Exemple #1
    def _check_array(self, X):
        if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
            X = X.values

        if isinstance(X, dd.DataFrame):
            X = X.to_dask_array(lengths=True)

        X = check_array(

        if X.dtype == "int32":
            X = X.astype("float32")
        elif X.dtype == "int64":
            X = X.astype("float64")

        if isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
            X = da.from_array(X,
                                          len(X) // cpu_count()), X.shape[-1]))

        bad = (da.isnull(X).any(), da.isinf(X).any())
        if any(*compute(bad)):
            msg = ("Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for "
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return X
Exemple #2
    def _check_array(self, X):
        t0 = tic()

        if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
            X = X.values

        elif isinstance(X, dd.DataFrame):
            raise TypeError("Cannot fit on dask.dataframe due to unknown "
                            "partition lengths.")

        if X.dtype == 'int32':
            X = X.astype('float32')
        elif X.dtype == 'int64':
            X = X.astype('float64')

        X = check_array(X,

        if isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
            X = da.from_array(X,
                                          len(X) // cpu_count()), X.shape[-1]))

        bad = (da.isnull(X).any(), da.isinf(X).any())
        if any(*compute(bad)):
            msg = ("Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for "
            raise ValueError(msg)
        t1 = tic()
        logger.info("Finished check_array in %0.2f s", t1 - t0)
        return X
Exemple #3
    def _apply_sort(self, df: dd.DataFrame, sort_columns: List[str],
                    sort_ascending: List[bool]) -> dd.DataFrame:
        # Split the first column. We need to handle this one with set_index
        first_sort_column = sort_columns[0]
        first_sort_ascending = sort_ascending[0]

        # Sort the first column with set_index. Currently, we can only handle ascending sort
        if not first_sort_ascending:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The first column needs to be sorted ascending (yet)")
        # We can only sort if there are no NaNs or infs.
        # Therefore we need to do a single pass over the dataframe
        # to warn the user
        # We shall also treat inf as na
        col = df[first_sort_column]
        isnan = col.isna().any()
        numeric = pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(col.dtype)
        # Important to evaluate the isinf late, as it only works with numeric-type columns
        if isnan.compute() or (numeric and da.isinf(col).any().compute()):
            raise ValueError("Can not sort a column with NaNs")

        df = df.set_index(first_sort_column, drop=False).reset_index(drop=True)

        # sort the remaining columns if given
        if len(sort_columns) > 1:
            sort_partition_func = lambda x: x.reset_index(
                drop=True).sort_values(sort_columns, ascending=sort_ascending)
            df = df.map_partitions(sort_partition_func, meta=df._meta)

        return df
Exemple #4
 def redistribute(pop, target, default):
     # Redistribute population proportionally at the target locations
     redistribution = target / target.sum()
     # If there are no target locations, all redistribution values will be inf.
     # In this case, use the default
     return da.where(
         da.isinf(redistribution) | da.isnan(redistribution), default,
         pop * redistribution)
Exemple #5
def test_arithmetic():
    x = np.arange(5).astype('f4') + 2
    y = np.arange(5).astype('i8') + 2
    z = np.arange(5).astype('i4') + 2
    a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(2,))
    b = da.from_array(y, chunks=(2,))
    c = da.from_array(z, chunks=(2,))
    assert eq(a + b, x + y)
    assert eq(a * b, x * y)
    assert eq(a - b, x - y)
    assert eq(a / b, x / y)
    assert eq(b & b, y & y)
    assert eq(b | b, y | y)
    assert eq(b ^ b, y ^ y)
    assert eq(a // b, x // y)
    assert eq(a ** b, x ** y)
    assert eq(a % b, x % y)
    assert eq(a > b, x > y)
    assert eq(a < b, x < y)
    assert eq(a >= b, x >= y)
    assert eq(a <= b, x <= y)
    assert eq(a == b, x == y)
    assert eq(a != b, x != y)

    assert eq(a + 2, x + 2)
    assert eq(a * 2, x * 2)
    assert eq(a - 2, x - 2)
    assert eq(a / 2, x / 2)
    assert eq(b & True, y & True)
    assert eq(b | True, y | True)
    assert eq(b ^ True, y ^ True)
    assert eq(a // 2, x // 2)
    assert eq(a ** 2, x ** 2)
    assert eq(a % 2, x % 2)
    assert eq(a > 2, x > 2)
    assert eq(a < 2, x < 2)
    assert eq(a >= 2, x >= 2)
    assert eq(a <= 2, x <= 2)
    assert eq(a == 2, x == 2)
    assert eq(a != 2, x != 2)

    assert eq(2 + b, 2 + y)
    assert eq(2 * b, 2 * y)
    assert eq(2 - b, 2 - y)
    assert eq(2 / b, 2 / y)
    assert eq(True & b, True & y)
    assert eq(True | b, True | y)
    assert eq(True ^ b, True ^ y)
    assert eq(2 // b, 2 // y)
    assert eq(2 ** b, 2 ** y)
    assert eq(2 % b, 2 % y)
    assert eq(2 > b, 2 > y)
    assert eq(2 < b, 2 < y)
    assert eq(2 >= b, 2 >= y)
    assert eq(2 <= b, 2 <= y)
    assert eq(2 == b, 2 == y)
    assert eq(2 != b, 2 != y)

    assert eq(-a, -x)
    assert eq(abs(a), abs(x))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))

    assert eq(da.logaddexp(a, b), np.logaddexp(x, y))
    assert eq(da.logaddexp2(a, b), np.logaddexp2(x, y))
    assert eq(da.exp(b), np.exp(y))
    assert eq(da.log(a), np.log(x))
    assert eq(da.log10(a), np.log10(x))
    assert eq(da.log1p(a), np.log1p(x))
    assert eq(da.expm1(b), np.expm1(y))
    assert eq(da.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(x))
    assert eq(da.square(a), np.square(x))

    assert eq(da.sin(a), np.sin(x))
    assert eq(da.cos(b), np.cos(y))
    assert eq(da.tan(a), np.tan(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsin(b/10), np.arcsin(y/10))
    assert eq(da.arccos(b/10), np.arccos(y/10))
    assert eq(da.arctan(b/10), np.arctan(y/10))
    assert eq(da.arctan2(b*10, a), np.arctan2(y*10, x))
    assert eq(da.hypot(b, a), np.hypot(y, x))
    assert eq(da.sinh(a), np.sinh(x))
    assert eq(da.cosh(b), np.cosh(y))
    assert eq(da.tanh(a), np.tanh(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsinh(b*10), np.arcsinh(y*10))
    assert eq(da.arccosh(b*10), np.arccosh(y*10))
    assert eq(da.arctanh(b/10), np.arctanh(y/10))
    assert eq(da.deg2rad(a), np.deg2rad(x))
    assert eq(da.rad2deg(a), np.rad2deg(x))

    assert eq(da.logical_and(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_and(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_or(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_or(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_xor(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_xor(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_not(a < 1), np.logical_not(x < 1))
    assert eq(da.maximum(a, 5 - a), np.maximum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.minimum(a, 5 - a), np.minimum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmax(a, 5 - a), np.fmax(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmin(a, 5 - a), np.fmin(a, 5 - a))

    assert eq(da.isreal(a + 1j * b), np.isreal(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.iscomplex(a + 1j * b), np.iscomplex(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.isfinite(a), np.isfinite(x))
    assert eq(da.isinf(a), np.isinf(x))
    assert eq(da.isnan(a), np.isnan(x))
    assert eq(da.signbit(a - 3), np.signbit(x - 3))
    assert eq(da.copysign(a - 3, b), np.copysign(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.nextafter(a - 3, b), np.nextafter(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.ldexp(c, c), np.ldexp(z, z))
    assert eq(da.fmod(a * 12, b), np.fmod(x * 12, y))
    assert eq(da.floor(a * 0.5), np.floor(x * 0.5))
    assert eq(da.ceil(a), np.ceil(x))
    assert eq(da.trunc(a / 2), np.trunc(x / 2))

    assert eq(da.degrees(b), np.degrees(y))
    assert eq(da.radians(a), np.radians(x))

    assert eq(da.rint(a + 0.3), np.rint(x + 0.3))
    assert eq(da.fix(a - 2.5), np.fix(x - 2.5))

    assert eq(da.angle(a + 1j), np.angle(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.real(a + 1j), np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).real, np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.imag(a + 1j), np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).imag, np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.conj(a + 1j * b), np.conj(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq((a + 1j * b).conj(), (x + 1j * y).conj())

    assert eq(da.clip(b, 1, 4), np.clip(y, 1, 4))
    assert eq(da.fabs(b), np.fabs(y))
    assert eq(da.sign(b - 2), np.sign(y - 2))

    l1, l2 = da.frexp(a)
    r1, r2 = np.frexp(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    l1, l2 = da.modf(a)
    r1, r2 = np.modf(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    assert eq(da.around(a, -1), np.around(x, -1))
Exemple #6
    def model_summary(self):
        Summarize totals of each species and their parameters in the domain. This is used primarily to service the
        data requirements of an excel output in ``logger.write_xlsx``

        :return: dict of species and their parameters
        def add_reduction(data, key, to_compute):
            data[key] = to_compute

        model_times = self.model_times

        for species in self.summary.keys():
            lcl_cmp = {}  # Custom compute tree
            post_cmp = {}  # Compute tree for after

            # Collect the species name
                species_name = [
                    name for name in self.domain.species_names
                    if species == pd.name_key(name)
            except IndexError:
                raise pd.PopdynError(
                    "Unable to gather the species name from the key {}".format(

            sp_log = self.summary[species]

            # Carrying Capacity NOTE: This should be summarized by group in the future
            ds = []
            change_ds = []
            first_cc = None
            cc_mean_zero = []
            cc_mean_nonzero = []
            for time in model_times:
                self.total_carrying_capacity(species, time)
                cc_a = self.to_compute[-1]
                total_cc = cc_a.sum()
                cc_a_mean = (cc_a.mean() / (self.domain.csx * self.domain.csy)
                             ) * 1e6  # Assuming metres
                    (cc_a[cc_a != 0].mean() /
                     (self.domain.csx * self.domain.csy)) * 1e6)
                if first_cc is None:
                    first_cc = (cc_a.mean() /
                                (self.domain.csx * self.domain.csy)) * 1e6
                    da.where(first_cc > 0, cc_a_mean / first_cc, 0.0))
            key = "Habitat/{}/Total n".format(species_name)
            ds[0] = np.nan
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)
            key = "Habitat/{}/Relative Change".format(species_name)
            change_ds[0] = np.nan
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, change_ds)
            key = "Habitat/{}/Mean [including zeros] (n per km. sq.)".format(
            cc_mean_zero[0] = np.nan
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, cc_mean_zero)
            key = "Habitat/{}/Mean [excluding zeros] (n per km. sq.)".format(
            cc_mean_nonzero[0] = np.nan
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, cc_mean_nonzero)

            # Collect average ages
            ave_ages = []
            for time in model_times:
                self.average_age(species, time)
                m = self.to_compute[-1]
                not_inf = ~da.isinf(m)
            key = "Population/{}/NA/Average Age".format(species_name)
            ave_ages[0] = np.nan
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ave_ages)

            # Add total population and lambda population for species
            total_pop = []
            lambda_pop = []
            prv_pop = None
            for time in model_times:
                self.total_population(species, time)
                pop_sum = self.to_compute[-1].sum()
                if prv_pop is not None:
                    lambda_pop.append(pop_sum / prv_pop)
                prv_pop = pop_sum
            key = "Population/{}/NA/Total Population".format(species_name)
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, total_pop)
            key = "Population/{}/NA/Total Population Lambda".format(
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, lambda_pop)

            # Collect all offspring
            tot_new_off = []
            for time in model_times:
                self.total_offspring(species, time)
            key = "Natality/{}/NA/Total new offspring".format(species_name)
            tot_new_off[0] = np.nan
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, tot_new_off)

            # Collect all deaths
            all_deaths = []
            for time in model_times:
                self.total_mortality(species, time)
            key = "Mortality/{}/NA/All deaths".format(species_name)
            all_deaths[0] = np.nan
            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, all_deaths)

            # Collect deaths by type
            mort_types = self.list_mortality_types(species, None)
            for mort_type in mort_types:
                if not ("Density Dependent Rate" in mort_type
                        or "Converted to " in mort_type):
                    ds = []
                    for time in model_times:
                    key = "Mortality/{}/NA/Total deaths from {}".format(
                        species_name, mort_type)
                    ds[0] = np.nan
                    add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

            # Iterate groups and populate data
            for sex in ["male", "female"]:
                sp_log["Domain"]["Age Groups"][sex] = []
                sp_log["Domain"]["Age Ranges"][sex] = []
                sex_str = sex

                # Collect total population by sex
                sex_pop = []
                for time in model_times:
                    self.total_population(species, time, sex)
                key = "Population/{}/NA/Total {}s".format(
                    species_name, sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:])
                add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, sex_pop)

                if sex == "female":
                    # Collect offspring / female
                    key = "Natality/{}/NA/Total offspring per female".format(

                    def topf(lcl_cmp, key):
                        species_name = key.split("/")[1]
                        return np.concatenate([
                                    lcl_cmp["Population/{}/NA/Total Females".
                                            format(species_name)])[:-1] > 0,
                                    "Natality/{}/NA/Total new offspring".
                                    format(species_name)])[1:] /
                                    lcl_cmp["Population/{}/NA/Total Females".

                    post_cmp[key] = topf

                # Calculate the F:M ratio if both sexes present
                if ("Population/{}/NA/Total Males".format(species_name)
                        in lcl_cmp.keys() and
                        "Population/{}/NA/Total Females".format(species_name)
                        in lcl_cmp.keys()):
                    key = "Natality/{}/NA/F:M Ratio".format(species_name)

                    def fmr(lcl_cmp, key):
                        species_name = key.split("/")[1]
                        return np.where(
                            np.asarray(lcl_cmp["Population/{}/NA/Total Males".
                                               format(species_name)]) > 0,
                            np.asarray(lcl_cmp["Population/{}/NA/Total Females"
                                               .format(species_name)]) /
                            np.asarray(lcl_cmp["Population/{}/NA/Total Males".

                    post_cmp[key] = fmr

                # Collect average ages by sex
                ave_ages = []
                for time in model_times:
                    self.average_age(species, time, sex)
                    m = self.to_compute[-1]
                key = "Population/{}/NA/Average {} Age".format(
                    species_name, sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:])
                ave_ages[0] = np.nan
                add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ave_ages)

                # Offspring by sex
                for __sex in ["male", "female"]:
                    offspring_sex = __sex[0].upper() + __sex[1:] + " Offspring"
                    ds = []
                    for time in model_times:
                    key = "Natality/{}/NA/{} offspring from {}s".format(
                        __sex[0].upper() + __sex[1:],
                        sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:],
                    ds[0] = np.nan
                    add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

                # Collect deaths by sex
                sex_death = []
                for time in model_times:
                    self.total_mortality(species, time, sex)
                key = "Mortality/{}/NA/Total {} deaths".format(
                    species_name, sex)
                sex_death[0] = np.nan
                add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, sex_death)

                # Collect deaths by type/sex
                mort_types = self.list_mortality_types(species, None, sex)
                for mort_type in mort_types:
                    if not ("Density Dependent Rate" in mort_type
                            or "Converted to " in mort_type):
                        ds = []
                        for time in model_times:
                        key = "Mortality/{}/NA/{} deaths from {}".format(
                            species_name, sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:],
                        ds[0] = np.nan
                        add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

                for gp in self.domain._group_keys(species):

                    if gp is None:

                        group_name = [
                            name for name in self.domain.group_names(species)
                            if gp == pd.name_key(name)
                    except IndexError:
                        raise pd.PopdynError(
                            "Unable to gather the group name from the key {}".
                    if sex is not None:
                        sp_log["Domain"]["Age Groups"][sex].append(group_name)
                        age_range = self.domain.age_from_group(
                            species, sex, gp)
                        sp_log["Domain"]["Age Ranges"][sex].append(age_range)

                    # Collect the total population of the group, which is only needed once
                    if ("Population/{}/{}/Total".format(
                            species_name, group_name) not in lcl_cmp.keys()):
                        gp_pop = []
                        lambda_pop = []
                        prv_pop = None
                        for time in model_times:
                            self.total_population(species, time, group=gp)
                            pop_sum = self.to_compute[-1].sum()
                            if prv_pop is None:
                                lambda_pop.append(pop_sum / prv_pop)
                            prv_pop = pop_sum.copy()
                        key = "Population/{}/{}/Total".format(
                            species_name, group_name)
                        add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, gp_pop)
                        key = "Population/{}/{}/Lambda".format(
                            species_name, group_name)
                        add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, lambda_pop)

                    # Collect average ages by gp
                    ave_ages = []
                    for time in model_times:
                        self.average_age(species, time, sex, gp)
                        m = self.to_compute[-1]
                    key = "Population/{}/{}/Average {} Age".format(
                        species_name, gp, sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:])
                    ave_ages[0] = np.nan
                    add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ave_ages)

                    # Collect the population of this group and sex
                    gp_sex_pop = []
                    for time in model_times:
                        self.total_population(species, time, sex, gp)
                    key = "Population/{}/{}/{}s".format(
                        species_name, group_name,
                        sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:])
                    add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, gp_sex_pop)

                    # Calculate the F:M ratio if both sexes present
                    if ("Population/{}/{}/Males".format(
                            species_name, group_name) in lcl_cmp.keys()
                            and "Population/{}/{}/Females".format(
                                species_name, group_name) in lcl_cmp.keys()):
                        key = "Natality/{}/{}/F:M Ratio".format(
                            species_name, group_name)

                        def fmr_gp(lcl_cmp, key):
                            species_name = key.split("/")[1]
                            group_name = key.split("/")[2]
                            return np.where(
                                        species_name, group_name)]) > 0,
                                        species_name, group_name)]) /
                                        species_name, group_name)]),

                        post_cmp[key] = fmr_gp

                    # Natality
                    # Offspring
                    ds = []
                    for time in model_times:
                        self.total_offspring(species, time, sex, gp)
                    key = "Natality/{}/{}/Total offspring".format(
                        species_name, group_name)
                    ds[0] = np.nan
                    add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)
                    for __sex in ["male", "female"]:
                        offspring_sex = __sex[0].upper(
                        ) + __sex[1:] + " Offspring"
                        ds = []
                        for time in model_times:
                        key = "Natality/{}/{}/{} offspring from {}s".format(
                            __sex[0].upper() + __sex[1:],
                            sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:],
                        ds[0] = np.nan
                        add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

                    if sex == "female":
                        # Density coefficient
                        dd_fec_ds = []
                        for time in model_times:
                            self.fecundity(species, time, sex, gp, coeff=True)
                        key = "Natality/{}/{}/Density-Based Fecundity Reduction Rate".format(
                            species_name, group_name)
                        dd_fec_ds[0] = np.nan
                        add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, dd_fec_ds)

                        # Fecundity rate
                        ds = []
                        for time in model_times:
                            self.fecundity(species, time, sex, gp)
                        key = "Natality/{}/{}/{} mean fecundity".format(
                            species_name, group_name, sex_str)
                        ds[0] = np.nan
                        add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

                        # Offspring per female
                        key = "Natality/{}/{}/offspring per female".format(
                            species_name, group_name)

                        def opf_gp(lcl_cmp, key):
                            species_name = key.split("/")[1]
                            group_name = key.split("/")[2]
                            return np.concatenate([
                                            group_name)])[:-1] > 0,
                                        "Natality/{}/{}/Total offspring".
                                        format(species_name, group_name)])[1:]
                                    / np.asarray(lcl_cmp[
                                            species_name, group_name)])[:-1],

                        post_cmp[key] = opf_gp

                    # Mortality
                    # Male/Female by group
                    mort_ds = []
                    for time in model_times:
                        self.total_mortality(species, time, sex, gp)
                    key = "Mortality/{}/{}/{} deaths".format(
                        species_name, group_name,
                        sex_str[0].upper() + sex_str[1:])
                    mort_ds[0] = np.nan
                    add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, mort_ds)

                    # All for group
                    ds = []
                    for time in model_times:
                        self.total_mortality(species, time, None, gp)
                    key = "Mortality/{}/{}/Total deaths".format(
                        species_name, group_name)
                    ds[0] = np.nan
                    add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

                    mort_types = self.list_mortality_types(
                        species, None, sex, gp)
                    for mort_type in mort_types:
                        if mort_type != "Density Dependent Rate":
                            ds = []
                            for time in model_times:
                                self.total_mortality(species, time, sex, gp,

                            if "Converted to " in mort_type:
                                mort_str = "{} {}".format(sex_str, mort_type)
                                mort_str = "{} {} deaths".format(
                                    sex_str, mort_type)
                            key = "Mortality/{}/{}/{}".format(
                                species_name, group_name, mort_str)
                            ds[0] = np.nan
                            add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

                        # Skip the implicit mortality types, as they will not be included in the params
                        if (mort_type in ["Old Age", "Density Dependent"]
                                or "Converted to " in mort_type):

                        # Collect the parameter
                        ds = []
                        for time in model_times:
                            self.total_mortality(species, time, sex, gp,
                                                 mort_type, False)
                        key = "Mortality/{}/{}/{} mean {} rate".format(
                            species_name, group_name, sex_str, mort_type)
                        if "Density Dependent Rate" in key:
                            key = key[:-4]
                        ds[0] = np.nan
                        add_reduction(lcl_cmp, key, ds)

            # Compute and populate the species log
            print("Computing initial values")
            keys = lcl_cmp.keys()
            reduced_values = {key: [] for key in keys}

            for i in range(len(lcl_cmp[keys[0]])):
                for key, val in zip(
                        da.compute([lcl_cmp[key][i] for key in keys])[0]):

            print("Computing derived values")
            for key, val in post_cmp.items():
                reduced_values[key] = val(reduced_values, key)

            for key, values in reduced_values.items():
                _keys = key.split("/")
                    d = sp_log[_keys[0]]
                except KeyError:
                    sp_log[_keys[0]] = {}
                    d = sp_log[_keys[0]]

                for key in _keys[1:-1]:
                        d = d[key]
                    except KeyError:
                        d[key] = {}
                        d = d[key]

                d[_keys[-1]] = values
Exemple #7
def test_arithmetic():
    x = np.arange(5).astype('f4') + 2
    y = np.arange(5).astype('i8') + 2
    z = np.arange(5).astype('i4') + 2
    a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(2, ))
    b = da.from_array(y, chunks=(2, ))
    c = da.from_array(z, chunks=(2, ))
    assert eq(a + b, x + y)
    assert eq(a * b, x * y)
    assert eq(a - b, x - y)
    assert eq(a / b, x / y)
    assert eq(b & b, y & y)
    assert eq(b | b, y | y)
    assert eq(b ^ b, y ^ y)
    assert eq(a // b, x // y)
    assert eq(a**b, x**y)
    assert eq(a % b, x % y)
    assert eq(a > b, x > y)
    assert eq(a < b, x < y)
    assert eq(a >= b, x >= y)
    assert eq(a <= b, x <= y)
    assert eq(a == b, x == y)
    assert eq(a != b, x != y)

    assert eq(a + 2, x + 2)
    assert eq(a * 2, x * 2)
    assert eq(a - 2, x - 2)
    assert eq(a / 2, x / 2)
    assert eq(b & True, y & True)
    assert eq(b | True, y | True)
    assert eq(b ^ True, y ^ True)
    assert eq(a // 2, x // 2)
    assert eq(a**2, x**2)
    assert eq(a % 2, x % 2)
    assert eq(a > 2, x > 2)
    assert eq(a < 2, x < 2)
    assert eq(a >= 2, x >= 2)
    assert eq(a <= 2, x <= 2)
    assert eq(a == 2, x == 2)
    assert eq(a != 2, x != 2)

    assert eq(2 + b, 2 + y)
    assert eq(2 * b, 2 * y)
    assert eq(2 - b, 2 - y)
    assert eq(2 / b, 2 / y)
    assert eq(True & b, True & y)
    assert eq(True | b, True | y)
    assert eq(True ^ b, True ^ y)
    assert eq(2 // b, 2 // y)
    assert eq(2**b, 2**y)
    assert eq(2 % b, 2 % y)
    assert eq(2 > b, 2 > y)
    assert eq(2 < b, 2 < y)
    assert eq(2 >= b, 2 >= y)
    assert eq(2 <= b, 2 <= y)
    assert eq(2 == b, 2 == y)
    assert eq(2 != b, 2 != y)

    assert eq(-a, -x)
    assert eq(abs(a), abs(x))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))
    assert eq(~(a == b), ~(x == y))

    assert eq(da.logaddexp(a, b), np.logaddexp(x, y))
    assert eq(da.logaddexp2(a, b), np.logaddexp2(x, y))
    assert eq(da.exp(b), np.exp(y))
    assert eq(da.log(a), np.log(x))
    assert eq(da.log10(a), np.log10(x))
    assert eq(da.log1p(a), np.log1p(x))
    assert eq(da.expm1(b), np.expm1(y))
    assert eq(da.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(x))
    assert eq(da.square(a), np.square(x))

    assert eq(da.sin(a), np.sin(x))
    assert eq(da.cos(b), np.cos(y))
    assert eq(da.tan(a), np.tan(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsin(b / 10), np.arcsin(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.arccos(b / 10), np.arccos(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.arctan(b / 10), np.arctan(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.arctan2(b * 10, a), np.arctan2(y * 10, x))
    assert eq(da.hypot(b, a), np.hypot(y, x))
    assert eq(da.sinh(a), np.sinh(x))
    assert eq(da.cosh(b), np.cosh(y))
    assert eq(da.tanh(a), np.tanh(x))
    assert eq(da.arcsinh(b * 10), np.arcsinh(y * 10))
    assert eq(da.arccosh(b * 10), np.arccosh(y * 10))
    assert eq(da.arctanh(b / 10), np.arctanh(y / 10))
    assert eq(da.deg2rad(a), np.deg2rad(x))
    assert eq(da.rad2deg(a), np.rad2deg(x))

    assert eq(da.logical_and(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_and(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_or(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_or(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_xor(a < 1, b < 4), np.logical_xor(x < 1, y < 4))
    assert eq(da.logical_not(a < 1), np.logical_not(x < 1))
    assert eq(da.maximum(a, 5 - a), np.maximum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.minimum(a, 5 - a), np.minimum(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmax(a, 5 - a), np.fmax(a, 5 - a))
    assert eq(da.fmin(a, 5 - a), np.fmin(a, 5 - a))

    assert eq(da.isreal(a + 1j * b), np.isreal(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.iscomplex(a + 1j * b), np.iscomplex(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq(da.isfinite(a), np.isfinite(x))
    assert eq(da.isinf(a), np.isinf(x))
    assert eq(da.isnan(a), np.isnan(x))
    assert eq(da.signbit(a - 3), np.signbit(x - 3))
    assert eq(da.copysign(a - 3, b), np.copysign(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.nextafter(a - 3, b), np.nextafter(x - 3, y))
    assert eq(da.ldexp(c, c), np.ldexp(z, z))
    assert eq(da.fmod(a * 12, b), np.fmod(x * 12, y))
    assert eq(da.floor(a * 0.5), np.floor(x * 0.5))
    assert eq(da.ceil(a), np.ceil(x))
    assert eq(da.trunc(a / 2), np.trunc(x / 2))

    assert eq(da.degrees(b), np.degrees(y))
    assert eq(da.radians(a), np.radians(x))

    assert eq(da.rint(a + 0.3), np.rint(x + 0.3))
    assert eq(da.fix(a - 2.5), np.fix(x - 2.5))

    assert eq(da.angle(a + 1j), np.angle(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.real(a + 1j), np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).real, np.real(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.imag(a + 1j), np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq((a + 1j).imag, np.imag(x + 1j))
    assert eq(da.conj(a + 1j * b), np.conj(x + 1j * y))
    assert eq((a + 1j * b).conj(), (x + 1j * y).conj())

    assert eq(da.clip(b, 1, 4), np.clip(y, 1, 4))
    assert eq(da.fabs(b), np.fabs(y))
    assert eq(da.sign(b - 2), np.sign(y - 2))

    l1, l2 = da.frexp(a)
    r1, r2 = np.frexp(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    l1, l2 = da.modf(a)
    r1, r2 = np.modf(x)
    assert eq(l1, r1)
    assert eq(l2, r2)

    assert eq(da.around(a, -1), np.around(x, -1))