def test_dbnl_002_manual_active(dash_duo): """ Update active status using a callback. """ app = Dash() app.layout = Div([ # Location is required to fire events to History Location(id="url"), NavLink("Page 1", id="page-1-link", href="/page-1"), NavLink("Page 2", id="page-2-link", href="/page-2"), NavLink("Page 3", id="page-3-link", href="/page-3"), Div(id="content"), ]) @app.callback( [Output("page-{}-link".format(i), "active") for i in range(1, 4)], Input("url", "pathname"), ) def set_active(pathname): return [pathname == "/page-{}".format(i) for i in range(1, 4)] dash_duo.start_server(app) assert all([ "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-{}-link".format(i)).get_attribute("class") for i in range(1, 4) ]) dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id("page-1-link").click() # wait for callback to update page WebDriverWait(dash_duo.driver, timeout=10).until(lambda d: "active" in d.find_element_by_id( "page-1-link").get_attribute("class")) assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-1-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-2-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-link").get_attribute("class") dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id("page-3-link").click() # wait for callback to update page WebDriverWait( dash_duo.driver, timeout=10).until(lambda d: "active" not in d.find_element_by_id( "page-1-link").get_attribute("class")) assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-1-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-2-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-link").get_attribute("class")
def base() -> Div: ''' Returns a dash website base ''' return Div([ Location(id='url', refresh=False), external_link(rel='icon', href='assets/img/favicon.ico'), Div(id='page_content') ])
def test_dbnl001_auto_active(dash_duo): """ Checks that NavLink is able to automatically set active status based on the current location. """ app = Dash() app.layout = Div([ # Location is required to fire events to History Location(id="url"), NavLink("Page 1", id="page-1-link", href="/page-1", active=True), NavLink("Page 2", id="page-2-link", href="/page-2", active=False), NavLink("Page 3", id="page-3-link", href="/page-3", active="partial"), NavLink( "Page 3 - extra", id="page-3-extra-link", href="/page-3/extra", active="exact", ), Div(id="content"), ]) dash_duo.start_server(app) assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-1-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-2-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-extra-link").get_attribute("class") dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id("page-3-link").click() assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-1-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-2-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-extra-link").get_attribute("class") dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id("page-3-extra-link").click() assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-1-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" not in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-2-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-link").get_attribute("class") assert "active" in dash_duo.wait_for_element_by_id( "page-3-extra-link").get_attribute("class")
def get_html(self): """Glues individual setup components together """ return Div( className="app", children=self.components["navbar"].html + [ Div( className="app-content", children=self.components["sidebar"].html + self.components["index"].html ), Store(id="root-store"), Location(id='location') ] )
import apps.rgb_colourspace_transformation_matrix as app_1 import apps.rgb_colourspace_chromatically_adapted_primaries as app_2 from app import APP, SERVER # noqa __author__ = 'Colour Developers' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2018-2020 - Colour Developers' __license__ = 'New BSD License -' __maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' __status__ = 'Production' __all__ = ['load_app'] APP.layout = Div( [Location(id='url', refresh=False), Div(id='apps', className='row')]) @APP.callback(Output('apps', 'children'), [Input('url', 'pathname')]) def load_app(app): """ Callback loading given app into the appropriate :class:`Div` class instance. Parameters ---------- app : unicode App path. Returns
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from dash_core_components import Location from dash.dependencies import Input, Output from dash_html_components import Div from app import app, cache, server, url_base_pathname import apps from modules.environment import DEBUG_MODE, SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT from modules.logging import logging' - DEBUG_MODE: %s', DEBUG_MODE)' - SERVER_HOST: %s', SERVER_HOST)' - SERVER_PORT: %s\n', SERVER_PORT) app.layout = Div([Location(id='url', refresh=False), Div(id='page-content')]) @app.callback(Output('page-content', 'children'), [Input('url', 'pathname')]) def display_page(pathname): if pathname == '{}/'.format(url_base_pathname): return apps.layout_index if pathname == '{}/download'.format(url_base_pathname): return apps.layout_download elif pathname == '{}/scene'.format(url_base_pathname): return apps.layout_scene else: return apps.layout_error_404 if __name__ == '__main__':
def historic(app, tsa, routes_pathname_prefix='/tshistory/', request_pathname_prefix='/', cachedir=None): request_pathname_prefix_adv = request_pathname_prefix + routes_pathname_prefix external_stylesheets = [ '', '' ] if request_pathname_prefix != '/': dashboard = dash.Dash( 'tsview', server=app, routes_pathname_prefix=routes_pathname_prefix, requests_pathname_prefix=request_pathname_prefix_adv, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets) else: dashboard = dash.Dash('tsview', server=app, url_base_pathname=routes_pathname_prefix, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets) dashboard.config['suppress_callback_exceptions'] = True if request_pathname_prefix != '/': dashboard.config.requests_pathname_prefix = request_pathname_prefix_adv if cachedir: cacheconfig = {'CACHE_TYPE': 'filesystem', 'CACHE_DIR': cachedir} else: cacheconfig = {'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'} cache = Cache(dashboard.server, config=cacheconfig) cache.init_app(dashboard.server) dashboard.layout = Div([ Location(id='url', refresh=False), #Placeholders Div(Dropdown(id='idate_slider', value=None), style={'display': 'none'}), Graph(id='ts_snapshot'), Button(id='submit-button', n_clicks=0, children='Show Republications', style={ 'width': '100%', 'background-color': '#F7F7F7', }), Graph(id='ts_by_appdate', hoverData={'points': [{ 'text': None }]}), html.P('Select an insertion date:', style={ 'font-family': 'Helvetica', "font-size": "100%", 'text-align': 'center', }), Div(id='slider-container'), Div([Br()]), Div([Br()]), html.P( 'Place the mouse on the graph above to see the versions ' 'of one application date:', style={ 'font-family': 'Helvetica', "font-size": "100%", 'text-align': 'center', }), Graph(id='ts_by_insertdate'), ]) @cache.memoize(timeout=300) def _history(id_serie, fromdate, todate): return { # canonicalize the keys immediately dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): serie for dt, serie in tsa.history(id_serie, from_value_date=fromdate, to_value_date=todate).items() } def history(id_serie, fromdate=None, todate=None): return _history(id_serie, fromdate, todate) def insertion_dates(id_serie, fromdate=None, todate=None): return list(history(id_serie, fromdate, todate).keys()) def parse_url(url_string): if (url_string in (routes_pathname_prefix, request_pathname_prefix_adv) or url_string is None or len(url_string.strip('/')) == 0): id_serie = '' else: id_serie = url_string.split('/')[-1] return id_serie @dashboard.callback( dash.dependencies.Output('slider-container', 'children'), [ dash.dependencies.Input('url', 'pathname'), dash.dependencies.Input('submit-button', 'n_clicks') ], [dash.dependencies.State('ts_snapshot', 'relayoutData')]) def adaptable_slider(url_string, n_clicks, graphdata): if n_clicks == 0: return Slider(id='idate_slider', value=None) id_serie = parse_url(url_string) fromdate, todate = unpack_dates(graphdata) idates = insertion_dates(id_serie, fromdate, todate) showlabel = len(idates) < 25 slider = Slider(id='idate_slider', min=0, max=len(idates) - 1, value=len(idates) - 1, step=None, marks={ str(idx): elt if showlabel else '' for idx, elt in enumerate(idates) }) return slider @dashboard.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('ts_snapshot', 'figure'), [dash.dependencies.Input('url', 'pathname')]) def ts_snapshot(url_string): id_serie = parse_url(url_string) ts = tsa.get(id_serie) if id_serie is None or ts is None: return {'data': [], 'layout': {}} trace = [ go.Scatter(x=ts.index, y=ts.values, name=id_serie, mode='lines', line={'color': ('rgb(255, 127, 80)')}) ] layout = go.Layout({ 'yaxis': { 'fixedrange': True }, 'showlegend': True, 'title': 'Zoom to select the date interval:' }) return {'data': trace, 'layout': layout} @dashboard.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('ts_by_appdate', 'figure'), [ dash.dependencies.Input('idate_slider', 'value'), dash.dependencies.Input('submit-button', 'n_clicks') ], [ dash.dependencies.State('url', 'pathname'), dash.dependencies.State('ts_snapshot', 'relayoutData') ]) def ts_by_appdate(idx, n_clicks, url_string, graphdata): if n_clicks == 0: return {'data': [], 'layout': {}} fromdate, todate = unpack_dates(graphdata) idx = idx if idx else 0 id_serie = parse_url(url_string) ts_final = tsa.get(id_serie, from_value_date=fromdate, to_value_date=todate) versions = history(id_serie, fromdate, todate) idates = list(versions.keys()) if idx > len(idates): # may happen when the input div are not refreshed at the same time idx = len(idates) - 1 insert_date = idates[idx] ts_unti_now = versions[insert_date] traces = [] # all versions for idate in idates: ts = versions[idate].loc[fromdate:todate] # plolty does not plot a line with only one point mode = 'lines' if len(ts) > 1 else 'markers' color = COLOR_BEFORE if idate <= insert_date else COLOR_AFTER traces.append( go.Scatter(x=ts.index, y=ts.values, text=[str(elt) for elt in ts.index], name=idate, showlegend=False, mode=mode, line={'color': color}, opacity=0.2)) # final snapshot traces.append( go.Scatter(x=ts_final.index, y=ts_final.values, name='last', text=[str(elt) for elt in ts_final.index], mode='lines', line={'color': COLOR_LAST}, opacity=1)) # ts as of mode = 'lines' if len(ts_unti_now) > 1 else 'markers' traces.append( go.Scatter( x=ts_unti_now.index, y=ts_unti_now.values, text=[str(elt) for elt in ts_unti_now.index], name=str(pd.to_datetime(insert_date)), mode=mode, line={'color': COLOR_CURRENT}, )) tsminvalue = min(ts.values.min() for ts in versions.values() if len(ts)) tsmaxvalue = max(ts.values.max() for ts in versions.values() if len(ts)) return { 'data': traces, 'layout': go.Layout( hovermode='closest', xaxis={'range': [ts_final.index.min(), ts_final.index.max()]}, yaxis={'range': [tsminvalue, tsmaxvalue]}, title='{} <br>Insertion date : {}'.format( id_serie, insert_date), shapes=[{ 'type': 'line', 'x0': insert_date, 'y0': tsminvalue, 'x1': insert_date, 'y1': tsmaxvalue, 'line': { 'dash': 'dot', 'color': 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'width': 1 } }]) } @dashboard.callback( dash.dependencies.Output('ts_by_insertdate', 'figure'), [dash.dependencies.Input('ts_by_appdate', 'hoverData')], [ dash.dependencies.State('url', 'pathname'), dash.dependencies.State('ts_snapshot', 'relayoutData') ]) def ts_by_insertdate(hoverdata, url_string, graphdata): id_serie = parse_url(url_string) if id_serie is None: return {'data': [], 'layout': {}} date_str = hoverdata['points'][0]['text'] if date_str is None: return {'data': [go.Scatter()], 'layout': go.Layout()} fromdate, todate = unpack_dates(graphdata) versions = history(id_serie, fromdate, todate) index = [] values = [] lastvalue = None dt = pd.to_datetime(date_str) for idate, ts in sorted(versions.items()): if dt in ts.index: value = ts[dt] if value == lastvalue: continue index.append(idate) values.append(value) lastvalue = value traces = [ go.Scatter( x=index, y=values, name=date_str, mode='lines', line={'color': ('rgb(20, 180, 40)')}, ) ] return { 'data': traces, 'layout': go.Layout( hovermode='closest', title='Application date : {}'.format(date_str), ) }
# 'layout': heat_maps_page, # 'nav': 'Heat', # 'title': 'MM Heat Maps' # }), # '/maps/choro': dot({ # 'layout': choro_maps_page, # 'nav': 'Choropleth', # 'title': 'MM Choropleth Maps' # }) }) # # App Base Layout # app.layout = Div([ Location(id='url', refresh=True), Navbar(routes), Main(P('Loading...', style={'text-align': 'center'}), id='app-main') ], id='app-root') @app.callback(DOutput('app-main', 'children'), [DInput('url', 'pathname')]) def display_main(pathname): return routes[pathname].layout # # Args #