def take_alert_action(self, alert_id, alert_action, helpfulness=None): a = alert.Alert() alert_dict = a.find_by_id(alert_id) alert_dict["last_update"] = int(time.time()) if alert_action == "acknowledge": "An alert was acked for {uid}.".format(uid=self.userinfo["sub"]) ) alert_dict["state"] = alert_action res = a.update(alert_id=alert_id, alert_dict=alert_dict) elif alert_action == "escalate": "An alert was escalated for {uid}.".format(uid=self.userinfo["sub"]) ) alert_dict["state"] = alert_action res = a.update(alert_id=alert_id, alert_dict=alert_dict) elif alert_action == "indicate-helpfulness": "Alert helpfulness was set for {uid}.".format(uid=self.userinfo["sub"]) ) alert_dict["helpfulness"] = helpfulness res = a.update(alert_id=alert_id, alert_dict=alert_dict) else: res = {"ResponseMetadata": {"HTTPStatusCode": 200}} m = alert.Feedback(alert_dict=alert_dict, alert_action=alert_action) m.send() return res
def test_create_alert(self): session = Session() # Get the service resource dynamodb = session.resource('dynamodb') dynamodb.create_table( TableName='sso-dashboard-alert1', KeySchema=[ { 'AttributeName': 'alert_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH' } ], AttributeDefinitions=[ { 'AttributeName': 'alert_id', 'AttributeType': 'S' } ], ProvisionedThroughput={ 'ReadCapacityUnits': 5, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 5 } ) self.table = dynamodb.Table('sso-dashboard-alert1') self.table.meta.client.get_waiter('table_exists').wait(TableName='sso-dashboard-alert1') a = alert.Alert() a.dynamodb = self.table alert_dict = { 'user_id': 'bob|ad|123456', 'message': 'foo', 'severity': 'HIGH' } # res = a.create(alert_dict=alert_dict) sample_alert_id = res['Attributes']['alert_id'] assert res['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 res = a.find('bob|ad|123456') assert len(res) is 1 updated_alert_dict = { 'user_id': 'bob|ad|123456', 'message': 'foo', 'severity': 'MEDIUM' } res = a.update(alert_id=sample_alert_id, alert_dict=updated_alert_dict) assert res['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 res = a.destroy(alert_id=sample_alert_id, user_id='bob|ad|123456') assert res['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200
def test_delegate_object_init(self): a = alert.Alert() assert a.alert_table_name == 'sso-dashboard-alert' assert a is not None
def test_alert_purge(self): session = Session() # Get the service resource dynamodb = session.resource('dynamodb') dynamodb.create_table(TableName='sso-dashboard-alert1', KeySchema=[{ 'AttributeName': 'alert_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH' }], AttributeDefinitions=[{ 'AttributeName': 'alert_id', 'AttributeType': 'S' }], ProvisionedThroughput={ 'ReadCapacityUnits': 5, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 5 }) client = session.client('dynamodb') response = client.update_table( TableName='sso-dashboard-alert1', GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates=[{ 'Create': { 'IndexName': 'user_id-index', 'KeySchema': [{ 'AttributeName': 'user_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH' }], 'Projection': { 'ProjectionType': 'ALL' }, 'ProvisionedThroughput': { 'ReadCapacityUnits': 5, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 5 } } }], ) assert response is not None self.table = dynamodb.Table('sso-dashboard-alert1') self.table.meta.client.get_waiter('table_exists').wait( TableName='sso-dashboard-alert1') a = alert.Alert() a.dynamodb = self.table alert_dict = { "alert_code": "416c65727447656f6d6f64656c", "alert_id": "1c7c506eb221f6206becb8ef0d96f6", "alert_str_json": "foo", "date": "2018-08-05", "description": "This alert is created based on geo ip information about the last login of a user.", "duplicate": True, "risk": "high", "summary": "Did you recently login from Lewisham, United Kingdom (x.x.x.x)?", "url": "", "url_title": "Get Help", "user_id": "ad|Mozilla-LDAP|akrug" } res = a.create(alert_dict=alert_dict) assert res is not None assert res['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 res = a.find('ad|Mozilla-LDAP|akrug') for this_alert in res.get('visible_alerts'): if alert_dict.get('alert_id') == this_alert.get('alert_id'): assert 0 else: pass
def test_create_alert_id(self): a = alert.Alert() id = a._create_alert_id() assert id is id
def alerts(self): alerts = alert.Alert().find(user_id=self.userinfo["sub"]) return alerts