def add_callbacks(app, trace): add_include_transformed_callback(app, 'univariate', trace) @app.callback(dep.Output('univariate-autocorr', 'figure'), [dep.Input('univariate-selector', 'value')]) def update_autocorr(varname): return autocorr_figure(trace, varname) @app.callback(dep.Output('univariate-effective-n', 'children'), [dep.Input('univariate-selector', 'value')]) def update_effective_n(varname): return effective_n_p(trace, varname) @app.callback(dep.Output('univariate-gelman-rubin', 'children'), [dep.Input('univariate-selector', 'value')]) def update_gelman_rubin(varname): return gelman_rubin_p(trace, varname) @app.callback(dep.Output('univariate-hist', 'figure'), [dep.Input('univariate-selector', 'value')]) def update_hist(varname): return hist_figure(trace, varname) @app.callback(dep.Output('univariate-lines', 'figure'), [dep.Input('univariate-selector', 'value')]) def update_lines(varname): return lines_figure(trace, varname)
def build_degroot_callbacks(app): build_step_callback(app, id_degroot_slider_steps_value, id_degroot_slider_steps, 'Steps') build_init_callback(app, id_degroot_modal, id_degroot_modal_init_slider, model_degroot['name']) @app.callback(dp.Output('session-tracer-degroot', 'data'), dp.Input(id_degroot_dropdown, 'value')) def tracer_callback(value): return [model_degroot['id'], value] @app.callback(dp.Output('session-actions-degroot', 'data'), dp.Input(id_degroot_button_random, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_degroot_button_stochastic, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_degroot_button_step, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_degroot_modal_generate, 'n_clicks'), dp.State(id_degroot_modal_init_slider, 'value'), dp.State(id_degroot_slider_steps, 'value')) def callback(n1, n2, n3, n4, init, steps): ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: return [] source = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0] args = {'steps': steps, 'init': init} ac = { id_degroot_button_random: action_degroot_random, id_degroot_button_stochastic: action_degroot_stochastic, id_degroot_button_step: action_degroot_step, id_degroot_modal_generate: action_degroot_init } if source in ac: return [(model_degroot['id'], ac[source], args)] print( f'DeGroot callback: Could not find property with source: {source}') raise PreventUpdate()
def tha_build_callbacks(app): build_step_callback(app, id_tha_slider_steps_value, id_tha_slider_steps, 'Steps') build_init_callback(app, id_tha_modal, id_tha_modal_init_slider, 'Threshold Automata') @app.callback( dp.Output(model_tha['session-tracer'], 'data'), dp.Input(id_tha_dropdown, 'value')) def tracer_callback(value): return [model_tha['id'], value] @app.callback( dp.Output(model_tha['session-actions'], 'data'), dp.Input(id_tha_button_random, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_tha_button_step, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_tha_modal_generate, 'n_clicks'), dp.State(id_tha_modal_init_slider, 'value'), dp.State(id_tha_slider_steps, 'value')) def callback(n1, n2, n3, init, steps): ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: return [] source = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0] args = {'steps': steps, 'init': init} ac = { id_tha_button_random: action_tha_random, id_tha_button_step: action_tha_step, id_tha_modal_generate: action_tha_init, } if source in ac: return [(model_tha['id'], ac[source], args)] print(f'THA callback: Could not find property with source: {source}') raise PreventUpdate()
def assign_callbacks(app: dash.Dash): @app.callback( [ dep.Output("known_index_bar", "figure"), dep.Output("unknown_index_bar", "figure"), dep.Output("known_unknown_pie", "figure"), dep.Output("known_fraction", "value"), ], [dep.Input("run_select", "value")], ) def update_layout(run_alias): """ When input(run dropdown) is changed, known index bar, unknown index bar, piechart and textarea are updated Parameter: run_alias: user-selected run name from dropdown Returns: functions update_known_index_bar, update_unknown_index_bar, update_pie_chart's data value, and update_pie_chart's fraction value """ run = index[index[index_col.Run] == run_alias] run = run[run[index_col.ReadNumber] == 1] run = run[~run[index_col.SampleID].isna()] run = run.drop_duplicates([index_col.SampleID, index_col.LaneNumber]) # TODO: Replace with join from Pinery (on Run, Lane, Index1, Index2) # 10X index (SI-GA-H11) will have to be converted to nucleotide run[COL_LIBRARY] = run[index_col.SampleID].str.extract( r"SWID_\d+_(\w+_\d+_.*_\d+_[A-Z]{2})_" ) run[COL_INDEX] = run[index_col.Index1] run[index_col.Index2].fillna(""), sep=" " ) pruned = gsiqcetl.bcl2fastq.utility.prune_unknown_index_from_run( run_alias, index, unknown ) pruned[COL_INDEX] = pruned[un_col.Index1] pruned[un_col.Index2].fillna(""), sep=" " ) pruned = pruned.sort_values(un_col.Count, ascending=False) pruned = pruned.head(30) total_clusters = gsiqcetl.bcl2fastq.utility.total_clusters_for_run( run_alias, index ) pie_data, textarea_fraction = create_pie_chart( run, pruned, total_clusters ) return ( create_known_index_bar(run), create_unknown_index_bar(pruned), pie_data, textarea_fraction, )
def register_app_callbacks(app: dash.Dash) -> None: @app.callback( ddp.Output("editor-euler-solution", "value"), [ddp.Input("select-solution-number", "value")], ) def populate_solution_code(name: str) -> str: if not name: return "" module = sys.modules[__name__] func: tp.Callable = getattr(module, name) code: str = inspect.getsource(func) seen: tp.List[str] = [] root: ast.Module = ast.parse(source=code) for node in ast.walk(node=root): if not isinstance(node, ast.Call): continue if not hasattr(node.func, 'value') or not hasattr( node.func, 'attr'): continue if node.func.attr in seen: continue else: seen.append(node.func.attr) helper_module = getattr(module, helper_func = getattr(helper_module, node.func.attr) code += "\n" code += inspect.getsource(helper_func) return code @app.callback( ddp.Output("store-solution-profile", "data"), [ddp.Input("button-solution-profile", "n_clicks")], [ddp.State("select-solution-number", "value")], ) def profile_solution(n_clicks: int, name: str) -> int: if not name: return {} module = sys.modules[__name__] func = getattr(module, name) print(inspect.getsource(func)) with pi.Profiler() as profiler: func() profile_str = profiler.output(renderer=pi.renderers.JSONRenderer( show_all=False)) profile_dict = json.loads(s=profile_str) return profile_dict @app.callback( ddp.Output("graph-solution-profile", "figure"), [ddp.Input("store-solution-profile", "data")], ) def visualize_profile(data: dict) -> int: if not data: return {} root_frame = data.pop("root_frame") return {}
def build_init_callback(app, id_modal, slider_id, text): @app.callback(dp.Output(f'{slider_id}-value', 'children'), dp.Input(f'{slider_id}', 'value')) def slider_update(value): return f'{text} {value}' @app.callback(dp.Output(f'modal-{id_modal}', 'is_open'), dp.Input(f'modal-{id_modal}-open', 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(f'modal-{id_modal}-close', 'n_clicks'), dp.State(f'modal-{id_modal}', 'is_open')) def toggle_modal_init(n1, n2, is_open): if n1 or n2: return not is_open return is_open
def build_callbacks(app): @app.callback( [dd.Output(component_id='hyspec-fwhm_vs_Ei', component_property='figure'), dd.Output(component_id='hyspec-flux_vs_Ei', component_property='figure'), ], [dd.Input('hyspec_operation_mode', 'value'), ], ) def update_figures(mode): fwhm_data = getFWHM_vs_Ei(mode) flux_data = getFlux_vs_Ei(mode) return [ { 'data': fwhm_data, 'layout': dict( title = 'Resolution vs incident energy', showlegend=True, xaxis=dict( title='Ei (meV)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), yaxis=dict( title='FWHM (meV)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), ), }, { 'data': flux_data, 'layout': dict( title = 'Flux vs incident energy', showlegend=True, xaxis=dict( title='Ei (meV)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), yaxis=dict( # title='Flux (counts/s/cm^2/MW)', title='Flux (arb. unit)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), ), }, ] return
def init_callbacks(app): @app.callback(dd.Output('wordcloud', 'src'), dd.Input('wordcloud', 'id'), dd.Input('wc_query', 'value')) def make_image(b, query): print(f"query : {query}") img = BytesIO() plot_wordcloud(data=df, query=query).save(img, format='PNG') return 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format( base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()).decode()) @app.callback(dd.Output('distibution', 'figure'), dd.Input('distribution_query', 'value')) def distribution_selector(d_query='Pie Chart'): print(f"d_query : {d_query}") if (d_query == "Histogram"): return histogram return pie_chart
def apply(self, callbacks): for callback in callbacks: if len(callback[dd.Output]) == 0: output_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) hidden_div = html.Div(id=output_id, style={"display": "none"}) callback[dd.Output] = [dd.Output(output_id, "children")] self.hidden_divs.append(hidden_div) return callbacks
def add_callbacks(app, trace): add_include_transformed_callback(app, 'bivariate-x', trace) add_include_transformed_callback(app, 'bivariate-y', trace) @app.callback(dep.Output('bivariate-scatter', 'figure'), [ dep.Input('bivariate-x-selector', 'value'), dep.Input('bivariate-y-selector', 'value') ]) def update_bivariate_scatter(x_varname, y_varname): return scatter_figure(trace, x_varname, y_varname)
def sir_build_callbacks(app): build_step_callback(app, id_sir_slider_steps_value, id_sir_slider_steps, 'Steps') build_prob_callback(app, id_sir_slider_prob_value, id_sir_slider_prob) build_infection_callback(app, id_sir_slider_itime_value, id_sir_slider_itime) build_init_callback(app, id_sir_modal, id_sir_modal_init_slider, model_sir['name']) @app.callback(dp.Output(model_sir['session-tracer'], 'data'), dp.Input(id_sir_dropdown, 'value')) def tracer_callback(value): return [model_sir['id'], value] @app.callback( dp.Output(model_sir['session-actions'], 'data'), dp.Input(id_sir_button_random, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_sir_button_step, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_sir_button_one, 'n_clicks'), dp.Input(id_sir_modal_generate, 'n_clicks'), dp.State(id_sir_modal_init_slider, 'value'), dp.State(id_sir_slider_steps, 'value'), dp.State(id_sir_slider_prob, 'value'), dp.State(id_sir_slider_itime, 'value'), ) def callback(n1, n2, n3, n4, init, steps, prob, itime): ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: return [] source = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0] args = {'steps': steps, 'prob': prob, 'itime': itime, 'init': init} ac = { id_sir_button_random: action_sir_random, id_sir_button_step: action_sir_step, id_sir_button_one: action_sir_one, id_sir_modal_generate: action_sir_init } if source in ac: return [(model_sir['id'], ac[source], args)] print(f'SIR callback: Could not find property with source: {source}') raise PreventUpdate()
def _assign_callbacks(self) -> None: """Assign callbacks to connect templated HTML with pipeline behavior""" self.callback(ddep.Output('pipeline-cyto', 'layout'), ddep.Input('dropdown-layout', 'value'))(callbacks.cast_layout_to_dict) pipeline_callbacks = callbacks.PipelineStatus( self._num_displayed_data_points, self._pipeline.connectors[0]) self.callback(ddep.Output('graph-queue-size', 'extendData'), ddep.Input('interval', 'n_intervals'))( pipeline_callbacks.get_queue_sizes) system_callbacks = callbacks.SystemUsage( self._num_displayed_data_points) self.callback(ddep.Output('graph-cpu-usage', 'extendData'), ddep.Input('interval', 'n_intervals'))( system_callbacks.get_cpu_usage) self.callback(ddep.Output('graph-mem-usage', 'extendData'), ddep.Input('interval', 'n_intervals'))( system_callbacks.get_memory_usage)
def add_callbacks(app, trace): bivariate_layout = bivariate.layout(trace) univariate_layout = univariate.layout(trace) @app.callback(dep.Output('page-content', 'children'), [dep.Input('url', 'pathname')]) def update_page_content(pathname): if pathname in ['/', '/univariate']: return univariate_layout elif pathname == '/bivariate': return bivariate_layout bivariate.add_callbacks(app, trace) univariate.add_callbacks(app, trace)
def build_callbacks(app): @app.callback( [ dd.Output(component_id='arcs-flux_vs_fwhm', component_property='figure'), ], [ dd.Input('Ei_select', 'value'), ], ) def update_figure(Ei): Ei = float(Ei) data = [ getFlux_vs_FWHMdata(fc1data, Ei, 'ARCS-700-1.5'), getFlux_vs_FWHMdata(fc2data, Ei, 'ARCS-100-1.5'), getFlux_vs_FWHMdata(fc1_highres_data, Ei, 'ARCS-700-0.5'), ] return { 'data': data, 'layout': dict( title='Flux vs resolution', showlegend=True, xaxis=dict( title='FWHM (meV)', showspikes=True, ), yaxis=dict( title='Flux (counts/s/cm^2/MW)', showspikes=True, ), ), }, return
def build_prob_callback(app, id_value, id_slider): @app.callback(dp.Output(id_value, 'children'), dp.Input(id_slider, 'value')) def slider_update(value): return f'Probability {value}'
]), dcc.Markdown('Apparently, you can inline a dcc.Component by listing it ' 'as a child in the list of children of a html container'), ], } #-- 3 interaction # subscribe to all possible triggers, even though they donot exist all # at the same time (qresponse has either a values or a value trigger, # but not both). This requires to disable the callback exceptions in app.config # register answer with current question before setting new question idx @app.callback( dd.Output('page-content', 'children'), [dd.Input('select-qtype', 'value')]) def setPageContent(value): 'show the new question' # Notes: qstn = QTYPE.get(value, value) return qstn @app.callback( dd.Output('response-output', 'children'), [dd.Input('response', 'value'), dd.Input('response', 'values')]) def setResponseOutput(*kids): k1 = '{}'.format(kids[0]) k2 = '{}'.format(repr(kids[1])) return html.Div([
def add_include_transformed_callback(app, title, trace): @app.callback( dep.Output('{}-selector'.format(title), 'options'), [dep.Input('{}-selector-include-transformed'.format(title), 'values')]) def update_selector_transformed(values): return get_varname_options(trace, include_transformed=values)
}, ], values=['opt-random-q', 'opt-random-a'], style={'display': 'block'}, labelStyle={'display': 'block'}, ) ]), ]), html.Div(className='eight columns', id=DISPLAY, children=['loading ...']), ]) # -- Page controls @app.callback(dd.Output(CONTROLS, 'children'), [ dd.Input(ID('mode'), 'value'), dd.Input(ID('max'), 'value'), dd.Input(ID('options'), 'values'), dd.Input(ID('limit-maxq'), 'values'), dd.Input(ID('limit-time'), 'values'), dd.Input(ID('max-time'), 'value'), ]) def controls(mode, maxq, options, limit_maxq, limit_time, max_time): 'store page state in cache and controls for revisits' controls = json.dumps([ (ID('mode'), 'value', mode), (ID('max'), 'value', maxq), (ID('options'), 'values', options), (ID('limit-maxq'), 'values', limit_maxq), (ID('limit-time'), 'values', limit_time),
"x": curve[0], "y": curve[1], "marker_color": discrete_color_sequence[0] } ], layout={ "xaxis": dict(title="False Positive Rate"), "yaxis": dict(title="True Positive Rate"), "plot_bgcolor": bg_color, "paper_bgcolor": bg_color, } ) @app.callback( dependencies.Output("lr-feature-importance", "figure"), [dependencies.Input("lr-importance-slider", "value")] ) def update_lr_importance(n_features): def get_transformer_feature_names(column_transformer): """Most important features from a pipeline.""" output_features = [] for name, pipe, features in column_transformer.transformers_: if name != 'remainder': for i in pipe: trans_features = [] if hasattr(i, 'categories_'): trans_features.extend(i.get_feature_names(features)) else: trans_features = features output_features.extend(trans_features)
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <sad_hdf5_path>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( '-c', dest='chrom_hdf5', default=False, action='store_true', help='HDF5 files split by chromosome [Default: %default]') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error('Must provide SAD HDF5') else: sad_hdf5_file = args[0] ############################################# # precursors print('Preparing data.', flush=True) chr_sad_h5_open = {} if not options.chrom_hdf5: # open HDF5 sad_h5_open = h5py.File(sad_hdf5_file, 'r') # with one file, hash to a fake chromosome chr_sad_h5_open = {1: sad_h5_open} # hash SNP ids to indexes snps = np.array(sad_h5_open['snp']) snp_indexes = {} for i, snp_id in enumerate(snps): snp_id = snp_id.decode('UTF-8') snp_indexes[snp_id] = (1, i) del snps else: snp_indexes = {} for ci in range(1, 6): # open HDF5 sad_h5_open = h5py.File('%s/chr%d/sad.h5' % (sad_hdf5_file, ci), 'r') # with one file, hash to a fake chromosome chr_sad_h5_open[ci] = sad_h5_open # hash SNP ids to indexes snps = np.array(sad_h5_open['snp']) for i, snp_id in enumerate(snps): snp_id = snp_id.decode('UTF-8') snp_indexes[snp_id] = (ci, i) del snps # open chr1 HDF5 for non-chr specific data sad_h5_open = chr_sad_h5_open[1] # easy access to target information target_ids = np.array( [tl.decode('UTF-8') for tl in sad_h5_open['target_ids']]) target_labels = np.array( [tl.decode('UTF-8') for tl in sad_h5_open['target_labels']]) # read SAD percentile indexes into memory sad_pct = np.array(sad_h5_open['SAD_pct']) # read percentiles percentiles = np.around(sad_h5_open['percentiles'], 3) percentiles = np.append(percentiles, percentiles[-1]) # initialize BigQuery client # client = bigquery.Client('seqnn-170614') pop_emerald = { 'EUR': '%s/popgen/1000G/phase3/eur/1000G.EUR.QC' % os.environ['HG19'] } pop_emerald = {} for pop in ['EUR']: pop_vcf_stem = '%s/popgen/1000G/phase3/%s/1000G.%s.QC' % ( os.environ['HG19'], pop.lower(), pop) pop_emerald[pop] = EmeraldVCF(pop_vcf_stem) print('Done.', flush=True) ############################################# # layout app = dash.Dash() app.css.append_css( {"external_url": ""}) app.layout = html.Div([ html.Div( [ html.H1('Basenji SNP activity difference'), dcc.Markdown('Instructions...'), html.Div([ html.Label('Datasets'), dcc.Dropdown(id='dataset', options=[{ 'label': 'CAGE', 'value': 'CAGE' }, { 'label': 'DNase', 'value': 'DNASE' }, { 'label': 'H3K4me3', 'value': 'CHIP:H3K4me3' }, { 'label': 'All', 'value': 'All' }], value='CAGE') ], style={ 'width': '250', 'display': 'inline-block' }), html.Div([ html.Label('Population'), dcc.Dropdown(id='population', options=[{ 'label': '-', 'value': '-' }, { 'label': '1kG African', 'value': 'AFR' }, { 'label': '1kG American', 'value': 'AMR' }, { 'label': '1kG East Asian', 'value': 'EAS' }, { 'label': '1kG European', 'value': 'EUR' }, { 'label': '1kG South Asian', 'value': 'SAS' }], value='-') ], style={ 'width': '250', 'display': 'inline-block' }), html.Div([ html.Label('SNP ID'), dcc.Input(id='snp_id', value='rs2157719', type='text'), html.Button(id='snp_submit', n_clicks=0, children='Submit') ], style={ 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'right' }) ], style={ 'borderBottom': 'thin lightgrey solid', 'backgroundColor': 'rgb(250, 250, 250)', 'padding': '10px 5px' }), dcc.Graph(id='assoc_plot'), html.Div([ dt.DataTable(id='table', rows=[], columns=[ 'SNP', 'Association', 'Score', 'ScoreQ', 'R2', 'Experiment', 'Description' ], column_widths=[150, 125, 125, 125, 125, 200], editable=False, filterable=True, sortable=True, resizable=True, sortColumn='Association', row_selectable=True, selected_row_indices=[], max_rows_in_viewport=20) ]) ]) ############################################# # callback helpers @memoized def query_ld_bq(snp_id, population): """Query Google Genomics 1000 Genomes LD table for the given SNP.""" bq_path = 'genomics-public-data.linkage_disequilibrium_1000G_phase_3' # construct query query = 'SELECT tname, corr' query += ' FROM `%s.super_pop_%s`' % (bq_path, population) query += ' WHERE qname = "%s"' % snp_id # run query print('Running a BigQuery!', file=sys.stderr) query_results = client.query(query) return query_results @memoized def query_ld(population, snp_id): if population not in pop_emerald: print('Population unavailable.', file=sys.stderr) return pd.DataFrame() else: chrm, snp_i = snp_indexes.get(snp_id, (None, None)) pos = sad_h5_open['pos'][snp_i] if chrm is None: return pd.DataFrame() else: return pop_emerald[population].query_ld(snp_id, chrm, pos, ld_threshold=0.333) @memoized def read_pos(chrom, snp_i): return chr_sad_h5_open[chrom]['pos'][snp_i] @memoized def read_sad(chrom, snp_i, verbose=True): """Read SAD scores from HDF5 for the given SNP index.""" if verbose: print('Reading SAD!', file=sys.stderr) # read SAD snp_sad = chr_sad_h5_open[chrom]['SAD'][snp_i, :].astype('float64') # compute percentile indexes snp_sadq = [] for ti in range(len(snp_sad)): snp_sadq.append(int(np.searchsorted(sad_pct[ti], snp_sad[ti]))) return snp_sad, snp_sadq def snp_rows(snp_id, dataset, ld_r2=1., verbose=True): """Construct table rows for the given SNP id and its LD set in the given dataset.""" rows = [] # search for SNP chrom, snp_i = snp_indexes.get(snp_id, (None, None)) if chrom is not None: # SAD snp_sad, snp_sadq = read_sad(chrom, snp_i) # round floats snp_sad = np.around(snp_sad, 4) snp_assoc = np.around(snp_sad * ld_r2, 4) ld_r2_round = np.around(ld_r2, 4) # extract target scores and info for ti, tid in enumerate(target_ids): if dataset == 'All' or target_labels[ti].startswith(dataset): rows.append({ 'SNP': snp_id, 'Association': snp_assoc[ti], 'Score': snp_sad[ti], 'ScoreQ': percentiles[snp_sadq[ti]], 'R2': ld_r2_round, 'Experiment': tid, 'Description': target_labels[ti] }) elif verbose: print('Cannot find %s in snp_indexes.' % snp_id) return rows def make_data_mask(dataset): """Make a mask across targets for the given dataset.""" dataset_mask = [] for ti, tid in enumerate(target_ids): if dataset == 'All': dataset_mask.append(True) else: dataset_mask.append(target_labels[ti].startswith(dataset)) return np.array(dataset_mask, dtype='bool') def snp_scores(snp_id, dataset, ld_r2=1.): """Compute an array of scores for this SNP in the specified dataset.""" dataset_mask = make_data_mask(dataset) scores = np.zeros(dataset_mask.sum(), dtype='float64') # search for SNP if snp_id in snp_indexes: chrom, snp_i = snp_indexes[snp_id] # read SAD snp_sad, _ = read_sad(chrom, snp_i) # filter datasets snp_sad = snp_sad[dataset_mask] # add scores += snp_sad * ld_r2 return scores ############################################# # callbacks @app.callback(dd.Output('table', 'rows'), [dd.Input('snp_submit', 'n_clicks')], [ dd.State('snp_id', 'value'), dd.State('dataset', 'value'), dd.State('population', 'value') ]) def update_table(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): """Update the table with a new parameter set.""" if verbose: print('Tabling') # add snp_id rows rows = snp_rows(snp_id, dataset) if population != '-': # query_results = query_ld(snp_id, population) # for ld_snp, ld_corr in query_results: # rows += snp_rows(ld_snp, dataset, ld_corr) df_ld = query_ld(population, snp_id) for i, v in df_ld.iterrows(): rows += snp_rows(v.snp, dataset, v.r) return rows @app.callback(dd.Output('assoc_plot', 'figure'), [dd.Input('snp_submit', 'n_clicks')], [ dd.State('snp_id', 'value'), dd.State('dataset', 'value'), dd.State('population', 'value') ]) def update_plot(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): if verbose: print('Plotting') target_mask = make_data_mask(dataset) # add snp_id rows query_scores = snp_scores(snp_id, dataset) if population != '-': # query_results = query_ld(snp_id, population) # for ld_snp, ld_corr in query_results: # query_scores += snp_scores(ld_snp, dataset, ld_corr) df_ld = query_ld(population, snp_id) for i, v in df_ld.iterrows(): query_scores += snp_scores(v.snp, dataset, v.r) # sort sorted_indexes = np.argsort(query_scores) # range ymax = np.abs(query_scores).max() ymax *= 1.2 return { 'data': [ go.Scatter(x=np.arange(len(query_scores)), y=query_scores[sorted_indexes], text=target_ids[target_mask][sorted_indexes], mode='markers') ], 'layout': { 'height': 400, 'margin': { 'l': 20, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10 }, 'yaxis': { 'range': [-ymax, ymax] }, 'xaxis': { 'range': [-1, 1 + len(query_scores)] } } } ############################################# # run app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True app.run_server(debug=False, port=8787)
# %% CALLBACKS ### These essentially control the interactions in the apps: # Originally this was broken into lots of sub-callbacks but now we only have 2 # This probably uses marginally more processing time, but really simplifies stuff # 1. Store selected stack as a dict() in a dcc.Store() # 2. MEGA-CALLBACK - which does all the processing # 3. Loci-image callback(s) UNRELATED to functioning of the game ### Setup Stack (Store & Table) # Source df of stack from stack2df function using the name from the dropdown # Convert to dict() twice in output; 1. for dcc.Store() and 2. for dash_table # on dash_table need to convert with 'records' so need to do this op twice @app.callback( [dd.Output('stack_store', 'data'), dd.Output('stack_table', 'data')], [dd.Input('dropdown_stack', 'value')]) def stack2store(stack): #df = stack2df(stack=stack) df = pd.DataFrame(stacks[stack], columns=['posn', 'card', 'loci', 'image']) return df.to_dict(), df.to_dict('records') ### MEGA-CALLBACK OF DOOM # An issue with Dash is a dd.Output(X) can only be triggered in 1 callback # This is a pain for eg when we want to re-load a problem via a "reload" button # or after the user submits their solution; we try & fix with the MEGA CALLBACK ## Helper functions def _problem_setup(df, pType):
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <sad_hdf5_path>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( '-c', dest='chrom_hdf5', default=False, action='store_true', help='HDF5 files split by chromosome [Default: %default]') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error('Must provide SAD HDF5') else: sad_h5_path = args[0] ############################################# # precursors print('Preparing data...', end='', flush=True) sad5 = ChrSAD5(sad_h5_path, index_chr=True) print('DONE.', flush=True) ############################################# # layout column_widths = [('SNP', 150), ('Association', 125), ('Score', 125), ('ScoreQ', 125), ('R', 125), ('Experiment', 125), ('Description', 200)] scc = [{ 'if': { 'column_id': cw[0] }, 'width': cw[1] } for cw in column_widths] app = dash.Dash(__name__) app.css.append_css( {"external_url": ""}) app.layout = html.Div([ html.Div( [ html.H1('Basenji SNP activity difference'), dcc.Markdown('Instructions...'), html.Div([ html.Label('Datasets'), dcc.Dropdown(id='dataset', options=[{ 'label': 'CAGE', 'value': 'CAGE' }, { 'label': 'DNase', 'value': 'DNASE' }, { 'label': 'H3K4me3', 'value': 'CHIP:H3K4me3' }, { 'label': 'All', 'value': 'All' }], value='CAGE') ], style={ 'width': '250', 'display': 'inline-block' }), html.Div([ html.Label('Population'), dcc.Dropdown(id='population', options=[{ 'label': '-', 'value': '-' }, { 'label': '1kG African', 'value': 'AFR' }, { 'label': '1kG American', 'value': 'AMR' }, { 'label': '1kG East Asian', 'value': 'EAS' }, { 'label': '1kG European', 'value': 'EUR' }, { 'label': '1kG South Asian', 'value': 'SAS' }], value='-') ], style={ 'width': '250', 'display': 'inline-block' }), html.Div([ html.Label('SNP ID'), dcc.Input(id='snp_id', value='rs6656401', type='text'), html.Button(id='snp_submit', n_clicks=0, children='Submit') ], style={ 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'right' }) ], style={ 'borderBottom': 'thin lightgrey solid', 'backgroundColor': 'rgb(250, 250, 250)', 'padding': '10px 5px' }), dcc.Graph(id='assoc_plot'), html.Div([ dt.DataTable(id='table', data=[], columns=[{ 'id': cw[0], 'name': cw[0] } for cw in column_widths], style_cell_conditional=scc, editable=False, filtering=True, sorting=True, n_fixed_rows=20) ]) ]) # html.Div([ # dt.DataTable( # id='table', # data=[], # columns=[cw[0] for cw in column_widths], # style_cell_conditional=scc, # editable=False, # filtering=True, # sorting=True, # n_fixed_rows=20 # ) ############################################# # callback helpers @memoized def query_ld(population, snp_id): try: sad5.set_population(population) except ValueError: print('Population unavailable.', file=sys.stderr) return pd.DataFrame() chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) pos = sad5.snp_pos(snp_i, chrm) if chrm is None: return pd.DataFrame() else: return sad5.emerald_vcf.query_ld(snp_id, chrm, pos, ld_threshold=0.8) @memoized def read_sad(chrm, snp_i, verbose=True): """Read SAD scores from HDF5 for the given SNP index.""" if verbose: print('Reading SAD!', file=sys.stderr) # read SAD snp_sad = sad5.chr_sad5[chrm][snp_i].astype('float64') # read percentiles snp_pct = sad5.chr_sad5[chrm].sad_pct(snp_sad) return snp_sad, snp_pct def snp_rows(snp_id, dataset, ld_r2=1., verbose=True): """Construct table rows for the given SNP id and its LD set in the given dataset.""" rows = [] # search for SNP # chrom, snp_i = snp_indexes.get(snp_id, (None,None)) chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) if chrm is not None: # SAD snp_sad, snp_pct = read_sad(chrm, snp_i) # round floats snp_sad = np.around(snp_sad, 4) snp_assoc = np.around(snp_sad * ld_r2, 4) ld_r2_round = np.around(ld_r2, 4) # extract target scores and info for ti, tid in enumerate(sad5.target_ids): if dataset == 'All' or sad5.target_labels[ti].startswith( dataset): rows.append({ 'SNP': snp_id, 'Association': snp_assoc[ti], 'Score': snp_sad[ti], 'ScoreQ': snp_pct[ti], 'R': ld_r2_round, 'Experiment': tid, 'Description': sad5.target_labels[ti] }) elif verbose: print('Cannot find %s in snp_indexes.' % snp_id) return rows def make_data_mask(dataset): """Make a mask across targets for the given dataset.""" dataset_mask = [] for ti, tid in enumerate(sad5.target_ids): if dataset == 'All': dataset_mask.append(True) else: dataset_mask.append(sad5.target_labels[ti].startswith(dataset)) return np.array(dataset_mask, dtype='bool') def snp_scores(snp_id, dataset, ld_r2=1.): """Compute an array of scores for this SNP in the specified dataset.""" dataset_mask = make_data_mask(dataset) scores = np.zeros(dataset_mask.sum(), dtype='float64') # search for SNP chrm, snp_i = sad5.snp_chr_index(snp_id) if snp_i is not None: # read SAD snp_sad, _ = read_sad(chrm, snp_i) # filter datasets snp_sad = snp_sad[dataset_mask] # add scores += snp_sad * ld_r2 return scores ############################################# # callbacks @app.callback(dd.Output('table', 'data'), [dd.Input('snp_submit', 'n_clicks')], [ dd.State('snp_id', 'value'), dd.State('dataset', 'value'), dd.State('population', 'value') ]) def update_table(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): """Update the table with a new parameter set.""" if verbose: print('Tabling') # add snp_id rows rows = snp_rows(snp_id, dataset) if population != '-': df_ld = query_ld(population, snp_id) for i, v in df_ld.iterrows(): rows += snp_rows(v.snp, dataset, v.r) return rows @app.callback(dd.Output('assoc_plot', 'figure'), [dd.Input('snp_submit', 'n_clicks')], [ dd.State('snp_id', 'value'), dd.State('dataset', 'value'), dd.State('population', 'value') ]) def update_plot(n_clicks, snp_id, dataset, population, verbose=True): if verbose: print('Plotting') target_mask = make_data_mask(dataset) # add snp_id rows query_scores = snp_scores(snp_id, dataset) if population != '-': df_ld = query_ld(population, snp_id) for i, v in df_ld.iterrows(): query_scores += snp_scores(v.snp, dataset, v.r) # sort sorted_indexes = np.argsort(query_scores) # range ymax = np.abs(query_scores).max() ymax *= 1.2 return { 'data': [ go.Scatter(x=np.arange(len(query_scores)), y=query_scores[sorted_indexes], text=sad5.target_ids[target_mask][sorted_indexes], mode='markers') ], 'layout': { 'height': 400, 'margin': { 'l': 20, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10 }, 'yaxis': { 'range': [-ymax, ymax] }, 'xaxis': { 'range': [-1, 1 + len(query_scores)] } } } ############################################# # run app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True app.run_server(debug=False, port=8787)
def build_infection_callback(app, id_value, id_slider): @app.callback(dp.Output(id_value, 'children'), dp.Input(id_slider, 'value')) def slider_update(value): return f'Infection Time {value}'
def plot_wordcloud(data): d = data wc = WordCloud( background_color='white', font_path="/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/times.ttf", max_words=2000, mask=mask, width=1024, height=1024, max_font_size=90, min_font_size=5, mode='RGBA') wc.fit_words(d) wc.recolor(color_func=image_colors) return wc.to_image() @app.callback(dd.Output('image_wc', 'src'), [dd.Input('image_wc', 'id')]) def make_image(b): img = BytesIO() plot_wordcloud(data=freqs).save(img, format='PNG') return 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format( base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()).decode()) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(debug=True)
from dash import dependencies as dd from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from cars.analysis import etl as etl from .. import DashOptions, opts_from_vals from ..layout import INPID_MAX_DIST, INPID_STATE, INPID_ZIPCODE from . import deferred_callback @deferred_callback( dd.Output(INPID_STATE, "options"), [dd.Input(INPID_ZIPCODE, "value"), dd.Input(INPID_MAX_DIST, "value")], ) def populate_state_options(zipcode: str, max_miles: int) -> list[DashOptions]: """ Generates the state refinement menu. """ if zipcode not in etl.LATLONG_BY_ZIP: raise PreventUpdate return opts_from_vals( state.upper() for state in etl.get_states_in_range(zipcode, max_miles)) __all__ = ["populate_state_options"] ERR_BAD_ZIP = "bad_zip" ERR_NO_ZIP = "err_no_zip" ERR_NO_DEALERS = "err_no_dealers"
dcc.Dropdown(id='database-name', options=ml.dropdown_get_all_database(dbclient), value='Database Name'), html.Div('Table Name'), dcc.Dropdown(id='table-name', options=[{ 'value': 'Table', 'label': 'Table' }], value='Table Name'), html.Div(id='my-table') ]) @dash_app1.callback( depend.Output(component_id='table-name', component_property='options'), [depend.Input(component_id='database-name', component_property='value')]) def update_table_name(database): try: df = ml.dropdown_get_all_table(dbclient, database) return df except: return html.Div('Invalid table') @dash_app1.callback( depend.Output(component_id='my-table', component_property='children'), [ depend.Input(component_id='database-name', component_property='value'), depend.Input(component_id='table-name', component_property='value'), ]) def update_output_div(database, table):
def build_callbacks(app): @app.callback( [ dd.Output(component_id='cncs-fwhm_vs_Ei', component_property='figure'), dd.Output(component_id='cncs-flux_vs_Ei', component_property='figure'), ], [ dd.Input('cncs_chopper_mode', 'value'), ], ) def update_figures(chopper): if chopper == 'all': fwhm_data = sum( [getFWHM_vs_Ei(chopper) for chopper in chopper_modes], []) flux_data = sum( [getFlux_vs_Ei(chopper) for chopper in chopper_modes], []) else: fwhm_data = getFWHM_vs_Ei(chopper) flux_data = getFlux_vs_Ei(chopper) return [ { 'data': fwhm_data, 'layout': dict( title='Resolution vs incident energy', showlegend=True, xaxis=dict( title='Ei (meV)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), yaxis=dict( title='FWHM (meV)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), ), }, { 'data': flux_data, 'layout': dict( title='Flux vs incident energy', showlegend=True, xaxis=dict( title='Ei (meV)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), yaxis=dict( title='Flux (counts/s/cm^2/MW)', type='log', showspikes=True, ), ), }, ] return
app.css.append_css({"external_url": "/css/my.css"}) app.css.append_css( {"external_url": ""}) #app.css.append_css({'external_url': ''}) # noqa: E501 app.layout = html.Div(children=[ html.Div([html.Button(id='button', n_clicks=0, children='STARTING...')], style={'color': 'white'}), html.Div([dcc.Graph(id='graph_one', figure={})], style={'display': 'inline-block'}), dcc.Interval(id='live-update', interval=1000), ], style={'background-color': "#F0F0F0"}) @app.callback(dep.Output('graph_one', 'figure'), [], [dep.State('graph_one', 'figure')], [dep.Event('live-update', 'interval')]) def do_plot(figure): df = pd.read_csv('/tmp/mon.csv') plt_w = uj2w(df.time, df.cpu_uj) sys_w = uj2w(df.time, df.sys_uj) * 2 t = df.time - df.time[0] y_data = ( df.v0 / 1e6, df.v1 / 1e6, df.i0 / 1e6, df.i1 / 1e6, df.i0 * df.v0 / 1e12,
def get_all_msg_dataframe(session_id, data): @ cache.memoize() def calculate_all_msg_dataframe(session_id, data): print('starting all msg 2') list_of_dfs = [msg_fx.get_msg_df(msg_dict) for msg_dict in data["Messages"]] print("Working on msg df "+ str( all_msg_df = pd.concat(list_of_dfs, axis=0, sort=True) all_msg_df['date'] = all_msg_df['sent_date'] print('error in json') return(all_msg_df.reset_index().to_json()) return(pd.read_json(calculate_all_msg_dataframe(session_id, data))) @app.callback([ dd.Output('usage_hidden', 'children'), dd.Output('all_msg_hidden', 'children') ], [dd.Input('upload-data', 'contents', ), dd.Input('upload-data', 'filename'), dd.Input('session-id', 'children')]) def open_file(data, filename, session_id): print("started open file " + str( if data is not None: content_type, content_string = data.split(',') if '.json' in filename: ret_val = base64.b64decode(content_string) data = json.load(io.BytesIO(ret_val)) else: return(html.H1(children='File not a json'))
def register_app_callbacks(app:dash.Dash) -> None: @app.callback( ddp.Output("rubik-button-reset", "n_clicks"), [ddp.Input("tabs-projects", "value")], [ddp.State("rubik-button-reset", "n_clicks")], ) def click_reset(tab:str, n_clicks:int) -> int: if tab != "rubik" or n_clicks > 0: raise dex.PreventUpdate return n_clicks + 1 @app.callback( [ ddp.Output("rubik-select-layer", "options"), ddp.Output("rubik-select-layer", "value"), ddp.Output("rubik-store-state", "data"), ddp.Output("rubik-table-history", "data"), ], [ ddp.Input("rubik-button-clear", "n_clicks"), ddp.Input("rubik-button-reset", "n_clicks"), ddp.Input("rubik-button-scramble", "n_clicks"), ddp.Input("rubik-button-solve", "n_clicks"), ddp.Input("rubik-graph-state", "clickData"), ddp.Input("rubik-table-history", "rowClicked"), ddp.Input("rubik-select-dim", "value"), ], [ ddp.State("rubik-select-layer", "value"), ddp.State("rubik-select-scramble", "value"), ddp.State("rubik-store-state", "data"), ddp.State("rubik-table-history", "data"), ], ) def set_cube_state(*args:list) -> tp.Tuple[object, ...]: trigger = dash.callback_context.triggered[0] if not trigger["value"] or trigger["prop_id"].endswith("clear.n_clicks"): # Clear cube. return constants.EMPTY_OPTIONS, "", [], [], # Unpack arguments and enforce data types. *_, dim, layer, scramble, state, history = args dim = int(dim) layer = int(layer) if layer else 1 scramble = int(scramble) options = [ {"label":f"Rotate {hu.ordinal(layer)} layer", "value":layer} for layer in range(1, 1+dim) ] layer = min(layer, dim) if trigger["prop_id"].endswith("reset.n_clicks") or trigger["prop_id"].endswith("dim.value"): # Load new cube. cube = RubiksCube(dim=dim, state=None) return options, layer, cube.get_state(), [] if trigger["prop_id"].endswith("history.rowClicked"): # Revert cube. i = trigger["value"]["i"] history = [move for move in history if move["i"]<i] cube = RubiksCube(dim=dim, state=None) rotations = [move["move"] for move in history] cube.rotate(rotations=rotations) return options, layer, cube.get_state(), history cube = RubiksCube(dim=dim, state=state) if trigger["prop_id"].endswith("scramble.n_clicks"): # Scramble cube. rotations = cube.scramble(n=scramble) if trigger["prop_id"].endswith("solve.n_clicks"): # Solve cube. rotations = cube.solve() if trigger["prop_id"].endswith("state.clickData"): # Rotate face of cube. faces, axes = zip(*RubiksCube._face_axes.items()) point = trigger["value"]["points"][0] coord = {axis:point[axis] for axis in ["x", "y", "z"]} axis = max(coord.keys(), key=lambda axis:abs(coord[axis])) axis += "+" if coord[axis]>0 else "-" face = list(faces)[list(axes).index(axis)] rotations = f"{layer}{face}" rotations = cube.rotate(rotations=rotations) n = len(history) history.extend({"move":rotation, "i":n+i} for i, rotation in enumerate(rotations)) return options, layer, cube.get_state(), history @app.callback( ddp.Output("rubik-graph-state", "figure"), [ddp.Input("rubik-store-state", "data")], [ddp.State("rubik-select-dim", "value")], ) def graph_cube_state(state:list, dim:str) -> dict: if not state: return empty_cube_figure dim = int(dim) cube = RubiksCube(dim=dim, state=state) figure = cube.get_figure() for trace in figure["data"]: # Disable hover information. trace.update({ "hoverinfo":"none" if trace["type"]=="mesh3d" else "skip", "hovertemplate":"", "name":None, }) figure["layout"].update({ **empty_cube_figure["layout"], # Remove center annotation. "annotations":empty_cube_figure["layout"]["annotations"][1:], }) return figure @app.callback( [ ddp.Output("rubik-button-scramble", "disabled"), ddp.Output("rubik-button-solve", "disabled"), ], [ddp.Input("rubik-store-state", "data")], [ddp.State("rubik-select-dim", "value")], ) def disable_buttons(state:tp.List[str], dim:str) -> tp.Tuple[bool, bool]: if not state or not dim: return True, True if int(dim) not in RubiksCube._solvable_dims: return False, True return False, False