Exemple #1
def transactions(evaler, senders=(), receivers=(), commodities=(), nucs=()):
    Shape the reduced transation Data Frame into a simple time serie. Applying nuclides selection when required.

    evaler : evaler
    senders :  of the sending facility
    receivers :  of the receiving facility
    commodities :  of the commodity exchanged
    nucs :  of nuclide to select.

    if len(nucs) != 0:
        nucs = tools.format_nucs(nucs)

    df = filters.transactions_nuc(evaler, senders, receivers, commodities,

    df = df[['Time', 'Mass']].groupby(['Time']).sum()

    time = evaler.eval('TimeList')
    df = tools.add_missing_time_step(df, time)
    return df
Exemple #2
def transactions(evaler, senders=(), receivers=(), commodities=(), nucs=()):
    Shape the reduced transation Data Frame into a simple time serie. Applying nuclides selection when required.

    evaler : evaler
    senders :  of the sending facility
    receivers :  of the receiving facility
    commodities :  of the commodity exchanged
    nucs :  of nuclide to select.

    if len(nucs) != 0:
        nucs = tools.format_nucs(nucs)

    df = filters.transactions_nuc(
        evaler, senders, receivers, commodities, nucs)

    df = df[['Time', 'Mass']].groupby(['Time']).sum()

    time = evaler.eval('TimeList')
    df = tools.add_missing_time_step(df, time)
    return df
Exemple #3
def flow_graph(evaler,
    Generate the dot graph of the transation between facilitiese. Applying times
    nuclides selection when required.

    evaler : evaler
    senders : list of the sending facility to consider
    receivers : list of the receiving facility to consider
    commodities : list of the commodity exchanged to consider
    nucs : list of nuclide to consider
    label : label key, used to add label on the arrow connecting facilities (for
    commodity use 'com', for mass use 'mass', for both use com,mass)
    start : first timestep to consider, start included
    stop : last timestep to consider, stop included
    tools.raise_no_graphviz('Unable to generate flow graph!', HAVE_GRAPHVIZ)

    df = transactions_nuc(evaler, senders, receivers, commodities, nucs)

    if start != None:
        df = df.loc[(df['Time'] >= start)]
    if stop != None:
        df = df.loc[(df['Time'] <= stop)]

    group_end = ['ReceiverPrototype', 'SenderPrototype', 'Commodity']
    group_start = group_end + ['Mass']
    df = df[group_start].groupby(group_end).sum()

    agents_ = evaler.eval('AgentEntry')['Prototype'].tolist()

    dot = Digraph('G')

    for agent in agents_:

    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        lbl = ''
        if 'com' in label:
            lbl += str(row['Commodity']) + ' '
        if 'mass' in label:
            lbl += str('{:.2e}'.format(row['Mass'])) + ' '
        dot.edge(row['SenderPrototype'], row['ReceiverPrototype'], label=lbl)

    return dot
Exemple #4
def flow_graph(evaler, senders=(), receivers=(), commodities=(), nucs=(),
        label='', start=None, stop=None):
    Generate the dot graph of the transation between facilitiese. Applying times
    nuclides selection when required.

    evaler : evaler
    senders : list of the sending facility to consider
    receivers : list of the receiving facility to consider
    commodities : list of the commodity exchanged to consider
    nucs : list of nuclide to consider
    label : label key, used to add label on the arrow connecting facilities (for
    commodity use 'com', for mass use 'mass', for both use com,mass)
    start : first timestep to consider, start included
    stop : last timestep to consider, stop included
    tools.raise_no_graphviz('Unable to generate flow graph!', HAVE_GRAPHVIZ)

    df = transactions_nuc(
        evaler, senders, receivers, commodities, nucs)

    if start != None:
        df = df.loc[(df['Time'] >= start)]
    if stop != None:
        df = df.loc[(df['Time'] <= stop)]

    group_end = ['ReceiverPrototype', 'SenderPrototype', 'Commodity']
    group_start = group_end + ['Mass']
    df = df[group_start].groupby(group_end).sum()

    agents_ = evaler.eval('AgentEntry')['Prototype'].tolist()

    dot = Digraph('G')

    for agent in agents_:

    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        lbl = ''
        if 'com' in label:
            lbl += str(row['Commodity']) + ' '
        if 'mass' in label:
            lbl += str('{:.2e}'.format(row['Mass'])) + ' '
        dot.edge(row['SenderPrototype'], row['ReceiverPrototype'],
                 label= lbl)

    return dot
Exemple #5
def test_transactions_nuc(db, fname, backend):
    evaler = cym.Evaluator(db)
    cal = filters.transactions_nuc(evaler)
    exp_head = [
        'SimId', 'ResourceId', 'NucId', 'Mass', 'ReceiverId',
        'ReceiverPrototype', 'SenderId', 'SenderPrototype', 'TransactionId',
        'Commodity', 'Time'
    assert_equal(list(cal), exp_head)  # Check we have the correct headers

    if not HAVE_PYNE:
        raise SkipTest
    # test single nuclide selection
    cal = filters.transactions_nuc(evaler, nucs=['942390000'])
    cal = cal.drop('SimId', 1)  # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('TransactionId', 1)
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('ResourceId', 1)
    refs = pd.DataFrame(
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 1),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 2),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 2),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 3),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 3),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 4),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 17, 'Reactor3', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 4),
                 dtype=ensure_dt_bytes([('NucId', '<i8'), ('Mass', '<f8'),
                                        ('ReceiverId', '<i8'),
                                        ('ReceiverPrototype', 'O'),
                                        ('SenderId', '<i8'),
                                        ('SenderPrototype', 'O'),
                                        ('Commodity', 'O'), ('Time', '<i8')])))
    # refs.index = refs.index.astype('str')
    assert_frame_equal(cal, refs)

    # test multiple nuclide selection
    cal = filters.transactions_nuc(evaler, nucs=['942390000', '922380000'])
    cal = cal.drop('SimId', 1)  # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('TransactionId', 1)
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('ResourceId', 1)
    refs = pd.DataFrame(
            (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 1),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 1),
            (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 2),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 2),
            (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 2),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 2),
            (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 3),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 3),
            (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 3),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 3),
            (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 4),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 4),
            (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 17, 'Reactor3', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 4),
            (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 17, 'Reactor3', 14, 'MOX_Source',
             'mox', 4),
            (922380000, 0.9600000000000, 17, 'Reactor3', 13, 'UOX_Source',
             'uox', 3),
            (922380000, 0.9600000000000, 15, 'Reactor1', 13, 'UOX_Source',
             'uox', 4),
                 dtype=ensure_dt_bytes([('NucId', '<i8'), ('Mass', '<f8'),
                                        ('ReceiverId', '<i8'),
                                        ('ReceiverPrototype', 'O'),
                                        ('SenderId', '<i8'),
                                        ('SenderPrototype', 'O'),
                                        ('Commodity', 'O'), ('Time', '<i8')])))
    # refs.index = refs.index.astype('str')
    assert_frame_equal(cal, refs)
Exemple #6
def test_transactions_nuc(db, fname, backend):
    evaler = cym.Evaluator(db)
    cal = filters.transactions_nuc(evaler)
    exp_head = ['SimId', 'ResourceId', 'NucId', 'Mass', 'ReceiverId', 'ReceiverPrototype',
                'SenderId', 'SenderPrototype', 'TransactionId', 'Commodity', 'Time']
    assert_equal(list(cal), exp_head)  # Check we have the correct headers

    if not HAVE_PYNE:
        raise SkipTest
    # test single nuclide selection
    cal = filters.transactions_nuc(evaler, nucs=['942390000'])
    cal = cal.drop('SimId', 1)  # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('TransactionId', 1)
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('ResourceId', 1)
    refs = pd.DataFrame(np.array([
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 1),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 2),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 2),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 3),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 3),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 4),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 17, 'Reactor3', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 4),
    ], dtype=ensure_dt_bytes([
        ('NucId', '<i8'), ('Mass', '<f8'), ('ReceiverId', '<i8'),
        ('ReceiverPrototype', 'O'), ('SenderId', '<i8'), ('SenderPrototype', 'O'),
        ('Commodity', 'O'), ('Time', '<i8')
    # refs.index = refs.index.astype('str')
    assert_frame_equal(cal, refs)

    # test multiple nuclide selection
    cal = filters.transactions_nuc(
        evaler, nucs=['942390000', '922380000'])
    cal = cal.drop('SimId', 1)  # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('TransactionId', 1)
    # SimId change at each test need to drop it
    cal = cal.drop('ResourceId', 1)
    refs = pd.DataFrame(np.array([
        (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 1),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 1),
        (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 2),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 2),
        (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 2),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 2),
        (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 3),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 15, 'Reactor1', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 3),
        (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 3),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 3),
        (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 4),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 16, 'Reactor2', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 4),
        (922380000, 0.7872433760310, 17, 'Reactor3', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 4),
        (942390000, 0.0444814879803, 17, 'Reactor3', 14, 'MOX_Source', 'mox', 4),
        (922380000, 0.9600000000000, 17, 'Reactor3', 13, 'UOX_Source', 'uox', 3),
        (922380000, 0.9600000000000, 15, 'Reactor1', 13, 'UOX_Source', 'uox', 4),
    ], dtype=ensure_dt_bytes([
        ('NucId', '<i8'), ('Mass', '<f8'), ('ReceiverId', '<i8'),
        ('ReceiverPrototype', 'O'), ('SenderId', '<i8'), ('SenderPrototype', 'O'),
        ('Commodity', 'O'), ('Time', '<i8')
    # refs.index = refs.index.astype('str')
    assert_frame_equal(cal, refs)