Exemple #1
# Wilks2005 uses dt=1e-4 with RK4 for the full model,
# and dt=5e-3 with RK2 for the forecast/truncated model.
# As berry2014linear notes, this is possible coz
# "numerical stiffness disappears when fast processes are removed".

# Full

# tseq = modelling.Chronology(dt=0.001,dto=0.05,T=4**3,BurnIn=6) # allows using rk2
tseq = modelling.Chronology(dt=0.005, dto=0.05, T=4**3,
                            BurnIn=6)  # requires rk4

Dyn = {
    'M': LUV.M,
    'model': modelling.with_rk4(LUV.dxdt, autonom=True),
    'noise': 0,
    'linear': LUV.dstep_dx,

X0 = modelling.GaussRV(mu=LUV.x0, C=0.01)

R = 0.1
jj = np.arange(nU)
Obs = modelling.partial_Id_Obs(LUV.M, jj)
Obs['noise'] = R

other = {'name': rel2mods(__file__) + '_full'}
HMM_full = modelling.HiddenMarkovModel(Dyn,
Exemple #2
import numpy as np

import dapper.mods as modelling

from .extras import LPs, d2x_dtdx, dstep_dx

__pdoc__ = {"demo": False}

# Constants
sig = 10.0
rho = 28.0
beta = 8.0 / 3

def dxdt(x):
    """Evolution equation (coupled ODEs) specifying the dynamics."""
    d = np.zeros_like(x)
    x, y, z = x
    d[0] = sig * (y - x)
    d[1] = rho * x - y - x * z
    d[2] = x * y - beta * z
    return d

step = modelling.with_rk4(dxdt, autonom=True)

Tplot = 4.0

x0 = np.array([1.509, -1.531, 25.46])
Exemple #3
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    import dapper.mods as modelling
    from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.lorenz96 import LUV

    # Setup
    sd0 = modelling.set_seed(4)
    # from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.wilks05 import LUV
    nU, J = LUV.nU, LUV.J

    dt = 0.005
    t0 = np.nan
    K  = int(10/dt)

    step_1 = modelling.with_rk4(LUV.dxdt, autonom=True)
    step_K = modelling.with_recursion(step_1, prog=1)

    x0 = 0.01*np.random.randn(LUV.M)
    x0 = step_K(x0, int(2/dt), t0, dt)[-1]  # BurnIn
    xx = step_K(x0, K, t0, dt)

    # Grab parts of state vector
    ii = np.arange(nU+1)
    jj = np.arange(nU*J+1)
    circU = np.mod(ii, nU)
    circV = np.mod(jj, nU*J) + nU
    iU = np.hstack([0, 0.5+np.arange(nU), nU])

    def Ui(xx):
        interp = (xx[0]+xx[-1])/2
Exemple #4
# In unitless time (as used here), this means LyapExps ∈ ( −4.87, 1.66 ) .
if mod == "L96":
    from dapper.mods.Lorenz96 import step
    Nx  = 40             # State size (flexible). Usually 36 or 40
    T   = 1e3            # Length of experiment (unitless time).
    dt  = 0.1            # Step length
    # dt = 0.0083        # Any dt<0.1 yield "almost correct" Lyapunov expos.
    x0  = randn(Nx)      # Init condition.
    eps = 0.0002         # Ens rescaling factor.
    N   = Nx             # Num of perturbations used.

# Lyapunov exponents with F=10: [9.47   9.3    8.72 ..., -33.02 -33.61 -34.79] => n0:64
if mod == "LUV":
    from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.lorenz96 import LUV
    ii    = np.arange(LUV.nU)
    step  = with_rk4(LUV.dxdt, autonom=True)
    Nx    = LUV.M
    T     = 1e2
    dt    = 0.005
    LUV.F = 10
    x0    = 0.01*randn(LUV.M)
    eps   = 0.001
    N     = 66  # Don't need all Nx for a good approximation of upper spectrum.

# Lyapunov exponents: [8.36, 7.58, 7.20, 6.91, ..., -4.18, -4.22, -4.19] => n0≈164
if mod == "L05":
    from dapper.mods.LorenzIII import Model
    model = Model()
    step  = model.step
    x0    = model.x0
    dt    = 0.05/12
Exemple #5
#   `[x, Force]` as the state variable.
# - enclosing `dxdt` in an outer function which binds the value of the Force
# - creating `dxdt` in an outer "factory" function which determines the
#   shape and allocation of the input vector to dxdt.
# - Do the latter using OOP. This would probably be more verbose,
#   but even more flexible. In particular, OOP excels at working with multiple
#   realisations of models at the same time. However, when using ensemble methods,
#   the number of realisations, and the required level of automation
#   (input vector/ensemble --> output vector/ensemble) is very high.
#   It is not immediately clear if OOP is then more convenient.
# - There are also some intriguing possibilities relating to namedtuples.
# TODO 4: revise the above text.

# Turn dxdt into `step` such that `x_{k+1} = step(x_k, t, dt)`
step = modelling.with_rk4(dxdt_augmented, autonom=True)

# #### HMM

# Define the sequence of the experiment
# See `modelling.Chronology` for more details.
t = modelling.Chronology(
    dt=0.05,     # Integrational time step
    dkObs=1,     # Steps of duration dt between obs
    KObs=10**3,  # Total number of obs in experiment
    BurnIn=5,    # Omit from averages the period t=0 --> BurnIn
    Tplot=7)     # Default plot length

# Define dynamical model
Dyn = {
    PRMS = 'Lorenz'
    if PRMS == 'Wilks':
        from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.wilks05 import LUV
        from dapper.mods.LorenzUV.lorenz96 import LUV
    nU = LUV.nU

    K = 400
    dt = 0.005
    t0 = np.nan

    modelling.set_seed(30)  # 3 5 7 13 15 30
    x0 = np.random.randn(LUV.M)

    true_step = with_rk4(LUV.dxdt, autonom=True)
    model_step = with_rk4(LUV.dxdt_trunc, autonom=True)
    true_K = with_recursion(true_step, prog=1)

    # Compute truth trajectory
    x0 = true_K(x0, int(2 / dt), t0, dt)[-1]  # BurnIn
    xx = true_K(x0, K, t0, dt)

    # Compute unresovled scales
    gg = np.zeros((K, nU))  # "Unresolved tendency"
    for k, x in enumerate(xx[:-1]):
        X = x[:nU]