Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, verbose=1):
        #connect to the cyberglove
        self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()

        self.verbose = verbose

        glove_sensors = [
            "G_ThumbRotate", "G_ThumbMPJ", "G_ThumbIJ", "G_ThumbAb",
            "G_IndexMPJ", "G_IndexPIJ", "G_IndexDIJ", "G_MiddleMPJ",
            "G_MiddlePIJ", "G_MiddleDIJ", "G_MiddleIndexAb", "G_RingMPJ",
            "G_RingPIJ", "G_RingDIJ", "G_RingMiddleAb", "G_PinkieMPJ",
            "G_PinkiePIJ", "G_PinkieDIJ", "G_PinkieRingAb", "G_PalmArch",
            "G_WristPitch", "G_WristYaw"

        index = 0
        self.glove_name_index_map = {}
        for sensor in glove_sensors:
            self.glove_name_index_map[sensor] = index
            index += 1

        # fill the table containing all the joints
        hand_joints = [
            "TH1", "TH2", "TH3", "TH4", "TH5", "FF0", "FF3", "FF4", "MF0",
            "MF3", "MF4", "RF0", "RF3", "RF4", "LF0", "LF3", "LF4", "LF5",
            "WR1", "WR2"

        index = 0
        self.hand_name_index_map = {}
        for sensor in hand_joints:
            self.hand_name_index_map[sensor] = index
            index += 1

        self.thumb_glove = {
            "G_ThumbRotate": 0,
            "G_ThumbMPJ": 1,
            "G_ThumbAb": 2

        self.thumb_hand = {"TH2": 0, "TH4": 1, "TH5": 2}

        self.configurations = []

        self.simplex_iteration_index = 0

        if (self.verbose == 1):
            for conf in self.configurations:
                print "-------"
                print conf.description
                print conf.glove_data
                print conf.hand_data
            print "-------"
            print ""

        self.minerror = 1000000
        self.maxerror = 0
 def __init__(self, verbose = 1):
     #connect to the cyberglove
     self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()
     self.verbose = verbose
     glove_sensors = ["G_ThumbRotate", "G_ThumbMPJ", "G_ThumbIJ", "G_ThumbAb", "G_IndexMPJ", "G_IndexPIJ", 
                      "G_IndexDIJ", "G_MiddleMPJ", "G_MiddlePIJ", "G_MiddleDIJ", "G_MiddleIndexAb", "G_RingMPJ", 
                      "G_RingPIJ", "G_RingDIJ", "G_RingMiddleAb", "G_PinkieMPJ", "G_PinkiePIJ", "G_PinkieDIJ", 
                      "G_PinkieRingAb", "G_PalmArch", "G_WristPitch", "G_WristYaw"]
     index = 0        
     self.glove_name_index_map = {} 
     for sensor in glove_sensors:
         self.glove_name_index_map[sensor] = index
         index += 1
     # fill the table containing all the joints
     hand_joints = ["TH1","TH2","TH3","TH4","TH5","FF0","FF3","FF4","MF0","MF3","MF4","RF0","RF3","RF4","LF0",
     index = 0        
     self.hand_name_index_map = {} 
     for sensor in hand_joints:
         self.hand_name_index_map[sensor] = index
         index += 1
     self.thumb_glove = { "G_ThumbRotate": 0,
                          "G_ThumbMPJ":    1,
                          "G_ThumbAb":     2 }
     self.thumb_hand = { "TH2":           0,
                         "TH4":           1,
                         "TH5":           2 }
     self.configurations = []
     self.simplex_iteration_index = 0
     if(self.verbose == 1):
         for conf in self.configurations:
             print "-------"
             print conf.description
             print conf.glove_data
             print conf.hand_data
         print "-------"
         print ""
     self.minerror = 1000000
     self.maxerror = 0
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, description_function=default_description):
        Initialize some class variables: a table containing the calibration steps, a connection to the cyberglove
        library and a description function for the calibration steps
        @param description_function: specify a function you want to use to describe the calibration steps ( text / 
        pictures / animation / ... ). Must take a joint name as parameter.
        self.calibration_steps = []

        self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()

        # fill the table containing all the joints
        self.joints = {}
        for name in self.cyberglove.get_joints_names():
            self.joints[name] = Calibration()


        if description_function == None:
            description_function = do_nothing
        self.description_function = description_function
 def __init__(self, description_function = default_description):
     Initialize some class variables: a table containing the calibration steps, a connection to the cyberglove
     library and a description function for the calibration steps
     @param description_function: specify a function you want to use to describe the calibration steps ( text / 
     pictures / animation / ... ). Must take a joint name as parameter.
     self.calibration_steps = []
     self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()
     # fill the table containing all the joints
     self.joints = {}
     for name in self.cyberglove.get_joints_names():
         self.joints[name] = Calibration()
     if description_function == None:
         description_function = do_nothing
     self.description_function = description_function
Exemple #5
class CybergloveCalibrer:
    A utility to calibrate the cyberglove.
    def __init__(self, description_function=default_description):
        Initialize some class variables: a table containing the calibration steps, a connection to the cyberglove
        library and a description function for the calibration steps
        @param description_function: specify a function you want to use to describe the calibration steps ( text / 
        pictures / animation / ... ). Must take a joint name as parameter.
        self.calibration_steps = []

        self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()

        # fill the table containing all the joints
        self.joints = {}
        for name in self.cyberglove.get_joints_names():
            self.joints[name] = Calibration()


        if description_function == None:
            description_function = do_nothing
        self.description_function = description_function

    def get_calibration_steps(self):
        Read the calibration steps from the xml file.
        @return: 0 when the values were read.

        #first step: calibrate 0s, 3s and TH4
        joints1 = [
            Joint("G_IndexMPJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_IndexPIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_IndexDIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_MiddleMPJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_MiddlePIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_MiddleDIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_RingMPJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_RingPIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_RingDIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_PinkieMPJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_PinkiePIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_PinkieDIJ", 0, 90),
            Joint("G_ThumbAb", 50, 0)
                step_name="Joints 0s, 3s and thumb abduction (THJ4)",
                    "Hand flat on a table, fingers joined, thumb opened",
                    "Hand forming a fist, thumb closed"

        #second step: calibrate 4s, TH1, TH2, TH5 and WR2
        joints2 = [
            Joint("G_ThumbIJ", 90, 0),
            Joint("G_ThumbMPJ", 30, -30),
            Joint("G_MiddleIndexAb", 0, 50),
            Joint("G_RingMiddleAb", 0, 50),
            Joint("G_PinkieRingAb", 0, 50),
            Joint("G_WristYaw", 10, -30)
                step_name="Joints 4s + TH1, 2, and WR2",
                    "Hand flat fingers joined, thumb completely curled under the palm, wrist 2 bent to the left",
                    "Hand flat fingers apart, thumb completely opened, wrist bent 2 to the right"

        #third step: calibrate TH5
        joints3 = [Joint("G_ThumbRotate", 60, -60)]
            CalibrationStep(step_name="Joint TH5",
                                "thumb completely under the palm",
                                "thumb completely opened, curled over the palm"

        #fourth step: calibrate LF5 and WR1
        joints4 = [Joint("G_PalmArch", 0, 40), Joint("G_WristPitch", -30, 40)]
            CalibrationStep(step_name="LF5 and WR1",
                                "Hand flat, wrist 1 bent backward",
                                "Palm curled (LFJ5), wrist 1 bent forward"

        return 0

    def do_step_min(self, index):
        Run  the given step of the calibration, gets the min values.
        @param index: the index of the step in the calibration file
        @return: 0 when the values were read. 
        joints = self.calibration_steps[index].joints
        # display the description
            self.calibration_steps[index].step_description[0], 0)

        for joint in joints:
            name = joint.name
            #read the min values
            self.joints[name].raw_min = self.cyberglove.read_raw_average_value(
            self.joints[name].calibrated_min = joint.min
            #still needs to read the max before fully calibrated
            self.joints[name].is_calibrated += 0.5
        return 0

    def do_step_max(self, index):
        Run  the given step of the calibration, gets the max values.
        As this method is called after the do_step_min() method, we don't display the description
        @param index: the index of the step in the calibration file
        @return: 0 when the values were read. 
        joints = self.calibration_steps[index].joints
        # display the description
            self.calibration_steps[index].step_description[1], 0)

        for joint in joints:
            name = joint.name
            #read the max values
            self.joints[name].raw_max = self.cyberglove.read_raw_average_value(
            self.joints[name].calibrated_max = joint.max
            #still needs to read the max before fully calibrated
            self.joints[name].is_calibrated += 0.5
        return 0

    def is_step_done(self, joint_name):
        Check if the joint is calibrated.
        @param joint_name: the name of the joint
        @return: 1 if the joint has already been calibrated. 

        return self.joints[joint_name].is_calibrated

    def all_steps_done(self):
        Check if all the steps were processed.
        @return: True if all the steps were processed. 
        for calib in self.joints.values():
            if calib.is_calibrated != 1:
                return False

        return True

    def reorder_calibration(self):
        Reorder the calibration: set the raw_min to the min raw_value
        for name in self.joints.keys():
            if self.joints[name].raw_min > self.joints[name].raw_max:
                tmp_raw = self.joints[name].raw_min
                tmp_cal = self.joints[name].calibrated_min
                self.joints[name].raw_min = self.joints[name].raw_max
                self.joints[name].calibrated_min = self.joints[
                self.joints[name].raw_max = tmp_raw
                self.joints[name].calibrated_max = tmp_cal

    def write_calibration_file(self, filepath):
        Checks if all the steps were processed by calling self.all_steps_done()
        Reorder the calibration
        Then writes the whole calibration to a given file.
        @param filepath: Where to write the calibration
        @return: 0 if the file has been written, 
                -1 if the calibration is not finished yet,
                -2 if other error     

        #Where all the steps processed?
        if not self.all_steps_done():
            return -1

        #reorder the calibration

        # Write to an xml file
        #store the text in a table
        text = []

        text.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>")
        for name in self.joints:
            #joint name
            text.append("<Joint name=\"" + name + "\">")

            cal = self.joints[name]
            #min value
            text.append("<calib raw_value=\"" + str(cal.raw_min) +
                        "\" calibrated_value=\"" + str(cal.calibrated_min) +

            #max value
            text.append("<calib raw_value=\"" + str(cal.raw_max) +
                        "\" calibrated_value=\"" + str(cal.calibrated_max) +



        #write the text to a file
            output = open(filepath, "w")
            for line in text:
                output.write(line + "\n")

            return -2

        return 0

    def load_calib(self, filename):
        if filename == "":
            return -1

            calib = rospy.ServiceProxy('cyberglove/calibration',
            path = filename.encode("iso-8859-1")
            resp = calib(path)
            return resp.state
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print 'Failed to call start service'
            return -2
class CybergloveCalibrer:
    A utility to calibrate the cyberglove.
    def __init__(self, description_function = default_description):
        Initialize some class variables: a table containing the calibration steps, a connection to the cyberglove
        library and a description function for the calibration steps
        @param description_function: specify a function you want to use to describe the calibration steps ( text / 
        pictures / animation / ... ). Must take a joint name as parameter.
        self.calibration_steps = []
        self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()
        # fill the table containing all the joints
        self.joints = {}
        for name in self.cyberglove.get_joints_names():
            self.joints[name] = Calibration()
        if description_function == None:
            description_function = do_nothing
        self.description_function = description_function
    def get_calibration_steps(self):
        Read the calibration steps from the xml file.
        @return: 0 when the values were read.
        #first step: calibrate 0s, 3s and TH4 
        joints1 = [Joint("G_IndexMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_IndexPIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_IndexDIJ", 0, 90), 
                  Joint("G_MiddleMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_MiddlePIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_MiddleDIJ", 0, 90),
                  Joint("G_RingMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_RingPIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_RingDIJ", 0, 90),
                  Joint("G_PinkieMPJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_PinkiePIJ", 0, 90), Joint("G_PinkieDIJ", 0, 90),
                  Joint("G_ThumbAb", 50, 0) ]
        self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="Joints 0s, 3s and thumb abduction (THJ4)",
                                                      step_description = ["Hand flat on a table, fingers joined, thumb opened",
                                                                          "Hand forming a fist, thumb closed"],
                                                      joints = joints1 ))
        #second step: calibrate 4s, TH1, TH2, TH5 and WR2
        joints2 = [Joint("G_ThumbIJ", 90, 0), Joint("G_ThumbMPJ", 30, -30),  
                   Joint("G_MiddleIndexAb", 0, 50), Joint("G_RingMiddleAb", 0, 50), Joint("G_PinkieRingAb", 0, 50),
                   Joint("G_WristYaw", 10, -30)]
        self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="Joints 4s + TH1, 2, and WR2",
                                                      step_description = ["Hand flat fingers joined, thumb completely curled under the palm, wrist 2 bent to the left",
                                                                          "Hand flat fingers apart, thumb completely opened, wrist bent 2 to the right"],
                                                      joints = joints2 ))
        #third step: calibrate TH5 
        joints3 = [Joint("G_ThumbRotate", 60, -60)]
        self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="Joint TH5",
                                                      step_description = ["thumb completely under the palm",
                                                                          "thumb completely opened, curled over the palm"],
                                                      joints = joints3 ))
        #fourth step: calibrate LF5 and WR1
        joints4 = [Joint("G_PalmArch", 0, 40), Joint("G_WristPitch", -30, 40)]
        self.calibration_steps.append(CalibrationStep(step_name="LF5 and WR1",
                                                      step_description = ["Hand flat, wrist 1 bent backward",
                                                                          "Palm curled (LFJ5), wrist 1 bent forward"],
                                                      joints = joints4 ))
        return 0
    def do_step_min(self, index):
        Run  the given step of the calibration, gets the min values.
        @param index: the index of the step in the calibration file
        @return: 0 when the values were read. 
        joints = self.calibration_steps[index].joints
        # display the description
        self.description_function(self.calibration_steps[index].step_description[0], 0)
        for joint in joints:
            name = joint.name         
            #read the min values
            self.joints[name].raw_min = self.cyberglove.read_raw_average_value(name)
            self.joints[name].calibrated_min = joint.min
            #still needs to read the max before fully calibrated
            self.joints[name].is_calibrated += 0.5
        return 0
    def do_step_max(self, index):
        Run  the given step of the calibration, gets the max values.
        As this method is called after the do_step_min() method, we don't display the description
        @param index: the index of the step in the calibration file
        @return: 0 when the values were read. 
        joints = self.calibration_steps[index].joints
        # display the description
        self.description_function(self.calibration_steps[index].step_description[1], 0)
        for joint in joints:
            name = joint.name         
            #read the max values
            self.joints[name].raw_max = self.cyberglove.read_raw_average_value(name)
            self.joints[name].calibrated_max = joint.max
            #still needs to read the max before fully calibrated
            self.joints[name].is_calibrated += 0.5
        return 0
    def is_step_done(self, joint_name):
        Check if the joint is calibrated.
        @param joint_name: the name of the joint
        @return: 1 if the joint has already been calibrated. 
        return self.joints[joint_name].is_calibrated
    def all_steps_done(self):
        Check if all the steps were processed.
        @return: True if all the steps were processed. 
        for calib in self.joints.values():
            if calib.is_calibrated != 1:
                return False

        return True
    def reorder_calibration(self):
        Reorder the calibration: set the raw_min to the min raw_value
        for name in self.joints.keys():
            if self.joints[name].raw_min > self.joints[name].raw_max:
                tmp_raw = self.joints[name].raw_min
                tmp_cal = self.joints[name].calibrated_min
                self.joints[name].raw_min = self.joints[name].raw_max
                self.joints[name].calibrated_min = self.joints[name].calibrated_max
                self.joints[name].raw_max = tmp_raw
                self.joints[name].calibrated_max = tmp_cal
    def write_calibration_file(self, filepath):
        Checks if all the steps were processed by calling self.all_steps_done()
        Reorder the calibration
        Then writes the whole calibration to a given file.
        @param filepath: Where to write the calibration
        @return: 0 if the file has been written, 
                -1 if the calibration is not finished yet,
                -2 if other error     
        #Where all the steps processed?
        if not self.all_steps_done():
            return -1
        #reorder the calibration
        # Write to an xml file
        #store the text in a table
        text = []
        text.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>")
        for name in self.joints:
            #joint name
            text.append("<Joint name=\""+name+"\">")
            cal = self.joints[name]
            #min value
            text.append("<calib raw_value=\""+str(cal.raw_min)
                            +"\" calibrated_value=\""
            #max value
            text.append("<calib raw_value=\""+str(cal.raw_max)
                            +"\" calibrated_value=\""
        #write the text to a file
            output = open(filepath, "w")
            for line in text:
            return -2

        return 0
    def load_calib(self, filename):
        if filename == "":
            return -1
            calib = rospy.ServiceProxy('cyberglove/calibration', CalibrationSrv)
            path = filename.encode("iso-8859-1")
            resp = calib(path)
            return resp.state
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print 'Failed to call start service'
            return -2
Exemple #7
class MappingMinimizer:
    def __init__(self, verbose=1):
        #connect to the cyberglove
        self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()

        self.verbose = verbose

        glove_sensors = [
            "G_ThumbRotate", "G_ThumbMPJ", "G_ThumbIJ", "G_ThumbAb",
            "G_IndexMPJ", "G_IndexPIJ", "G_IndexDIJ", "G_MiddleMPJ",
            "G_MiddlePIJ", "G_MiddleDIJ", "G_MiddleIndexAb", "G_RingMPJ",
            "G_RingPIJ", "G_RingDIJ", "G_RingMiddleAb", "G_PinkieMPJ",
            "G_PinkiePIJ", "G_PinkieDIJ", "G_PinkieRingAb", "G_PalmArch",
            "G_WristPitch", "G_WristYaw"

        index = 0
        self.glove_name_index_map = {}
        for sensor in glove_sensors:
            self.glove_name_index_map[sensor] = index
            index += 1

        # fill the table containing all the joints
        hand_joints = [
            "TH1", "TH2", "TH3", "TH4", "TH5", "FF0", "FF3", "FF4", "MF0",
            "MF3", "MF4", "RF0", "RF3", "RF4", "LF0", "LF3", "LF4", "LF5",
            "WR1", "WR2"

        index = 0
        self.hand_name_index_map = {}
        for sensor in hand_joints:
            self.hand_name_index_map[sensor] = index
            index += 1

        self.thumb_glove = {
            "G_ThumbRotate": 0,
            "G_ThumbMPJ": 1,
            "G_ThumbAb": 2

        self.thumb_hand = {"TH2": 0, "TH4": 1, "TH5": 2}

        self.configurations = []

        self.simplex_iteration_index = 0

        if (self.verbose == 1):
            for conf in self.configurations:
                print "-------"
                print conf.description
                print conf.glove_data
                print conf.hand_data
            print "-------"
            print ""

        self.minerror = 1000000
        self.maxerror = 0

    def initialise_configurations(self):
        configuration = MappingConfiguration()

        # First configuration
        configuration.description = "All fingers and thumb are curved maximum in a punch form ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 52.0, 5.0], [30.0, 43.0, 0.0],
                                   [30.0, 68.0, 16.0]]


        # Second configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching first finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 54.0, -5.0], [19.0, 58.0, 28.0]]


        # Third configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching middle finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 64.0, 9.0], [1.0, 68.0, 29.0]]


        # Fourth configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching ring finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 75.0, 19.0], [1.0, 75.0, 42.0]]


        # Fifth configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching little finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 75.0, 3.0], [1.0, 75.0, 35.0]]


        # Sixth configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching all the finger tips ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[-30.0, 75.0, 60.0], [-7.0, 63.0, 60.0]]


        # Seventh configuration
        configuration.description = "hand flat, thumb relaxed along the fingers "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[0.0, 0.0, -60.0]]


        # Eigth configuration
        configuration.description = "hand flat, thumb opened "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[0.0, 75.0, -60.0]]


    def evaluation_function(self, matrix):
        The error is computed by adding the square error for each configuration.
        error = 0

        #rebuild the matrix as a matrix, not a vector (the implementation of the simplex in scipy works on vectors
        matrix_tmp = []
        for i in range(len(self.thumb_glove)):
            line = []
            for j in range(len(self.thumb_hand)):
                line.append(matrix[i * len(self.thumb_hand) + j])

        matrix = matrix_tmp
        computed_vector_hand = []

        for config in self.configurations:
            #get the hand vectors from the glove data
            for vec_glove in config.glove_data:
                computed_vector_hand.append(self.multiply(vec_glove, matrix))

            #compute the square error
            for vec_comp, vec_hand in zip(computed_vector_hand,
                for computed_hand_data in vec_comp:
                    for hand_data in vec_hand:
                        error += (computed_hand_data -
                                  hand_data) * (computed_hand_data - hand_data)

        if self.verbose == 1:
            print "error: " + str(error)

        if error < self.minerror:
            self.minerror = error

        if error > self.maxerror:
            self.maxerror = error

        return error

    def multiply(self, vector_glove, matrix):
        multiply the vector by the matrix. Returns a vector.
        vector_hand = []
        index_col = 0
        print vector_glove
        print matrix
        for glove_data in vector_glove:
            data = 0
            for line in matrix:
                data += (glove_data * line[index_col])
            index_col += 1

        return vector_hand

    def callback(self, xk):
        Function called at each iteration
        self.simplex_iteration_index += 1
        if self.simplex_iteration_index % 50 == 0:
            print "-------------------------"
            print "iteration number: " + str(self.simplex_iteration_index)
            #print xk

    def minimize(self):
        start = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.thumb_hand)):
            line = []
            for j in range(0, len(self.thumb_glove)):

        xopt = fmin(self.evaluation_function,

        #rebuild the result as a matrix, not a vector (the implementation of the simplex in scipy works on vectors
        output = []
        for i in range(len(self.thumb_glove)):
            line = []
            for j in range(len(self.thumb_hand)):
                line.append(xopt[i * len(self.thumb_hand) + j])

        print "min error: " + str(self.minerror)
        print "max error: " + str(self.maxerror)

        return output

    def write_full_mapping(self,
        Writes the mapping matrix to a file:
        the glove values are the lines, the hand values are the columns

        #initialise the matrix with 0s
        mapping_matrix = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.glove_name_index_map)):
            line = []
            for j in range(0, len(self.hand_name_index_map)):

        # TH3 is always 0, RF4 as well
        #fill the matrix with the known values + th1 (all except the thumb)
            self.hand_name_index_map["FF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["FF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["FF3"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["FF4"]] = -1.0

            self.hand_name_index_map["MF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["MF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["MF3"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["MF4"]] = -1.0

            self.hand_name_index_map["RF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["RF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["RF3"]] = 1.0

            self.hand_name_index_map["LF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["LF0"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["LF3"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["LF4"]] = -1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["LF5"]] = 1.0

            self.hand_name_index_map["WR1"]] = 1.0
            self.hand_name_index_map["WR2"]] = 1.0

            self.hand_name_index_map["TH1"]] = 1.0

        #mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_ThumbAb"]][self.hand_name_index_map["TH4"]] = 1.0
        #mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_ThumbRotate"]][self.hand_name_index_map["TH5"]] = 1.0
        #mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_ThumbMPJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["TH2"]] = 1.0

        #compute the best mapping for the thumb except th1
        thumb_mapping = self.minimize()

        #fill the matrix with the thumb values computed with the simplex
        for glove_name in self.thumb_glove.keys():
            for hand_name in self.thumb_hand.keys():
                #indexes in the computed thumb mapping matrix
                tmp_index_glove = self.thumb_glove[glove_name]
                tmp_index_hand = self.thumb_hand[hand_name]

                #retrieve the mapping value for those sensors
                mapping_value = thumb_mapping[tmp_index_glove][tmp_index_hand]

                #indexes for the whole mapping matrix
                final_index_glove = self.glove_name_index_map[glove_name]
                final_index_hand = self.hand_name_index_map[hand_name]

                #update matrix
                    final_index_hand] = mapping_value
            #write the matrix to a file
        file = open(output_path, "w")
        for line in mapping_matrix:
            for col in line:
                file.write(" " + str(col))


    def record(self, config):
        for i in range(0, 2):
            raw_input(str(i) + ": " + config.description)
            vector_data = [0] * len(self.thumb_glove)
            for sensor_name in self.thumb_glove.keys():
                data = self.cyberglove.read_calibrated_average_value(
                vector_data[self.thumb_glove[sensor_name]] = data

        if (self.verbose == 1):
            print "read values:"
            print config.glove_data
class MappingMinimizer:
    def __init__(self, verbose = 1):
        #connect to the cyberglove
        self.cyberglove = Cyberglove()
        self.verbose = verbose
        glove_sensors = ["G_ThumbRotate", "G_ThumbMPJ", "G_ThumbIJ", "G_ThumbAb", "G_IndexMPJ", "G_IndexPIJ", 
                         "G_IndexDIJ", "G_MiddleMPJ", "G_MiddlePIJ", "G_MiddleDIJ", "G_MiddleIndexAb", "G_RingMPJ", 
                         "G_RingPIJ", "G_RingDIJ", "G_RingMiddleAb", "G_PinkieMPJ", "G_PinkiePIJ", "G_PinkieDIJ", 
                         "G_PinkieRingAb", "G_PalmArch", "G_WristPitch", "G_WristYaw"]
        index = 0        
        self.glove_name_index_map = {} 
        for sensor in glove_sensors:
            self.glove_name_index_map[sensor] = index
            index += 1
        # fill the table containing all the joints
        hand_joints = ["TH1","TH2","TH3","TH4","TH5","FF0","FF3","FF4","MF0","MF3","MF4","RF0","RF3","RF4","LF0",
        index = 0        
        self.hand_name_index_map = {} 
        for sensor in hand_joints:
            self.hand_name_index_map[sensor] = index
            index += 1
        self.thumb_glove = { "G_ThumbRotate": 0,
                             "G_ThumbMPJ":    1,
                             "G_ThumbAb":     2 }
        self.thumb_hand = { "TH2":           0,
                            "TH4":           1,
                            "TH5":           2 }
        self.configurations = []
        self.simplex_iteration_index = 0
        if(self.verbose == 1):
            for conf in self.configurations:
                print "-------"
                print conf.description
                print conf.glove_data
                print conf.hand_data
            print "-------"
            print ""
        self.minerror = 1000000
        self.maxerror = 0
    def initialise_configurations(self):
        configuration = MappingConfiguration()
        # First configuration
        configuration.description = "All fingers and thumb are curved maximum in a punch form ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 52.0, 5.0],
                                   [30.0, 43.0, 0.0],
                                   [30.0, 68.0, 16.0]
        # Second configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching first finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 54.0, -5.0],
                                   [19.0, 58.0, 28.0]]
        # Third configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching middle finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 64.0, 9.0],
                                   [1.0, 68.0, 29.0]]
        # Fourth configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching ring finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 75.0, 19.0],
                                   [1.0, 75.0, 42.0]]
        # Fifth configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching little finger tip ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[30.0, 75.0, 3.0],
                                   [1.0, 75.0, 35.0]]      
        # Sixth configuration
        configuration.description = "Thumb touching all the finger tips ... "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[-30.0, 75.0, 60.0],
                                   [-7.0, 63.0, 60.0]]       

        # Seventh configuration
        configuration.description = "hand flat, thumb relaxed along the fingers "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[0.0, 0.0, -60.0]]       
        # Eigth configuration
        configuration.description = "hand flat, thumb opened "
        configuration.glove_data = []
        #corresponding data for the hand
        configuration.hand_data = [[0.0, 75.0, -60.0]]         

    def evaluation_function(self, matrix):
        The error is computed by adding the square error for each configuration.
        error = 0
        #rebuild the matrix as a matrix, not a vector (the implementation of the simplex in scipy works on vectors
        matrix_tmp = []
        for i in range(len(self.thumb_glove)):
            line = []
            for j in range(len(self.thumb_hand)):
        matrix = matrix_tmp
        computed_vector_hand = []
        for config in self.configurations:
            #get the hand vectors from the glove data
            for vec_glove in config.glove_data:
                computed_vector_hand.append(self.multiply(vec_glove, matrix))
            #compute the square error
            for vec_comp, vec_hand in zip(computed_vector_hand, config.hand_data):
                for computed_hand_data in vec_comp:
                    for hand_data in vec_hand:
                        error += (computed_hand_data-hand_data)*(computed_hand_data-hand_data)
        if self.verbose == 1:
            print "error: "+str(error)
        if error < self.minerror:
            self.minerror = error
        if error > self.maxerror:
            self.maxerror = error
        return error
    def multiply(self, vector_glove, matrix):
        multiply the vector by the matrix. Returns a vector.
        vector_hand = []
        index_col = 0
        print vector_glove
        print matrix
        for glove_data in vector_glove:
            data = 0
            for line in matrix:
                data += (glove_data*line[index_col])
            index_col += 1
        return vector_hand
    def callback(self, xk):
        Function called at each iteration
        self.simplex_iteration_index += 1
        if self.simplex_iteration_index % 50 == 0:
            print "-------------------------"
            print "iteration number: "+ str(self.simplex_iteration_index)
            #print xk
    def minimize(self):
        start = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.thumb_hand)):
            line = []
            for j in range(0, len(self.thumb_glove)):
        xopt = fmin(self.evaluation_function, start, callback=self.callback, maxiter = 5000)
        #rebuild the result as a matrix, not a vector (the implementation of the simplex in scipy works on vectors
        output = []
        for i in range(len(self.thumb_glove)):
            line = []
            for j in range(len(self.thumb_hand)):
        print "min error: "+ str(self.minerror)
        print "max error: "+ str(self.maxerror)
        return output
    def write_full_mapping(self, output_path = "../../../param/GloveToHandMappings"):
        Writes the mapping matrix to a file:
        the glove values are the lines, the hand values are the columns
        #initialise the matrix with 0s
        mapping_matrix = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.glove_name_index_map)):
            line = []
            for j in range(0, len(self.hand_name_index_map)):
        # TH3 is always 0, RF4 as well
        #fill the matrix with the known values + th1 (all except the thumb)
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_IndexDIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["FF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_IndexPIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["FF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_IndexMPJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["FF3"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_MiddleIndexAb"]][self.hand_name_index_map["FF4"]] = -1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_MiddleDIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["MF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_MiddlePIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["MF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_MiddleMPJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["MF3"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_RingMiddleAb"]][self.hand_name_index_map["MF4"]] = -1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_RingDIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["RF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_RingPIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["RF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_RingMPJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["RF3"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_PinkieDIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["LF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_PinkiePIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["LF0"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_PinkieMPJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["LF3"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_PinkieRingAb"]][self.hand_name_index_map["LF4"]] = -1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_PalmArch"]][self.hand_name_index_map["LF5"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_WristPitch"]][self.hand_name_index_map["WR1"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_WristYaw"]][self.hand_name_index_map["WR2"]] = 1.0
        mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_ThumbIJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["TH1"]] = 1.0
        #mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_ThumbAb"]][self.hand_name_index_map["TH4"]] = 1.0
        #mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_ThumbRotate"]][self.hand_name_index_map["TH5"]] = 1.0
        #mapping_matrix[self.glove_name_index_map["G_ThumbMPJ"]][self.hand_name_index_map["TH2"]] = 1.0
        #compute the best mapping for the thumb except th1
        thumb_mapping = self.minimize()
        #fill the matrix with the thumb values computed with the simplex
        for glove_name in self.thumb_glove.keys():
            for hand_name in self.thumb_hand.keys():
                #indexes in the computed thumb mapping matrix
                tmp_index_glove = self.thumb_glove[glove_name]
                tmp_index_hand = self.thumb_hand[hand_name]
                #retrieve the mapping value for those sensors
                mapping_value = thumb_mapping[tmp_index_glove][tmp_index_hand]
                #indexes for the whole mapping matrix
                final_index_glove = self.glove_name_index_map[glove_name]
                final_index_hand = self.hand_name_index_map[hand_name]
                #update matrix
                mapping_matrix[final_index_glove][final_index_hand] = mapping_value
               #write the matrix to a file    
        file = open(output_path, "w")
        for line in mapping_matrix:
            for col in line:
                file.write(" "+str(col) )

    def record(self, config):
        for i in range(0, 2):
            raw_input(str(i) + ": " + config.description)
            vector_data = [0] * len(self.thumb_glove)
            for sensor_name in self.thumb_glove.keys():
                data = self.cyberglove.read_calibrated_average_value(sensor_name)
                vector_data[self.thumb_glove[sensor_name]] = data
        if(self.verbose == 1):
            print "read values:" 
            print config.glove_data