Exemple #1
 def setUp(self):
     """Perform setup for the testcase."""
     self.bounty = Bounty.objects.create(
         web3_created=datetime(2008, 10, 31, tzinfo=UTC),
         issue_description='hello world',
         expires_date=datetime(2008, 11, 30, tzinfo=UTC),
     self.natural_value = round(self.bounty.get_natural_value(), 4)
     self.usdt_value = f"({round(self.bounty.value_in_usdt, 2)} USD)" if self.bounty.value_in_usdt else ""
     self.absolute_url = self.bounty.get_absolute_url()
     self.amount_open_work = amount_usdt_open_work()
     self.bounty_owner = f"(@{self.bounty.bounty_owner_github_username})"
Exemple #2
def contributor_landing(request, tech_stack):

    slides = [
        ("Daniel", static("v2/images/testimonials/gitcoiners/daniel.jpeg"),
         _("When I found Gitcoin I was gladly surprised that it took one thing and did it well. \
         It took the Ethereum tech and used it as a bridge to technology with open source Jobs.  \
         Even though Gitcoin is still in it’s early stages, I think it’s filled with potential to grow."),
        ("CryptoMental", static("v2/images/testimonials/gitcoiners/cryptomental.png"),
         _(" think the great thing about GitCoin is how easy it is for projects to reach out to worldwide talent. \
         GitCoin helps to find people who have time to contribute and increase speed of project development. \
         Thanks to GitCoin a bunch of interesting OpenSource projects got my attention!"),
        ("Elan", static("v2/images/testimonials/gitcoiners/elan.jpeg"),
         _("The bounty process with Gitcoin is pretty amazing.  Just go on the website, find an issue you can \
         work on, you claim it.  All you do then is submit your code to Github, get the code merged.  \
         Once it’s merged, the smart contract kicks in and sends the money to your Ethereum account.  \
         The whole process is pretty smooth.  There’s a giant slack community.  It puts the freelance \
         market back in the hands of the community!"),
        ("Jack", static("v2/images/testimonials/gitcoiners/jack.jpeg"),
         _("I really like Gitcoin because it’s allowed me to get involved in some really interesting \
         Open Source Projects.  I’ve written code for MyEtherWallet and Gitcoin itself.  \
         I think Gitcoin is becoming a great asset for the Ethereum ecosystem."),
        ("Miguel Angel Rodriguez Bermudez", static("v2/images/testimonials/gitcoiners/miguel.jpeg"),
         _("I came across Gitcoin 3 months ago.  I was hearing lots of ideas about projects involving \
         cryptocurrencies, and I kept thinking \"what about open source projects?\".  I see Gitcoin as \
         the next level of freelance, where you can not only help repos on Github, but get money out of \
         it.  It is that simple and it works."),
        ("Octavio Amuchástegui", static("v2/images/testimonials/gitcoiners/octavioamu.jpeg"),
         _("I'm in love with Gitcoin. It isn't only a platform, it's a community that gives me the \
         opportunity to open my network and work with amazing top technology projects and earn some \
         money in a way I'm visible to the dev community and work opportunities. Open source is amazing, \
         and is even better to make a living from it, I think is the future of development."),

    gitcoin_description = _(
        "A community for developers to collaborate and monetize their skills while working \
        on Open Source projects through bounties."

    projects = [
            'name': 'Augur Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/augur.png'
            'name': 'Bounties Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/bounties.png'
            'name': 'Balance Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/balance.png'
            'name': 'Metamask Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/metamask.png'
            'name': 'uPort Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/uport.png'
            'name': 'Market Protocol Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/market.png'
            'name': 'Trust Wallet Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/trust.png'
            'name': 'MCrypto Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/mycrypto.png'
            'name': 'Truffle Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/truffle.png'
            'name': 'Solidity Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/solidity.png'
            'name': 'Casper Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/casper.png'
            'name': 'Wyvern Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/wyvern.png'
            'name': 'Ethereum Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/eth.png'
            'name': 'Livepeer Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/livepeer.png'
            'name': 'Raiden Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/raiden.png'
            'name': 'Databroker Logo',
            'source': 'v2/images/project_logos/databroker.png'

    available_bounties_count = open_bounties().count()
    available_bounties_worth = amount_usdt_open_work()
    # tech_stack = '' #uncomment this if you wish to disable contributor specific LPs
    context = {
        'activities': get_activities(tech_stack),
        'title': tech_stack.title() + str(_(" Open Source Opportunities")) if tech_stack else "Open Source Opportunities",
        'slides': slides,
        'slideDurationInMs': 6000,
        'active': 'home',
        'newsletter_headline': _("Be the first to find out about newly posted bounties."),
        'hide_newsletter_caption': True,
        'hide_newsletter_consent': True,
        'projects': projects,
        'gitcoin_description': gitcoin_description,
        'available_bounties_count': available_bounties_count,
        'available_bounties_worth': available_bounties_worth,
        'tech_stack': tech_stack,

    return TemplateResponse(request, 'landing/contributor.html', context)