def __init__(self):
     self.installed_folder = 'vehicles'
     self.datafiles_folder = os.path.normpath(CarDatafilesFolder)
     self.vehNames = vehFiles(
     )  # Repeatedly reading this slows things down A LOT
     self.cache_o = Cached_data(carCacheDataFile, carTags)
 def __init__(self):
     self.installed_folder = 'locations'
     self.datafiles_folder = os.path.normpath(TrackDatafilesFolder)
     self.vehNames = None  # (only used for car files)
     self.cache_o = Cached_data(trackCacheDataFile,
                                trackTags + ['Longitude', 'Latitude'])
Exemple #3
 def test_write(self):
     if os.path.isfile('test.csv'):
     assert os.path.isfile('test.csv')
     self.cache2_o = Cached_data('test.csv', carTags)
     row = self.cache2_o.get_values('New ID')
     assert row['DB file ID'] == 'New ID'
     assert row['Type'] == '1'
Exemple #4
    def savePressed(self):
        # Write the data to a file named by the unique ID field

            'Save not yet implemented'
        if 'Track Name' in self.fields:
            _cd_o = Cached_data(trackCacheDataFile, trackTags)
            _cd_o = Cached_data(carCacheDataFile, carTags)
        for i, tag in enumerate(self.fields):
            if self.label[i]['text'] == 'DB file ID':
                ident = self.entry[i].get()

        for i, tag in enumerate(self.fields):
            _cd_o.set_value(ident, self.label[i]['text'], self.entry[i].get())

class TrackDataFiles(DataFiles):
    def __init__(self):
        self.installed_folder = 'locations'
        self.datafiles_folder = os.path.normpath(TrackDatafilesFolder)
        self.vehNames = None  # (only used for car files)
        self.cache_o = Cached_data(trackCacheDataFile,
                                   trackTags + ['Longitude', 'Latitude'])

    def _get_mft_tags(self, mft):
        Get the tags from the MFT file
        text, error = readFile(mft)
        _tags = getTags(text)
        for requiredTag in [
                'Name', 'Version', 'Type', 'Author', 'Origin', 'Category',
                'ID', 'URL', 'Desc', 'Date', 'Flags', 'RefCount', '#Signature',
                '#MASFile', 'MinVersion', '#BaseSignature'
            # MASFile, Signature and BaseSignature filtered out
            if requiredTag in _tags:
                """filter out boilerplate
                Author=Mod Team
                Desc=Your new mod.
                if _tags[requiredTag] in [
                        'Mod Team', '', 'Your new mod.'
                    _tags[requiredTag] = ''
                #print('%s=%s' % (requiredTag, _tags[requiredTag]))
                if requiredTag == 'Name':
                    _tags['strippedName'] = cleanTrackName(_tags['Name'])
                    _tags['Year'], _tags['Decade'], _tags[
                        'strippedName'] = extractYear(_tags['strippedName'])
                    # Title Case The Name
                    _tags['strippedName'] = _tags['strippedName'].title()
            # We need the original data folder to assemble the .SCN file path to put in
            # "Player.JSON" to force rF2 to switch tracks.  We also need the .SCN
            # file names and that's a bit more difficult.
            # To select the track we also need the "Scene Description"
            _tags['originalFolder'], _ = os.path.split(
                mft[len(rF2root) + 1:])  # strip the root
            if 'Scene Description' not in _tags or _tags[
                    'Scene Description'] == '':
                # if scn file name is available in scnNames.txt use it
                scnNames = getVehScnNames('scnNames.txt')
                if 'Name' in _tags and _tags['Name'] in scnNames:
                    _tags['Scene Description'] = scnNames[_tags['Name']]
                    _tags['Name'] = 'No track name'

            if 'Category' in _tags and _tags['Category'] in trackCategories:
                _tags['tType'] = trackCategories[_tags['Category']]

            tag = 'Track Name'
            if 'strippedName' in _tags:
                val = _tags['strippedName'].replace('_',
                                                    ' ').strip()  # default
                _tags[tag] = val
                _tags[tag] = 'No track name'
        return _tags

    def read_mas_files(self, tags, mas_dir):
        Scan track MAS files for:
        .scns:      use the name
        .gdb files: add tags found in them
        _dir = self.dir_files_in_mas_files(mas_dir)
        for mas, files in _dir.items():
            mas = os.path.join(mas_dir, mas)
            tags, found = self._read_mas_file(tags, mas, files)
        return tags

    def _read_mas_file(self, tags, mas, files):
        Open the track MAS files and look for
        *.scn - use the name
        gdb_keywords = ['Latitude', 'Longitude']

        found = False
        for _filename in files:
            _filename = _filename.lower().strip()
            if '.scn' in _filename:
                scn = os.path.splitext(_filename)[0]  # Strip .scn
                tags['Scene Description'] = scn
                tags['Name'] = scn
                found = True
            if '.gdb' in _filename:
                tags = self.mas_file(mas, _filename, tags, gdb_keywords)
                # Only if cached_tags don't have it already?
                # (Only called if cached_tags is empty)
                if 'Latitude' in tags and 'Longitude' in tags:
                    lat = float(tags['Latitude'])
                    long = float(tags['Longitude'])
                    address_o = google_address(lat, long)

                    tags['Country'] = address_o.get_country()
                    found = True
                    if tags['Country'] == '':
                        tags['Country'] = 'Lat ' + tags['Latitude']
                        tags['Continent'] = 'Long ' + tags['Longitude']
                        tags['Continent'] = country_to_continent(
                    if 'Latitude' in tags:
                        tags['Country'] = 'Lat ' + tags['Latitude']
                        tags['Continent'] = '--No Long--'
                        found = True
                    if 'Longitude' in tags:
                        tags['Country'] = '--No Lat--'
                        tags['Continent'] = 'Long ' + tags['Longitude']
                        found = True
        return tags, found
class CarDataFiles(DataFiles):
    def __init__(self):
        self.installed_folder = 'vehicles'
        self.datafiles_folder = os.path.normpath(CarDatafilesFolder)
        self.vehNames = vehFiles(
        )  # Repeatedly reading this slows things down A LOT
        self.cache_o = Cached_data(carCacheDataFile, carTags)

    def _get_mft_tags(self, mft):
        Get the tags from the MFT file
        text, error = readFile(mft)
        if error:
            return dict()
        _tags = getTags(text)
        for requiredTag in [
                'Name', 'Version', 'Type', 'Author', 'Origin', 'Category',
                'ID', 'URL', 'Desc', 'Date', 'Flags', 'RefCount', '#Signature',
                '#MASFile', 'MinVersion', '#BaseSignature'
            # MASFile, Signature and BaseSignature filtered out - NO THEY AREN'T,
            # _tags[] still contains them.  tagsToBeWritten filters them out.
            # Not sure what this for loop is, er, for.
            if requiredTag in _tags:
                """filter out boilerplate
                Author=Mod Team
                Desc=Your new mod.
                if _tags[requiredTag] in [
                        'Mod Team', '', 'Your new mod.'
                    _tags[requiredTag] = ''
                if _tags[requiredTag] in [
                        'Slow Motion', 'Slow Motion Modding Group'
                ]:  # make up your minds boys!
                    _tags[requiredTag] = 'Slow Motion Group'
                if _tags[requiredTag] in ['Virtua_LM Modding Team'
                                          ]:  # make up your minds boys!
                    _tags[requiredTag] = 'Virtua_LM'

        if _tags['Category'] in carCategories:
            _tags['tType'] = carCategories[_tags['Category']]
        # We need the original data folder to assemble the .VEH file path to put in
        # "All Tracks & Cars.cch" to force rF2 to switch cars.  We also need the .VEH
        # file names and that's a bit more difficult.
        # Not difficult, they're in all_vehicles.ini
        _tags['originalFolder'], _ = os.path.split(mft[len(rF2root) +
                                                       1:])  # strip the root
        # if veh file name is available in vehNames.txt use it
        _tags['vehFile'] = self.vehNames.veh(_tags['Name'])

        _tags = parse_name(_tags)
        _tags = parse_mfr_model(_tags)
        return _tags

    def _read_mas_file(self, tags, mas, files):
        Open the car mas files and look for
            WheelDrive=REAR // which wheels are driven: REAR, FOUR, or FRONT
            SemiAutomatic=0 // whether throttle and clutch are operated automatically (like an F1 car)

            TCSetting=0 ????
            TractionControlGrip=(1.4, 0.2)    // average driven wheel grip multiplied by 1st number, then added to 2nd
            TractionControlLevel=(0.33, 1.0)  // effect of grip on throttle for low TC and high TC
            ABS4Wheel=0                       // 0 = old-style single brake pulse, 1 = more effective 4-wheel ABS
            ABSGrip=(1.7, 0.0)                // grip multiplied by 1st number and added to 2nd
            ABSLevel=(0.31, 0.92)             // effect of grip on brakes for low ABS and high ABS
            Mass=828.0      Weight threshold
            FWRange=(0, 1, 1)             // front wing range
            FWSetting=0                   // front wing setting
            RWRange=(0, 1, 1)             // rear wing range
            RWSetting=0                   // rear wing setting

            BoostPower=0 no turbo?

            but not


        hdv_keywords = [
            'ForwardGears', 'WheelDrive', 'SemiAutomatic', 'Mass', 'FWSetting',

        ini_keywords = ['DumpValve', 'Turbo']

        found = False
        for _filename in files:
            _filename = _filename.lower().strip()
            if '.hdv' in _filename:
                mas_tags = self.mas_file(mas, _filename, {}, hdv_keywords)
                if 'SemiAutomatic' in mas_tags:
                    if mas_tags['SemiAutomatic'] == '0':
                        tags['Gearshift'] = 'H' + mas_tags['ForwardGears']
                        found = True
                if 'WheelDrive' in mas_tags:
                    tags['F/R/4WD'] = mas_tags['WheelDrive']
                    found = True
                if 'FWSetting' in mas_tags and 'RWSetting' in mas_tags:
                    if mas_tags['FWSetting'] == '0' and mas_tags[
                            'RWSetting'] == '0':
                        tags['Aero'] = '0'
                        found = True
                if 'Mass' in mas_tags:
                    tags['Mass'] = str(int(
                        mas_tags['Mass'].split('.')[0]))  # May be float
                    found = True
            if '.ini' in _filename:
                mas_tags = self.mas_file(mas, _filename, {}, ini_keywords)
                if 'DumpValve' in mas_tags:
                    tags['Turbo'] = '1'
                    found = True
            # Hacking to get an idea of tyre names:
            if '.tbc' in _filename:
                mas_tags = self.mas_file(mas, _filename, {}, ['Name'])

        if 'Mass' not in tags:
            # that PROBABLY indicates that mas was encrypted
            # which PROBABLY => S397
            tags['Mass'] = ''
            if 'Author' not in tags or tags['Author'] == '':
                tags['Author'] = 'Studio 397?'
        return tags, found

    def read_mas_files(self, tags, mas_dir):
        Scan car MAS files for:
        .hdv files: add tags found in them
        (engine)*.ini DumpValve tag
        # defaults
        tags['Gearshift'] = 'Paddles'  # Paddles or sequential
        tags['F/R/4WD'] = 'REAR'
        tags['Aero'] = '1'
        tags['Turbo'] = '0'

        _dir = self.dir_files_in_mas_files(mas_dir)
        for mas, files in _dir.items():
            mas = os.path.join(mas_dir, mas)
            tags, found = self._read_mas_file(tags, mas, files)
        return tags
Exemple #7
 def setUp(self):
     self.cache_o = Cached_data('test.csv', carTags)
Exemple #8
class Test_test_cached_data(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.cache_o = Cached_data('test.csv', carTags)

    def test_get_values_empty(self):
        row = self.cache_o.get_values('New ID')
        assert row == dict()

    def test_set_value(self):
        self.cache_o.set_value('New ID', 'Type', '1')
        row = self.cache_o.get_values('New ID')
        assert row['DB file ID'] == 'New ID'
        assert row['Type'] == '1'

    def test_set_value_new(self):
        self.cache_o.set_value('New ID 2', 'Aero', '1')
        row = self.cache_o.get_values('New ID 2')
        assert row['DB file ID'] == 'New ID 2'
        assert row['Type'] == ''
        assert row['Aero'] == '1'

    def test_write(self):
        if os.path.isfile('test.csv'):
        assert os.path.isfile('test.csv')
        self.cache2_o = Cached_data('test.csv', carTags)
        row = self.cache2_o.get_values('New ID')
        assert row['DB file ID'] == 'New ID'
        assert row['Type'] == '1'