class AudPlayer: def __init__(self, view): self._server = pyo.Server().boot() self._data = [] self._state = "STOP" self._model = Song() self._view = view def _reload(self): voices = self._model.voices() section = self._model.selected_section() self._data = [] for voice in voices: entry = self._view.slice_data(section, voice) ev = pyo.Events(instr=entry["instrument"], midinote=entry["pitch"], beat=entry["duration"], bpm=entry["speed"], amp=entry["volume"]).play() self._data.append(ev) def play_pause(self): if self._state == "PLAY": self.pause() else: if self._state != "PAUSE": self._reload() def play(self): self._state = "PLAY" self._server.start() def pause(self): self._state = "PAUSE" self._server.stop() def stop(self): if self._state == "PLAY": self._server.stop() for voice in self._data: voice.stop(0) self._state = "STOP"
def load_slice(section_name, voice_name): result = {} result["selectors"] = extract_selectors(Song().scale()) section_slice = Song().slice(section_name, voice_name) notes = section_slice.notes() result["speed"] = section_slice.speed() result["divisions"] = section_slice.divisions() result["length"] = sum(note.duration() for note in notes) result["notes"] = extract_notes(notes) return result
def extract_notes(slice_notes): row = 0 result = {} for note in slice_notes: note_value = {} if note.is_empty(): row += note.duration() continue elif note.is_silent(): note_value["pitch"] = SILENT_PITCH else: degree = note_value["pitch"] = Song().scale().pitch_name(degree) note_value["octave"] = "{:01x}".format(note.octave()) note_value["volume"] = "{:02x}".format(note.volume()) result[row] = note_value row += note.duration() return result
def _create(self, section, voice): entry = {} # Instrument (only one choice here) entry["instrument"] = SquareWave # Slice (needed for later stuff sec_slice = self._model.slice(section, voice) # Speed (in bpm) entry["speed"] = sec_slice.speed() # Notes (for the rest of the stuff needed) notes = sec_slice.notes() # (midinote, beat, amp) triple for each note data = [] cur_data = [-1, 0, 0] for note in notes: if note.is_empty(): cur_data[1] += note.duration() elif note.is_silent(): if cur_data[2] == 0: cur_data[1] += note.duration() else: data.append(cur_data) cur_data = [-1, note.duration(), 0] else: if cur_data[1] > 0: data.append(cur_data) degree = octave = note.octave() midinote = Song().scale().pitch_midi(degree, octave) cur_data = [midinote, note.duration(), note.volume() / 256] pass if cur_data[1] > 0: data.append(cur_data) # Convert to midinote, beat, amp lists entry["pitch"], entry["duration"], entry["volume"] = zip(*data) self._data[section][voice] = entry
def __init__(self): EventHandler.__init__(self) self._model = Song() self.reset()
class AudView(EventHandler): def __init__(self): EventHandler.__init__(self) self._model = Song() self.reset() def _create(self, section, voice): entry = {} # Instrument (only one choice here) entry["instrument"] = SquareWave # Slice (needed for later stuff sec_slice = self._model.slice(section, voice) # Speed (in bpm) entry["speed"] = sec_slice.speed() # Notes (for the rest of the stuff needed) notes = sec_slice.notes() # (midinote, beat, amp) triple for each note data = [] cur_data = [-1, 0, 0] for note in notes: if note.is_empty(): cur_data[1] += note.duration() elif note.is_silent(): if cur_data[2] == 0: cur_data[1] += note.duration() else: data.append(cur_data) cur_data = [-1, note.duration(), 0] else: if cur_data[1] > 0: data.append(cur_data) degree = octave = note.octave() midinote = Song().scale().pitch_midi(degree, octave) cur_data = [midinote, note.duration(), note.volume() / 256] pass if cur_data[1] > 0: data.append(cur_data) # Convert to midinote, beat, amp lists entry["pitch"], entry["duration"], entry["volume"] = zip(*data) self._data[section][voice] = entry def handle_event(self, event: Event): if event.type() == "MODEL_UPDATE": self._create(**event.values()[0]) def reset(self): sections = self._model.sections() voices = self._model.voices() self._data = {} for section in sections: self._data[section] = {} for voice in voices: self._create(section=section, voice=voice) def slice_data(self, section, voice): return self._data[section][voice]
def __init__(self): self._data = {"section": Song().selected_section()} print(self._data)
def __init__(self, view): self._server = pyo.Server().boot() self._data = [] self._state = "STOP" self._model = Song() self._view = view