Exemple #1
 def estimate_pose(K, pts_2d, line_2d, pts_3d, line_3d):
     # requires a minimum of 3 elements
     if (len(line_2d) + len(pts_2d)) < 3:
         return [(np.full((3, 3), np.nan), np.full(3, np.nan))]
     return pnpl(pts_2d, line_2d, pts_3d, line_3d, K)
Exemple #2
 def estimate_pose(pts_2d, line_2d, pts_3d, line_3d, K):
     return pnpl(pts_2d, line_2d, pts_3d, line_3d, K)
Exemple #3
K = np.array([[160, 0, 320], [0, 120, 240], [0, 0, 1]])

# A pose
R_gt = np.array([
    [0.89802142, -0.41500101, 0.14605372],
    [0.24509948, 0.7476071, 0.61725997],
    [-0.36535431, -0.51851499, 0.77308372],
t_gt = np.array([-0.0767557, 0.13917375, 1.9708239])

# sample 2 points from each line and stack all
pts_ls = line_3d.reshape((-1, 3))
pts_all = np.vstack((pts, pts_ls))

# Project everything to 2D
pts_all_2d = (pts_all @ R_gt.T + t_gt) @ K.T
pts_all_2d = (pts_all_2d / pts_all_2d[:, -1, None])[:, :-1]

pts_2d = pts_all_2d[:4]
line_2d = pts_all_2d[4:].reshape((-1, 2, 2))

# Compute pose candidates. the problem is not minimal so only one
# will be provided
poses = pnpl(pts_2d=pts_2d, line_2d=line_2d, pts_3d=pts, line_3d=line_3d, K=K)
R, t = poses[0]

print("Nr of possible poses:", len(poses))
print("R (ground truth):", R_gt, "R (estimate):", R, sep="\n")
print("t (ground truth):", t_gt)
print("t (estimate):", t)