def datelist(start_date, end_date) :
	from datetime import date, timedelta as td
	import datetime
	import daily_weather as dw
	import pandas as pd
	import requests

	d1 = end_date #End date
	d2 = start_date #Start date 

	#A api key is needed to be input.

	status = False
	while status == False:
		apikey= str(input('Enter your Dark Sky APIkey:'))
		url = ''+apikey+'/41.878311,-87.616342,''T00:00:00'
		r = requests.get(url)
		status = r.status_code ==
	#Determine how many days are between the end date and start date
	delta= d1-d2
	d = pd.DataFrame() #Create a data fame d
	This function goes into each day in the date range, uses
	to grab the information that is needed to run the analyses in the future,
	and places it in the 'd' data frame.
	for i in range(delta.days+1) :
		day =d2+td(days=i) #Getting the specific day
		#create the datetime format needed for the api.
		da =day.isoformat()+'T00:00:00'	
		#run the daily_weather function that returns the 
		#weather for a specific day.
		data = dw.daily_weather(lat= '41.878311', long='-87.616342',date=da,apikey=apikey)
		d.loc[i,'Date'] = day.isoformat() #Add the date to the d data frame.
		#Put all the weather information from dark sky onto the d dataframe
		for j in data :
			d.loc[i,j] = data.loc[0,j]
	#Put data frame d into 2016_weather.csv		
	return d
	#Grab the Latitude of the beach we are going to be pulling the weather for
	lattitude = str(df.loc[i,'lat'])
	#Grab the Latitude of the beach we are going to be pulling the weather for
	longitude = str(df.loc[i,'long']) 
	for day in range(5) :#for each of the past 5 days at the beach/row.
		if day == 0:
			#Find the day we are grabbing the weather for
			d = pd.to_datetime(df.loc[i,'Full_date'],format = '%Y-%m-%d')+datetime.timedelta(days=day+1) 
		else :
			#Find the day we are grabbing the weather for
			d = pd.to_datetime(df.loc[i,'Full_date'],format = '%Y-%m-%d')-datetime.timedelta(days=day-1)
		#Strip the date and time we found for d
		d = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(d),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

		#Grab the weather for the day
		weather = dw.daily_weather(lat= lattitude, long=longitude,date=d.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),apikey=apikey)
		#Fill in the weather variables needed for the day that you are predicting
		if day == 0 :
			for item in newcols_today :
				if item =='humidity_hour_4' :
					df.loc[i,item]= weather.loc[0,'4.humidity.hourly']
				elif item == 'pressure_hour_0' :
					df.loc[i,item]= weather.loc[0,'0.pressure.hourly']
				elif item == 'temperature_hour_0' :
					df.loc[i,item]= weather.loc[0,'0.temperature.hourly']
				elif item == 'temperature_hour_1' :
					df.loc[i,item]= weather.loc[0,'1.temperature.hourly']
				elif item == 'temperature_hour_2' :
					df.loc[i,item]= weather.loc[0,'2.temperature.hourly']
				elif item == 'temperature_hour_3' :