Exemple #1
 def test_variables(self):
     """Test the variables method.
     p = Problem(Minimize(self.a), [self.a <= self.x, self.b <= self.A + 2])
     vars_ = p.variables()
     ref = [self.a, self.x, self.b, self.A]
     if PY2:
         self.assertItemsEqual(vars_, ref)
         self.assertCountEqual(vars_, ref)
Exemple #2
 def test_variables(self):
     """Test the variables method.
     p = Problem(Minimize(self.a), [self.a <= self.x, self.b <= self.A + 2])
     vars_ = p.variables()
     ref = [self.a, self.x, self.b, self.A]
     if PY2:
         self.assertItemsEqual(vars_, ref)
         self.assertCountEqual(vars_, ref)
Exemple #3
 def test_variables(self):
     """Test the variables method.
     p = Problem(Minimize(self.a), [self.a <= self.x, self.b <= self.A + 2])
     vars_ = p.variables()
     self.assertItemsEqual(vars_, [self.a, self.x, self.b, self.A])
Exemple #4
 def test_variables(self):
     """Test the variables method.
     p = Problem(Minimize(self.a), [self.a <= self.x, self.b <= self.A + 2])
     vars_ = p.variables()
     self.assertItemsEqual(vars_, [self.a, self.x, self.b, self.A])
Exemple #5
def partial_optimize(prob: Problem,
                     opt_vars: Optional[List[Variable]] = None,
                     dont_opt_vars: Optional[List[Variable]] = None,
                     **kwargs) -> "PartialProblem":
    """Partially optimizes the given problem over the specified variables.

    Either opt_vars or dont_opt_vars must be given.
    If both are given, they must contain all the variables in the problem.

    Partial optimize is useful for two-stage optimization and graph implementations.
    For example, we can write

    .. code :: python

        x = Variable(n)
        t = Variable(n)
        abs_x = partial_optimize(Problem(Minimize(sum(t)),
                  [-t <= x, x <= t]), opt_vars=[t])

    to define the entrywise absolute value of x.

    prob : Problem
        The problem to partially optimize.
    opt_vars : list, optional
        The variables to optimize over.
    dont_opt_vars : list, optional
        The variables to not optimize over.
    solver : str, optional
        The default solver to use for value and grad.
    kwargs : keywords, optional
        Additional solver specific keyword arguments.

        An expression representing the partial optimization.
        Convex for minimization objectives and concave for maximization objectives.
    # One of the two arguments must be specified.
    if opt_vars is None and dont_opt_vars is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "partial_optimize called with neither opt_vars nor dont_opt_vars.")
    # If opt_vars is not specified, it's the complement of dont_opt_vars.
    elif opt_vars is None:
        ids = [id(var) for var in dont_opt_vars]
        opt_vars = [var for var in prob.variables() if not id(var) in ids]
    # If dont_opt_vars is not specified, it's the complement of opt_vars.
    elif dont_opt_vars is None:
        ids = [id(var) for var in opt_vars]
        dont_opt_vars = [var for var in prob.variables() if not id(var) in ids]
    elif opt_vars is not None and dont_opt_vars is not None:
        ids = [id(var) for var in opt_vars + dont_opt_vars]
        for var in prob.variables():
            if id(var) not in ids:
                raise ValueError(
                    ("If opt_vars and new_opt_vars are both specified, "
                     "they must contain all variables in the problem."))

    # Replace the opt_vars in prob with new variables.
    id_to_new_var = {
        id(var): Variable(var.shape, **var.attributes)
        for var in opt_vars
    new_obj = prob.objective.tree_copy(id_to_new_var)
    new_constrs = [con.tree_copy(id_to_new_var) for con in prob.constraints]
    new_var_prob = Problem(new_obj, new_constrs)
    return PartialProblem(new_var_prob, opt_vars, dont_opt_vars, solver,