Exemple #1
def push_contact_change(contact_id, change_type):
    Task to push a local contact change to RapidPro
    from .models import Contact

    contact = Contact.objects.select_related('org', 'room').get(pk=contact_id)
    org = contact.org

    logger.info("Pushing %s change to contact %s" % (change_type.name.upper(), contact.uuid))

    chat_group_uuids = set([r.uuid for r in org.rooms.filter(is_active=True)])

    sync_push_contact(org, contact, change_type, [chat_group_uuids])
Exemple #2
def push_contact_change(contact_id, change_type):
    Task to push a local contact change to RapidPro
    from tracpro.groups.models import Group, Region
    from .models import Contact

    contact = Contact.objects.select_related('org', 'region').get(pk=contact_id)
    org = contact.org

    logger.info("Pushing %s change to contact %s" % (change_type.name.upper(), contact.uuid))

    region_uuids = set([r.uuid for r in Region.get_all(org)])
    group_uuids = set([r.uuid for r in Group.get_all(org)])

    sync_push_contact(org, contact, change_type, [region_uuids, group_uuids])
Exemple #3
def push_contact_change(contact_id, change_type):
    Task to push a local contact change to RapidPro
    from tracpro.groups.models import Group, Region
    from .models import Contact

    contact = Contact.objects.select_related('org', 'region').get(pk=contact_id)
    org = contact.org

    logger.info("Pushing %s change to contact %s" % (change_type.name.upper(), contact.uuid))

    region_uuids = set([r.uuid for r in Region.get_all(org)])
    group_uuids = set([r.uuid for r in Group.get_all(org)])

    sync_push_contact(org, contact, change_type, [region_uuids, group_uuids])