Exemple #1
def accept(directory, upload):
    cnf = Config()

    Logger.log(['ACCEPT', upload.changes.filename])

    utils.process_buildinfos(upload.directory, upload.changes.buildinfo_files,
                             upload.transaction.fs, Logger)

    accepted_to_real_suite = any(suite.policy_queue is None
                                 for suite in upload.final_suites)
    sourceful_upload = upload.changes.sourceful

    control = upload.changes.changes
    if sourceful_upload and not Options['No-Action']:
        urgency = control.get('Urgency')
        # As per policy 5.6.17, the urgency can be followed by a space and a
        # comment.  Extract only the urgency from the string.
        if ' ' in urgency:
            urgency, comment = urgency.split(' ', 1)
        if urgency not in cnf.value_list('Urgency::Valid'):
            urgency = cnf['Urgency::Default']
        UrgencyLog().log(control['Source'], control['Version'], urgency)

    pu = get_processed_upload(upload)

    # Move .changes to done, but only for uploads that were accepted to a
    # real suite.  process-policy will handle this for uploads to queues.
    if accepted_to_real_suite:
        src = os.path.join(upload.directory, upload.changes.filename)

        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        donedir = os.path.join(cnf['Dir::Done'], now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'))
        dst = os.path.join(donedir, upload.changes.filename)
        dst = utils.find_next_free(dst)

        upload.transaction.fs.copy(src, dst, mode=0o644)

    SummaryStats().accept_count += 1
    SummaryStats().accept_bytes += upload.changes.bytes
Exemple #2
def comment_accept(upload, srcqueue, comments, transaction):
    for byhand in upload.byhand:
        path = os.path.join(srcqueue.path, byhand.filename)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            raise Exception('E: cannot ACCEPT upload with unprocessed byhand file {0}'.format(byhand.filename))

    cnf = Config()

    fs = transaction.fs
    session = transaction.session
    changesname = upload.changes.changesname
    allow_tainted = srcqueue.suite.archive.tainted

    # We need overrides to get the target component
    overridesuite = upload.target_suite
    if overridesuite.overridesuite is not None:
        overridesuite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=overridesuite.overridesuite).one()

    def binary_component_func(db_binary):
        section = db_binary.proxy['Section']
        component_name = 'main'
        if section.find('/') != -1:
            component_name = section.split('/', 1)[0]
        return get_mapped_component(component_name, session=session)

    def is_debug_binary(db_binary):
        return daklib.utils.is_in_debug_section(db_binary.proxy)

    def has_debug_binaries(upload):
        return any((is_debug_binary(x) for x in upload.binaries))

    def source_component_func(db_source):
        package_list = PackageList(db_source.proxy)
        component = source_component_from_package_list(package_list, upload.target_suite)
        if component is not None:
            return get_mapped_component(component.component_name, session=session)

        # Fallback for packages without Package-List field
        query = session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=overridesuite, package=db_source.source) \
            .join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == 'dsc') \
        return query.one().component

    policy_queue = upload.target_suite.policy_queue
    if policy_queue == srcqueue:
        policy_queue = None

    all_target_suites = [upload.target_suite if policy_queue is None else policy_queue.suite]
    if policy_queue is None or policy_queue.send_to_build_queues:
        all_target_suites.extend([q.suite for q in upload.target_suite.copy_queues])

    throw_away_binaries = False
    if upload.source is not None:
        source_component = source_component_func(upload.source)
        if upload.target_suite.suite_name in cnf.value_list('Dinstall::ThrowAwayNewBinarySuites') and \
           source_component.component_name in cnf.value_list('Dinstall::ThrowAwayNewBinaryComponents'):
            throw_away_binaries = True

    for suite in all_target_suites:
        debug_suite = suite.debug_suite

        if upload.source is not None:
            # If we have Source in this upload, let's include it into
            # upload suite.

            if not throw_away_binaries:
                if debug_suite is not None and has_debug_binaries(upload):
                    # If we're handing a debug package, we also need to include the
                    # source in the debug suite as well.

        if not throw_away_binaries:
            for db_binary in upload.binaries:
                # Now, let's work out where to copy this guy to -- if it's
                # a debug binary, and the suite has a debug suite, let's go
                # ahead and target the debug suite rather then the stock
                # suite.
                copy_to_suite = suite
                if debug_suite is not None and is_debug_binary(db_binary):
                    copy_to_suite = debug_suite

                # build queues and debug suites may miss the source package
                # if this is a binary-only upload.
                if copy_to_suite != upload.target_suite:


                check_upload_for_external_signature_request(session, suite, copy_to_suite, db_binary)


    # Copy .changes if needed
    if policy_queue is None and upload.target_suite.copychanges:
        src = os.path.join(upload.policy_queue.path, upload.changes.changesname)
        dst = os.path.join(upload.target_suite.path, upload.changes.changesname)
        fs.copy(src, dst, mode=upload.target_suite.archive.mode)

    # List of files in the queue directory
    queue_files = [changesname]
    chg = daklib.upload.Changes(upload.policy_queue.path, changesname, keyrings=[], require_signature=False)
    queue_files.extend(f.filename for f in chg.buildinfo_files)

    # TODO: similar code exists in archive.py's `ArchiveUpload._install_policy`
    if policy_queue is not None:
        # register upload in policy queue
        new_upload = PolicyQueueUpload()
        new_upload.policy_queue = policy_queue
        new_upload.target_suite = upload.target_suite
        new_upload.changes = upload.changes
        new_upload.source = upload.source
        new_upload.binaries = upload.binaries

        # copy .changes & similar to policy queue
        for fn in queue_files:
            src = os.path.join(upload.policy_queue.path, fn)
            dst = os.path.join(policy_queue.path, fn)
            transaction.fs.copy(src, dst, mode=policy_queue.change_perms)

    # Copy upload to Process-Policy::CopyDir
    # Used on security.d.o to sync accepted packages to ftp-master, but this
    # should eventually be replaced by something else.
    copydir = cnf.get('Process-Policy::CopyDir') or None
    if policy_queue is None and copydir is not None:
        mode = upload.target_suite.archive.mode
        if upload.source is not None:
            for f in [df.poolfile for df in upload.source.srcfiles]:
                dst = os.path.join(copydir, f.basename)
                if not os.path.exists(dst):
                    fs.copy(f.fullpath, dst, mode=mode)

        for db_binary in upload.binaries:
            f = db_binary.poolfile
            dst = os.path.join(copydir, f.basename)
            if not os.path.exists(dst):
                fs.copy(f.fullpath, dst, mode=mode)

        for fn in queue_files:
            src = os.path.join(upload.policy_queue.path, fn)
            dst = os.path.join(copydir, fn)
            # We check for `src` to exist as old uploads in policy queues
            # might still miss the `.buildinfo` files.
            if os.path.exists(src) and not os.path.exists(dst):
                fs.copy(src, dst, mode=mode)

    if policy_queue is None:
        utils.process_buildinfos(upload.policy_queue.path, chg.buildinfo_files,
                                 fs, Logger)

    if policy_queue is None and upload.source is not None and not Options['No-Action']:
        urgency = upload.changes.urgency
        # As per policy 5.6.17, the urgency can be followed by a space and a
        # comment.  Extract only the urgency from the string.
        if ' ' in urgency:
            urgency, comment = urgency.split(' ', 1)
        if urgency not in cnf.value_list('Urgency::Valid'):
            urgency = cnf['Urgency::Default']
        UrgencyLog().log(upload.source.source, upload.source.version, urgency)

    if policy_queue is None:
        print("  ACCEPT")
        print("  ACCEPT-TO-QUEUE")
    if not Options['No-Action']:
        Logger.log(["Policy Queue ACCEPT", srcqueue.queue_name, changesname])

    if policy_queue is None:
        pu = get_processed_upload(upload)

    # TODO: code duplication. Similar code is in process-upload.
    # Move .changes to done
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    donedir = os.path.join(cnf['Dir::Done'], now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'))
    if policy_queue is None:
        for fn in queue_files:
            src = os.path.join(upload.policy_queue.path, fn)
            if os.path.exists(src):
                dst = os.path.join(donedir, fn)
                dst = utils.find_next_free(dst)
                fs.copy(src, dst, mode=0o644)

    if throw_away_binaries and upload.target_suite.archive.use_morgue:
        morguesubdir = cnf.get("New::MorgueSubDir", 'new')

            [db_binary.poolfile.fullpath for db_binary in upload.binaries],
            fs, Logger)

    remove_upload(upload, transaction)