Exemple #1
def _create_einsum_internal(sdfg: SDFG,
                            state: SDFGState,
                            einsum_string: str,
                            *arrays: str,
                            dtype: Optional[dtypes.typeclass] = None,
                            optimize: bool = False,
                            output: Optional[str] = None,
                            nodes: Optional[Dict[str, AccessNode]] = None,
                            init_output: bool = None):
    # Infer shapes and strides of input/output arrays
    einsum = EinsumParser(einsum_string)

    if len(einsum.inputs) != len(arrays):
        raise ValueError('Invalid number of arrays for einsum expression')

    # Get shapes from arrays and verify dimensionality
    chardict = {}
    for inp, inpname in zip(einsum.inputs, arrays):
        inparr = sdfg.arrays[inpname]
        if len(inp) != len(inparr.shape):
            raise ValueError('Dimensionality mismatch in input "%s"' % inpname)
        for char, shp in zip(inp, inparr.shape):
            if char in chardict and shp != chardict[char]:
                raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch in einsum expression')
            chardict[char] = shp

    if optimize:
        # Try to import opt_einsum
            import opt_einsum as oe
        except (ModuleNotFoundError, NameError, ImportError):
            raise ImportError('To optimize einsum expressions, please install '
                              'the "opt_einsum" package.')

        for char, shp in chardict.items():
            if symbolic.issymbolic(shp):
                raise ValueError('Einsum optimization cannot be performed '
                                 'on symbolically-sized array dimension "%s" '
                                 'for subscript character "%s"' % (shp, char))

        # Create optimal contraction path
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        _, path_info = oe.contract_path(
            einsum_string, *oe.helpers.build_views(einsum_string, chardict))

        input_nodes = nodes or {arr: state.add_read(arr) for arr in arrays}
        result_node = None

        # Follow path and create a chain of operation SDFG states
        for pair, nonfree, expr, after, blas in path_info.contraction_list:
            result, result_node = _create_einsum_internal(sdfg,
            arrays = ([a for i, a in enumerate(arrays) if i not in pair] +
            input_nodes[result] = result_node

        return arrays[0], result_node
        # END of einsum optimization

    input_nodes = nodes or {arr: state.add_read(arr) for arr in arrays}

    # Get output shape from chardict, or [1] for a scalar output
    output_shape = list(map(lambda k: chardict[k], einsum.output)) or [1]
    output_index = ','.join(o for o in einsum.output) or '0'

    if output is None:
        dtype = dtype or sdfg.arrays[arrays[0]].dtype
        output, odesc = sdfg.add_temp_transient(output_shape, dtype)
        to_init = True
        odesc = sdfg.arrays[output]
        dtype = dtype or odesc.dtype
        to_init = init_output or True

    is_conflicted = not all(
        all(indim in einsum.output for indim in inp) for inp in einsum.inputs)
    if not is_conflicted and init_output is None:
        to_init = False

    if not einsum.is_bmm():
        # Fall back to "pure" SDFG einsum with conflict resolution
        c = state.add_write(output)

        # Add state before this one to initialize the output value
        if to_init:
            init_state = sdfg.add_state_before(state)
            if len(einsum.output) > 0:
                    {k: '0:%s' % chardict[k]
                     for k in einsum.output}, {},
                    'out_%s = 0' % output,
                    {'out_%s' % output: Memlet.simple(output, output_index)},
            else:  # Scalar output
                t = init_state.add_tasklet('einsum_reset', set(),
                                           {'out_%s' % output},
                                           'out_%s = 0' % output)
                onode = init_state.add_write(output)
                init_state.add_edge(t, 'out_%s' % output, onode, None,
                                    Memlet.simple(output, '0'))

        wcr = 'lambda a,b: a+b' if is_conflicted else None
        # Pure einsum map
            'einsum', {k: '0:%s' % v
                       for k, v in chardict.items()}, {
                           'inp_%s' % arr: Memlet.simple(arr, ','.join(inp))
                           for inp, arr in zip(einsum.inputs, arrays)
            'out_%s = %s' % (output, ' * '.join('inp_%s' % arr
                                                for arr in arrays)),
                'out_%s' % output: Memlet.simple(
                    output, output_index, wcr_str=wcr)
            output_nodes={output: c},
        # Represent einsum as a GEMM or batched GEMM (using library nodes)
        a_shape = sdfg.arrays[arrays[0]].shape
        b_shape = sdfg.arrays[arrays[1]].shape
        c_shape = output_shape

        a = input_nodes[arrays[0]]
        b = input_nodes[arrays[1]]
        c = state.add_write(output)

        # Compute GEMM dimensions and strides
        strides = dict(
            BATCH=prod([c_shape[dim] for dim in einsum.c_batch]),
            M=prod([a_shape[dim] for dim in einsum.a_only]),
            K=prod([a_shape[dim] for dim in einsum.a_sum]),
            N=prod([b_shape[dim] for dim in einsum.b_only]),
            sAM=prod(a_shape[einsum.a_only[-1] + 1:]) if einsum.a_only else 1,
            sAK=prod(a_shape[einsum.a_sum[-1] + 1:]) if einsum.a_sum else 1,
            sAB=prod(a_shape[einsum.a_batch[-1] +
                             1:]) if einsum.a_batch else 1,
            sBK=prod(b_shape[einsum.b_sum[-1] + 1:]) if einsum.b_sum else 1,
            sBN=prod(b_shape[einsum.b_only[-1] + 1:]) if einsum.b_only else 1,
            sBB=prod(b_shape[einsum.b_batch[-1] +
                             1:]) if einsum.b_batch else 1,
            sCM=prod(c_shape[einsum.c_a_only[-1] +
                             1:]) if einsum.c_a_only else 1,
            sCN=prod(c_shape[einsum.c_b_only[-1] +
                             1:]) if einsum.c_b_only else 1,
            sCB=prod(c_shape[einsum.c_batch[-1] +
                             1:]) if einsum.c_batch else 1)

        # Complement strides to make matrices as necessary
        if len(a_shape) == 1 and len(einsum.a_sum) == 1:
            strides['sAK'] = 1
            strides['sAB'] = strides['sAM'] = strides['K']
        if len(b_shape) == 1 and len(einsum.b_sum) == 1:
            strides['sBN'] = 1
            strides['sBK'] = 1
            strides['sBB'] = strides['K']
        if len(c_shape) == 1 and len(einsum.a_sum) == len(einsum.b_sum):
            strides['sCN'] = 1
            strides['sCB'] = strides['sCM'] = strides['N']

        # Create nested SDFG for GEMM
        nsdfg = create_batch_gemm_sdfg(dtype, strides)

        nsdfg_node = state.add_nested_sdfg(nsdfg, None, {'X', 'Y'}, {'Z'},
        state.add_edge(a, None, nsdfg_node, 'X',
                       Memlet.from_array(a.data, a.desc(sdfg)))
        state.add_edge(b, None, nsdfg_node, 'Y',
                       Memlet.from_array(b.data, b.desc(sdfg)))
        state.add_edge(nsdfg_node, 'Z', c, None,
                       Memlet.from_array(c.data, c.desc(sdfg)))

    return output, c
Exemple #2
    def apply(self, state: SDFGState, sdfg: SDFG):
        adesc = self.a.desc(sdfg)
        bdesc = self.b.desc(sdfg)
        edge = state.edges_between(self.a, self.b)[0]

        if len(adesc.shape) >= len(bdesc.shape):
            copy_shape = edge.data.get_src_subset(edge, state).size()
            copy_a = True
            copy_shape = edge.data.get_dst_subset(edge, state).size()
            copy_a = False

        maprange = {f'__i{i}': (0, s - 1, 1) for i, s in enumerate(copy_shape)}

        av = self.a.data
        bv = self.b.data
        avnode = self.a
        bvnode = self.b

        # Linearize and delinearize to get index expression for other side
        if copy_a:
            a_index = [
                for i in range(len(copy_shape))
            b_index = self.delinearize_linearize(
                bdesc, copy_shape, edge.data.get_dst_subset(edge, state))
            a_index = self.delinearize_linearize(
                adesc, copy_shape, edge.data.get_src_subset(edge, state))
            b_index = [
                for i in range(len(copy_shape))

        a_subset = subsets.Range([(ind, ind, 1) for ind in a_index])
        b_subset = subsets.Range([(ind, ind, 1) for ind in b_index])

        # Set schedule based on GPU arrays
        schedule = dtypes.ScheduleType.Default
        if adesc.storage == dtypes.StorageType.GPU_Global or bdesc.storage == dtypes.StorageType.GPU_Global:
            # If already inside GPU kernel
            if is_devicelevel_gpu(sdfg, state, self.a):
                schedule = dtypes.ScheduleType.Sequential
                schedule = dtypes.ScheduleType.GPU_Device

        # Add copy map
        t, _, _ = state.add_mapped_tasklet(
            dict(__inp=Memlet(data=av, subset=a_subset)),
            '__out = __inp',
            dict(__out=Memlet(data=bv, subset=b_subset)),
            input_nodes={av: avnode},
            output_nodes={bv: bvnode})

        # Set connector types (due to this transformation appearing in codegen, after connector
        # types have been resolved)
        t.in_connectors['__inp'] = adesc.dtype
        t.out_connectors['__out'] = bdesc.dtype

        # Remove old edge