Exemple #1
    def to_graph(self, engine_name, entity_models):
        visited_nodes = set()
        visited_edges = set()
        nodes = []
        edges = []

        for entity in entity_models:
            if isinstance(entity, Dataset):
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'dataset', entity.id, entity.data.name, None, None)

            if isinstance(entity, Action):
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'action', entity.id, entity.data.name, entity.data.state, entity.data.action_type_name)
                if entity.data.args and 'dataset_id' in entity.data.args:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'dataset', entity.data.args['dataset_id'], 'action', entity.id)
                if entity.data.args and 'subscription_id' in entity.data.args:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'subscription', entity.data.args['subscription_id'], 'action', entity.id)
                if entity.data.workflow_id:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow', entity.data.workflow_id, 'action', entity.id)
                if entity.data.datastore_id:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'datastore', entity.data.datastore_id, 'action', entity.id)

            if isinstance(entity, Workflow):
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'workflow', entity.id, entity.data.name, entity.data.state, None)
                if entity.data.datastore_id:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'datastore', entity.data.datastore_id, 'workflow', entity.id)

            if isinstance(entity, Trigger):
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'trigger', entity.id, entity.data.name, entity.data.state, entity.data.trigger_type_name)
                if entity.data.workflow_ids:
                    for wf_id in entity.data.workflow_ids:
                        self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'trigger', entity.id, 'workflow', wf_id)
                if entity.data.args and 'completed_trigger_ids' in entity.data.args:
                    for t_id in entity.data.args['completed_trigger_ids']:
                        self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'trigger', t_id, 'trigger', entity.id)
                if entity.data.args and 'event_id' in entity.data.args:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'event', entity.data.args['event_id'], 'trigger', entity.id)
                if entity.data.args and 'completed_workflow_id' in entity.data.args:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow', entity.data.args['completed_workflow_id'], 'trigger', entity.id)
                if entity.data.args and 'subscription_id' in entity.data.args:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'subscription', entity.data.args['subscription_id'], 'trigger', entity.id)

            if isinstance(entity, Subscription):
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'subscription', entity.id, entity.data.name, entity.data.state, None)
                if entity.data.dataset_id:
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'dataset', entity.data.dataset_id, 'subscription', entity.id)

            if isinstance(entity, Event):
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'event', entity.id, entity.data.name, entity.data.state, None)

            if isinstance(entity, Datastore):
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'datastore', entity.id, entity.data.name, entity.data.state, engine_name)

        return Graph(nodes, edges)
Exemple #2
    def get_entity_graph(self, entity):
        """ :type entity: dart.model.graph.GraphEntity
            :rtype: dart.model.graph.Graph """

        statement = text(RECURSIVE_SQL).bindparams(

        visited_nodes = set()
        visited_edges = set()
        nodes = []
        edges = []
        for e in [GraphEntity(*r) for r in db.session.execute(statement)]:
            self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, e.entity_type, e.entity_id,
                           e.name, e.state, e.sub_type)

            if e.related_id:
                if e.related_is_a == Relationship.CHILD:
                    src_type = e.entity_type
                    src_id = e.entity_id
                    dst_type = e.related_type
                    dst_id = e.related_id
                    src_type = e.related_type
                    src_id = e.related_id
                    dst_type = e.entity_type
                    dst_id = e.entity_id

                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, src_type, src_id,
                               dst_type, dst_id)

        # now that we have the base graph, add in the most recent workflow_instances and their actions,
        # as well as recent datastore actions that are not associated with any workflows (if any)
        wf_ids, wf_sql = self._get_workflow_instance_sql(nodes)
        d_ids, d_sql = self._get_datastore_one_offs(nodes)

        sql_parts = []
        if wf_sql:
            sql_parts.append('(' + wf_sql + ')')
        if d_sql:
            sql_parts.append('(' + d_sql + ')')

        if len(sql_parts) == 0:
            return Graph(nodes, edges)

        sql = '\nUNION ALL\n'.join(sql_parts)
        statement = text(
            sql.format(wf_ids=', '.join(
                ["'" + wf_id + "'" for wf_id in wf_ids]),
                       d_ids=', '.join(["'" + d_id + "'" for d_id in d_ids])))

        for r in db.session.execute(statement):
            if r[0] == 'workflow':
                entity_type, wf_id, wfi_id, wfi_progress, wfi_state, a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type = r
                name = 'workflow_instance - %s%%' % wfi_progress if wfi_state == 'RUNNING' else 'workflow_instance'
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'workflow_instance',
                               wfi_id, name, wfi_state, None)
                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow', wf_id,
                               'workflow_instance', wfi_id)
                if a_id:
                    self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'action', a_id,
                                   a_name, a_state, a_sub_type)
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow_instance',
                                   wfi_id, 'action', a_id)
                entity_type, d_id, skip1, skip2, skip3, a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type = r
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'action', a_id, a_name,
                               a_state, a_sub_type)
                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'datastore', d_id,
                               'action', a_id)

        return Graph(nodes, edges)
Exemple #3
    def get_entity_graph(self, entity):
        """ :type entity: dart.model.graph.GraphEntity
            :rtype: dart.model.graph.Graph """

        key = "graph:{0}".format(entity.entity_id)
        cached_graph = self.redis_client.get(key) if self.redis_client else None  # String representation of each Graph record

        if cached_graph:
            json_records = json.loads(cached_graph)
            ### read state from database:
            # we need to update the current state of object in the graph
            get_state_sql = ["select '{0}' as type, '{1}' as id,'{2}' as name, data->>'state' as state, '{4}' as sub_type, '{5}' as related_type, '{6}' as related_id, '{7}' as related_is_a FROM {0} where id = '{1}'".format(*rec) for rec in json_records]

            # add union all between sql statements
            state_sql = " union all ".join(get_state_sql)

            # execute sql: (dart_depth was already removed, so we use r instead of r[0:-1])
            records = [(r) for r in db.session.execute(text(state_sql))]
            records = [
                (r[:-1])  # remove depth parameter
                for r in db.session.execute(text(RECURSIVE_SQL).bindparams(
            string_records = json.dumps(records)
            if self.redis_client:
                self.redis_client.setex(key, self.redis_expiration_ttl, string_records)  # Keep this graph cached for 10 minutes

        # rebuilding graph from string
        entities = [GraphEntity(*r) for r in records]

        nodes, visited_nodes = [], set()
        edges, visited_edges = [], set()

        for e in entities:
            self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, e.entity_type, e.entity_id, e.name, e.state, e.sub_type)

            if e.related_id:
                if e.related_is_a == Relationship.CHILD:
                    src_type = e.entity_type
                    src_id = e.entity_id
                    dst_type = e.related_type
                    dst_id = e.related_id
                    src_type = e.related_type
                    src_id = e.related_id
                    dst_type = e.entity_type
                    dst_id = e.entity_id

                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, src_type, src_id, dst_type, dst_id)

        # now that we have the base graph, add in the most recent workflow_instances and their actions,
        # as well as recent datastore actions that are not associated with any workflows (if any)
        wf_ids, wf_sql = self._get_workflow_instance_sql(nodes)
        d_ids, d_sql = self._get_datastore_one_offs(nodes)

        sql_parts = []
        if wf_sql:
            sql_parts.append('(' + wf_sql + ')')
        if d_sql:
            sql_parts.append('(' + d_sql + ')')

        if len(sql_parts) == 0:
            return Graph(nodes, edges)

        sql = '\nUNION ALL\n'.join(sql_parts)
        statement = text(sql.format(
            wf_ids=', '.join(["'" + wf_id + "'" for wf_id in wf_ids]),
            d_ids=', '.join(["'" + d_id + "'" for d_id in d_ids])

        for r in db.session.execute(statement):
            if r[0] == 'workflow':
                entity_type, wf_id, wfi_id, wfi_state, a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type = r

                name = 'workflow_instance'
                if wfi_state == 'RUNNING' and ('workflow_instance' + wfi_id) not in visited_nodes:
                    actions = self._action_service.find_actions(workflow_instance_id=wfi_id)
                    if None not in [a.data.avg_runtime for a in actions]:
                        wfi_progress = 0
                        wf_runtime = 0
                        for a in actions:
                            a_runtime = a.data.avg_runtime.total_seconds()
                            wf_runtime += a_runtime
                            if a.data.state == ActionState.COMPLETED or a.data.state == ActionState.FAILED:
                                wfi_progress += a_runtime
                            elif (a.data.state == ActionState.RUNNING or a.data.state == ActionState.FINISHING) and a.data.progress:
                                wfi_progress += a_runtime * a.data.progress
                        if wf_runtime:
                            wfi_progress /= wf_runtime
                            name += ' - {:.0%}'.format(wfi_progress)

                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'workflow_instance', wfi_id, name, wfi_state, None)
                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow', wf_id, 'workflow_instance', wfi_id)
                if a_id:
                    self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'action', a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type)
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow_instance', wfi_id, 'action', a_id)
                entity_type, d_id, skip1, skip2, a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type = r
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'action', a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type)
                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'datastore', d_id, 'action', a_id)

        return Graph(nodes, edges)
Exemple #4
    def get_entity_graph(self, entity):
        """ :type entity: dart.model.graph.GraphEntity
            :rtype: dart.model.graph.Graph """

        statement = text(RECURSIVE_SQL).bindparams(

        visited_nodes = set()
        visited_edges = set()
        nodes = []
        edges = []
        for e in [GraphEntity(*r) for r in db.session.execute(statement)]:
            self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, e.entity_type, e.entity_id,
                           e.name, e.state, e.sub_type)

            if e.related_id:
                if e.related_is_a == Relationship.CHILD:
                    src_type = e.entity_type
                    src_id = e.entity_id
                    dst_type = e.related_type
                    dst_id = e.related_id
                    src_type = e.related_type
                    src_id = e.related_id
                    dst_type = e.entity_type
                    dst_id = e.entity_id

                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, src_type, src_id,
                               dst_type, dst_id)

        # now that we have the base graph, add in the most recent workflow_instances and their actions,
        # as well as recent datastore actions that are not associated with any workflows (if any)
        wf_ids, wf_sql = self._get_workflow_instance_sql(nodes)
        d_ids, d_sql = self._get_datastore_one_offs(nodes)

        sql_parts = []
        if wf_sql:
            sql_parts.append('(' + wf_sql + ')')
        if d_sql:
            sql_parts.append('(' + d_sql + ')')

        if len(sql_parts) == 0:
            return Graph(nodes, edges)

        sql = '\nUNION ALL\n'.join(sql_parts)
        statement = text(
            sql.format(wf_ids=', '.join(
                ["'" + wf_id + "'" for wf_id in wf_ids]),
                       d_ids=', '.join(["'" + d_id + "'" for d_id in d_ids])))

        for r in db.session.execute(statement):
            if r[0] == 'workflow':
                entity_type, wf_id, wfi_id, wfi_state, a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type = r

                name = 'workflow_instance'
                if wfi_state == 'RUNNING' and ('workflow_instance' +
                                               wfi_id) not in visited_nodes:
                    actions = self._action_service.find_actions(
                    if None not in [a.data.avg_runtime for a in actions]:
                        wfi_progress = 0
                        wf_runtime = 0
                        for a in actions:
                            a_runtime = a.data.avg_runtime.total_seconds()
                            wf_runtime += a_runtime
                            if a.data.state == ActionState.COMPLETED or a.data.state == ActionState.FAILED:
                                wfi_progress += a_runtime
                            elif (a.data.state == ActionState.RUNNING
                                  or a.data.state == ActionState.FINISHING
                                  ) and a.data.progress:
                                wfi_progress += a_runtime * a.data.progress
                        if wf_runtime:
                            wfi_progress /= wf_runtime
                            name += ' - {:.0%}'.format(wfi_progress)

                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'workflow_instance',
                               wfi_id, name, wfi_state, None)
                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow', wf_id,
                               'workflow_instance', wfi_id)
                if a_id:
                    self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'action', a_id,
                                   a_name, a_state, a_sub_type)
                    self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'workflow_instance',
                                   wfi_id, 'action', a_id)
                entity_type, d_id, skip1, skip2, a_id, a_name, a_state, a_sub_type = r
                self._add_node(nodes, visited_nodes, 'action', a_id, a_name,
                               a_state, a_sub_type)
                self._add_edge(edges, visited_edges, 'datastore', d_id,
                               'action', a_id)

        return Graph(nodes, edges)