class WolfePivotPE(PivotPythonBase): def __init__(self, clpModel, bucketSize=1): self.dim = clpModel.nConstraints + clpModel.nVariables self.clpModel = clpModel # Require extra check after leaving variable is chosen clpModel.useCustomPrimal(True) #self.banList = np.array([]) self.orgBan = np.array(self.dim * [True], np.bool) self.notBanned = self.orgBan.copy() self.complementarityList = np.arange(self.dim) #Positive-edge-related attributes self.isDegenerate = False # Create some numpy arrays here ONCE to prevent memory # allocation at each iteration self.aColumn = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.aColumn.reserve(self.dim) self.w = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.w.reserve(self.clpModel.nRows) self.rhs = np.empty(self.clpModel.nRows, dtype=np.double) self.EPSILON = 10**-7 self.lastUpdateIteration = 0 self.compCount = 0 self.nonCompCount = 0 self.compRej = 0 self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate = 0 self.last_p_count = 0 self.iCounter = 0 self.iInterval = 100 # Begining of Positive-Edge-related attributes def updateP(self): '''Finds constraints with abs(rhs) <= epsilon and put their indices in "z" ''' s = self.clpModel nRows = s.nRows rhs = self.rhs s.getRightHandSide(rhs) #self.p = np.where(np.abs(rhs) > self.EPSILON)[0] self.z = np.where(np.abs(rhs) <= self.EPSILON)[0] print 'degeneracy level : ', (len(self.z)) / float(nRows) #self.isDegenerate = (len(self.p) != nRows) self.isDegenerate = (len(self.z) > 0) def updateW(self): '''Sets "w" to be a vector of random vars with "0" at indices defined in "p" Note that vectorTimesB_1 changes "w" ''' self.updateP() self.w.clear() self.w[self.z] = np.random.random(len(self.z)) s = self.clpModel s.vectorTimesB_1(self.w) self.lastUpdateIteration = s.iteration def random(self): 'Defines how random vector "w" components are generated' return random.random() def isCompatible(self, varInd): if not self.isDegenerate: return False s = self.clpModel s.getACol(varInd, self.aColumn) return abs(cydot(self.aColumn, self.w)) < self.EPSILON # End of Positive-Edge-related attributes def pivotColumn(self, updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2): self.updateReducedCosts(updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2) s = self.clpModel self.CompIter = True rc = s.reducedCosts #tol = s.dualTolerance tol = 0 indicesToConsider = np.where(s.varNotFlagged & s.varNotFixed & s.varNotBasic & (((rc > tol) & s.varIsAtUpperBound) | ((rc < -tol) & s.varIsAtLowerBound) | s.varIsFree) & self.notBanned)[0] rc2 = abs(rc[indicesToConsider]) checkFree = False maxRc = maxCompRc = maxInd = maxCompInd = -1 if self.isDegenerate: w = self.w.elements compatibility = np.zeros(s.nCols + s.nRows, dtype=np.double) if len(indicesToConsider) > 0: s.transposeTimesSubsetAll(indicesToConsider, w, compatibility) comp_varInds = indicesToConsider[np.where(abs( compatibility[indicesToConsider]) < self.EPSILON)[0]] comp_rc = abs(rc[comp_varInds]) if len(comp_rc) > 0: if True: s = self.clpModel cl = self.complementarityList maxCompRc = 0 count = 0 #randinds = np.random.randint(len(comp_varInds), size=10) nn = 15 # for i in xrange(random.randint(0, # len(comp_varInds)), # min(nn, len(comp_varInds))): for i in xrange(min(nn, len(comp_varInds))): #for i in randinds: ind = comp_varInds[i] if (s.CLP_getVarStatus(cl[ind]) != 1 and comp_rc[i] > maxCompRc): maxCompInd = ind maxCompRc = rc[maxCompInd] else: maxCompInd = comp_varInds[np.argmax(comp_rc)] maxCompRc = rc[maxCompInd] del compatibility del comp_rc del comp_varInds if len(rc2) > 0: maxInd = indicesToConsider[np.argmax(rc2)] maxRc = rc[maxInd] del rc2 if maxCompInd != -1 and abs(maxCompRc) > 0.00001 * abs(maxRc): self.compCount += 1 #print s.getVarNameByIndex(maxCompInd) return maxCompInd if self.iCounter % self.iInterval == 0: rhs = self.rhs s.getRightHandSide(rhs) p_count = len(np.where(np.abs(rhs) > self.EPSILON)[0]) if abs(p_count - self.last_p_count) > 10: #print s.iteration self.iCounter = 0 self.updateW() self.last_p_count = p_count self.iInterval = max(50, self.iInterval - 50) else: self.iInterval = min(300, self.iInterval + 50) self.iCounter += 1 else: self.iCounter += 1 self.nonCompCount += 1 self.CompIter = False #if self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate > 5: # self.updateW() # self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate = 0 #else: # self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate += 1 # # for i in xrange(s.nConstraints): # print s.getVarNameByIndex(s.getPivotVariable()[i]), # print return maxInd # # # if rc2.shape[0] > 0: # if checkFree: # w = np.where(s.varIsFree)[0] # if w.shape[0] > 0: # ind = s.argWeightedMax(rc2, indicesToConsider, 1, w) # else: # ind = np.argmax(rc2) # else: # ind = np.argmax(rc2) # #print 'incomming var: %d' % indicesToConsider[ind] # ret = indicesToConsider[ind] # del indicesToConsider # not sure if this is necessary # del rc2 # HUGE memory leak otherwise # return ret # return -1 # return self.pivotColumnFirst() def saveWeights(self, model, mode): self.clpModel = model def isPivotAcceptable(self): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # return True # #TODO ComplementarityList can be defined in the current class s = self.clpModel #cl = s.getComplementarityList() cl = self.complementarityList pivotRow = s.pivotRow() if pivotRow < 0: colInd = s.sequenceIn() #print 'entering: ', colInd, ' comp: ', cl[colInd] return 1 pivotVariable = s.getPivotVariable() leavingVarIndex = pivotVariable[pivotRow] colInd = s.sequenceIn() # print 'Basis:' # print s.getPivotVariable() # print 'leave: ', leavingVarIndex # print 'entering: ', colInd, ' comp: ', cl[colInd] if s.CLP_getVarStatus(cl[colInd]) == 1 and \ cl[colInd] != leavingVarIndex: #self.banList = np.concatenate((self.banList, [colInd])) self.notBanned[colInd] = False #s.setFlagged(colInd) if self.CompIter: self.compRej += 1 return 0 #self.banList = np.zeros(self.dim, del self.notBanned self.notBanned = self.orgBan.copy() #self.notBanned = np.array(self.dim * [True]) return 1 def setComplement(self, model, v1, v2): v1n = v2n = listv1 = np.array(model.inds.varIndex[v1n])[v1.indices] listv2 = np.array(model.inds.varIndex[v2n])[v2.indices] for i, j in izip(listv1, listv2): (self.complementarityList[i], self.complementarityList[j]) = \ (self.complementarityList[j], self.complementarityList[i])
class WolfePivotPE(PivotPythonBase): def __init__(self, clpModel, bucketSize=1): self.dim = clpModel.nConstraints + clpModel.nVariables self.clpModel = clpModel # Require extra check after leaving variable is chosen clpModel.useCustomPrimal(True) #self.banList = np.array([]) self.orgBan = np.array(self.dim * [True], np.bool) self.notBanned = self.orgBan.copy() self.complementarityList = np.arange(self.dim) #Positive-edge-related attributes self.isDegenerate = False # Create some numpy arrays here ONCE to prevent memory # allocation at each iteration self.aColumn = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.aColumn.reserve(self.dim) self.w = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.w.reserve(self.clpModel.nRows) self.rhs = np.empty(self.clpModel.nRows, dtype=np.double) self.EPSILON = 10**-7 self.lastUpdateIteration = 0 self.compCount = 0 self.nonCompCount = 0 self.compRej = 0 self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate = 0 self.last_p_count = 0 self.iCounter = 0 self.iInterval = 100 # Begining of Positive-Edge-related attributes def updateP(self): '''Finds constraints with abs(rhs) <= epsilon and put their indices in "z" ''' s = self.clpModel nRows = s.nRows rhs = self.rhs s.getRightHandSide(rhs) #self.p = np.where(np.abs(rhs) > self.EPSILON)[0] self.z = np.where(np.abs(rhs) <= self.EPSILON)[0] print 'degeneracy level : ', (len(self.z)) / float(nRows) #self.isDegenerate = (len(self.p) != nRows) self.isDegenerate = (len(self.z) > 0) def updateW(self): '''Sets "w" to be a vector of random vars with "0" at indices defined in "p" Note that vectorTimesB_1 changes "w" ''' self.updateP() self.w.clear() self.w[self.z] = np.random.random(len(self.z)) s = self.clpModel s.vectorTimesB_1(self.w) self.lastUpdateIteration = s.iteration def random(self): 'Defines how random vector "w" components are generated' return random.random() def isCompatible(self, varInd): if not self.isDegenerate: return False s = self.clpModel s.getACol(varInd, self.aColumn) return abs(cydot(self.aColumn, self.w)) < self.EPSILON # End of Positive-Edge-related attributes def pivotColumn(self, updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2): self.updateReducedCosts(updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2) s = self.clpModel self.CompIter = True rc = s.reducedCosts #tol = s.dualTolerance tol = 0 indicesToConsider = np.where(s.varNotFlagged & s.varNotFixed & s.varNotBasic & (((rc > tol) & s.varIsAtUpperBound) | ( (rc < -tol) & s.varIsAtLowerBound) | s.varIsFree) & self.notBanned)[0] rc2 = abs(rc[indicesToConsider]) checkFree = False maxRc = maxCompRc = maxInd = maxCompInd = -1 if self.isDegenerate: w = self.w.elements compatibility = np.zeros(s.nCols + s.nRows, dtype=np.double) if len(indicesToConsider) > 0: s.transposeTimesSubsetAll(indicesToConsider, w, compatibility) comp_varInds = indicesToConsider[np.where( abs(compatibility[indicesToConsider]) < self.EPSILON)[0]] comp_rc = abs(rc[comp_varInds]) if len(comp_rc) > 0: if True: s = self.clpModel cl = self.complementarityList maxCompRc = 0 count = 0 #randinds = np.random.randint(len(comp_varInds), size=10) nn = 15 # for i in xrange(random.randint(0, # len(comp_varInds)), # min(nn, len(comp_varInds))): for i in xrange(min(nn, len(comp_varInds))): #for i in randinds: ind = comp_varInds[i] if (s.CLP_getVarStatus(cl[ind]) != 1 and comp_rc[i] > maxCompRc): maxCompInd = ind maxCompRc = rc[maxCompInd] else: maxCompInd = comp_varInds[np.argmax(comp_rc)] maxCompRc = rc[maxCompInd] del compatibility del comp_rc del comp_varInds if len(rc2) > 0: maxInd = indicesToConsider[np.argmax(rc2)] maxRc = rc[maxInd] del rc2 if maxCompInd != -1 and abs(maxCompRc) > 0.00001 * abs(maxRc): self.compCount += 1 #print s.getVarNameByIndex(maxCompInd) return maxCompInd if self.iCounter % self.iInterval == 0: rhs = self.rhs s.getRightHandSide(rhs) p_count = len(np.where(np.abs(rhs) > self.EPSILON)[0]) if abs(p_count - self.last_p_count) > 10: #print s.iteration self.iCounter = 0 self.updateW() self.last_p_count = p_count self.iInterval = max(50, self.iInterval - 50) else: self.iInterval = min(300, self.iInterval + 50) self.iCounter += 1 else: self.iCounter += 1 self.nonCompCount += 1 self.CompIter = False #if self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate > 5: # self.updateW() # self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate = 0 #else: # self.numberOfIncompSinceLastUpdate += 1 # # for i in xrange(s.nConstraints): # print s.getVarNameByIndex(s.getPivotVariable()[i]), # print return maxInd # # # if rc2.shape[0] > 0: # if checkFree: # w = np.where(s.varIsFree)[0] # if w.shape[0] > 0: # ind = s.argWeightedMax(rc2, indicesToConsider, 1, w) # else: # ind = np.argmax(rc2) # else: # ind = np.argmax(rc2) # #print 'incomming var: %d' % indicesToConsider[ind] # ret = indicesToConsider[ind] # del indicesToConsider # not sure if this is necessary # del rc2 # HUGE memory leak otherwise # return ret # return -1 # return self.pivotColumnFirst() def saveWeights(self, model, mode): self.clpModel = model def isPivotAcceptable(self): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # return True # #TODO ComplementarityList can be defined in the current class s = self.clpModel #cl = s.getComplementarityList() cl = self.complementarityList pivotRow = s.pivotRow() if pivotRow < 0: colInd = s.sequenceIn() #print 'entering: ', colInd, ' comp: ', cl[colInd] return 1 pivotVariable = s.getPivotVariable() leavingVarIndex = pivotVariable[pivotRow] colInd = s.sequenceIn() # print 'Basis:' # print s.getPivotVariable() # print 'leave: ', leavingVarIndex # print 'entering: ', colInd, ' comp: ', cl[colInd] if s.CLP_getVarStatus(cl[colInd]) == 1 and \ cl[colInd] != leavingVarIndex: #self.banList = np.concatenate((self.banList, [colInd])) self.notBanned[colInd] = False #s.setFlagged(colInd) if self.CompIter: self.compRej += 1 return 0 #self.banList = np.zeros(self.dim, del self.notBanned self.notBanned = self.orgBan.copy() #self.notBanned = np.array(self.dim * [True]) return 1 def setComplement(self, model, v1, v2): v1n = v2n = listv1 = np.array(model.inds.varIndex[v1n])[v1.indices] listv2 = np.array(model.inds.varIndex[v2n])[v2.indices] for i, j in izip(listv1, listv2): (self.complementarityList[i], self.complementarityList[j]) = \ (self.complementarityList[j], self.complementarityList[i])
class PositiveEdgePivot(PivotPythonBase): ''' Positive Edge pivot rule implementation. .. _custom-pivot-usage: **Usage** >>> from import CyClpSimplex >>> from import PositiveEdgePivot >>> from import getMpsExample >>> # Get the path to a sample mps file >>> f = getMpsExample() >>> s = CyClpSimplex() >>> s.readMps(f) # Returns 0 if OK 0 >>> pivot = PositiveEdgePivot(s) >>> s.setPivotMethod(pivot) >>> s.primal() 'optimal' >>> round(s.objectiveValue, 5) 2520.57174 ''' def __init__(self, clpModel, EPSILON=10 ** (-7)): self.clpModel = clpModel self.dim = self.clpModel.nRows + self.clpModel.nCols self.isDegenerate = False # Create some numpy arrays here ONCE to prevent memory # allocation at each iteration self.aColumn = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.aColumn.reserve(self.dim) self.w = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.w.reserve(self.clpModel.nRows) self.rhs = np.empty(self.clpModel.nRows, dtype=np.double) self.EPSILON = EPSILON self.lastUpdateIteration = 0 def updateP(self): '''Finds constraints with abs(rhs) <= epsilon and put their indices in "z" ''' s = self.clpModel nRows = s.nRows rhs = self.rhs s.getRightHandSide(rhs) #self.p = np.where(np.abs(rhs) > self.EPSILON)[0] self.z = np.where(np.abs(rhs) <= self.EPSILON)[0] #print('degeneracy level : ', (len(self.z)) / float(nRows))) self.isDegenerate = (len(self.z) > 0) def updateW(self): '''Sets "w" to be a vector of random vars with "0" at indices defined in "p" Note that vectorTimesB_1 changes "w" ''' self.updateP() self.w.clear() self.w[self.z] = np.random.random(len(self.z)) s = self.clpModel s.vectorTimesB_1(self.w) self.lastUpdateIteration = s.iteration def random(self): 'Defines how random vector "w" components are generated' return random.random() def isCompatible(self, varInd): if not self.isDegenerate: return False s = self.clpModel s.getACol(varInd, self.aColumn) return abs(cydot(self.aColumn, self.w)) < self.EPSILON def checkVar(self, i): return self.isCompatible(i) def pivotColumn(self, updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2): self.updateReducedCosts(updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2) s = self.clpModel rc = s.reducedCosts tol = s.dualTolerance indicesToConsider = np.where(s.varNotFlagged & s.varNotFixed & s.varNotBasic & (((rc > tol) & s.varIsAtUpperBound) | ((rc < -tol) & s.varIsAtLowerBound) | s.varIsFree))[0] rc2 = abs(rc[indicesToConsider]) maxRc = maxCompRc = maxInd = maxCompInd = -1 if self.isDegenerate: w = self.w.elements compatibility = np.zeros(s.nCols + s.nRows, dtype=np.double) if len(indicesToConsider) > 0: s.transposeTimesSubsetAll(indicesToConsider.astype(np.int64), w, compatibility) comp_varInds = indicesToConsider[np.where(abs( compatibility[indicesToConsider]) < self.EPSILON)[0]] comp_rc = abs(rc[comp_varInds]) if len(comp_rc) > 0: maxCompInd = comp_varInds[np.argmax(comp_rc)] maxCompRc = rc[maxCompInd] if len(rc2) > 0: maxInd = indicesToConsider[np.argmax(rc2)] maxRc = rc[maxInd] del rc2 if maxCompInd != -1 and abs(maxCompRc) > 0.1 * abs(maxRc): return maxCompInd self.updateW() return maxInd def saveWeights(self, model, mode): self.clpModel = model def isPivotAcceptable(self): return True
class PositiveEdgePivot(PivotPythonBase): ''' Positive Edge pivot rule implementation. .. _custom-pivot-usage: **Usage** >>> from import CyClpSimplex >>> from import PositiveEdgePivot >>> from import getMpsExample >>> # Get the path to a sample mps file >>> f = getMpsExample() >>> s = CyClpSimplex() >>> s.readMps(f) # Returns 0 if OK 0 >>> pivot = PositiveEdgePivot(s) >>> s.setPivotMethod(pivot) >>> s.primal() 'optimal' >>> round(s.objectiveValue, 5) 2520.57174 ''' def __init__(self, clpModel, EPSILON=10 ** (-7)): self.clpModel = clpModel self.dim = self.clpModel.nRows + self.clpModel.nCols self.isDegenerate = False # Create some numpy arrays here ONCE to prevent memory # allocation at each iteration self.aColumn = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.aColumn.reserve(self.dim) self.w = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.w.reserve(self.clpModel.nRows) self.rhs = np.empty(self.clpModel.nRows, dtype=np.double) self.EPSILON = EPSILON self.lastUpdateIteration = 0 def updateP(self): '''Finds constraints with abs(rhs) <= epsilon and put their indices in "z" ''' s = self.clpModel nRows = s.nRows rhs = self.rhs s.getRightHandSide(rhs) #self.p = np.where(np.abs(rhs) > self.EPSILON)[0] self.z = np.where(np.abs(rhs) <= self.EPSILON)[0] #print 'degeneracy level : ', (len(self.z)) / float(nRows) self.isDegenerate = (len(self.z) > 0) def updateW(self): '''Sets "w" to be a vector of random vars with "0" at indices defined in "p" Note that vectorTimesB_1 changes "w" ''' self.updateP() self.w.clear() self.w[self.z] = np.random.random(len(self.z)) s = self.clpModel s.vectorTimesB_1(self.w) self.lastUpdateIteration = s.iteration def random(self): 'Defines how random vector "w" components are generated' return random.random() def isCompatible(self, varInd): if not self.isDegenerate: return False s = self.clpModel s.getACol(varInd, self.aColumn) return abs(cydot(self.aColumn, self.w)) < self.EPSILON def checkVar(self, i): return self.isCompatible(i) def pivotColumn(self, updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2): self.updateReducedCosts(updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2) s = self.clpModel rc = s.reducedCosts tol = s.dualTolerance indicesToConsider = np.where(s.varNotFlagged & s.varNotFixed & s.varNotBasic & (((rc > tol) & s.varIsAtUpperBound) | ((rc < -tol) & s.varIsAtLowerBound) | s.varIsFree))[0] rc2 = abs(rc[indicesToConsider]) maxRc = maxCompRc = maxInd = maxCompInd = -1 if self.isDegenerate: w = self.w.elements compatibility = np.zeros(s.nCols + s.nRows, dtype=np.double) if len(indicesToConsider) > 0: s.transposeTimesSubsetAll(indicesToConsider.astype(np.int64), w, compatibility) comp_varInds = indicesToConsider[np.where(abs( compatibility[indicesToConsider]) < self.EPSILON)[0]] comp_rc = abs(rc[comp_varInds]) if len(comp_rc) > 0: maxCompInd = comp_varInds[np.argmax(comp_rc)] maxCompRc = rc[maxCompInd] if len(rc2) > 0: maxInd = indicesToConsider[np.argmax(rc2)] maxRc = rc[maxInd] del rc2 if maxCompInd != -1 and abs(maxCompRc) > 0.1 * abs(maxRc): return maxCompInd self.updateW() return maxInd def saveWeights(self, model, mode): self.clpModel = model def isPivotAcceptable(self): return True
class TestCyCoinIndexedVector(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.c = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.c.reserve(5) def test_basic(self): c = self.c c[1] = 3.1 c[4] = -2 self.assertTrue((abs(c.elements - np.array([0., 3.1, 0., 0., -2.])) < 10 ** -8).all()) self.assertTrue((c.indices - np.array([1,4]) < 10 ** -8).all()) self.assertTrue(c.nElements == 2) def test_number_number(self): self.c.clear() self.c[2] = -1.2 self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 0) self.assertEqual(self.c[2], -1.2) self.c.clear() self.assertEqual(self.c[2], 0) self.c[2] = 1.5 self.assertEqual(self.c[2], 1.5) def test_slice_list_number(self): l = [1, 3, 4] self.c[l] = 5.5 self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 5.5) def test_slice_list_list(self): l = [1, 3, 4] val = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_slice_list_array(self): l = [1, 3, 4] val = np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3]) self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_slice_array_number(self): l = np.array([1, 3, 4]) val = 5.5 self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 5.5) def test_slice_array_list(self): l = np.array([1, 3, 4]) val = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_slice_array_array(self): l = np.array([1, 3, 4]) val = np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3]) self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_reAssign(self): c = self.c c[3] = 5 l = [1, 3, 4] c[l] = [1, 1, 1] self.assertEqual(self.c[0], 0) self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 1)
class TestCyCoinIndexedVector(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.c = CyCoinIndexedVector() self.c.reserve(5) def test_basic(self): c = self.c c[1] = 3.1 c[4] = -2 self.assertTrue((abs(c.elements - np.array([0., 3.1, 0., 0., -2.])) < 10**-8).all()) self.assertTrue((c.indices - np.array([1, 4]) < 10**-8).all()) self.assertTrue(c.nElements == 2) def test_number_number(self): self.c.clear() self.c[2] = -1.2 self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 0) self.assertEqual(self.c[2], -1.2) self.c.clear() self.assertEqual(self.c[2], 0) self.c[2] = 1.5 self.assertEqual(self.c[2], 1.5) def test_slice_list_number(self): l = [1, 3, 4] self.c[l] = 5.5 self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 5.5) def test_slice_list_list(self): l = [1, 3, 4] val = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_slice_list_array(self): l = [1, 3, 4] val = np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3]) self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_slice_array_number(self): l = np.array([1, 3, 4]) val = 5.5 self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 5.5) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 5.5) def test_slice_array_list(self): l = np.array([1, 3, 4]) val = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_slice_array_array(self): l = np.array([1, 3, 4]) val = np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3]) self.c[l] = val self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 2.2) self.assertEqual(self.c[4], 3.3) def test_reAssign(self): c = self.c c[3] = 5 l = [1, 3, 4] c[l] = [1, 1, 1] self.assertEqual(self.c[0], 0) self.assertEqual(self.c[1], 1) self.assertEqual(self.c[3], 1)