def set_offer(request,group_id, id_in_group,valUnits,valPrice,valType): # When this procedure is called, it means a player makes an offer and sends, except for his identity, # info on the number of units, the price and the type (Sell or Buy). # The offer is first created and then checked against the existing offers and matched and cleared if # possible # THIS IS THE ONLY POINT WHERE MATCHING IS DONE. IF HERE THE PROCEDURE MESSES UP AND AN OFFER "ESCAPES" # MATCHING, THE AUCTION WILL NOT BE EXECUTED CORRECTLY! #if not Constants.setOffer_started: if True: Constants.setOffer_started=True print("set_offer called!") context2="" valUnits = int(valUnits) valPrice = int(valPrice) group_id = int(group_id) id_in_group = int(id_in_group) g=getGroup(group_id) p = Player.objects.get(id_in_group=id_in_group,group=g) #print("BEFORE if valUnits and valPrice and int(valPrice)>0 and int(valUnits)>0:") if valUnits and valPrice and int(valPrice)>0 and int(valUnits)>0: # first delete the last standing offer #if Offer.objects.filter(player=p).filter(cleared=False).order_by('-id').count()>0: # Offer.objects.filter(player=p).filter(cleared=False).order_by('-id').first().delete() #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! must be uncommented- commented for demo #now create the new offer c = Offer(player=p) c.unitsAvailable = int(valUnits) c.unitsOriginal = int(valUnits) c.unitsInherited = int(valUnits) c.priceOriginal = int(valPrice) c.type = valType context2={'lastOffer':c} #standing_offer=c print("New Offer:..................................................................................",c) print("price new offer:", c.priceOriginal) print("unitsAvailable new offer",c.unitsAvailable) if valType=="SELL": #then the matcher must be a buy offer_list2 = Offer.objects.filter(\ .exclude(player=p)\ .exclude(canceled=True)\ .filter(priceOriginal__gte=c.priceOriginal)\ .filter(type__iexact="BUY")\ .filter(cleared=False) offer_list = offer_list2.order_by('-priceOriginal','timeCreated') print("buys:",offer_list) print("buys:",offer_list.first()) elif valType == "BUY": #then the matcher must be a sell offer_list2 = Offer.objects.filter(\ .exclude(player=p)\ .exclude(canceled=True)\ .filter(priceOriginal__lte=c.priceOriginal)\ .filter(type__iexact='SELL')\ .filter(cleared=False) offer_list = offer_list2.order_by('priceOriginal','timeCreated') print("sells:",offer_list) else: raise ValueError('valType is neither SELL or BUY') #print("BEFORE first = offer_list.first()") first = offer_list.first() #print("AFTER first = offer_list.first()") #print("BEFORE first_player=first.player") if first: first_player=first.player else: first_player=None #print("AFTER first_player=first.player") #print("first counteroffer is:",first) while first is not None and c.unitsAvailable > first.unitsAvailable : print("greater!") print("first:",first) #1.clear the smaller, first clear_offer_smaller(first,c,first) # now we must split up the offer into two parts, the first of which is cleared, the second part is the # remaining units. This will be compared with other remaining offers (if any). If there are no other # offers, the second part becomes the standing offer with attr "updated" set to True. # a new offer is created, to carry the remaining units from the original offer #2.make copy for the larger, c into c2 c2=copy_offer(c,p,first) #3.clear the larger, c (the part of the present offer that will be cleared) clear_offer_larger(first,c,first) #4. make transaction t = create_transaction(c, first) #5. set products setproducts(c,p,first,first_player) #print("before try, first",first) #6. set vouchers #set_voucher(p,first,first.unitsCleared) # The vouchers are ticked set_voucher(p,first_player,first,c.unitsCleared) # The vouchers are ticked offer_list3 = offer_list.exclude(cleared=True) # update the list of remaining counter-offers print(offer_list3) print("old c:",c) print("old c2:",c2) del c c=c2 print("new c:",c) print("new c2:",c2) if offer_list3: first=offer_list3.first() # get the update the list of remaining counter-offers else: print("no more offers:",offer_list3) first=None if first is not None and c.unitsAvailable < first.unitsAvailable: first_player=first.player print("smaller!") print(first) # now we must split up the counteroffer into two parts, the first of which is cleared, the second part is the # remaining units. #1.clear the smaller, c clear_offer_smaller(c,first,first) #2.make copy for the larger, first into f2 f2=copy_offer(first,first_player,c) #print("after f2=copy_offer(first,first_player,c)") #3. clear the larger, first clear_offer_larger(c,first,first) #4. make transaction t = create_transaction(c, first) #5. set products setproducts(c,p,first,first_player) #calculate production costs or buyers values #6. set vouchers print("1st setvoucher call") # set_voucher(p,first,c.unitsCleared) # The vouchers are ticked set_voucher(p,first_player,first,c.unitsCleared) # The vouchers are ticked #print("After set_voucher(p,first,c.unitsCleared)") #print("After clear_c(c,first) # clear c (as first.unitsA>c.unitsA)") #print("") elif first is not None and c.unitsAvailable == first.unitsAvailable: first_player=first.player print("now equal!") print(first) #1.clear the smaller, c clear_offer_smaller(c,first,first) #2.make copy for the larger - not necessary as equal #3.clear the larger, first clear_offer_larger(c,first,first) #4. make transaction t = create_transaction(c, first) #5. set products setproducts(c,p,first,first_player) #print("f2: ",first) #print("1st setvoucher call") #6. set vouchers #def set_voucher(p,first_player,first,unitsCleared) set_voucher(p,first_player,first,c.unitsCleared) # The vouchers are ticked else: if valUnits=='': messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'fill out the number of units.') if valPrice=='': messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'fill out the price per unit.') if valUnits=='0' or valPrice=='0': messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'choose a number larger than zero.') #DEM: #print("BEFORE if id_in_group == 1:") Constants.setOffer_started=False #if id_in_group == 1: if True: print("is me, thus render!") return render(request,'dAuction2/spot_market/my_standing_offer2.html', context = context2) else: print("is not me, no render! Is:",id_in_group) # For the version with robots, obsolete here return request # DEM: must still be calculated context else: print("presently a set_offer procedure is running, so no others can be processed:",id_in_group) time.sleep(1) Constants.setOffer_started=False return request