def test_generate_slurm_conf(self): writer = cStringIO.StringIO() partitions = OrderedDict() partitions["hpc"] = Partition("custom_partition_name", "hpc", "Standard_D2_v2", is_default=True, is_hpc=True, max_scaleset_size=3, vcpu_count=2, memory=4, max_vm_count=8) partitions["htc"] = Partition("htc", "htc", "Standard_D2_v3", is_default=False, max_scaleset_size=100, is_hpc=False, vcpu_count=2, memory=3.5, max_vm_count=8) partitions["hpc"].node_list = "hpc-10[1-8]" partitions["htc"].node_list = "htc-[1-8]" with MockSubprocessModule() as mock_subprocess: mock_subprocess.expect([ 'scontrol', 'show', 'hostnames', 'hpc-10[1-8]' ], "hpc-101 hpc-102 hpc-103 hpc-104 hpc-105 hpc-106 hpc-107 hpc-108" ) mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "hpc-101,hpc-102,hpc-103"], 'hpc-10[1-3]') mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "hpc-104,hpc-105,hpc-106"], 'hpc-10[4-6]') mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "hpc-107,hpc-108"], 'hpc-10[7-8]') mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostnames', 'htc-[1-8]'], "htc-1 htc-2 htc-3 htc-4 htc-5 htc-6 htc-7 htc-8") mock_subprocess.expect([ 'scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "htc-1,htc-2,htc-3,htc-4,htc-5,htc-6,htc-7,htc-8" ], 'htc-[1-8]') cyclecloud_slurm._generate_slurm_conf(partitions, writer, mock_subprocess) result = writer.getvalue().strip() expected = ''' PartitionName=custom_partition_name Nodes=hpc-10[1-8] Default=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Nodename=hpc-10[1-3] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=4096 Nodename=hpc-10[4-6] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=4096 Nodename=hpc-10[7-8] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=4096 PartitionName=htc Nodes=htc-[1-8] Default=NO MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Nodename=htc-[1-8] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=3584'''.strip() for e, a in zip(result.splitlines(), expected.splitlines()): assert e == a, "\n%s\n%s" % (e, a)
def test_generate_slurm_conf(self): writer = cStringIO.StringIO() partitions = OrderedDict() # use dampen_memory = .02 to test overriding this partitions["hpc"] = Partition("custom_partition_name", "hpc", "Standard_D2_v2", is_default=True, is_hpc=True, max_scaleset_size=3, vcpu_count=2, memory=128, max_vm_count=8, dampen_memory=.02) partitions["htc"] = Partition("htc", "htc", "Standard_D2_v3", is_default=False, max_scaleset_size=100, is_hpc=False, vcpu_count=2, memory=3.5, max_vm_count=8) partitions["hpc"].node_list = "hpc-10[1-8]" partitions["htc"].node_list = "htc-[1-8]" with MockSubprocessModule() as mock_subprocess: mock_subprocess.expect([ 'scontrol', 'show', 'hostnames', 'hpc-10[1-8]' ], "hpc-101 hpc-102 hpc-103 hpc-104 hpc-105 hpc-106 hpc-107 hpc-108" ) mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "hpc-101,hpc-102,hpc-103"], 'hpc-10[1-3]') mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "hpc-104,hpc-105,hpc-106"], 'hpc-10[4-6]') mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "hpc-107,hpc-108"], 'hpc-10[7-8]') mock_subprocess.expect( ['scontrol', 'show', 'hostnames', 'htc-[1-8]'], "htc-1 htc-2 htc-3 htc-4 htc-5 htc-6 htc-7 htc-8") mock_subprocess.expect([ 'scontrol', 'show', 'hostlist', "htc-1,htc-2,htc-3,htc-4,htc-5,htc-6,htc-7,htc-8" ], 'htc-[1-8]') cyclecloud_slurm._generate_slurm_conf(partitions, writer, mock_subprocess) result = writer.getvalue().strip() expected = ''' # Note: CycleCloud reported a RealMemory of 131072 but we reduced it by 2621 (i.e. max(1gb, 2%)) to account for OS/VM overhead which # would result in the nodes being rejected by Slurm if they report a number less than defined here. # To pick a different percentage to dampen, set slurm.dampen_memory=X in the nodearray's Configuration where X is percentage (5 = 5%). PartitionName=custom_partition_name Nodes=hpc-10[1-8] Default=YES DefMemPerCPU=64225 MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Nodename=hpc-10[1-3] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=128450 Nodename=hpc-10[4-6] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=128450 Nodename=hpc-10[7-8] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=128450 # Note: CycleCloud reported a RealMemory of 3584 but we reduced it by 1024 (i.e. max(1gb, 5%)) to account for OS/VM overhead which # would result in the nodes being rejected by Slurm if they report a number less than defined here. # To pick a different percentage to dampen, set slurm.dampen_memory=X in the nodearray's Configuration where X is percentage (5 = 5%). PartitionName=htc Nodes=htc-[1-8] Default=NO DefMemPerCPU=1280 MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Nodename=htc-[1-8] Feature=cloud STATE=CLOUD CPUs=2 RealMemory=2560'''.strip() for e, a in zip(result.splitlines(), expected.splitlines()): assert e == a, "\n%s\n%s" % (e, a)
def test_create_nodes(self): partitions = {} partitions["hpc"] = Partition("hpc", "hpc", "Standard_D2_v2", is_default=True, is_hpc=True, max_scaleset_size=3, vcpu_count=2, memory=4, max_vm_count=8) partitions["htc"] = Partition("htc", "htc", "Standard_D2_v2", is_default=False, is_hpc=False, max_scaleset_size=100, vcpu_count=2, memory=4, max_vm_count=8) mock_cluster = MockClusterModule() cluster_wrapper = clusterwrapper.ClusterWrapper(, DoNotUse(), DoNotUse(), mock_cluster) subprocess_module = MockSubprocessModule() # create 3 placement groups for hpc with sizes 3,3,2 (3 + 3 + 2 = 8, which is the max_vm_count_ # al expected_request = { 'sets': [{ 'count': 3, 'nameFormat': 'hpc-pg0-%d', 'nameOffset': 1, 'definition': { 'machineType': 'Standard_D2_v2' }, 'nodeAttributes': { 'StartAutomatically': False, 'Fixed': True }, 'nodearray': 'hpc', 'placementGroupId': 'hpc-Standard_D2_v2-pg0' }, { 'count': 3, 'nameFormat': 'hpc-pg1-%d', 'nameOffset': 1, 'definition': { 'machineType': 'Standard_D2_v2' }, 'nodeAttributes': { 'StartAutomatically': False, 'Fixed': True }, 'nodearray': 'hpc', 'placementGroupId': 'hpc-Standard_D2_v2-pg1' }, { 'count': 2, 'nameFormat': 'hpc-pg2-%d', 'nameOffset': 1, 'definition': { 'machineType': 'Standard_D2_v2' }, 'nodeAttributes': { 'StartAutomatically': False, 'Fixed': True }, 'nodearray': 'hpc', 'placementGroupId': 'hpc-Standard_D2_v2-pg2' }, { 'count': 8, 'nameFormat': 'htc-%d', 'nameOffset': 1, 'definition': { 'machineType': 'Standard_D2_v2' }, 'nodeAttributes': { 'StartAutomatically': False, 'Fixed': True }, 'nodearray': 'htc' }] } mock_cluster.expected_create_nodes_request = expected_request cyclecloud_slurm._create_nodes(partitions, cluster_wrapper, subprocess_module) # ok now bump max vm count 1 and try recreating. partitions["hpc"].max_vm_count += 1 partitions[ "hpc"].node_list = "hpc-pg0-[1-3],hpc-pg1-[1-3],hpc-pg2-[1-2]" for _ in range(3): subprocess_module.expect([ 'scontrol', 'show', 'hostnames', 'hpc-pg0-[1-3],hpc-pg1-[1-3],hpc-pg2-[1-2]' ], " ".join([ "hpc-pg0-1", "hpc-pg0-2", "hpc-pg0-3", "hpc-pg1-1", "hpc-pg1-2", "hpc-pg1-3", "hpc-pg2-1", "hpc-pg2-2" ])) # fails because existing node policy is default, error self.assertRaises( CyclecloudSlurmError, lambda: cyclecloud_slurm._create_nodes( partitions, cluster_wrapper, subprocess_module, existing_policy=ExistingNodePolicy.Error)) # succeeds because existing node policy is AllowExisting, so we fill in / add nodes expected_request["sets"] = [{ 'count': 1, 'nameFormat': 'hpc-pg2-%d', 'nameOffset': 3, 'definition': { 'machineType': 'Standard_D2_v2' }, 'nodeAttributes': { 'StartAutomatically': False, 'Fixed': True }, 'nodearray': 'hpc', 'placementGroupId': 'hpc-Standard_D2_v2-pg2' }, { 'count': 8, 'nameFormat': 'htc-%d', 'nameOffset': 1, 'definition': { 'machineType': 'Standard_D2_v2' }, 'nodeAttributes': { 'StartAutomatically': False, 'Fixed': True }, 'nodearray': 'htc' }] cyclecloud_slurm._create_nodes( partitions, cluster_wrapper, subprocess_module, existing_policy=ExistingNodePolicy.AllowExisting)