normal(m,1)
        b /= (1.1*max(abs(b)))
        self.m,self.n,self.A,self.b = m,n,A,b

        # l1 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_1
        x = variable(n)
        self.x1 = x.value

        # l2 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_2
        bprime = -matrix(b)
        Aprime = matrix(A)
        self.x2 = bprime[:n]

        # Deadzone approximation
        # minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))
        x = variable(n)
        dzop = op(sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0)))
        self.obj_dz = sum(np.max([np.abs(A*x.value+b)-0.5,np.zeros((m,1))],axis=0))

        # Log barrier
        # minimize -sum (log ( 1.0 - (A*x+b)**2))
        def F(x=None, z=None):
            if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0,(n,1))
            y = A*x+b
            if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
            f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
            gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1-y**2)
            if z is None: return f, gradf.T
            H = A.T * spdiag(2.0*z[0]*div(1.0+y**2,(1.0-y**2)**2))*A
            return f,gradf.T,H
        self.cxlb = solvers.cp(F)['x']
Exemple #8
def leastsquares(A, B):
    """Finds the least-squares approximate solution X, which minimizes ||AX -
    A must be full rank."""

    if not (isinstance(A, (matrix, spmatrix)) and isinstance(B, (matrix, spmatrix))):
        raise TypeError('both arguments must be matrices')

    if rows(A) < cols(A):
        raise DimError('A must be skinny')

    if rows(B) != rows(A):
        raise DimError('rows(B) must equal rows(A)')

    X = matrix(B)
    lapack.gels(matrix(A), X)
    return X
Exemple #9
def leastnorm(A, B):
    """Finds the least-norm X which minimizes ||X||_fro while satisfying
    AX == B.
    A must be full rank."""

    if not (isinstance(A, (matrix, spmatrix)) and isinstance(B, (matrix, spmatrix))):
        raise TypeError('both arguments must be matrices')

    if rows(A) > cols(A):
        raise DimError('A must be fat')

    if rows(B) != rows(A):
        raise DimError('rows(B) must equal rows(A)')

    # Pad X to make room for the solution.
    X = concatvert(B, zeros(cols(A) - rows(B), cols(B), full=True))

    lapack.gels(matrix(A), X)
    return X
Exemple #10
nbins = 100
bins = [-1.5 + 3.0 / (nbins - 1) * k for k in xrange(nbins)]
pylab.hist(A * x1 + b, numpy.array(bins))
nopts = 200
xs = -1.5 + 3.0 / (nopts - 1) * matrix(range(nopts))
pylab.plot(xs, (35.0 / 1.5) * abs(xs), 'g-')
pylab.axis([-1.5, 1.5, 0, 40])
pylab.title('Penalty function approximation (fig. 6.2)')

# l2 approximation
# minimize || A*x + b ||_2

x = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
lapack.gels(+A, x)
x2 = x[:n]

pylab.hist(A * x2 + b, numpy.array(bins))
pylab.plot(xs, (8.0 / 1.5**2) * xs**2, 'g-')
pylab.axis([-1.5, 1.5, 0, 10])

# Deadzone approximation
# minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))

x = variable(n)
op(sum(max(abs(A * x + b) - 0.5, 0.0))).solve()
xdz = x.value
        x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\
                - mul( d3, x[:n] )

        # z[:n] = D1^1/2 * (  x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n] )
        # z[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n:] ).
        z[:n] = mul(W['di'][:n], x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n])
        z[n:] = mul(W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:])

    return g

x = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver=Fkkt)['x'][:n]

I = [k for k in range(n) if abs(x[k]) > 1e-2]
xls = +y
lapack.gels(A[:, I], xls)
ybp = A[:, I] * xls[:len(I)]

print("Sparse basis contains %d basis functions." % len(I))
print("Relative RMS error = %.1e." % (blas.nrm2(ybp - y) / blas.nrm2(y)))

if pylab_installed:
    pylab.figure(2, facecolor='w')
    pylab.plot(ts, y, '-', ts, ybp, 'r--')
    pylab.ylabel('y(t), yhat(t)')
    pylab.axis([0, 1, -1.5, 1.5])
    pylab.title('Signal and basis pursuit approximation (fig. 6.22)')
    pylab.plot(ts, y - ybp, '-')
Exemple #12
    # constant
    h[k][2, :2] = B[k, :]
    h[k][:2, 2] = B[k, :].T

sol = solvers.sdp(c, Gs=G, hs=h)
X1 = matrix(sol['x'][L:], (N, 2))

# Quadratic placement: h(u) = u^2.
# minimize  sum (A*X[:,0] + B[:,0])**2 + (A*X[:,1] + B[:,1])**2
# with variable X (Nx2).

Bc = -B
lapack.gels(+A1, Bc)
X2 = Bc[:N, :]

# Fourth order placement: h(u) = u^4
# minimize  g(AA*x + BB)
# where AA = [A1, 0; 0, A1]
#       BB = [B[:,0]; B[:,1]]
#       x = [X[:,0]; X[:,1]]
#       g(u,v) = sum((uk.^2 + vk.^2).^2)
# with variables x (2*N).

AA = matrix(0.0, (2 * L, 2 * N))
AA[:L, :N], AA[L:, N:] = A1, A1
Exemple #13
def l1(P, q):
    Returns the solution u of the ell-1 approximation problem

        (primal) minimize ||P*u - q||_1       
        (dual)   maximize    q'*w
                 subject to  P'*w = 0
                             ||w||_infty <= 1.

    m, n = P.size

    # Solve equivalent LP
    #     minimize    [0; 1]' * [u; v]
    #     subject to  [P, -I; -P, -I] * [u; v] <= [q; -q]
    #     maximize    -[q; -q]' * z
    #     subject to  [P', -P']*z  = 0
    #                 [-I, -I]*z + 1 = 0
    #                 z >= 0

    c = matrix(n * [0.0] + m * [1.0])
    h = matrix([q, -q])

    def Fi(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        if trans == 'N':
            # y := alpha * [P, -I; -P, -I] * x + beta*y
            u = P * x[:n]
            y[:m] = alpha * (u - x[n:]) + beta * y[:m]
            y[m:] = alpha * (-u - x[n:]) + beta * y[m:]

            # y := alpha * [P', -P'; -I, -I] * x + beta*y
            y[:n] = alpha * P.T * (x[:m] - x[m:]) + beta * y[:n]
            y[n:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:]) + beta * y[n:]

    def Fkkt(W):

        # Returns a function f(x, y, z) that solves
        # [ 0  0  P'      -P'      ] [ x[:n] ]   [ bx[:n] ]
        # [ 0  0 -I       -I       ] [ x[n:] ]   [ bx[n:] ]
        # [ P -I -W1^2     0       ] [ z[:m] ] = [ bz[:m] ]
        # [-P -I  0       -W2      ] [ z[m:] ]   [ bz[m:] ]
        # On entry bx, bz are stored in x, z.
        # On exit x, z contain the solution, with z scaled (W['di'] .* z is
        # returned instead of z).

        d1, d2 = W['d'][:m], W['d'][m:]
        D = 4 * (d1**2 + d2**2)**-1
        A = P.T * spdiag(D) * P

        def f(x, y, z):

            x[:n] += P.T * (mul(div(d2**2 - d1**2, d1**2 + d2**2), x[n:]) +
                            mul(.5 * D, z[:m] - z[m:]))
            lapack.potrs(A, x)

            u = P * x[:n]
            x[n:] = div(
                x[n:] - div(z[:m], d1**2) - div(z[m:], d2**2) +
                mul(d1**-2 - d2**-2, u), d1**-2 + d2**-2)

            z[:m] = div(u - x[n:] - z[:m], d1)
            z[m:] = div(-u - x[n:] - z[m:], d2)

        return f

    # Initial primal and dual points from least-squares solution.

    # uls minimizes ||P*u-q||_2; rls is the LS residual.
    uls = +q
    lapack.gels(+P, uls)
    rls = P * uls[:n] - q

    # x0 = [ uls;  1.1*abs(rls) ];   s0 = [q;-q] - [P,-I; -P,-I] * x0
    x0 = matrix([uls[:n], 1.1 * abs(rls)])
    s0 = +h
    Fi(x0, s0, alpha=-1, beta=1)

    # z0 = [ (1+w)/2; (1-w)/2 ] where w = (.9/||rls||_inf) * rls
    # if rls is nonzero and w = 0 otherwise.
    if max(abs(rls)) > 1e-10:
        w = .9 / max(abs(rls)) * rls
        w = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
    z0 = matrix([.5 * (1 + w), .5 * (1 - w)])

    dims = {'l': 2 * m, 'q': [], 's': []}
    sol = solvers.conelp(c,
                             'x': x0,
                             's': s0
                         dualstart={'z': z0})
    return sol['x'][:n]
Exemple #14
def sysid(y, u, vsig, svth = None):

    System identification using the subspace method and nuclear norm 
    optimization.  Estimate a linear time-invariant state-space model 
    given inputs and outputs.  The algorithm is described in [1].

    y       'd' matrix of size (p, N).  y are the measured outputs, p is 
            the number of outputs, and N is the number of data points 
    u       'd' matrix of size (m, N).  u are the inputs, m is the number 
            of inputs, and N is the number of data points.
    vsig    a weighting parameter in the nuclear norm optimization, its 
            value is approximately the 1-sigma output noise level
    svth    an optional parameter, if specified, the model order is 
            determined as the number of singular values greater than svth 
            times the maximum singular value.  The default value is 1E-3 
    sol     a dictionary with the following words
            -- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' are the state-space matrices
            -- 'svN', the original singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'sv', the optimized singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'x0', the initial state x(0)
            -- 'n', the model order

    [1] Zhang Liu and Lieven Vandenberghe. "Interior-point method for 
        nuclear norm approximation with application to system 


    m, N, p = u.size[0], u.size[1], y.size[0]
    if y.size[1] != N:
        raise ValueError, "y and u must have the same length"
    # Y = G*X + H*U + V, Y has size a x b, U has size c x b, Un has b x d
    r = min(int(30/p),int((N+1.0)/(p+m+1)+1.0))
    a = r*p
    c = r*m
    b = N-r+1
    d = b-c
    # construct Hankel matrix Y
    Y = Hankel(y,r,b,p=p,q=1)
    # construct Hankel matrix U
    U = Hankel(u,r,b,p=m,q=1)
    # compute Un = null(U) and YUn = Y*Un
    Vt = matrix(0.0,(b,b))
    Stemp = matrix(0.0,(c,1))
    Un = matrix(0.0,(b,d))
    YUn = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    Un[:,:] = Vt.T[:,c:]
    # compute original singular values
    svN = matrix(0.0,(min(a,d),1))
    # variable, [y(1);...;y(N)]
    # form the coefficient matrices for the nuclear norm optimization
    # minimize | Yh * Un |_* + alpha * | y - yh |_F
    AA = Hankel_basis(r,b,p=p,q=1)
    A = matrix(0.0,(a*d,p*N))
    temp = spmatrix([],[],[],(a,b),'d')
    temp2 = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    for ii in xrange(p*N):
        temp[:] = AA[:,ii]
        A[:,ii] = temp2[:]
    B = matrix(0.0,(a,d))

    # flip the matrix if columns is more than rows
    if a < d:
        Itrans = [i+j*a for i in xrange(a) for j in xrange(d)]
        B[:] = B[Itrans]
        B.size = (d,a)
        for ii in xrange(p*N):
            A[:,ii] = A[Itrans,ii]
    # regularized term
    x0 = y[:]
    Qd = matrix(2.0*svN[0]/p/N/(vsig**2),(p*N,1))

    # solve the nuclear norm optimization
    sol = nrmapp(A, B, C = base.spdiag(Qd), d = -base.mul(x0, Qd))
    status = sol['status']
    x = sol['x']
    # construct YhUn and take the svd
    YhUn = matrix(B)
    if a < d:
        YhUn = YhUn.T
    Uh = matrix(0.0,(a,d))
    sv = matrix(0.0,(d,1))

    # determine model order
    if svth is None:
        svth = 1E-3
    svthn = sv[0]*svth
    while sv[n] >= svthn and n < 10:
    # estimate A, C
    Uhn = Uh[:,:n]
    for ii in xrange(n):
    syseC = Uhn[:p,:]
    Als = Uhn[:-p,:]
    Bls = Uhn[p:,:]
    syseA = Bls[:n,:]
    Als[:,:] = Uhn[:-p,:]
    Bls[:,:] = Uhn[p:,:]
    Aerr = blas.nrm2(Bls)
    # stabilize A
    Sc = matrix(0.0,(n,n),'z')
    w = matrix(0.0, (n,1), 'z')
    Vs = matrix(0.0, (n,n), 'z')
    def F(w):
        return (abs(w) < 1.0)
    Sc[:,:] = syseA
    ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select = F)
    while ns < n:
        #print "stabilize matrix A"
        w[ns:] = w[ns:]**-1
        Sc[::n+1] = w
        Sc = Vs*Sc*Vs.H
        syseA[:,:] = Sc.real()
        Sc[:,:] = syseA
        ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select = F)

    # estimate B,D,x0 stored in vector [x0; vec(D); vec(B)]
    F1 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,n))
    F1[:p,:] = syseC
    for ii in xrange(1,N):
        F1[ii*p:(ii+1)*p,:] = F1[(ii-1)*p:ii*p,:]*syseA
    F2 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,p*m))
    ut = u.T
    for ii in xrange(p):
        F2[ii::p,ii::p] = ut
    F3 = matrix(0.0,(p*N,n*m))
    F3t = matrix(0.0,(p*(N-1),n*m))
    for ii in xrange(1,N):
        for jj in xrange(p):
            for kk in xrange(n):
                F3t[jj:jj+(N-ii)*p:p,kk::n] = ut[:N-ii,:]*F1[(ii-1)*p+jj,kk]
        F3[ii*p:,:] = F3[ii*p:,:] + F3t[:(N-ii)*p,:]
    F = matrix([[F1],[F2],[F3]])
    yls = y[:]
    Sls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],1))
    Uls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[0],F.size[1]))
    Vtls = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],F.size[1]))
    lapack.gesvd(F, Sls, jobu='S', jobvt='S', U=Uls, Vt=Vtls)
    Frank=len([ii for ii in xrange(Sls.size[0]) if Sls[ii] >= 1E-6])
    #print 'Rank deficiency = ', F.size[1] - Frank
    xx = matrix(0.0,(F.size[1],1))
    xx[:Frank] = Uls.T[:Frank,:] * yls
    xx[:Frank] = base.mul(xx[:Frank],Sls[:Frank]**-1)
    xx[:] = Vtls.T[:,:Frank]*xx[:Frank] 
    xxerr = blas.nrm2(yls)
    x0 = xx[:n]
    syseD = xx[n:n+p*m]
    syseD.size = (p,m)
    syseB = xx[n+p*m:]
    syseB.size = (n,m)
    return {'A': syseA, 'B': syseB, 'C': syseC, 'D': syseD, 'svN': svN, 'sv': \
        sv, 'x0': x0, 'n': n, 'Aerr': Aerr, 'xxerr': xxerr}
Exemple #15
def feasibleStartingValue(G, h, allowQuasiBoundary=False, isMin=True):
    Find a feasible starting value given a set of inequalities Gx<=h
    G: array like
        matrix G in Gx<=h
    h: array like
        vector h in Gx<=h
    allowQuasiBoundary: bool, optional
        whether we allow points to sit on the hyperplanes.  This 
        also acts as a mechanism to accommodate machine precision
    isMin: bool, optional
        whether we want to solve the problem min x s.t. Gx<=h or
        max x s.t. Gx>=h
        a feasible point
    # equal weight for each dimension
    p = len(G[0, :])
    if isMin:
        x0 = matrix(numpy.ones(p))
        x0 = matrix(-numpy.ones(p))
    # change the type to make it suitable for cvxopt
    if type(G) is numpy.ndarray:
        G = matrix(G)
    if type(h) is numpy.ndarray:
        h = matrix(h)

    # aka do we allow for some numerical error
    if allowQuasiBoundary == False:
        h = h - numpy.sqrt(numpy.finfo(numpy.float).eps)

    # find our feasible point
    h1 = copy.deepcopy(h)
    # Note that lapack.gels expects A to be full rank
    lapack.gels(+G, h1)
    x = h1[:p]
    # test feasibility
    if feasiblePoint(numpy.array(x), numpy.array(G), numpy.array(h),
        # print "YES!, our shape is convex"
        return numpy.array(x)
        # print "Solving lp to get starting value"
        sol = solvers.conelp(x0, G, h)
        # check if see if the solution exist
        if sol['status'] == "optimal":
        elif sol['status'] == "primal infeasible":
            raise Exception(
                "The interior defined by the set of inequalities is empty")
        elif sol['status'] == "dual infeasible":
            raise Exception("The interior is unbounded")
            if feasiblePoint(numpy.array(sol['x']), numpy.array(G),
                             numpy.array(h), allowQuasiBoundary):
                raise Exception("Something went wrong, I have no idea")

        return numpy.array(sol['x'])
Exemple #16
    pylab.hist( A*x1+b , numpy.array(bins))
    nopts = 200
    xs = -1.5 + 3.0/(nopts-1) * matrix(list(range(nopts)))
    pylab.plot(xs, (35.0/1.5) * abs(xs), 'g-')
    pylab.axis([-1.5, 1.5, 0, 40])
    pylab.title('Penalty function approximation (fig. 6.2)')

# l2 approximation
# minimize || A*x + b ||_2

x = matrix(0.0, (m,1))
lapack.gels(+A, x)
x2 = x[:n]

if pylab_installed:
    pylab.hist(A*x2+b, numpy.array(bins))
    pylab.plot(xs, (8.0/1.5**2) * xs**2 , 'g-')
    pylab.axis([-1.5, 1.5, 0, 10])

# Deadzone approximation
# minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))

x = variable(n)
Exemple #17
def findAnalyticCenter(G, h, full_output=False):
    Find the analytic center of a polygon given a set of 
    inequalities Gx<=h.  Solves the problem
    min_{x} \sum_{i}^{n} -log(h - Gx)_{i}
    subject to the satisfaction of the inequalities
    G: array like
        matrix A in Gx<=h, shape (p,d)
    h: array like
        vector h in Gx<=h  shape (p,)
    full_output: bool, optional
        whether the full output is required.  Only the center *x* is return
        if False, which is the default.

    x: array like
        analytic center of the polygon
    sol: dict
        solution dictionary from cvxopt 
    G: array like
        binding matrix G in Gx<=h
    h: array like
        binding vector h in G<=h
    See Also
    # we use the cvxopt convention here in that
    # Gx \preceq h is our general linear inequality constraints
    # where Ax \le b is our linear inequality
    # and box is our box constraints

    ## note that the new set of G and h are the binding constraints
    bindingIndex, dualHull, G, h, x0 = bindingConstraint(G, h, None, True)

    # define our objective function along with the
    # gradient and the Hessian
    def F(x=None, z=None):
        if x is None: return 0, matrix(x0)
        y = h - G * x
        # we are assuming here that the center can sit on an edge
        if min(y) <= 0: return None
        # pretty standard log barrier
        f = -sum(log(y))
        Df = (y**-1).T * G
        if z is None: return matrix(f), Df
        H = G.T * spdiag(y**-2) * G
        return matrix(f), Df, z[0] * H

    # then we solve the non-linear program
        # print "Find the analytic center"
        sol = solvers.cp(F)
        print feasiblePoint(numpy.array(x0), numpy.array(G), numpy.array(h))
        print "G"
        print G
        print "h"
        print h
        print "Distance to face"
        print h - G * x0
        print "starting location"
        print x0
        h1 = h
        lapack.gels(G, h1)
        print "LS version"
        print h1[:len(G[0, :])]
        print "Re-solve the problem"
        sol = solvers.conelp(matrix(numpy.ones(len(G[0, :]))), G, h)
        print sol
        print h - G * sol['x']
        sol = solvers.conelp(matrix(-numpy.ones(len(G[0, :]))), G, h)
        print sol
        print h - G * sol['x']
        raise Exception("Problem! Unidentified yet")

    # this is rather confusing because part of the outputs are
    # in cvxopt matrix format while the first is in numpy.ndarray
    # also note that G and h are the binding constraints
    # rather than the full set of inequalities
    if full_output:
        return numpy.array(sol['x']).flatten(), sol, G, h
        return numpy.array(sol['x']).flatten()
Exemple #18
        #         - (D2-D1)*(D1+D2)^-1 * x[:n]         
        x[n:] = div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:n]) - mul(d2, z[n:]), d1+d2 )\
                - mul( d3, x[:n] )
        # z[:n] = D1^1/2 * (  x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:n] )
        # z[n:] = D2^1/2 * ( -x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[n:] ).
        z[:n] = mul( W['di'][:n],  x[:n] - x[n:] - z[:n] ) 
        z[n:] = mul( W['di'][n:], -x[:n] - x[n:] - z[n:] ) 

    return g

x = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G, h, kktsolver = Fkkt)['x'][:n]

I = [ k for k in range(n) if abs(x[k]) > 1e-2 ]
xls = +y
lapack.gels(A[:,I], xls)
ybp = A[:,I]*xls[:len(I)]

print("Sparse basis contains %d basis functions." %len(I))
print("Relative RMS error = %.1e." %(blas.nrm2(ybp-y) / blas.nrm2(y)))

if pylab_installed:
    pylab.figure(2, facecolor='w')
    pylab.plot(ts, y, '-', ts, ybp, 'r--')
    pylab.ylabel('y(t), yhat(t)')
    pylab.axis([0, 1, -1.5, 1.5])
    pylab.title('Signal and basis pursuit approximation (fig. 6.22)')
    pylab.plot(ts, y-ybp, '-')
Exemple #19
def sysid(y, u, vsig, svth=None):
    System identification using the subspace method and nuclear norm 
    optimization.  Estimate a linear time-invariant state-space model 
    given inputs and outputs.  The algorithm is described in [1].

    y       'd' matrix of size (p, N).  y are the measured outputs, p is 
            the number of outputs, and N is the number of data points 
    u       'd' matrix of size (m, N).  u are the inputs, m is the number 
            of inputs, and N is the number of data points.
    vsig    a weighting parameter in the nuclear norm optimization, its 
            value is approximately the 1-sigma output noise level
    svth    an optional parameter, if specified, the model order is 
            determined as the number of singular values greater than svth 
            times the maximum singular value.  The default value is 1E-3 
    sol     a dictionary with the following words
            -- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' are the state-space matrices
            -- 'svN', the original singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'sv', the optimized singular values of the Hankel matrix
            -- 'x0', the initial state x(0)
            -- 'n', the model order

    [1] Zhang Liu and Lieven Vandenberghe. "Interior-point method for 
        nuclear norm approximation with application to system 


    m, N, p = u.size[0], u.size[1], y.size[0]
    if y.size[1] != N:
        raise ValueError, "y and u must have the same length"

    # Y = G*X + H*U + V, Y has size a x b, U has size c x b, Un has b x d
    r = min(int(30 / p), int((N + 1.0) / (p + m + 1) + 1.0))
    a = r * p
    c = r * m
    b = N - r + 1
    d = b - c

    # construct Hankel matrix Y
    Y = Hankel(y, r, b, p=p, q=1)

    # construct Hankel matrix U
    U = Hankel(u, r, b, p=m, q=1)

    # compute Un = null(U) and YUn = Y*Un
    Vt = matrix(0.0, (b, b))
    Stemp = matrix(0.0, (c, 1))
    Un = matrix(0.0, (b, d))
    YUn = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    lapack.gesvd(U, Stemp, jobvt='A', Vt=Vt)
    Un[:, :] = Vt.T[:, c:]
    blas.gemm(Y, Un, YUn)

    # compute original singular values
    svN = matrix(0.0, (min(a, d), 1))
    lapack.gesvd(YUn, svN)

    # variable, [y(1);...;y(N)]
    # form the coefficient matrices for the nuclear norm optimization
    # minimize | Yh * Un |_* + alpha * | y - yh |_F
    AA = Hankel_basis(r, b, p=p, q=1)
    A = matrix(0.0, (a * d, p * N))
    temp = spmatrix([], [], [], (a, b), 'd')
    temp2 = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    for ii in xrange(p * N):
        temp[:] = AA[:, ii]
        base.gemm(temp, Un, temp2)
        A[:, ii] = temp2[:]
    B = matrix(0.0, (a, d))

    # flip the matrix if columns is more than rows
    if a < d:
        Itrans = [i + j * a for i in xrange(a) for j in xrange(d)]
        B[:] = B[Itrans]
        B.size = (d, a)
        for ii in xrange(p * N):
            A[:, ii] = A[Itrans, ii]

    # regularized term
    x0 = y[:]
    Qd = matrix(2.0 * svN[0] / p / N / (vsig**2), (p * N, 1))

    # solve the nuclear norm optimization
    sol = nrmapp(A, B, C=base.spdiag(Qd), d=-base.mul(x0, Qd))
    status = sol['status']
    x = sol['x']

    # construct YhUn and take the svd
    YhUn = matrix(B)
    blas.gemv(A, x, YhUn, beta=1.0)
    if a < d:
        YhUn = YhUn.T
    Uh = matrix(0.0, (a, d))
    sv = matrix(0.0, (d, 1))
    lapack.gesvd(YhUn, sv, jobu='S', U=Uh)

    # determine model order
    if svth is None:
        svth = 1E-3
    svthn = sv[0] * svth
    n = 1
    while sv[n] >= svthn and n < 10:
        n = n + 1

    # estimate A, C
    Uhn = Uh[:, :n]
    for ii in xrange(n):
        blas.scal(sv[ii], Uhn, n=a, offset=ii * a)
    syseC = Uhn[:p, :]
    Als = Uhn[:-p, :]
    Bls = Uhn[p:, :]
    lapack.gels(Als, Bls)
    syseA = Bls[:n, :]
    Als[:, :] = Uhn[:-p, :]
    Bls[:, :] = Uhn[p:, :]
    blas.gemm(Als, syseA, Bls, beta=-1.0)
    Aerr = blas.nrm2(Bls)

    # stabilize A
    Sc = matrix(0.0, (n, n), 'z')
    w = matrix(0.0, (n, 1), 'z')
    Vs = matrix(0.0, (n, n), 'z')

    def F(w):
        return (abs(w) < 1.0)

    Sc[:, :] = syseA
    ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select=F)
    while ns < n:
        #print "stabilize matrix A"
        w[ns:] = w[ns:]**-1
        Sc[::n + 1] = w
        Sc = Vs * Sc * Vs.H
        syseA[:, :] = Sc.real()
        Sc[:, :] = syseA
        ns = lapack.gees(Sc, w, Vs, select=F)

    # estimate B,D,x0 stored in vector [x0; vec(D); vec(B)]
    F1 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, n))
    F1[:p, :] = syseC
    for ii in xrange(1, N):
        F1[ii * p:(ii + 1) * p, :] = F1[(ii - 1) * p:ii * p, :] * syseA
    F2 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, p * m))
    ut = u.T
    for ii in xrange(p):
        F2[ii::p, ii::p] = ut
    F3 = matrix(0.0, (p * N, n * m))
    F3t = matrix(0.0, (p * (N - 1), n * m))
    for ii in xrange(1, N):
        for jj in xrange(p):
            for kk in xrange(n):
                F3t[jj:jj + (N - ii) * p:p,
                    kk::n] = ut[:N - ii, :] * F1[(ii - 1) * p + jj, kk]
        F3[ii * p:, :] = F3[ii * p:, :] + F3t[:(N - ii) * p, :]

    F = matrix([[F1], [F2], [F3]])
    yls = y[:]
    Sls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], 1))
    Uls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[0], F.size[1]))
    Vtls = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], F.size[1]))
    lapack.gesvd(F, Sls, jobu='S', jobvt='S', U=Uls, Vt=Vtls)
    Frank = len([ii for ii in xrange(Sls.size[0]) if Sls[ii] >= 1E-6])
    #print 'Rank deficiency = ', F.size[1] - Frank
    xx = matrix(0.0, (F.size[1], 1))
    xx[:Frank] = Uls.T[:Frank, :] * yls
    xx[:Frank] = base.mul(xx[:Frank], Sls[:Frank]**-1)
    xx[:] = Vtls.T[:, :Frank] * xx[:Frank]
    blas.gemv(F, xx, yls, beta=-1.0)
    xxerr = blas.nrm2(yls)

    x0 = xx[:n]
    syseD = xx[n:n + p * m]
    syseD.size = (p, m)
    syseB = xx[n + p * m:]
    syseB.size = (n, m)

    return {'A': syseA, 'B': syseB, 'C': syseC, 'D': syseD, 'svN': svN, 'sv': \
        sv, 'x0': x0, 'n': n, 'Aerr': Aerr, 'xxerr': xxerr}
Exemple #20
# Robust regression.

from cvxopt import solvers, lapack, matrix, spmatrix
from pickle import load
#solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

data = load(open('huber.bin', 'rb'))
u, v = data['u'], data['v']
m, n = len(u), 2

A = matrix([m * [1.0], [u]])
b = +v

# Least squares solution.
xls = +b
lapack.gels(+A, xls)
xls = xls[:2]

# Robust least squares.
# minimize  sum( h( A*x-b ))
# where h(u) = u^2           if |u| <= 1.0
#            = 2*(|u| - 1.0) if |u| > 1.0.
# Solve as a QP (see exercise 4.5):
# minimize    (1/2) * u'*u + 1'*v
# subject to  -u - v <= A*x-b <= u + v
#             0 <= u <= 1
#             v >= 0
Exemple #21
# Figure 4.11, page 185.
# Regularized least-squares.

from pickle import load
from cvxopt import blas, lapack, matrix
from cvxopt import solvers 
#solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

data = load(open("rls.bin",'rb'))
A, b = data['A'], data['b']
m, n = A.size

# LS solution
xls = +b
lapack.gels(+A, xls)
xls = xls[:n]

# We compute the optimal values of
#     minimize/maximize  || A*x - b ||_2^2
#     subject to         x'*x = alpha
# via the duals.
# Lower bound:
#     maximize    -t - u*alpha
#     subject to  [u*I, 0; 0, t] + [A, b]'*[A, b] >= 0
# Upper bound:
Exemple #22
def l1(P, q):

    Returns the solution u of the ell-1 approximation problem

        (primal) minimize ||P*u - q||_1       
        (dual)   maximize    q'*w
                 subject to  P'*w = 0
                             ||w||_infty <= 1.

    m, n = P.size

    # Solve equivalent LP 
    #     minimize    [0; 1]' * [u; v]
    #     subject to  [P, -I; -P, -I] * [u; v] <= [q; -q]
    #     maximize    -[q; -q]' * z 
    #     subject to  [P', -P']*z  = 0
    #                 [-I, -I]*z + 1 = 0 
    #                 z >= 0 
    c = matrix(n*[0.0] + m*[1.0])
    h = matrix([q, -q])

    def Fi(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):    
        if trans == 'N':
            # y := alpha * [P, -I; -P, -I] * x + beta*y
            u = P*x[:n]
            y[:m] = alpha * ( u - x[n:]) + beta*y[:m]
            y[m:] = alpha * (-u - x[n:]) + beta*y[m:]

            # y := alpha * [P', -P'; -I, -I] * x + beta*y
            y[:n] =  alpha * P.T * (x[:m] - x[m:]) + beta*y[:n]
            y[n:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:]) + beta*y[n:]

    def Fkkt(W): 

        # Returns a function f(x, y, z) that solves
        # [ 0  0  P'      -P'      ] [ x[:n] ]   [ bx[:n] ]
        # [ 0  0 -I       -I       ] [ x[n:] ]   [ bx[n:] ]
        # [ P -I -W1^2     0       ] [ z[:m] ] = [ bz[:m] ]
        # [-P -I  0       -W2      ] [ z[m:] ]   [ bz[m:] ]
        # On entry bx, bz are stored in x, z.
        # On exit x, z contain the solution, with z scaled (W['di'] .* z is
        # returned instead of z). 

        d1, d2 = W['d'][:m], W['d'][m:]
        D = 4*(d1**2 + d2**2)**-1
        A = P.T * spdiag(D) * P

        def f(x, y, z):

            x[:n] += P.T * ( mul( div(d2**2 - d1**2, d1**2 + d2**2), x[n:]) 
                + mul( .5*D, z[:m]-z[m:] ) )
            lapack.potrs(A, x)

            u = P*x[:n]
            x[n:] =  div( x[n:] - div(z[:m], d1**2) - div(z[m:], d2**2) + 
                mul(d1**-2 - d2**-2, u), d1**-2 + d2**-2 )

            z[:m] = div(u-x[n:]-z[:m], d1)
            z[m:] = div(-u-x[n:]-z[m:], d2)

        return f

    # Initial primal and dual points from least-squares solution.

    # uls minimizes ||P*u-q||_2; rls is the LS residual.
    uls =  +q
    lapack.gels(+P, uls)
    rls = P*uls[:n] - q 

    # x0 = [ uls;  1.1*abs(rls) ];   s0 = [q;-q] - [P,-I; -P,-I] * x0
    x0 = matrix( [uls[:n],  1.1*abs(rls)] ) 
    s0 = +h
    Fi(x0, s0, alpha=-1, beta=1) 

    # z0 = [ (1+w)/2; (1-w)/2 ] where w = (.9/||rls||_inf) * rls  
    # if rls is nonzero and w = 0 otherwise.
    if max(abs(rls)) > 1e-10:  
        w = .9/max(abs(rls)) * rls
        w = matrix(0.0, (m,1))
    z0 = matrix([.5*(1+w), .5*(1-w)])

    dims = {'l': 2*m, 'q': [], 's': []}
    sol = solvers.conelp(c, Fi, h, dims, kktsolver = Fkkt,  
        primalstart={'x': x0, 's': s0}, dualstart={'z': z0})
    return sol['x'][:n]
Exemple #23
    hs = [matrix(0.0, (M, M))]
    hs[0][:(M + 1) * m:M + 1] = 1.0
    hs[0][-1, :m] = -b.T

    return solvers.sdp(c, None, None, Fs, hs)['x'][:n]

# Figure 6.15

data = load(open('robls.bin', 'rb'))['6.15']
A, b, B = data['A'], data['b'], data['B']
m, n = A.size

# Nominal problem:  minimize || A*x - b ||_2
xnom = +b
lapack.gels(+A, xnom)
xnom = xnom[:n]

# Stochastic problem.
# minimize E || (A+u*B) * x - b ||_2^2
#          = || A*x - b||_2^2 + x'*P*x
# with P = E(u^2) * B'*B = (1/3) * B'*B

S = A.T * A + (1.0 / 3.0) * B.T * B
xstoch = A.T * b
lapack.posv(S, xstoch)

# Worst case approximation.
Exemple #24
    # constant
    h[k][2,:2] = B[k,:]
    h[k][:2,2] = B[k,:].T

sol = solvers.sdp(c, Gs=G, hs=h)
X1 = matrix(sol['x'][L:], (N,2))

# Quadratic placement: h(u) = u^2.
# minimize  sum (A*X[:,0] + B[:,0])**2 + (A*X[:,1] + B[:,1])**2 
# with variable X (Nx2).

Bc = -B
lapack.gels(+A1, Bc)
X2 = Bc[:N,:]

# Fourth order placement: h(u) = u^4
# minimize  g(AA*x + BB)            
# where AA = [A1, 0; 0, A1] 
#       BB = [B[:,0]; B[:,1]] 
#       x = [X[:,0]; X[:,1]]
#       g(u,v) = sum((uk.^2 + vk.^2).^2)
# with variables x (2*N).

AA = matrix(0.0, (2*L, 2*N))
Exemple #25
#     subject to  -y <= x <= y
#                 sum(y) <= alpha

P = matrix(0.0, (2*n,2*n))
P[:n,:n] = A.T*A
q = matrix(0.0, (2*n,1))
q[:n] = -A.T*b
I = matrix(0.0, (n,n)) 
I[::n+1] = 1.0
G = matrix([[I, -I, matrix(0.0, (1,n))], [-I, -I, matrix(1.0, (1,n))]])
h = matrix(0.0, (2*n+1,1))

# Least-norm solution
xln = matrix(0.0, (n,1))
xln[:m] = b
lapack.gels(+A, xln)

nopts = 100
res = [ blas.nrm2(b) ]
card = [ 0 ]
alphas = blas.asum(xln)/(nopts-1) * matrix(range(1,nopts), tc='d')
for alpha in alphas:

    #    minimize    ||A*x-b||_2
    #    subject to  ||x||_1 <= alpha

    h[-1] = alpha
    x = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)['x'][:n]
    xmax = max(abs(x))
    I = [ k for k in range(n) if abs(x[k]) > tol*xmax ]
    if len(I) <= m:
	def solve_SAT2(self,cnf,number_of_variables,number_of_clauses):
		#Solves CNFSAT by a Polynomial Time Approximation scheme:
		#	- Encode each clause as a linear equation in n variables: missing variables and negated variables are 0, others are 1
		#	- Solve previous system of equations by least squares algorithm to fit a line
		#	- Variable value above 0.5 is set to 1 and less than 0.5 is set to 0
		#	- Rounded of assignment array satisfies the CNFSAT with high probability
		#Returns: a tuple with set of satisfying assignments
		for clause in self.cnfparsed:
			for n in xrange(number_of_variables):
			#print "clause:",clause
			for literal in clause:
				if literal[0] != "!":
		for n in xrange(number_of_clauses):
		a = np.array(self.equationsA)
                b = np.array(self.equationsB)
		init_guess = []
		for n in xrange(number_of_variables):
		initial_guess = np.array(init_guess)
		#print "a:",a
		#print "b:",b
                #print "a.shape:",a.shape
                #print "b.shape:",b.shape

		if number_of_variables == number_of_clauses:
			if self.Algorithm=="lsqr()":
				#x =,b)
				#x = gmres(a,b) 
				#x = lgmres(a,b) 
				#x = minres(a,b) 
				#x = bicg(a,b) 
				#x = cg(a,b) 
				#x = cgs(a,b) 
				#x = bicgstab(a,b)
                		x = lsqr(a,b,atol=0,btol=0,conlim=0,show=True)
			if self.Algorithm=="lapack()":
					x = gesv(matrixa,matrixb)
					#x = gels(matrixa,matrixb)
					#x = sysv(matrixa,matrixb)
					#x = getrs(matrixa,matrixb)
					x = [matrixb]
					print "Exception:",sys.exc_info()
					return None 
			if self.Algorithm=="l1regls()":
				l1x = l1regls(matrixa,matrixb)
				for n in l1x:
			if self.Algorithm=="lsmr()":
                		x = lsmr(a,b,atol=0,btol=0,conlim=0,show=True,x0=initial_guess)
			if self.Algorithm=="solve()":
                		x = solve(a,b)
			if self.Algorithm=="lstsq()":
                		x = lstsq(a,b,lapack_driver='gelsy')
			if self.Algorithm=="lsqr()":
                		x = lsqr(a,b,atol=0,btol=0,conlim=0,show=True)
			if self.Algorithm=="lsmr()":
                		#x = lsmr(a,b,atol=0.1,btol=0.1,maxiter=5,conlim=10,show=True)
                		x = lsmr(a,b,atol=0,btol=0,conlim=0,show=True,x0=initial_guess)
			if self.Algorithm=="spsolve()":
				x = dsolve.spsolve(csc_matrix(a),b)
			if self.Algorithm=="pinv2()":
			if self.Algorithm=="lsq_linear()":
				x = lsq_linear(a,b,lsq_solver='exact')
			if self.Algorithm=="lapack()":
					#x = gesv(matrixa,matrixb)
					x = gels(matrixa,matrixb)
					#x = sysv(matrixa,matrixb)
					#x = getrs(matrixa,matrixb)
					x = [matrixb]
					print "Exception:",sys.exc_info()
					return None 
			if self.Algorithm=="l1regls()":
				l1x = l1regls(matrixa,matrixb)
				for n in l1x:

		print "solve_SAT2(): ",self.Algorithm,": x:",x
		if x is None:
			return None
		if rounding_threshold == "Randomized":
			randomized_rounding_threshold=(min_assignment + max_assignment)/2
		print "randomized_rounding_threshold = ", randomized_rounding_threshold
		print "approximate assignment :",x[0]
		for e in x[0]:
			if e > randomized_rounding_threshold:
				binary_parity += 1
				binary_parity += 0
			real_parity += e
		print "solve_SAT2(): real_parity = ",real_parity
		print "solve_SAT2(): binary_parity = ",binary_parity
		return (satass,real_parity,binary_parity,x[0])
Exemple #27
def l1blas (P, q):

    Returns the solution u of the ell-1 approximation problem

        (primal) minimize ||P*u - q||_1       
        (dual)   maximize    q'*w
                 subject to  P'*w = 0
                             ||w||_infty <= 1.

    m, n = P.size

    # Solve equivalent LP 
    #     minimize    [0; 1]' * [u; v]
    #     subject to  [P, -I; -P, -I] * [u; v] <= [q; -q]
    #     maximize    -[q; -q]' * z 
    #     subject to  [P', -P']*z  = 0
    #                 [-I, -I]*z + 1 = 0 
    #                 z >= 0 
    c = matrix(n*[0.0] + m*[1.0])
    h = matrix([q, -q])

    u = matrix(0.0, (m,1)) 
    Ps = matrix(0.0, (m,n))
    A = matrix(0.0, (n,n))

    def Fi(x, y, alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0, trans = 'N'):    
        if trans == 'N':
            # y := alpha * [P, -I; -P, -I] * x + beta*y
            blas.gemv(P, x, u) 
            y[:m] = alpha * ( u - x[n:]) + beta*y[:m]
            y[m:] = alpha * (-u - x[n:]) + beta*y[m:]

            # y := alpha * [P', -P'; -I, -I] * x + beta*y
            blas.copy(x[:m] - x[m:], u)
            blas.gemv(P, u, y, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, trans = 'T')
            y[n:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:]) + beta*y[n:]

    def Fkkt(W): 

        # Returns a function f(x, y, z) that solves
        # [ 0  0  P'      -P'      ] [ x[:n] ]   [ bx[:n] ]
        # [ 0  0 -I       -I       ] [ x[n:] ]   [ bx[n:] ]
        # [ P -I -D1^{-1}  0       ] [ z[:m] ] = [ bz[:m] ]
        # [-P -I  0       -D2^{-1} ] [ z[m:] ]   [ bz[m:] ]
        # where D1 = diag(di[:m])^2, D2 = diag(di[m:])^2 and di = W['di'].
        # On entry bx, bz are stored in x, z.
        # On exit x, z contain the solution, with z scaled (di .* z is
        # returned instead of z). 

        # Factor A = 4*P'*D*P where D = d1.*d2 ./(d1+d2) and
        # d1 = d[:m].^2, d2 = d[m:].^2.

        di = W['di']
        d1, d2 = di[:m]**2, di[m:]**2
        D = div( mul(d1,d2), d1+d2 )  
        Ds = spdiag(2 * sqrt(D))
        base.gemm(Ds, P, Ps)
        blas.syrk(Ps, A, trans = 'T')

        def f(x, y, z):

            # Solve for x[:n]:
            #    A*x[:n] = bx[:n] + P' * ( ((D1-D2)*(D1+D2)^{-1})*bx[n:]
            #        + (2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^{-1}) * (bz[:m] - bz[m:]) ).

            blas.copy(( mul( div(d1-d2, d1+d2), x[n:]) + 
                mul( 2*D, z[:m]-z[m:] ) ), u)
            blas.gemv(P, u, x, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
            lapack.potrs(A, x)

            # x[n:] := (D1+D2)^{-1} * (bx[n:] - D1*bz[:m] - D2*bz[m:]
            #     + (D1-D2)*P*x[:n])

            base.gemv(P, x, u)
            x[n:] =  div( x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:m]) - mul(d2, z[m:]) + 
                mul(d1-d2, u), d1+d2 )

            # z[:m] := d1[:m] .* ( P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:m])
            # z[m:] := d2[m:] .* (-P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[m:]) 

            z[:m] = mul(di[:m],  u-x[n:]-z[:m])
            z[m:] = mul(di[m:], -u-x[n:]-z[m:])

        return f

    # Initial primal and dual points from least-squares solution.

    # uls minimizes ||P*u-q||_2; rls is the LS residual.
    uls =  +q
    lapack.gels(+P, uls)
    rls = P*uls[:n] - q 

    # x0 = [ uls;  1.1*abs(rls) ];   s0 = [q;-q] - [P,-I; -P,-I] * x0
    x0 = matrix( [uls[:n],  1.1*abs(rls)] ) 
    s0 = +h
    Fi(x0, s0, alpha=-1, beta=1) 

    # z0 = [ (1+w)/2; (1-w)/2 ] where w = (.9/||rls||_inf) * rls  
    # if rls is nonzero and w = 0 otherwise.
    if max(abs(rls)) > 1e-10:  
        w = .9/max(abs(rls)) * rls
        w = matrix(0.0, (m,1))
    z0 = matrix([.5*(1+w), .5*(1-w)])

    dims = {'l': 2*m, 'q': [], 's': []}
    sol = solvers.conelp(c, Fi, h, dims, kktsolver = Fkkt,  
        primalstart={'x': x0, 's': s0}, dualstart={'z': z0})
    return sol['x'][:n]
Exemple #28
    hs = [matrix(0.0, (M, M))]
    hs[0][:(M+1)*m:M+1] = 1.0
    hs[0][-1, :m] = -b.T

    return solvers.sdp(c, None, None, Fs, hs)['x'][:n]

# Figure 6.15

data = load(open('robls.bin','rb'))['6.15']
A, b, B = data['A'], data['b'], data['B']
m, n = A.size

# Nominal problem:  minimize || A*x - b ||_2
xnom = +b
lapack.gels(+A, xnom)
xnom = xnom[:n]

# Stochastic problem.
# minimize E || (A+u*B) * x - b ||_2^2 
#          = || A*x - b||_2^2 + x'*P*x
# with P = E(u^2) * B'*B = (1/3) * B'*B

S = A.T * A + (1.0/3.0) * B.T * B
xstoch = A.T * b 
lapack.posv(S, xstoch)

Exemple #29
def l1(P, q):
    Returns the solution u, w of the ell-1 approximation problem

        (primal) minimize ||P*u - q||_1       
        (dual)   maximize    q'*w
                 subject to  P'*w = 0
                             ||w||_infty <= 1.

    m, n = P.size

    # Solve equivalent LP
    #     minimize    [0; 1]' * [u; v]
    #     subject to  [P, -I; -P, -I] * [u; v] <= [q; -q]
    #     maximize    -[q; -q]' * z
    #     subject to  [P', -P']*z  = 0
    #                 [-I, -I]*z + 1 = 0
    #                 z >= 0

    c = matrix(n * [0.0] + m * [1.0])
    h = matrix([q, -q])

    def Fi(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        if trans == 'N':
            # y := alpha * [P, -I; -P, -I] * x + beta*y
            u = P * x[:n]
            y[:m] = alpha * (u - x[n:]) + beta * y[:m]
            y[m:] = alpha * (-u - x[n:]) + beta * y[m:]

            # y := alpha * [P', -P'; -I, -I] * x + beta*y
            y[:n] = alpha * P.T * (x[:m] - x[m:]) + beta * y[:n]
            y[n:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:]) + beta * y[n:]

    def Fkkt(W):

        # Returns a function f(x, y, z) that solves
        # [ 0  0  P'      -P'      ] [ x[:n] ]   [ bx[:n] ]
        # [ 0  0 -I       -I       ] [ x[n:] ]   [ bx[n:] ]
        # [ P -I -D1^{-1}  0       ] [ z[:m] ] = [ bz[:m] ]
        # [-P -I  0       -D2^{-1} ] [ z[m:] ]   [ bz[m:] ]
        # where D1 = diag(di[:m])^2, D2 = diag(di[m:])^2 and di = W['di'].
        # On entry bx, bz are stored in x, z.
        # On exit x, z contain the solution, with z scaled (di .* z is
        # returned instead of z).

        # Factor A = 4*P'*D*P where D = d1.*d2 ./(d1+d2) and
        # d1 = d[:m].^2, d2 = d[m:].^2.

        di = W['di']
        d1, d2 = di[:m]**2, di[m:]**2
        D = div(mul(d1, d2), d1 + d2)
        A = P.T * spdiag(4 * D) * P

        def f(x, y, z):

            # Solve for x[:n]:
            #    A*x[:n] = bx[:n] + P' * ( ((D1-D2)*(D1+D2)^{-1})*bx[n:]
            #        + (2*D1*D2*(D1+D2)^{-1}) * (bz[:m] - bz[m:]) ).

            x[:n] += P.T * (mul(div(d1 - d2, d1 + d2), x[n:]) +
                            mul(2 * D, z[:m] - z[m:]))
            lapack.potrs(A, x)

            # x[n:] := (D1+D2)^{-1} * (bx[n:] - D1*bz[:m] - D2*bz[m:]
            #     + (D1-D2)*P*x[:n])

            u = P * x[:n]
            x[n:] = div(
                x[n:] - mul(d1, z[:m]) - mul(d2, z[m:]) + mul(d1 - d2, u),
                d1 + d2)

            # z[:m] := d1[:m] .* ( P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[:m])
            # z[m:] := d2[m:] .* (-P*x[:n] - x[n:] - bz[m:])

            z[:m] = mul(di[:m], u - x[n:] - z[:m])
            z[m:] = mul(di[m:], -u - x[n:] - z[m:])

        return f

    # Initial primal and dual points from least-squares solution.

    # uls minimizes ||P*u-q||_2; rls is the LS residual.
    uls = +q
    lapack.gels(+P, uls)
    rls = P * uls[:n] - q

    # x0 = [ uls;  1.1*abs(rls) ];   s0 = [q;-q] - [P,-I; -P,-I] * x0
    x0 = matrix([uls[:n], 1.1 * abs(rls)])
    s0 = +h
    Fi(x0, s0, alpha=-1, beta=1)

    # z0 = [ (1+w)/2; (1-w)/2 ] where w = (.9/||rls||_inf) * rls
    # if rls is nonzero and w = 0 otherwise.
    if max(abs(rls)) > 1e-10:
        w = .9 / max(abs(rls)) * rls
        w = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
    z0 = matrix([.5 * (1 + w), .5 * (1 - w)])

    dims = {'l': 2 * m, 'q': [], 's': []}
    sol = solvers.conelp(c,
                             'x': x0,
                             's': s0
                         dualstart={'z': z0})
    return sol['x'][:n], sol['z'][m:] - sol['z'][:m]
    def solve_SAT2(self, cnf, number_of_variables, number_of_clauses):
        #Solves CNFSAT by a Polynomial Time Approximation scheme:
        #	- Encode each clause as a linear equation in n variables: missing variables and negated variables are 0, others are 1
        #	- Solve previous system of equations by least squares algorithm to fit a line
        #	- Variable value above 0.5 is set to 1 and less than 0.5 is set to 0
        #	- Rounded of assignment array satisfies the CNFSAT with high probability
        #Returns: a tuple with set of satisfying assignments
        satass = []
        x = []
        self.solve_SAT(cnf, number_of_variables, number_of_clauses)
        for clause in self.cnfparsed:
            equation = []
            for n in xrange(number_of_variables):
            #print "clause:",clause
            for literal in clause:
                if literal[0] != "!":
                    equation[int(literal[1:]) - 1] = 1
                    equation[int(literal[2:]) - 1] = 0
        for n in xrange(number_of_clauses):
        a = np.array(self.equationsA)
        b = np.array(self.equationsB)
        init_guess = []
        for n in xrange(number_of_variables):
        initial_guess = np.array(init_guess)
        self.A = a
        self.B = b
        #print "a:",a
        #print "b:",b
        #print "a.shape:",a.shape
        #print "b.shape:",b.shape
        matrixa = matrix(a, tc='d')
        matrixb = matrix(b, tc='d')

        x = None
        if number_of_variables == number_of_clauses:
            if self.Algorithm == "lsqr()":
                #x =,b)
                #x = gmres(a,b)
                #x = lgmres(a,b)
                #x = minres(a,b)
                #x = bicg(a,b)
                #x = cg(a,b)
                #x = cgs(a,b)
                #x = bicgstab(a,b)
                x = lsqr(a, b, atol=0, btol=0, conlim=0, show=True)
            if self.Algorithm == "lapack()":
                    x = gesv(matrixa, matrixb)
                    #x = gels(matrixa,matrixb)
                    #x = sysv(matrixa,matrixb)
                    #x = getrs(matrixa,matrixb)
                    x = [matrixb]
                    print "Exception:", sys.exc_info()
                    return None
            if self.Algorithm == "l1regls()":
                l1x = l1regls(matrixa, matrixb)
                ass = []
                x = []
                for n in l1x:
            if self.Algorithm == "lsmr()":
                x = lsmr(a,
            if self.Algorithm == "solve()":
                x = solve(a, b)
            if self.Algorithm == "lstsq()":
                x = lstsq(a, b, lapack_driver='gelsy')
            if self.Algorithm == "lsqr()":
                x = lsqr(a, b, atol=0, btol=0, conlim=0, show=True)
            if self.Algorithm == "lsmr()":
                #x = lsmr(a,b,atol=0.1,btol=0.1,maxiter=5,conlim=10,show=True)
                x = lsmr(a,
            if self.Algorithm == "spsolve()":
                x = dsolve.spsolve(csc_matrix(a), b)
            if self.Algorithm == "pinv2()":
                x = []
                pseudoinverse_a = pinv2(a, check_finite=False)
                x.append(matmul(pseudoinverse_a, b))
            if self.Algorithm == "lsq_linear()":
                x = lsq_linear(a, b, lsq_solver='exact')
            if self.Algorithm == "lapack()":
                    #x = gesv(matrixa,matrixb)
                    x = gels(matrixa, matrixb)
                    #x = sysv(matrixa,matrixb)
                    #x = getrs(matrixa,matrixb)
                    x = [matrixb]
                    print "Exception:", sys.exc_info()
                    return None
            if self.Algorithm == "l1regls()":
                l1x = l1regls(matrixa, matrixb)
                ass = []
                x = []
                for n in l1x:

        print "solve_SAT2(): ", self.Algorithm, ": x:", x
        if x is None:
            return None
        cnt = 0
        binary_parity = 0
        real_parity = 0.0
        if rounding_threshold == "Randomized":
            randomized_rounding_threshold = float(random.randint(
                1, 100000)) / 100000.0
            min_assignment = min(x[0])
            max_assignment = max(x[0])
            randomized_rounding_threshold = (min_assignment +
                                             max_assignment) / 2
        print "randomized_rounding_threshold = ", randomized_rounding_threshold
        print "approximate assignment :", x[0]
        for e in x[0]:
            if e > randomized_rounding_threshold:
                binary_parity += 1
                binary_parity += 0
            real_parity += e
            cnt += 1
        print "solve_SAT2(): real_parity = ", real_parity
        print "solve_SAT2(): binary_parity = ", binary_parity
        return (satass, real_parity, binary_parity, x[0])