Exemple #1
def belongs(x, A):
    Form set membership constraint (x in A)
    :param x: :class:`cvxpy_matrix` or array object.
    :param A: Set atom. 
    :rtype: :class:`cvxpy.constr`

    # Element is not array-like
    if (type(x).__name__ not in ARRAY_OBJS and type(x) is not cvxpy_matrix):
        raise ValueError('First argument must be array-like')

    # Set is not valid
    if (A.type != SET):
        raise ValueError('Second argument must be a set')

    # Verify dimensions
    (m1, n1) = A.shape
    (m2, n2) = x.shape

    # Dimensions don't match
    if ((m1, n1) != (m2, n2)):
        raise ValueError('Invalid dimensions')

    # Construct and return constraint
    return cvxpy_constr(x, 'in', A)
Exemple #2
def belongs(x,A):
    Form set membership constraint (x in A)
    :param x: :class:`cvxpy_matrix` or array object.
    :param A: Set atom. 
    :rtype: :class:`cvxpy.constr`
    # Element is not array-like
    if(type(x).__name__ not in ARRAY_OBJS and
       type(x) is not cvxpy_matrix):
        raise ValueError('First argument must be array-like')
    # Set is not valid
    if(A.type != SET):
        raise ValueError('Second argument must be a set')

    # Verify dimensions
    (m1,n1) = A.shape
    (m2,n2) = x.shape

    # Dimensions don't match
    if((m1,n1) != (m2,n2)):
        raise ValueError('Invalid dimensions')

    # Construct and return constraint
    return cvxpy_constr(x,'in',A)
Exemple #3
def compare(obj1, op, obj2):

    # Both scalars
    if ((np.isscalar(obj1) or type(obj1).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS)
            and (np.isscalar(obj2) or type(obj2).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS)):

        # Upgrade scalars to cvxpy_obj
        if (np.isscalar(obj1)):
            obj1 = cvxpy_obj(CONSTANT, obj1, str(obj1))
        if (np.isscalar(obj2)):
            obj2 = cvxpy_obj(CONSTANT, obj2, str(obj2))

        # Construct and return constraint
        return cvxpy_constr(obj1, op, obj2)

    # Upgrate scalars to arrays
    if ((type(obj1) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj1).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS)
            and (np.isscalar(obj2) or type(obj2).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS)):
        (m, n) = obj1.shape
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m, n)
        for i in range(0, m, 1):
            for j in range(0, n, 1):
                new_exp[i, j] = obj2
        obj2 = new_exp
    if ((type(obj2) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj2).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS)
            and (np.isscalar(obj1) or type(obj1).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS)):
        (m, n) = obj2.shape
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m, n)
        for i in range(0, m, 1):
            for j in range(0, n, 1):
                new_exp[i, j] = obj1
        obj1 = new_exp

    # Both arrays
    if ((type(obj1) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj1).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS) and
        (type(obj2) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj2).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS)):
        constr = []
        if (obj1.shape != obj2.shape):
            raise ValueError('Invalid dimensions')
        (m, n) = obj1.shape
        for i in range(0, m, 1):
            for j in range(0, n, 1):
                constr += [compare(obj1[i, j], op, obj2[i, j])]
        return cvxpy_list(constr)

    # Invalid arguments
    raise ValueError('Objects not comparable')
Exemple #4
def compare(obj1,op,obj2):
    # Both scalars 
    if((np.isscalar(obj1) or type(obj1).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS) and
       (np.isscalar(obj2) or type(obj2).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS)):
        # Upgrade scalars to cvxpy_obj
            obj1 = cvxpy_obj(CONSTANT,obj1,str(obj1))
            obj2 = cvxpy_obj(CONSTANT,obj2,str(obj2))

        # Construct and return constraint
        return cvxpy_constr(obj1,op,obj2)

    # Upgrate scalars to arrays
    if((type(obj1) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj1).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS) and
       (np.isscalar(obj2) or type(obj2).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS)):
        (m,n) = obj1.shape
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m,n)
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            for j in range(0,n,1):
                new_exp[i,j] = obj2
        obj2 = new_exp
    if((type(obj2) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj2).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS) and
       (np.isscalar(obj1) or type(obj1).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS)):
        (m,n) = obj2.shape
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m,n)
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            for j in range(0,n,1):
                new_exp[i,j] = obj1
        obj1 = new_exp
    # Both arrays
    if((type(obj1) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj1).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS) and
       (type(obj2) is cvxpy_matrix or type(obj2).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS)):
        constr = []
        if(obj1.shape != obj2.shape):
            raise ValueError('Invalid dimensions')
        (m,n) = obj1.shape
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            for j in range(0,n,1):
                constr += [compare(obj1[i,j],op,obj2[i,j])]
        return cvxpy_list(constr)

    # Invalid arguments
    raise ValueError('Objects not comparable')    
Exemple #5
def expand(arg):
    # Constant
    if(type(arg) is cvxpy_obj):
        return arg,cvxpy_list([])
    # Scalar variable
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_var):
        return arg,cvxpy_list([])

    # Summation
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '+'):

        # Get item and children
        item = arg.item
        children = arg.children

        # New var
        v = var()            
        # Expand children
        new_children = []
        new_constr = cvxpy_list([])
        for child in children:
            # Multiplication
            if(child.type == TREE and
               child.item.name == '*'):
                child_var,child_constr = expand(child.children[1])
                new_children += [child.children[0].data*child_var]
                new_constr += child_constr
            # Else
                child_var,child_constr = expand(child)
                new_children += [child_var]
                new_constr += child_constr
        # Return (Always right side is the new variable)
        new_tree = cvxpy_tree(item,new_children)
        return v,cvxpy_list([equal(new_tree,v)])+new_constr
    # Multiplication
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '*'):

        # Get item and children
        item = arg.item
        children = arg.children

        # New var
        v = var()

        # Apply expand to second operand (first is a constant)
        child_var,child_constr = expand(children[1])

        # Return result (Always right side is the new variable)
        new_tree = cvxpy_tree(item,[children[0],child_var])
        new_eq = cvxpy_list([equal(new_tree,v)])
        new_eq += child_constr
        return v,new_eq
    # Function
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.type == FUNCTION):

        # Get item and children
        item = arg.item
        children = arg.children

        # New var 
        v = var()

        # Analyze children
        new_children = []
        new_constr = cvxpy_list([])
        for child in children:
            child_var,child_constr = expand(child)
            new_children += [child_var]
            new_constr += child_constr
        # Return (Always right side is the new variable)
        new_tree = cvxpy_tree(item,new_children)
        new_constr += item._range_constr(v)
        new_constr += item._dom_constr(new_children)
        return v,cvxpy_list([equal(new_tree,v)])+new_constr
    # Constraint
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_constr):
        # Not set membership
        if(arg.op != 'in'):

            # Apply expand to left and right side
            obj1,constr_list1 = expand(arg.left)
            obj2,constr_list2 = expand(arg.right)
            # Return new constraints
            new_constr = cvxpy_constr(obj1,arg.op,obj2)
            new_list = cvxpy_list([new_constr])
            new_list += constr_list1
            new_list += constr_list2
            return new_list

        # Set membership
            obj, constr_list = expand(arg.left)
            new_constr = cvxpy_constr(obj,arg.op,arg.right)
            return cvxpy_list([new_constr])+constr_list

    # Array
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_expression or
         type(arg) is cvxpy_var):
        (m,n) = arg.shape
        new_list = cvxpy_list([])
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m,n)
        for i in range(0,m,1):
            for j in range(0,n,1):

                # Number: Upgrade
                    new_exp[i,j] = cvxpy_obj(CONSTANT,arg[i,j],str(arg[i,j]))
                # Not a number
                    obj,constr_list = expand(arg[i,j])
                    new_exp[i,j] = obj
                    new_list += constr_list
        return new_exp,new_list
    # List of constraints
    elif(type(arg) is cvxpy_list):

        # Empty list
        if(len(arg) == 0):
            return cvxpy_list([])
            new_list = map(expand,arg)
            return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,new_list)

    # Invalid
        raise ValueError('Invalid argument')
def expand(arg):

    # Constant
    if (type(arg) is cvxpy_obj):
        return arg, cvxpy_list([])

    # Scalar variable
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_scalar_var):
        return arg, cvxpy_list([])

    # Summation
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '+'):

        # Get item and children
        item = arg.item
        children = arg.children

        # New var
        v = var()

        # Expand children
        new_children = []
        new_constr = cvxpy_list([])
        for child in children:

            # Multiplication
            if (child.type == TREE and child.item.name == '*'):
                child_var, child_constr = expand(child.children[1])
                new_children += [child.children[0].data * child_var]
                new_constr += child_constr

            # Else
                child_var, child_constr = expand(child)
                new_children += [child_var]
                new_constr += child_constr

        # Return (Always right side is the new variable)
        new_tree = cvxpy_tree(item, new_children)
        return v, cvxpy_list([equal(new_tree, v)]) + new_constr

    # Multiplication
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.name == '*'):

        # Get item and children
        item = arg.item
        children = arg.children

        # New var
        v = var()

        # Apply expand to second operand (first is a constant)
        child_var, child_constr = expand(children[1])

        # Return result (Always right side is the new variable)
        new_tree = cvxpy_tree(item, [children[0], child_var])
        new_eq = cvxpy_list([equal(new_tree, v)])
        new_eq += child_constr
        return v, new_eq

    # Function
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_tree and arg.item.type == FUNCTION):

        # Get item and children
        item = arg.item
        children = arg.children

        # New var
        v = var()

        # Analyze children
        new_children = []
        new_constr = cvxpy_list([])
        for child in children:
            child_var, child_constr = expand(child)
            new_children += [child_var]
            new_constr += child_constr

        # Return (Always right side is the new variable)
        new_tree = cvxpy_tree(item, new_children)
        new_constr += item._range_constr(v)
        new_constr += item._dom_constr(new_children)
        return v, cvxpy_list([equal(new_tree, v)]) + new_constr

    # Constraint
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_constr):

        # Not set membership
        if (arg.op != 'in'):

            # Apply expand to left and right side
            obj1, constr_list1 = expand(arg.left)
            obj2, constr_list2 = expand(arg.right)

            # Return new constraints
            new_constr = cvxpy_constr(obj1, arg.op, obj2)
            new_list = cvxpy_list([new_constr])
            new_list += constr_list1
            new_list += constr_list2
            return new_list

        # Set membership
            obj, constr_list = expand(arg.left)
            new_constr = cvxpy_constr(obj, arg.op, arg.right)
            return cvxpy_list([new_constr]) + constr_list

    # Array
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_expression or type(arg) is cvxpy_var):
        (m, n) = arg.shape
        new_list = cvxpy_list([])
        new_exp = cvxpy_expression(m, n)
        for i in range(0, m, 1):
            for j in range(0, n, 1):

                # Number: Upgrade
                if (np.isscalar(arg[i, j])):
                    new_exp[i, j] = cvxpy_obj(CONSTANT, arg[i, j],
                                              str(arg[i, j]))

                # Not a number
                    obj, constr_list = expand(arg[i, j])
                    new_exp[i, j] = obj
                    new_list += constr_list
        return new_exp, new_list

    # List of constraints
    elif (type(arg) is cvxpy_list):

        # Empty list
        if (len(arg) == 0):
            return cvxpy_list([])
            new_list = map(expand, arg)
            return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, new_list)

    # Invalid
        raise ValueError('Invalid argument')