Exemple #1
def _define_local_scalar(
    sdfg: SDFG,
    state: SDFGState,
    dtype: dace.typeclass,
    storage: dtypes.StorageType = dtypes.StorageType.Default):
    """ Defines a local scalar in a DaCe program. """
    name = sdfg.temp_data_name()
    sdfg.add_scalar(name, dtype, transient=True, storage=storage)
    return name
Exemple #2
def _cart_create(pv: 'ProgramVisitor', sdfg: SDFG, state: SDFGState,
                 dims: ShapeType):
    """ Creates a process-grid and adds it to the DaCe program. The process-grid is implemented with [MPI_Cart_create](https://www.mpich.org/static/docs/latest/www3/MPI_Cart_create.html).
        :param dims: Shape of the process-grid (see `dims` parameter of `MPI_Cart_create`), e.g., [2, 3, 3].
        :return: Name of the new process-grid descriptor.
    pgrid_name = sdfg.add_pgrid(dims)

    # Dummy tasklet adds MPI variables to the program's state.
    from dace.libraries.mpi import Dummy
    tasklet = Dummy(pgrid_name, [
        f'MPI_Comm {pgrid_name}_comm;',
        f'MPI_Group {pgrid_name}_group;',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_coords[{len(dims)}];',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_dims[{len(dims)}];',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_rank;',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_size;',
        f'bool {pgrid_name}_valid;',


    # Pseudo-writing to a dummy variable to avoid removal of Dummy node by transformations.
    _, scal = sdfg.add_scalar(pgrid_name, dace.int32, transient=True)
    wnode = state.add_write(pgrid_name)
    state.add_edge(tasklet, '__out', wnode, None,
                   Memlet.from_array(pgrid_name, scal))

    return pgrid_name
Exemple #3
def _subarray(pv: 'ProgramVisitor',
              sdfg: SDFG,
              state: SDFGState,
              array: Union[str, ShapeType],
              subarray: Union[str, ShapeType],
              dtype: dtypes.typeclass = None,
              process_grid: str = None,
              correspondence: Sequence[Integral] = None):
    """ Adds a sub-array descriptor to the DaCe Program.
        Sub-arrays are implemented (when `process_grid` is set) with [MPI_Type_create_subarray](https://www.mpich.org/static/docs/v3.2/www3/MPI_Type_create_subarray.html).
        :param array: Either the name of an Array descriptor or the shape of the array (similar to the `array_of_sizes` parameter of `MPI_Type_create_subarray`).
        :param subarray: Either the name of an Array descriptor or the sub-shape of the (sub-)array (similar to the `array_of_subsizes` parameter of `MPI_Type_create_subarray`).
        :param dtype: Datatype of the array/sub-array (similar to the `oldtype` parameter of `MPI_Type_create_subarray`).
        :process_grid: Name of the process-grid for collective scatter/gather operations.
        :param correspondence: Matching of the array/sub-array's dimensions to the process-grid's dimensions.
        :return: Name of the new sub-array descriptor.
    # Get dtype, shape, and subshape
    if isinstance(array, str):
        shape = sdfg.arrays[array].shape
        arr_dtype = sdfg.arrays[array].dtype
        shape = array
        arr_dtype = None
    if isinstance(subarray, str):
        subshape = sdfg.arrays[subarray].shape
        sub_dtype = sdfg.arrays[subarray].dtype
        subshape = subarray
        sub_dtype = None
    dtype = dtype or arr_dtype or sub_dtype

    subarray_name = sdfg.add_subarray(dtype, shape, subshape, process_grid,

    # Generate subgraph only if process-grid is set, i.e., the sub-array will be used for collective scatter/gather ops.
    if process_grid:
        # Dummy tasklet adds MPI variables to the program's state.
        from dace.libraries.mpi import Dummy
        tasklet = Dummy(subarray_name, [
            f'MPI_Datatype {subarray_name};', f'int* {subarray_name}_counts;',
            f'int* {subarray_name}_displs;'


        # Pseudo-writing to a dummy variable to avoid removal of Dummy node by transformations.
        _, scal = sdfg.add_scalar(subarray_name, dace.int32, transient=True)
        wnode = state.add_write(subarray_name)
        state.add_edge(tasklet, '__out', wnode, None,
                       Memlet.from_array(subarray_name, scal))

    return subarray_name
Exemple #4
def _cart_sub(pv: 'ProgramVisitor',
              sdfg: SDFG,
              state: SDFGState,
              parent_grid: str,
              color: Sequence[Union[Integral, bool]],
              exact_grid: RankType = None):
    """ Partitions the `parent_grid` to lower-dimensional sub-grids and adds them to the DaCe program.
        The sub-grids are implemented with [MPI_Cart_sub](https://www.mpich.org/static/docs/latest/www3/MPI_Cart_sub.html).
        :param parent_grid: Parent process-grid (similar to the `comm` parameter of `MPI_Cart_sub`).
        :param color: The i-th entry specifies whether the i-th dimension is kept in the sub-grid or is dropped (see `remain_dims` input of `MPI_Cart_sub`).
        :param exact_grid: [DEVELOPER] If set then, out of all the sub-grids created, only the one that contains the rank with id `exact_grid` will be utilized for collective communication.
        :return: Name of the new sub-grid descriptor.
    pgrid_name = sdfg.add_pgrid(parent_grid=parent_grid,

    # Count sub-grid dimensions.
    pgrid_ndims = sum([bool(c) for c in color])

    # Dummy tasklet adds MPI variables to the program's state.
    from dace.libraries.mpi import Dummy
    tasklet = Dummy(pgrid_name, [
        f'MPI_Comm {pgrid_name}_comm;',
        f'MPI_Group {pgrid_name}_group;',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_coords[{pgrid_ndims}];',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_dims[{pgrid_ndims}];',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_rank;',
        f'int {pgrid_name}_size;',
        f'bool {pgrid_name}_valid;',


    # Pseudo-writing to a dummy variable to avoid removal of Dummy node by transformations.
    _, scal = sdfg.add_scalar(pgrid_name, dace.int32, transient=True)
    wnode = state.add_write(pgrid_name)
    state.add_edge(tasklet, '__out', wnode, None,
                   Memlet.from_array(pgrid_name, scal))

    return pgrid_name
Exemple #5
class ONNXModel:
    """Loads an ONNX model into an SDFG."""
    def __init__(self, name, model: onnx.ModelProto, cuda=False):
        Constructs a new ONNXImporter.
        :param name: the name for the SDFG.
        :param model: the model to import.
        :param cuda: if `True`, weights will be passed as cuda arrays.

        graph: onnx.GraphProto = model.graph

        self.sdfg = SDFG(name)
        self.cuda = cuda
        self.state = self.sdfg.add_state()

        # Add all values to the SDFG, check for unsupported ops

        self.value_infos = {}

        self.inputs = []
        self.outputs = []

        for value, is_input in chain(zip(graph.input, repeat(True)),
                                     zip(graph.output, repeat(False))):
            if not value.HasField("name"):
                raise ValueError("Got input or output without name")
            if is_input:

            self.value_infos[value.name] = value

        for value in graph.value_info:
            if not value.HasField("name"):
                raise ValueError("Got input or output without name")
            if value.name not in self.value_infos:
                self.value_infos[value.name] = value

        # add weights
        self.weights = {}
        for init in graph.initializer:

        access_nodes = {}
        self._idx_to_node = []
        for i, node in enumerate(graph.node):
            if not has_onnx_node(node.op_type):
                raise ValueError("Unsupported ONNX operator: '{}'".format(

            # extract the op attributes

            op_attributes = {
                attribute_proto.name: convert_attribute_proto(attribute_proto)
                for attribute_proto in node.attribute

            if node.HasField("name"):
                node_name = clean_onnx_name(node.name)
                node_name = node.op_type + "_" + str(i)

            # construct the dace node
            op_node = get_onnx_node(node.op_type)(node_name, **op_attributes)

            for param_idx, (name, is_input) in chain(
                    enumerate(zip(node.input, repeat(True))),
                    enumerate(zip(node.output, repeat(False)))):
                if clean_onnx_name(name) not in self.sdfg.arrays:
                    if name not in self.value_infos:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Could not find array with name '{}'".format(name))

                # get the access node
                if name in access_nodes:
                    access = access_nodes[name]
                    self._update_access_type(access, is_input)
                    access = nd.AccessNode(
                        clean_onnx_name(name), AccessType.ReadOnly
                        if is_input else AccessType.WriteOnly)
                    access_nodes[name] = access

                # get the connector name
                params = op_node.schema.inputs if is_input else op_node.schema.outputs
                params_len = len(params)
                if param_idx >= params_len:
                    # this is a variadic parameter. Then the last parameter of the parameter must be variadic.
                    if params[-1].param_type != ONNXParameterType.Variadic:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Expected the last {i_or_o} parameter to be variadic,"
                            " since the {i_or_o} with idx {param_idx} has more parameters than the schema ({params_len})"
                            .format(i_or_o="input" if is_input else "output",
                    conn_name = params[-1].name + "__" + str(param_idx -
                                                             params_len + 1)
                elif params[
                        param_idx].param_type == ONNXParameterType.Variadic:
                    # this is a variadic parameter, and it is within the range of params, so it must be the first
                    # instance of a variadic parameter
                    conn_name = params[param_idx].name + "__0"
                    conn_name = params[param_idx].name

                data_desc = self.sdfg.arrays[clean_onnx_name(name)]

                # add the connector if required, and add an edge
                if is_input:
                    if conn_name not in op_node.in_connectors:
                        access, None, op_node, conn_name,
                    if conn_name not in op_node.out_connectors:

                        op_node, conn_name, access, None,

        if self.cuda:

            # set all gpu transients to be persistent
            for _, _, arr in self.sdfg.arrays_recursive():
                if arr.transient and arr.storage == StorageType.GPU_Global:
                    arr.lifetime = AllocationLifetime.Persistent

    def _update_access_type(node: dace.nodes.AccessNode, is_input: bool):
        if node.access == AccessType.ReadOnly and not is_input:
            node.access = AccessType.ReadWrite
        elif node.access == AccessType.WriteOnly and is_input:
            node.access = AccessType.ReadWrite

    def _add_constant_tensor(self, tensor: onnx.TensorProto):
        if not tensor.HasField("name"):
            raise ValueError("Got tensor without name")

        if not tensor.HasField("data_type"):
            raise ValueError("Initializer tensor '{}' has no type".format(

        name = clean_onnx_name(tensor.name)

        dtype = onnx_tensor_type_to_typeclass(tensor.data_type)

        if len(tensor.dims) == 0:
            # this is a scalar
            self.sdfg.add_scalar(name, dtype)
            dims = [d for d in tensor.dims]
            if name not in self.sdfg.arrays:
                self.sdfg.add_array(name, dims, dtype)
                existing_arr = self.sdfg.arrays[name]
                if existing_arr.dtype != dtype:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Invalid ONNX model; found two values with name '{}', but different dtypes ({} and {})"
                        .format(name, existing_arr.dtype, dtype))
                if tuple(existing_arr.shape) != tuple(dims):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Invalid ONNX model; found two values with name '{}', but different dimensions ({} and {})"
                        .format(name, existing_arr.shape, dims))

        self.weights[tensor.name] = numpy_helper.to_array(tensor)

    def _add_value_info(self, value_info: onnx.ValueInfoProto):
        if not value_info.HasField("name"):
            raise ValueError("Got value without name")

        name = value_info.name

        if not _nested_HasField(value_info, "type.tensor_type.shape"):
            raise ValueError(
                "Value '{}' does not have a shape in this graph."
                " Please run shape inference before importing.".format(name))

        tensor_type = value_info.type.tensor_type

        if not tensor_type.HasField("elem_type"):
            raise ValueError(
                "Value '{}' does not have a type in this graph."
                " Please run type inference before importing.".format(name))

        shape = []
        for d in tensor_type.shape.dim:
            if d.HasField("dim_value"):
            elif d.HasField("dim_param"):
                parsed = pystr_to_symbolic(d.dim_param)

                for sym in parsed.free_symbols:
                    if clean_onnx_name(str(sym)) not in self.sdfg.symbols:
                    parsed = parsed.subs(
                        sym, dace.symbol(clean_onnx_name(str(sym))))

                raise ValueError(
                    "Value '{}' does not have a shape in this graph."
                    " Please run shape inference before importing.".format(
        transient = name not in self.inputs and name not in self.outputs
        if len(shape) == 0:

    def __call__(self, *args, **inputs):
        sdfg = deepcopy(self.sdfg)

        # convert the positional args to kwargs
        if len(args) > len(self.inputs):
            raise ValueError("Expected {} arguments, got {}".format(
                len(self.inputs), len(args)))

        inputs.update(dict(zip(self.inputs, args)))

        # check that there are no missing inputs
        if len(set(self.inputs).difference(inputs)) != 0:
            raise ValueError("Missing inputs {}".format(", ".join(

        # check that there are no unknown inputs
        # NOTE symbols can only be passed as kwargs
        if len(
                    sdfg.free_symbols)) != 0:
            raise ValueError("Unknown inputs {}".format(", ".join(

        clean_inputs = {}
        for input, arr in inputs.items():
            if input in sdfg.free_symbols:
                clean_inputs[input] = arr
                clean_inputs[clean_onnx_name(input)] = arr

        # add the weights
        params = {}
        for name, arr in self.weights.items():
            if len(arr.shape) == 0:
                params[clean_onnx_name(name)] = arr[()]
                if self.cuda:
                    clean_name = clean_onnx_name(name)
                    sdfg.arrays[clean_name].storage = StorageType.GPU_Global
                    params[clean_name] = numba.cuda.to_device(arr)
                    params[clean_onnx_name(name)] = arr.copy()

        inferred_symbols = infer_symbols_from_shapes(sdfg, {
        # TODO @orausch if this is removed the SDFG complains
        # TypeError: Type mismatch for argument ONNX_unk__493: expected scalar type, got <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'>
        # fix this better
        inferred_symbols = {k: int(v) for k, v in inferred_symbols.items()}

        def eval_dim(dim):
            for sym in dim.free_symbols:
                dim = dim.subs(sym, inferred_symbols[sym.name])
            return dim

        outputs = OrderedDict()
        # create numpy arrays for the outputs
        for output in self.outputs:
            clean_name = clean_onnx_name(output)
            arr = sdfg.arrays[clean_name]

            # TODO @orausch add error handling for evalf
            shape = [
                eval_dim(d) if type(d) is dace.symbol else d for d in arr.shape
            outputs[clean_name] = np.empty(shape,


        sdfg(**clean_inputs, **params, **outputs, **inferred_symbols)

        if len(outputs) == 1:
            return next(iter(outputs.values()))

        return tuple(outputs.values())
Exemple #6
def _redistribute(pv: 'ProgramVisitor', sdfg: SDFG, state: SDFGState,
                  in_buffer: str, in_subarray: str, out_buffer: str,
                  out_subarray: str):
    """ Redistributes an Array using process-grids, sub-arrays, and the Redistribute library node.
        :param in_buffer: Name of the (local) input Array descriptor.
        :param in_subarray: Input sub-array descriptor.
        :param out_buffer: Name of the (local) output Array descriptor.
        :param out_subarray: Output sub-array descriptor.
        :return: Name of the new redistribution descriptor.
    in_desc = sdfg.arrays[in_buffer]
    out_desc = sdfg.arrays[out_buffer]

    rdistrarray_name = sdfg.add_rdistrarray(in_subarray, out_subarray)

    from dace.libraries.mpi import Dummy, Redistribute
    tasklet = Dummy(rdistrarray_name, [
        f'MPI_Datatype {rdistrarray_name};', f'int {rdistrarray_name}_sends;',
        f'MPI_Datatype* {rdistrarray_name}_send_types;',
        f'int* {rdistrarray_name}_dst_ranks;',
        f'int {rdistrarray_name}_recvs;',
        f'MPI_Datatype* {rdistrarray_name}_recv_types;',
        f'int* {rdistrarray_name}_src_ranks;',
        f'int {rdistrarray_name}_self_copies;',
        f'int* {rdistrarray_name}_self_src;',
        f'int* {rdistrarray_name}_self_dst;',
        f'int* {rdistrarray_name}_self_size;'
    _, scal = sdfg.add_scalar(rdistrarray_name, dace.int32, transient=True)
    wnode = state.add_write(rdistrarray_name)
    state.add_edge(tasklet, '__out', wnode, None,
                   Memlet.from_array(rdistrarray_name, scal))

    libnode = Redistribute('_Redistribute_', rdistrarray_name)

    inbuf_range = None
    if isinstance(in_buffer, tuple):
        inbuf_name, inbuf_range = in_buffer
        inbuf_name = in_buffer
    in_desc = sdfg.arrays[inbuf_name]
    inbuf_node = state.add_read(inbuf_name)

    outbuf_range = None
    if isinstance(out_buffer, tuple):
        outbuf_name, outbuf_range = out_buffer
        outbuf_name = out_buffer
    out_desc = sdfg.arrays[outbuf_name]
    outbuf_node = state.add_write(outbuf_name)

    if inbuf_range:
        inbuf_mem = Memlet.simple(inbuf_name, inbuf_range)
        inbuf_mem = Memlet.from_array(inbuf_name, in_desc)
    if outbuf_range:
        outbuf_mem = Memlet.simple(outbuf_name, outbuf_range)
        outbuf_mem = Memlet.from_array(outbuf_name, out_desc)

    state.add_edge(inbuf_node, None, libnode, '_inp_buffer', inbuf_mem)
    state.add_edge(libnode, '_out_buffer', outbuf_node, None, outbuf_mem)

    return rdistrarray_name
Exemple #7
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('SDFG consecutive tasklet test')
    # Externals (parameters, symbols)
    N = dp.symbol('N')
    input = dp.ndarray([N], dp.int32)
    output = dp.ndarray([N], dp.int32)
    input[:] = dp.int32(5)
    output[:] = dp.int32(0)

    # Construct SDFG
    mysdfg = SDFG('ctasklet')
    state = mysdfg.add_state()
    A_ = state.add_array('A', [N], dp.int32)
    B_ = state.add_array('B', [N], dp.int32)
    mysdfg.add_scalar('something', dp.int32)

    map_entry, map_exit = state.add_map('mymap', dict(i='0:N'))
    tasklet = state.add_tasklet('mytasklet', {'a'}, {'b'}, 'b = 5*a')
    state.add_edge(map_entry, None, tasklet, 'a', Memlet.simple(A_, 'i'))
    tasklet2 = state.add_tasklet('mytasklet2', {'c'}, {'d'}, 'd = 2*c')
    state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', tasklet2, 'c',
                   Memlet.simple('something', '0'))
    state.add_edge(tasklet2, 'd', map_exit, None, Memlet.simple(B_, 'i'))

    # Add outer edges
    state.add_edge(A_, None, map_entry, None, Memlet.simple(A_, '0:N'))
    state.add_edge(map_exit, None, B_, None, Memlet.simple(B_, '0:N'))

    # Left for debugging purposes
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('SDFG consecutive tasklet (nested) test')
    # Externals (parameters, symbols)
    N = dp.symbol('N')
    input = dp.ndarray([N], dp.int32)
    output = dp.ndarray([N], dp.int32)
    input[:] = dp.int32(5)
    output[:] = dp.int32(0)

    # Construct SDFG
    mysdfg = SDFG('ctasklet')
    state = mysdfg.add_state()
    A_ = state.add_array('A', [N], dp.int32)
    B_ = state.add_array('B', [N], dp.int32)
    mysdfg.add_scalar('something', dp.int32, transient=True)

    omap_entry, omap_exit = state.add_map('omap', dict(k='0:2'))
    map_entry, map_exit = state.add_map('mymap', dict(i='0:N/2'))
    tasklet = state.add_tasklet('mytasklet', {'a'}, {'b'}, 'b = 5*a')
    state.add_edge(map_entry, None, tasklet, 'a', Memlet.simple(A_, 'k*N/2+i'))
    tasklet2 = state.add_tasklet('mytasklet2', {'c'}, {'d'}, 'd = 2*c')
    state.add_edge(tasklet, 'b', tasklet2, 'c',
                   Memlet.simple('something', '0'))
    state.add_edge(tasklet2, 'd', map_exit, None, Memlet.simple(B_, 'k*N/2+i'))

    # Add outer edges
    state.add_edge(A_, None, omap_entry, None, Memlet.simple(A_, '0:N'))
    state.add_edge(omap_entry, None, map_entry, None,
                   Memlet.simple(A_, 'k*N/2:(k+1)*N/2'))
    state.add_edge(map_exit, None, omap_exit, None,