Exemple #1
def get_cluster(cluster_type, **kwargs):
    """Generic dask cluster wrapper"""

    # check input cluster type
    cluster_type = cluster_type.lower()
    cluster_list = ['lsf','pbs','slurm','local']
    if cluster_type not in cluster_list:
        msg = "Cluster type '{}' not supported".format(cluster_type)
        msg += '\nsupported cluster types: {}'.format(cluster_list)
        raise ValueError(msg)
    print("Dask cluster type: {}".format(cluster_type))

    # No need to do the extra configuration checking if using LocalCluster
    if cluster_type == 'local':
        return LocalCluster()

    # check input config name
    if 'config_name' in kwargs.keys():
        kwargs['config_name'] = check_config_name(kwargs['config_name'], cluster_type)
    print("Dask config name: {}".format(kwargs['config_name']))

    # check walltime format for each cluster type
    if 'walltime' in kwargs.keys():
        kwargs['walltime'] = check_walltime_format(kwargs["walltime"], cluster_type)
    print('Dask worker walltime: {}'.format(kwargs['walltime']))

    # initiate cluster object
    if cluster_type == 'lsf':
        cluster = LSFCluster(**kwargs)
    elif cluster_type == 'pbs':
        cluster = PBSCluster(**kwargs)
    elif cluster_type == 'slurm':
        cluster = SLURMCluster(**kwargs)

    # Print and write job command file for HPC cluster types
    print("JOB COMMAND CALLED FROM PYTHON:\n\n", cluster.job_script())
    with open('dask_command_run_from_python.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write(cluster.job_script() + '\n')
    return cluster
    return total

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cluster = LSFCluster(
        queue='general',  # the queue on Pegasus
        project='insarlab',  # your project name
        memory='2GB',  # unused by Pegasus but a required param
        walltime='00:30',  # how long the worker will run for
        interface='ib0',  # which network to use. NECESSARY PARAM
            '-R "rusage[mem=2500]"',  # how to actually define memory usage
            "-o WORKER-%J.out"
        ],  # where to write worker output files
        python=sys.executable,  # Where to look for Python executable
        config_name='lsf')  # define your own config in a .yaml file
    print("JOB FILE:", cluster.job_script())

    client = Client(cluster)
    print("Time to run sequential code:", timeit(stmt=sequential_main,
    print("Time to run parallel code:", timeit(stmt=distributed_main,
    print("Time to run parallel code with ~0 data transfer:",
          timeit(stmt=distributed_main2, number=1))
