def addRequestedResource(self, form):
     if len(form) != 3:
         return jsonify(Error="Malformed post request"), 400
         uid = form['uid']
         rid = form['rid']
         qty = form['qty']
         if uid and rid and qty:
             dao = RequestsDAO()
             if not dao.confirmAResource(rid):
                 return jsonify(Error="Resource not found."), 404
                 rname = dao.confirmAResource(rid)[0]
                 dao.addRequestedResource(uid, rid, qty)
                 result = self.build_request_attributes(
                     uid, rid, rname, qty)
                 return jsonify(AddRequest=result), 201
 def reserveFreeResource(self, form):
     if len(form) != 8:
         return jsonify(Error="Malformed post request"), 400
         pdate = form['pdate']
         uid = form['uid']
         sellerid = form['sellerid']
         cid = form['cid']
         rid = form['rid']
         pprice = form['pprice']
         qty = form['qty']
         ptotal = form['ptotal']
         if pdate and uid and sellerid and cid == 'null' and rid and pprice and qty and ptotal:
             dao = RequestsDAO()
             if not dao.confirmAResource(rid):
                 return jsonify(Error="Resource not found."), 404
                 rname = dao.confirmAResource(rid)[0]
                 productPrice = dao.getResourcesPrice(cid)[0]
                 if productPrice > 0:
                     return jsonify(
                         "This resource isn't free, thus can't be reserved. It must be purchased"
                     ), 400
                 sellerQty = dao.getSellersQty(sellerid, rid)[0]
                 if sellerQty < qty:
                     return jsonify(
                         "Seller doesn't have the amount of resources requested"
                     ), 400
                 pid = dao.addPurchase(sellerid, uid, cid, ptotal, pdate)
                 dao.addResourceSales(pid, rid, qty, pprice)
                 dao.updateSellersQty(qty, sellerid, rid)
                 result = self.build_purchase_attributes(
                     uid, cid, ptotal, pdate)
                 return jsonify(Purchase=result), 201