Exemple #1
def test_skip_doctest():
    example = """>>> xxx
>>> # comment
>>> xxx"""

    res = skip_doctest(example)
    assert (
        == """>>> xxx  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # comment
>>> xxx  # doctest: +SKIP"""

    assert skip_doctest(None) == ""

    example = """
>>> 1 + 2  # doctest: +ELLIPSES

    expected = """
>>> 1 + 2  # doctest: +ELLIPSES, +SKIP
    res = skip_doctest(example)
    assert res == expected
Exemple #2
def test_skip_doctest():
    example = """>>> xxx
>>> # comment
>>> xxx"""

    res = skip_doctest(example)
    assert res == """>>> xxx  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # comment
>>> xxx  # doctest: +SKIP"""

    assert skip_doctest(None) == ''
Exemple #3
def test_skip_doctest():
    example = """>>> xxx
>>> # comment
>>> xxx"""

    res = skip_doctest(example)
    assert res == """>>> xxx    # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # comment
>>> xxx    # doctest: +SKIP"""

    assert skip_doctest(None) == ''
Exemple #4
def test_skip_doctest():
    example = """>>> xxx
>>> # comment
>>> xxx"""

    res = skip_doctest(example)
    assert res == """>>> xxx  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # comment
>>> xxx  # doctest: +SKIP"""

    assert skip_doctest(None) == ''

    example = """
>>> 1 + 2  # doctest: +ELLIPSES

    expected = """
>>> 1 + 2  # doctest: +ELLIPSES, +SKIP
    res = skip_doctest(example)
    assert res == expected
Exemple #5
def fft_wrap(fft_func, kind=None, dtype=None):
    """Wrap 1D, 2D, and ND real and complex FFT functions

    Takes a function that behaves like ``numpy.fft`` functions and
    a specified kind to match it to that are named after the functions
    in the ``numpy.fft`` API.

    Supported kinds include:

        * fft
        * fft2
        * fftn
        * ifft
        * ifft2
        * ifftn
        * rfft
        * rfft2
        * rfftn
        * irfft
        * irfft2
        * irfftn
        * hfft
        * ihfft

    >>> import dask.array.fft as dff
    >>> parallel_fft = dff.fft_wrap(np.fft.fft)
    >>> parallel_ifft = dff.fft_wrap(np.fft.ifft)
    if scipy is not None:
        if fft_func is scipy.fftpack.rfft:
            raise ValueError("SciPy's `rfft` doesn't match the NumPy API.")
        elif fft_func is scipy.fftpack.irfft:
            raise ValueError("SciPy's `irfft` doesn't match the NumPy API.")

    if kind is None:
        kind = fft_func.__name__
        out_chunk_fn = _out_chunk_fns[kind.rstrip("2n")]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Given unknown `kind` %s." % kind)

    def func(a, s=None, axes=None):
        if axes is None:
            if kind.endswith("2"):
                axes = (-2, -1)
            elif kind.endswith("n"):
                if s is None:
                    axes = tuple(range(a.ndim))
                    axes = tuple(range(len(s)))
                axes = (-1,)
            if len(set(axes)) < len(axes):
                raise ValueError("Duplicate axes not allowed.")

        _dtype = dtype
        if _dtype is None:
            sample = np.ones(a.ndim * (8,), dtype=a.dtype)
                _dtype = fft_func(sample, axes=axes).dtype
            except TypeError:
                _dtype = fft_func(sample).dtype

        for each_axis in axes:
            if len(a.chunks[each_axis]) != 1:
                raise ValueError(chunk_error % (each_axis, a.chunks[each_axis]))

        chunks = out_chunk_fn(a, s, axes)

        args = (s, axes)
        if kind.endswith("fft"):
            axis = None if axes is None else axes[0]
            n = None if s is None else s[0]
            args = (n, axis)

        return a.map_blocks(fft_func, *args, dtype=_dtype, chunks=chunks)

    if kind.endswith("fft"):
        _func = func

        def func(a, n=None, axis=None):  # type: ignore
            s = None
            if n is not None:
                s = (n,)

            axes = None
            if axis is not None:
                axes = (axis,)

            return _func(a, s, axes)

    func_mod = inspect.getmodule(fft_func)
    func_name = fft_func.__name__
    func_fullname = func_mod.__name__ + "." + func_name
    if fft_func.__doc__ is not None:
        func.__doc__ = fft_preamble % (2 * (func_fullname,))
        func.__doc__ += fft_func.__doc__
        func.__doc__ = skip_doctest(func.__doc__)
    func.__name__ = func_name
    return func