Exemple #1
def test_len_does_not_materialize():
    a = {"x": 1}
    b = Blockwise(
        dsk={"b": [[blockwise_token(0)]]},
            "i": (1, 1, 1),
            "j": (1, 1)
    assert len(b) == len(b.get_output_keys())

    layers = {"a": a, "b": b}
    dependencies = {"a": set(), "b": {"a"}}
    hg = HighLevelGraph(layers, dependencies)

    assert hg.layers["a"].is_materialized()
    assert not hg.layers["b"].is_materialized()

    assert len(hg) == len(a) + len(b) == 7

    assert not hg.layers["b"].is_materialized()
Exemple #2
def _rename_layer(layer, keymap, salt):
    """Rename a single layer in a :class:`dask.highlevelgraph.HighLevelGraph`."""
    if type(layer) is Blockwise:
        new_indices = tuple(
            (_rename_key(name, salt) if ind is not None else name, ind)
            for name, ind in layer.indices)
        sub_keymap = {key: _rename_key(key, salt) for key in layer.dsk}
        kwargs = {}
        # The available arguments depend on the Dask version.
        sig = inspect.signature(Blockwise)
        for arg_name in ['output_blocks', 'annotations']:
            if arg_name in sig.parameters:
                kwargs[arg_name] = getattr(layer, arg_name)
        if 'io_deps' in sig.parameters:
            kwargs['io_deps'] = {
                _rename_key(key, salt): value
                for key, value in layer.io_deps.items()
        return Blockwise(
            _rename_key(layer.output, salt), layer.output_indices,
            _rename_layer(layer.dsk, sub_keymap, salt), new_indices, {
                _rename_key(name, salt): value
                for name, value in layer.numblocks.items()
            }, layer.concatenate, layer.new_axes, **kwargs)
    elif type(layer) is MaterializedLayer:
        mapping = {
            keymap[key]: _rename(value, keymap)
            for (key, value) in layer.mapping.items()
        return MaterializedLayer(mapping, layer.annotations)
        return {
            keymap[key]: _rename(value, keymap)
            for (key, value) in layer.items()
Exemple #3
def test_rewrite(inputs, expected):
    inputs = [Blockwise(*inp, numblocks={k: (1,) * len(v) for k, v in inp[-1] if v is not None})
              for inp in inputs]
    result = rewrite_blockwise(inputs)
    result2 = (result.output,
               [(name, ''.join(ind) if ind is not None else ind)
                for name, ind in result.indices])
    assert result2 == expected
Exemple #4
def optimize_dataframe_getitem(dsk, keys):
    # This optimization looks for all `DataFrameIOLayer` instances,
    # and calls `project_columns` on any IO layers that precede
    # a (qualified) `getitem` operation.

    from dask.layers import DataFrameIOLayer

    # Construct a list containg the names of all
    # DataFrameIOLayer layers in the graph
    io_layers = [
        k for k, v in dsk.layers.items() if isinstance(v, DataFrameIOLayer)

    def _is_selection(layer):
        # Utility to check if layer is a getitem selection

        # Must be Blockwise
        if not isinstance(layer, Blockwise):
            return False

        # Callable must be `getitem`
        if layer.dsk[layer.output][0] != operator.getitem:
            return False

        return True

    def _kind(layer):
        # Utility to check type of getitem selection

        # Selection is second indice
        key, ind = layer.indices[1]
        if ind is None:
            if isinstance(key,
                          (tuple, str, list, np.ndarray)) or np.isscalar(key):
                return "column-selection"
        return "row-selection"

    # Loop over each DataFrameIOLayer layer
    layers = dsk.layers.copy()
    dependencies = dsk.dependencies.copy()
    for io_layer_name in io_layers:
        columns = set()

        # Bail on the optimization if the  IO layer is in the
        # requested keys, because we cannot change the name
        # anymore. These keys are structured like
        # [('getitem-<token>', 0), ...] so we check for the
        # first item of the tuple.
        # (See https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/5893)
        if any(layers[io_layer_name].name == x[0] for x in keys
               if isinstance(x, tuple)):

        # Inspect dependents of the current IO layer
        deps = dsk.dependents[io_layer_name]

        # This optimization currently supports two variations
        # of `io_layer_name` dependents (`deps`):
        #  - CASE A
        #    - 1 Dependent: A column-based getitem layer
        #    - This corresponds to the simple case that a
        #      column selection directly follows the IO layer
        #  - CASE B
        #    - >1 Dependents: An arbitrary number of column-
        #      based getitem layers, and a single row selection
        #    - Usually corresponds to a filter operation that
        #      may (or may not) precede a column selection
        #    - This pattern is typical in Dask-SQL SELECT
        #      queries that include a WHERE statement

        # Bail if dependent layer type(s) do not agree with
        # case A or case B

        if not all(_is_selection(dsk.layers[k]) for k in deps) or {
                for k in deps
        } not in (
            {"column-selection", "row-selection"},

        # Split the column- and row-selection layers.
        # For case A, we will simply use information
        # from col_select_layers to perform column
        # projection in the root IO layer. For case B,
        # these layers are not the final column selection
        # (they are only part of a filtering operation).
        row_select_layers = {
            for k in deps if _kind(dsk.layers[k]) == "row-selection"
        col_select_layers = deps - row_select_layers

        # Can only handle single row-selection dependent (case B)
        if len(row_select_layers) > 1:

        # Define utility to walk the dependency graph
        # and check that the graph terminates with
        # the `success` key
        def _walk_deps(dependents, key, success):
            if key == success:
                return True
            deps = dependents[key]
            if deps:
                return all(
                    _walk_deps(dependents, dep, success) for dep in deps)
                return False

        # If this is not case A, we now need to check if
        # we are dealing with case B (and should bail on
        # the optimization if not).
        # For case B, we should be able to start at
        # col_select_layer, and follow the graph to
        # row_select_layer. The subgraph between these
        # layers must depend ONLY on col_select_layer,
        # and be consumed ONLY by row_select_layer.
        # If these conditions are met, then a column-
        # selection layer directly following
        # row_select_layer can be used for projection.
        if row_select_layers:

            # Before walking the subgraph, check that there
            # is a column-selection layer directly following
            # row_select_layer. Otherwise, we can bail now.
            row_select_layer = row_select_layers.pop()
            if len(dsk.dependents[row_select_layer]) != 1:
                continue  # Too many/few row_select_layer dependents
            _layer = dsk.layers[list(dsk.dependents[row_select_layer])[0]]
            if _is_selection(_layer) and _kind(_layer) == "column-selection":
                # Include this column selection in our list of columns
                selection = _layer.indices[1][0]
                columns |= set(
                    selection if isinstance(selection, list) else [selection])
                continue  # row_select_layer dependent not column selection

            # Walk the subgraph to check that all dependencies flow
            # from col_select_layers to the same col_select_layer
            if not all(
                    _walk_deps(dsk.dependents, col_select_layer,
                    for col_select_layer in col_select_layers):

        # Update columns with selections in col_select_layers
        for col_select_layer in col_select_layers:
            selection = dsk.layers[col_select_layer].indices[1][0]
            columns |= set(
                selection if isinstance(selection, list) else [selection])

        # If we got here, column projection is supported.
        # Add deps to update_blocks
        update_blocks = {dep: dsk.layers[dep] for dep in deps}

        # Project columns and update blocks
        old = layers[io_layer_name]
        new = old.project_columns(columns)
        if new.name != old.name:
            assert len(update_blocks)
            for block_key, block in update_blocks.items():
                # (('read-parquet-old', (.,)), ( ... )) ->
                # (('read-parquet-new', (.,)), ( ... ))
                new_indices = ((new.name, block.indices[0][1]),
                numblocks = {new.name: block.numblocks[old.name]}
                new_block = Blockwise(
                layers[block_key] = new_block
                dependencies[block_key] = {new.name}
            dependencies[new.name] = dependencies.pop(io_layer_name)

        layers[new.name] = new
        if new.name != old.name:
            del layers[old.name]

    new_hlg = HighLevelGraph(layers, dependencies)
    return new_hlg