Exemple #1
def CartesianToEquatorial(pos, observer=[0,0,0]):
    Convert Cartesian position coordinates to equatorial right ascension
    and declination, using the specified observer location.

    .. note::
        RA and DEC will be returned in degrees, with RA in the range [0,360]
        and DEC in the range [-90, 90].

    pos : array_like
        a N x 3 array holding the Cartesian position coordinates
    observer : array_like
        a length 3 array holding the observer location

    ra, dec : array_like
        the right ascension and declination coordinates, in degrees. RA
        will be in the range [0,360] and DEC in the range [-90, 90]
    # recenter based on observer
    pos = pos - observer

    s = da.hypot(pos[:,0], pos[:,1])
    lon = da.arctan2(pos[:,1], pos[:,0])
    lat = da.arctan2(pos[:,2], s)

    # convert to degrees
    lon = da.rad2deg(lon)
    lat = da.rad2deg(lat)

    # wrap lon to [0,360]
    lon = da.mod(lon-360., 360.)

    return lon, lat
Exemple #2
    ints = np.array([int(i) for i in str_n])
    coeffs = get_coeffs_streams(len(str_n))
    return ''.join(map(str, mod_abs((ints * coeffs).sum(1))))

def calc(str_n: str, times: int) -> str:
    for _ in tqdm.trange(times):
        str_n = calc_next(str_n)
    return str_n

# ======================================================================================================================
# ======================================================================================================================
mod_abs_dask = comp(lambda a: da.mod(a, 10), np.abs)

def get_coeffs_streams_dask(length: int):
    start = time.time()
    arrays = []
    for i in tqdm.trange(1, length + 1):
        arrays.append(da.from_array(coefficients(length, i)))
    res = da.stack(arrays)
    print(time.time() - start)
    return res

def calc_next_dask(str_n: str) -> str:
    ints = da.from_array([int(i) for i in str_n])
Exemple #3
def _initialize_clusters(n_el, n_clusters, chunks=None):
    """ Initialize cluster array """
    cluster_idx = da.mod(da.arange(n_el, chunks=(chunks or n_el)), n_clusters)
    return da.random.permutation(cluster_idx)
Exemple #4
def CartesianToEquatorial(pos, observer=[0,0,0], frame='icrs'):
    Convert Cartesian position coordinates to equatorial right ascension
    and declination, using the specified observer location.

    .. note::
        RA and DEC will be returned in degrees, with RA in the range [0,360]
        and DEC in the range [-90, 90].

    pos : array_like
        a N x 3 array holding the Cartesian position coordinates
    observer : array_like
        a length 3 array holding the observer location
    frame : string
        A string, 'icrs' or 'galactic'. The frame of the input position.
        Use 'icrs' if the cartesian position is already in Equatorial.

    ra, dec : array_like
        the right ascension and declination coordinates, in degrees. RA
        will be in the range [0,360] and DEC in the range [-90, 90]

    # split x, y, z to signify that we do not need to have pos
    # as a full chunk in the last dimension.
    # this is useful when we use apply_gufunc.

    x, y, z = [pos[..., i] - observer[i] for i in range(3)]

    if frame == 'icrs':
        # FIXME: Convert these to a gufunc that uses astropy?
        # might be a step backward.

        # from equatorial to equatorial
        s = da.hypot(x, y)
        lon = da.arctan2(y, x)
        lat = da.arctan2(z, s)

        # convert to degrees
        lon = da.rad2deg(lon)
        lat = da.rad2deg(lat)
        # wrap lon to [0,360]
        lon = da.mod(lon-360., 360.)
        ra, dec = lon, lat
        from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

        def cart_to_eq(x, y, z):
                sc = SkyCoord(x, y, z, representation_type='cartesian', frame=frame)
                scg = sc.transform_to(frame='icrs')
                scg.representation_type = 'unitspherical'
                sc = SkyCoord(x, y, z, representation='cartesian', frame=frame)
                scg = sc.transform_to(frame='icrs')
                scg.representation = 'unitspherical'

            ra, dec = scg.ra.value, scg.dec.value

            return ra, dec

        dtype = pos.dtype
        ra, dec = da.apply_gufunc(cart_to_eq, '(),(),()->(),()', x, y, z, output_dtypes=[dtype, dtype])

    return da.stack((ra, dec), axis=0)
Exemple #5
def _initialize_clusters(n_el, n_clusters):
    """ Initialize cluster array """
    cluster_idx = da.mod(da.arange(n_el), n_clusters)
    return da.random.permutation(cluster_idx)
Exemple #6
def CartesianToEquatorial(pos, observer=[0,0,0], frame='icrs'):
    Convert Cartesian position coordinates to equatorial right ascension
    and declination, using the specified observer location.

    .. note::
        RA and DEC will be returned in degrees, with RA in the range [0,360]
        and DEC in the range [-90, 90].

    pos : array_like
        a N x 3 array holding the Cartesian position coordinates
    observer : array_like
        a length 3 array holding the observer location
    frame : string
        A string, 'icrs' or 'galactic'. The frame of the input position.
        Use 'icrs' if the cartesian position is already in Equatorial.

    ra, dec : array_like
        the right ascension and declination coordinates, in degrees. RA
        will be in the range [0,360] and DEC in the range [-90, 90]

    # split x, y, z to signify that we do not need to have pos
    # as a full chunk in the last dimension.
    # this is useful when we use apply_gufunc.

    x, y, z = [pos[..., i] - observer[i] for i in range(3)]

    if frame == 'icrs':
        # FIXME: Convert these to a gufunc that uses astropy?
        # might be a step backward.

        # from equatorial to equatorial
        s = da.hypot(x, y)
        lon = da.arctan2(y, x)
        lat = da.arctan2(z, s)

        # convert to degrees
        lon = da.rad2deg(lon)
        lat = da.rad2deg(lat)
        # wrap lon to [0,360]
        lon = da.mod(lon-360., 360.)
        ra, dec = lon, lat
        from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

        def cart_to_eq(x, y, z):
                sc = SkyCoord(x, y, z, representation_type='cartesian', frame=frame)
                scg = sc.transform_to(frame='icrs')
                scg.representation_type = 'unitspherical'
                sc = SkyCoord(x, y, z, representation='cartesian', frame=frame)
                scg = sc.transform_to(frame='icrs')
                scg.representation = 'unitspherical'

            ra, dec = scg.ra.value, scg.dec.value

            return ra, dec

        dtype = pos.dtype
        ra, dec = da.apply_gufunc(cart_to_eq, '(),(),()->(),()', x, y, z, output_dtypes=[dtype, dtype])

    return da.stack((ra, dec), axis=0)