def test_family_pointwise_loss():
    beta = np.array([1, 2])
    X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    y = np.array([1, 2])
    with patch('dask_glm.families.Family.loglikelihood') as loglike:
        Family().pointwise_loss(beta, X, y)
        Xbeta, new_y = loglike.call_args[0]
        np.testing.utils.assert_array_equal(new_y, y)
def test_family_pointwise_gradient():
    beta = np.array([1, 2])
    X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    y = np.array([1, 2])
    with patch('dask_glm.families.Family.gradient') as gradient:
        Family().pointwise_gradient(beta, X, y)
        Xbeta, new_x, new_y = gradient.call_args[0]
        np.testing.utils.assert_array_equal(new_x, X)
        np.testing.utils.assert_array_equal(new_y, y)
Exemple #3
def newton(X, y, max_iter=50, tol=1e-8, family='logistic', **kwargs):
    """Newtons Method for Logistic Regression.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
    y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
    max_iter : int
        maximum number of iterations to attempt before declaring
        failure to converge
    tol : float
        Maximum allowed change from prior iteration required to
        declare convergence
    family : Family

    beta : array-like, shape (n_features,)
    family = Family.get(family)
    gradient, hessian = family.gradient, family.hessian
    n, p = X.shape
    beta = np.zeros(p)  # always init to zeros?
    Xbeta = dot(X, beta)

    iter_count = 0
    converged = False

    while not converged:
        beta_old = beta

        # should this use map_blocks()?
        hess = hessian(Xbeta, X)
        grad = gradient(Xbeta, X, y)

        hess, grad = da.compute(hess, grad)

        # should this be dask or numpy?
        # currently uses Python 3 specific syntax
        step, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(hess, grad)
        beta = (beta_old - step)

        iter_count += 1

        # should change this criterion
        coef_change = np.absolute(beta_old - beta)
        converged = (
            (not np.any(coef_change > tol)) or (iter_count > max_iter))

        if not converged:
            Xbeta = dot(X, beta)  # numpy -> dask converstion of beta

    return beta
Exemple #4
def compute_stepsize_dask(beta, step, Xbeta, Xstep, y, curr_val,
                          family='logistic', stepSize=1.0,
                          armijoMult=0.1, backtrackMult=0.1):
    """Compute the optimal stepsize

    beta : array-like
    step : float
    XBeta : array-lie
    Xstep :
    y : array-like
    curr_val : float
    famlily : Family, optional
    stepSize : float, optional
    armijoMult : float, optional
    backtrackMult : float, optional

    stepSize : flaot
    beta : array-like
    xBeta : array-like
    func : callable
    family = Family.get(family)
    loglike = family.loglikelihood
    beta, step, Xbeta, Xstep, y, curr_val = persist(beta, step, Xbeta, Xstep, y, curr_val)
    obeta, oXbeta = beta, Xbeta
    (step,) = compute(step)
    steplen = (step ** 2).sum()
    lf = curr_val
    func = 0
    for ii in range(100):
        beta = obeta - stepSize * step
        if ii and (beta == obeta).all():
            stepSize = 0

        Xbeta = oXbeta - stepSize * Xstep
        func = loglike(Xbeta, y)
        Xbeta, func = persist(Xbeta, func)

        df = lf - compute(func)[0]
        if df >= armijoMult * stepSize * steplen:
        stepSize *= backtrackMult

    return stepSize, beta, Xbeta, func
Exemple #5
def lbfgs(X, y, regularizer=None, lamduh=1.0, max_iter=100, tol=1e-4,
          family='logistic', verbose=False, **kwargs):
    """L-BFGS solver using scipy.optimize implementation

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
    y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
    max_iter : int
        maximum number of iterations to attempt before declaring
        failure to converge
    tol : float
        Maximum allowed change from prior iteration required to
        declare convergence
    family : Family

    beta : array-like, shape (n_features,)
    family = Family.get(family)
    pointwise_loss = family.pointwise_loss
    pointwise_gradient = family.pointwise_gradient
    if regularizer is not None:
        regularizer = Regularizer.get(regularizer)
        pointwise_loss = regularizer.add_reg_f(pointwise_loss, lamduh)
        pointwise_gradient = regularizer.add_reg_grad(pointwise_gradient, lamduh)

    n, p = X.shape
    beta0 = np.zeros(p)

    def compute_loss_grad(beta, X, y):
        loss_fn = pointwise_loss(beta, X, y)
        gradient_fn = pointwise_gradient(beta, X, y)
        loss, gradient = compute(loss_fn, gradient_fn)
        return loss, gradient.copy()

    with set_options(fuse_ave_width=0):  # optimizations slows this down
        beta, loss, info = fmin_l_bfgs_b(
            compute_loss_grad, beta0, fprime=None,
            args=(X, y),
            iprint=(verbose > 0) - 1, pgtol=tol, maxiter=max_iter)

    return beta

@pytest.mark.parametrize('func,kwargs', [
    (newton, {
        'tol': 1e-5
    (lbfgs, {
        'tol': 1e-8
    (gradient_descent, {
        'tol': 1e-7
@pytest.mark.parametrize('N', [1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('nchunks', [1, 10])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('family', Family._all_children())
def test_basic_unreg_descent(func, kwargs, N, nchunks, family):
    beta = np.random.normal(size=2)
    M = len(beta)
    X = da.random.random((N, M), chunks=(N // nchunks, M))
    y = make_y(X, beta=np.array(beta), chunks=(N // nchunks, ))

    X, y = persist(X, y)

    result = func(X, y, family=family, **kwargs)
    test_vec = np.random.normal(size=2)

    opt = family.pointwise_loss(result, X, y).compute()
    test_val = family.pointwise_loss(test_vec, X, y).compute()

    assert opt < test_val
Exemple #7
def gradient_descent(X, y, max_iter=100, tol=1e-14, family='logistic', **kwargs):
    Michael Grant's implementation of Gradient Descent.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
    y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
    max_iter : int
        maximum number of iterations to attempt before declaring
        failure to converge
    tol : float
        Maximum allowed change from prior iteration required to
        declare convergence
    family : Family

    beta : array-like, shape (n_features,)
    family = Family.get(family)
    loglike, gradient = family.loglikelihood, family.gradient
    n, p = X.shape
    firstBacktrackMult = 0.1
    nextBacktrackMult = 0.5
    armijoMult = 0.1
    stepGrowth = 1.25
    stepSize = 1.0
    recalcRate = 10
    backtrackMult = firstBacktrackMult
    beta = np.zeros(p)

    for k in range(max_iter):
        # how necessary is this recalculation?
        if k % recalcRate == 0:
            Xbeta =
            func = loglike(Xbeta, y)

        grad = gradient(Xbeta, X, y)
        Xgradient =

        # backtracking line search
        lf = func
        stepSize, _, _, func = compute_stepsize_dask(beta, grad,
                                                     Xbeta, Xgradient,
                                                     y, func, family=family,

        beta, stepSize, Xbeta, lf, func, grad, Xgradient = persist(
            beta, stepSize, Xbeta, lf, func, grad, Xgradient)

        stepSize, lf, func, grad = compute(stepSize, lf, func, grad)

        beta = beta - stepSize * grad  # tiny bit of repeat work here to avoid communication
        Xbeta = Xbeta - stepSize * Xgradient

        if stepSize == 0:

        df = lf - func
        df /= max(func, lf)

        if df < tol:
        stepSize *= stepGrowth
        backtrackMult = nextBacktrackMult

    return beta
Exemple #8
def proximal_grad(X, y, regularizer='l1', lamduh=0.1, family='logistic',
                  max_iter=100, tol=1e-8, **kwargs):

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
    y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
    max_iter : int
        maximum number of iterations to attempt before declaring
        failure to converge
    tol : float
        Maximum allowed change from prior iteration required to
        declare convergence
    family : Family
    verbose : bool, default False
        whether to print diagnostic information during convergence

    beta : array-like, shape (n_features,)
    family = Family.get(family)
    n, p = X.shape
    firstBacktrackMult = 0.1
    nextBacktrackMult = 0.5
    armijoMult = 0.1
    stepGrowth = 1.25
    stepSize = 1.0
    recalcRate = 10
    backtrackMult = firstBacktrackMult
    beta = np.zeros(p)
    regularizer = Regularizer.get(regularizer)

    for k in range(max_iter):
        # Compute the gradient
        if k % recalcRate == 0:
            Xbeta =
            func = family.loglikelihood(Xbeta, y)

        gradient = family.gradient(Xbeta, X, y)

        Xbeta, func, gradient = persist(
            Xbeta, func, gradient)

        obeta = beta

        # Compute the step size
        lf = func
        for ii in range(100):
            beta = regularizer.proximal_operator(obeta - stepSize * gradient, stepSize * lamduh)
            step = obeta - beta
            Xbeta =

            Xbeta, beta = persist(Xbeta, beta)

            func = family.loglikelihood(Xbeta, y)
            func = persist(func)[0]
            func = compute(func)[0]
            df = lf - func
            if df > 0:
            stepSize *= backtrackMult
        if stepSize == 0:
        df /= max(func, lf)
        if df < tol:
        stepSize *= stepGrowth
        backtrackMult = nextBacktrackMult

    # L2-regularization returned a dask-array
        return beta.compute()
    except AttributeError:
        return beta
Exemple #9
def admm(X, y, regularizer='l1', lamduh=0.1, rho=1, over_relax=1,
         max_iter=250, abstol=1e-4, reltol=1e-2, family='logistic', **kwargs):
    Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
    y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
    regularizer : str or Regularizer
    lambuh : float
    rho : float
    over_relax : FLOAT
    max_iter : int
        maximum number of iterations to attempt before declaring
        failure to converge
    abstol, reltol : float
    family : Family

    beta : array-like, shape (n_features,)
    family = Family.get(family)
    pointwise_loss = family.pointwise_loss
    pointwise_gradient = family.pointwise_gradient
    regularizer = Regularizer.get(regularizer)

    def create_local_gradient(func):
        def wrapped(beta, X, y, z, u, rho):
            return func(beta, X, y) + rho * (beta - z + u)
        return wrapped

    def create_local_f(func):
        def wrapped(beta, X, y, z, u, rho):
            return func(beta, X, y) + (rho / 2) * - z + u,
                                                         beta - z + u)
        return wrapped

    f = create_local_f(pointwise_loss)
    fprime = create_local_gradient(pointwise_gradient)

    nchunks = getattr(X, 'npartitions', 1)
    # nchunks = X.npartitions
    (n, p) = X.shape
    # XD = X.to_delayed().flatten().tolist()
    # yD = y.to_delayed().flatten().tolist()
    if isinstance(X, da.Array):
        XD = X.rechunk((None, X.shape[-1])).to_delayed().flatten().tolist()
        XD = [X]
    if isinstance(y, da.Array):
        yD = y.rechunk((None, y.shape[-1])).to_delayed().flatten().tolist()
        yD = [y]

    z = np.zeros(p)
    u = np.array([np.zeros(p) for i in range(nchunks)])
    betas = np.array([np.ones(p) for i in range(nchunks)])

    for k in range(max_iter):

        # x-update step
        new_betas = [delayed(local_update)(xx, yy, bb, z, uu, rho, f=f,
                                           fprime=fprime) for
                     xx, yy, bb, uu in zip(XD, yD, betas, u)]
        new_betas = np.array(da.compute(*new_betas))

        beta_hat = over_relax * new_betas + (1 - over_relax) * z

        #  z-update step
        zold = z.copy()
        ztilde = np.mean(beta_hat + np.array(u), axis=0)
        z = regularizer.proximal_operator(ztilde, lamduh / (rho * nchunks))

        # u-update step
        u += beta_hat - z

        # check for convergence
        primal_res = np.linalg.norm(new_betas - z)
        dual_res = np.linalg.norm(rho * (z - zold))

        eps_pri = np.sqrt(p * nchunks) * abstol + reltol * np.maximum(
            np.linalg.norm(new_betas), np.sqrt(nchunks) * np.linalg.norm(z))
        eps_dual = np.sqrt(p * nchunks) * abstol + \
            reltol * np.linalg.norm(rho * u)

        if primal_res < eps_pri and dual_res < eps_dual:

    return z