Exemple #1
    def _merge_vals_by_time(multi, times, kwargs):
        """ Merge chunks using indices. """
        # determine the unique times and assign result bands
        sorted_times = Group._unique_times(times)
        bands = dict((y, x) for x, y in enumerate(sorted_times))
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(kwargs["dtype"])

        # initialize values array
        shape = (len(sorted_times), ) + multi[0]["values"].shape[1:]
        values = np.full(shape, fillvalue, dtype=kwargs["dtype"])

        # populate values array
        for data, time in zip(multi, times):
            # source_index is the index into the source array
            for source_index, datetime in enumerate(time["time"]):
                source_band = data["values"][source_index]
                # determine data index
                index = get_index(values=source_band,
                # find corresponding target band by source datetime
                target_band = values[bands[datetime]]
                # paste source into target provided there is data
                target_band[index] = source_band[index]

        # check if single band result required
        start, stop = kwargs["start"], kwargs["stop"]
        if stop is None and len(sorted_times) > 1:
            index = Group._nearest_index(sorted_times, start)
            values = values[index:index + 1]

        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
    def process(process_kwargs, *args):
        """Combine data, filling in nodata values."""
        data_list = []
        no_data_values = []
        for data in args:
            if data is None:
            elif "time" in data or "meta" in data:
                # return the time / meta right away. assumes there are no
                # mixed requests and that time is aligned
                return data
            elif "values" in data and "no_data_value" in data:

        dtype = process_kwargs["dtype"]
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(dtype)

        if not data_list:

        # initialize values array
        values = np.full(data_list[0].shape, fillvalue, dtype=dtype)

        # populate values array
        for data, no_data_value in zip(data_list, no_data_values):
            # index is where the source has data
            index = get_index(data, no_data_value)
            values[index] = data[index]

        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
    def preprocess(*args):
        data_list = []
        no_data_values = []
        for data in args:
            if data is None:
            elif "time" in data or "meta" in data:
                # return the time / meta right away. assumes there are no
                # mixed requests and that time is aligned
                return data
            elif "values" in data and "no_data_value" in data:

        dtype = np.result_type(*data_list)
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(dtype)

        # initialize values array
        values = np.full(data_list[0].shape, fillvalue, dtype=dtype)
        # populate values array
        multivalues = []
        for data, no_data_value in zip(data_list, no_data_values):
            # initialize values array
            array_values = np.full(data_list[0].shape, np.nan, dtype=dtype)
            # index is where the source has data
            index = get_index(data, no_data_value)
            array_values[index] = data[index]
        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}, multivalues
Exemple #4
    def process(data, value):
        if data is None or "values" not in data:
            return data

        index = get_index(values=data["values"], no_data_value=data["no_data_value"])

        fillvalue = 1 if value == 0 else 0
        dtype = "float32" if isinstance(value, float) else "uint8"

        values = np.full_like(data["values"], fillvalue, dtype=dtype)
        values[index] = value
        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
Exemple #5
    def process(data, value):
        if data is None or "values" not in data:
            return data

        index = utils.get_index(values=data["values"],

        fillvalue = 1 if value == 0 else 0
        dtype = Mask._dtype_from_value(value)

        values = np.full_like(data["values"], fillvalue, dtype=dtype)
        values[index] = value
        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
    def process(data):
        if data is None or "values" not in data:
            return data

        index = utils.get_index(values=data["values"],

        fillvalue = 255
        dtype = "float32"

        values = np.full_like(data["values"], fillvalue, dtype=dtype)
        values[index] = random.random()
        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
Exemple #7
    def _merge_vals_by_bands(multi, bands, dtype):
        """ Merge chunks using slices. """
        # analyze band structure
        starts, stops = zip(*bands)
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(dtype)

        # initialize values array
        shape = (max(stops), ) + multi[0]["values"].shape[1:]
        values = np.full(shape, fillvalue, dtype=dtype)

        # populate values array
        for data, (a, b) in zip(multi, bands):
            # index is where the source has data
            index = get_index(values=data["values"],
            values[a:b][index] = data["values"][index]

        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
Exemple #8
 def test_get_index(self):
     index = utils.get_index(values=np.array([0, 1]), no_data_value=1)
     self.assertTrue((index == np.array([True, False])).all())
Exemple #9
def reduce_rasters(stack, statistic, no_data_value=None, dtype=None):
    """Apply a statistic (e.g. "mean") to a stack of rasters, skipping
    'no data' values.

    In this context, reduce means that the dimensionality of the input data
    is reduced by one.

      stack (list): a list of dicts containing "values" (ndarray)
        and "no_data_value". If the list has zero length or if the ndarrays
        do not have the same shape, a ValueError is raised.
      statistic (str): the applied statistic (no data is ignored). One of:
        {"last", "first", "count", "sum", "mean", "min",
        "max", "argmin", "argmax", "product", "std", "var", "p<number>"}
      no_data_value (number, optional): the 'no data' value in the output
        array. Defaults to the no data value of the first element in the stack.
      dtype (str or dtype): the datatype of the output array. Defaults to the
        dtype of the first element in the stack. If the input
        data cannot be cast to this dtype, a ValueError is raised.

      dict with "values" and "no_data_value"
    if statistic not in STATISTICS:
        percentile = parse_percentile_statistic(statistic)
        if percentile is None:
            raise KeyError('Unknown statistic "{}"'.format(statistic))
            statistic = "percentile"

    if len(stack) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot reduce a zero-length stack")

    # get the output array properties (dtype, no_data_value, shape)
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = stack[0]["values"].dtype
    if no_data_value is None:
        no_data_value = stack[0]["no_data_value"]
    shape = stack[0]["values"].shape

    # sum, count and nans output do not contain no data: fill zeroes right away
    if statistic in {"sum", "count", "nans"}:
        fill_value = 0
        fill_value = no_data_value

    # create the output array
    out = np.full(shape, fill_value, dtype)

    if statistic == "last":
        # populate 'out' with the last value that is not 'no data'
        for data in stack:
            index = get_index(data["values"], data["no_data_value"])
            out[index] = data["values"][index]
    elif statistic == "first":
        # populate 'out' with the first value that is not 'no data'
        for data in stack[::-1]:
            index = get_index(data["values"], data["no_data_value"])
            out[index] = data["values"][index]
    elif statistic == "count":
        # count the number of values that are not 'no data'
        for data in stack:
            out += get_index(data["values"], data["no_data_value"])
        if statistic == "percentile":
            func = partial(np.nanpercentile, q=percentile)
            func = STATISTICS[statistic]
        # transform 'no data' into 'nan' to be able to use numpy functions
        # NB: the dtype is at least float16 to accomodate NaN
        stack_array = np.full((len(stack), ) + shape, np.nan,
                              np.result_type(dtype, np.float16))
        for i, data in enumerate(stack):
            index = get_index(data["values"], data["no_data_value"])
            stack_array[i, index] = data["values"][index]

        # protect against all-NaN slice warnings and errors
        not_all_nan = ~np.all(np.isnan(stack_array), axis=0)

        # perform the math
        out[not_all_nan] = func(stack_array[:, not_all_nan], axis=0)

    return {"values": out, "no_data_value": no_data_value}
Exemple #10
    def process(process_kwargs, *multi):
        if process_kwargs["mode"] in {"meta", "time"}:
            return multi[0]
        if process_kwargs["mode"] == "null":
        if process_kwargs["mode"] == "empty":
            data = multi[0]
            if data is None:
            out_shape = (
            out_no_data_value = process_kwargs["fillvalue"]
            out_dtype = process_kwargs["dtype"]
            stack = []
        elif process_kwargs["mode"] == "group":
            # We have a bunch of arrays that are already shifted. Stack them.
            stack = [data for data in multi if data is not None]
            if len(stack) == 0:
                return  # instead of returning nodata (because inputs are None)
        elif process_kwargs["mode"] == "warp":
            # There is a single 'source' raster that we are going to shift
            # multiple times into the result. The cellsize is already correct.
            data = multi[0]
            if data is None:
            out_no_data_value = data["no_data_value"]
            source = data["values"]
            out_dtype = source.dtype

            # convert the anchor to pixels (indices inside 'source')
            anchor = process_kwargs["anchor"]
            src_bbox = process_kwargs["src_bbox"]
            size_x, size_y = process_kwargs["cellsize"]
            anchor_px = (
                (anchor[0] - src_bbox[0]) / size_x,
                (anchor[1] - src_bbox[1]) / size_y,

            # compute the output shape
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = process_kwargs["dst_bbox"]
            coordinates = process_kwargs["coordinates"]
            dst_h = round((y2 - y1) / size_y)
            dst_w = round((x2 - x1) / size_x)
            src_d, src_h, src_w = source.shape
            out_shape = (src_d, dst_h, dst_w)

            # determine what indices in 'source' have data
            k, j, i = np.where(get_index(source, out_no_data_value))

            # place the data on each coordinate
            stack = []
            for x, y in coordinates:
                if i.size == 0:  # shortcut: no data at all to place
                # transform coordinate into pixels (indices in 'values')
                coord_px = (x - x1) / size_x, (y - y1) / size_y
                di = round(coord_px[0] - anchor_px[0])
                dj = round(coord_px[1] - anchor_px[1])
                # because of the y-axis inversion: dj is measured from the
                # other side of the array. if you draw it, you'll arrive at:
                dj = dst_h - src_h - dj

                if di <= -src_w or di >= dst_w or dj <= -src_h or dj >= dst_h:
                    # skip as it would shift completely outside
                elif 0 <= di <= (dst_w - src_w) and 0 <= dj <= (dst_h - src_h):
                    # complete place
                    values = np.full(out_shape, out_no_data_value, out_dtype)
                    values[k, j + dj, i + di] = source[k, j, i]
                    stack.append({"values": values, "no_data_value": out_no_data_value})
                    # partial place
                    i_s = i + di
                    j_s = j + dj
                    m = (i_s >= 0) & (j_s >= 0) & (i_s < dst_w) & (j_s < dst_h)
                    if not m.any():
                    values = np.full(out_shape, out_no_data_value, out_dtype)
                    values[k[m], j_s[m], i_s[m]] = source[k[m], j[m], i[m]]
                    stack.append({"values": values, "no_data_value": out_no_data_value})

        # merge the values_stack
        if len(stack) == 0:
            return {
                "values": np.full(out_shape, out_no_data_value, out_dtype),
                "no_data_value": out_no_data_value,
            return reduce_rasters(stack, process_kwargs["statistic"])