def test_plot_neighborhood(self): """Plots neighborhoods with Igraph""" pkg_names="vim nautilus python-apt python-cairo python3".split() dn = cxnet.debnetwork() for pkg_name in pkg_names: dn.cxneighborhood(pkg_name, plot="pdf") print("See neighbors_*.pdf .")
def setUp(self): = cxnet.debnetwork()
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 """Saves the deb software package network. With -u or --upload argument uploades to the django server if you have permission """ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import cxnet import sys import os __author__ = 'Arpad Horvath' net = cxnet.debnetwork() name0 = net.cxwrite(formats=["graphmlz"]) print("N = {0}, M = {1}".format(net.vcount(), net.ecount())) if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] in ["--upload", "-u"]: name = os.path.join("netdata_zip", name0) print(name) os.system("Djangora-pack {name}.graphmlz".format(name=name)) value = os.system("cp {name}.graphmlz pack".format(name=name)) if value: print("I could not copy to pack subdirectory" " of your actual directory.")
# cxnet.Graph == igraph.Graph # cxnet.plot == igraph.plot # cxnet.summary == igraph.summary # IN, OUT, WEAK and STRONG are the same in cxnet as in igraph # cxnet.Network derived from Graph # methods added: plot, cx* # ipython -pylab import cxnet net = cxnet.debnetwork() N = net.vcount() M = net.ecount() N, M cxnet.summary(net) ############################## # Components ############################## scc = net.components() scc # strongly connected components sizes = scc.sizes() len(sizes) max(sizes) giant = scc.giant() # giant component cxnet.plot(giant) giant.plot() net.cxneighbors("xserver-xorg") net.cxneighborhood("xserver-xorg", plot=True) net.cxneighborhood("vim", plot=True) net.cxneighborhood("evince", plot=True)