def get_other_team_matches():

    :return other_team_matches: (numpy.array[int]) 690 * 690 matrix with number of matches between champions
        in other teams.
    df = get_participants()
    df2 = get_champs()

    arraymatrix = np.zeros(690 * 690)
    for i in range(len(df)):
        for j in range(min(i + 1, len(df)), min(i + 11, len(df)), 1):
            if (df[MATCH_ID][i] == df[MATCH_ID][j]
                    and df['team'][i] != df['team'][j]):
                A = df2.index[df2['champion_id'] == df['champion_id']
                B = df2.index[df2['role'] == df['role'][i]].values
                A = np.ndarray.tolist(A)
                B = np.ndarray.tolist(B)
                idxrow = set(A).intersection(B)
                idxrow = list(idxrow)[0]

                C = df2.index[df2['champion_id'] == df['champion_id']
                D = df2.index[df2['role'] == df['role'][j]].values
                C = np.ndarray.tolist(C)
                D = np.ndarray.tolist(D)
                idxcol = set(C).intersection(D)
                idxcol = list(idxcol)[0]

                arraymatrix[idxrow * 690 + idxcol] += 1
                arraymatrix[idxcol * 690 + idxrow] += 1

    arraymatrix = np.reshape(arraymatrix, (690, 690))
    return arraymatrix
Exemple #2
def simulate_recommended_pick(draft_statuses, coefficients):
    champs = get_champs()
    champs['cal_champs'] = 5 * champs['champion_id'] + champs['role']

    recommended_pick_winning_probabilities = []
    for (index, row) in tqdm(draft_statuses.iterrows()):
        banned_champs = row[BANNED_CHAMPS]
        our_champs = row[OUR_CHAMPS]
        other_champs = row[OTHER_CHAMPS]

        best_champions = recommend_best_champions(banned_champs, our_champs,
                                                  other_champs, coefficients)
        best_winning_probability = 0
        for role, (champion_id, winning_probability) in best_champions.items():
            if winning_probability > best_winning_probability:
                best_winning_probability = winning_probability


    recommended_pick_winning_probabilities = pd.Series(
    return recommended_pick_winning_probabilities
def get_data_set(test_size=0.2):
    :param test_size: (float) The size of test. test_size should be bigger than 0, and smaller than 1.

    :return train_Xs: (ndarray[float]) An array of collaborative distances and competitive distances, size of 45 * N.
    :return test_Xs: (ndarray[float]) An array of collaborative distances and competitive distances, size of 45 * N.
    :return train_Ys: (Series[Bool]) A series whether win or not. True: win, False: lose, size of N.
    :return test_Ys: (Series[Bool]) A series whether win or not. True: win, False: lose, size of N.
    assert 0 < test_size < 1

    # Get Ys from participants.
    participants = get_pure_participants()
    wins = participants[WIN]
    Ys = wins.loc[[i for j, i in enumerate(wins.index)
                   if j % 10 == 0]].astype(float).values

    # Get Xs from get_collaborative_distances and get_competitive_distances.
    champs = get_champs()
    champs = champs.reset_index()
    participants = pd.merge(participants, champs, on=(CHAMPION_ID, ROLE))
    participants = participants.sort_values(by=[MATCH_ID, TEAM, ROLE],
                                            ascending=[True, False, True])
    champion_indexes = participants['index'].values

    # First 5 champions were in blue team, and next 5 champions were in red team.
    match_number = len(Ys)
    champion_indexes = champion_indexes.reshape((match_number, 10))
    Xs = np.zeros((match_number, 45))

    # Get distances from get_collaborative_distances and get_competitive_distances
    collaborative_distances = calculate_collaborative_distances()
    competitive_distances = calculate_competitive_distances()

    for champion_index, X in tqdm(zip(champion_indexes, Xs)):
        # X_0 ~ X_9: Collaborative distances between blue team members.
        x_index = 0
        for i in range(0, 5):
            for j in range(i + 1, 5):
                X[x_index] = collaborative_distances[champion_index[i]][
                x_index += 1

        # X_10 ~ X_19: Collaborative distances between red team members.
        for i in range(5, 10):
            for j in range(i + 1, 10):
                X[x_index] = collaborative_distances[champion_index[i]][
                x_index += 1

        # X_20 ~ X_44: Competitive distances between blue team member and red team member.
        for i in range(0, 5):
            for j in range(5, 10):
                X[x_index] = competitive_distances[champion_index[i]][
                x_index += 1

    # Add intercept term to X.
    Xs = np.concatenate((np.array([[1.0]] * Xs.shape[0]), Xs), axis=1)
    train_Xs, test_Xs, train_Ys, test_Ys = train_test_split(
        Xs, Ys, test_size=test_size)

    return train_Xs, test_Xs, train_Ys, test_Ys
Exemple #4
def simulate_original_pick(draft_statuses, coefficients):

    :return original_pick_winning_probabilities: (Series[flot])
    champs = get_champs()
    champs['cal_champs'] = 5 * champs['champion_id'] + champs['role']

    collaborative_distances = calculate_collaborative_distances()
    competitive_distances = calculate_competitive_distances()

    original_pick_winning_probabilities = []
    for (index, row) in tqdm(draft_statuses.iterrows()):
        champion_id = row[CHAMPION_ID]
        role = row[ROLE]
        our_champs = row[OUR_CHAMPS]
        other_champs = row[OTHER_CHAMPS]

        x_array = np.array(np.ones(46))
        b_array = np.array(coefficients)

        our_champs_index_list = []
        other_champs_index_list = []

        for our_champ_1 in our_champs:
            our_champs_index = champs.iloc[np.where(
                champs['cal_champs'] == our_champ_1)]
            our_champs_index = our_champs_index.index


        for other_champ in other_champs:
            other_champs_index = champs.iloc[np.where(
                champs['cal_champs'] == other_champ)]
            other_champs_index = other_champs_index.index


        champs_index = champs.iloc[np.where(
            champs['champion_id'] == champion_id)]
        champs_index = champs_index.iloc[np.where(
            champs_index['role'] == role)]
        champs_index = champs_index.index
        champs_index = np.array(champs_index)[0]

        ### our champ - new our champ##
        for our_champ_1 in our_champs_index_list:
            our_champ_role = champs['role'][our_champ_1]
            new_pick_role = champs['role'][champs_index]

            coeff_m_num = 0
            for our_champ_1 in range(min(our_champ_role, new_pick_role)):
                coeff_m_num = coeff_m_num + (4 - our_champ_1)
            coeff_m_num = abs(our_champ_role - new_pick_role) + coeff_m_num
            x_array[coeff_m_num] = collaborative_distances[champs_index,

        ### other champ - new our champ ##
        for other_champ in other_champs_index_list:
            other_champ_role = champs['role'][other_champ]
            new_pick_role = champs['role'][champs_index]
            coeff_n_num = 0
            coeff_n_num = coeff_n_num + 21 + 5 * new_pick_role + other_champ_role
            x_array[coeff_n_num] = competitive_distances[champs_index,

        ### our champ - our champ##
        for our_champ_1 in our_champs_index_list:
            for our_champ_2 in our_champs_index_list:
                if our_champ_1 == our_champ_2:
                    m1_role = champs['role'][our_champ_1]
                    m2_role = champs['role'][our_champ_2]

                    coeff_m1_num = 0
                    for min_m1 in range(min(m1_role, m2_role)):
                        coeff_m1_num = coeff_m1_num + (4 - min_m1)
                    coeff_m1_num = abs(m1_role - m2_role) + coeff_m1_num
                    x_array[coeff_m1_num] = collaborative_distances[
                        our_champ_2, our_champ_1]

        ### other champ - other champ##
        for other_champ_1 in other_champs_index_list:
            for other_champ_2 in other_champs_index_list:
                if other_champ_1 == other_champ_2:
                    n1_role = champs['role'][other_champ_1]
                    n2_role = champs['role'][other_champ_2]

                    coeff_n1_num = 0
                    for min_n1 in range(min(n1_role, n2_role)):
                        coeff_n1_num = coeff_n1_num + (4 - min_n1) + 10
                    coeff_n1_num = abs(n1_role - n2_role) + coeff_n1_num
                    x_array[coeff_n1_num] = collaborative_distances[
                        other_champ_2, other_champ_1]

        ### our champ _ other_champ##
        for our_champ in our_champs_index_list:
            for other_champ in other_champs_index_list:
                o1_role = champs['role'][our_champ]
                o2_role = champs['role'][other_champ]

                coeff_o1_num = 0
                coeff_o1_num = coeff_o1_num + 21 + 5 * o1_role + o2_role
                x_array[coeff_o1_num] = competitive_distances[our_champ,

        xb_sum = np.inner(x_array, b_array)
        original_pick_winning_probability = np.exp(xb_sum) / (1 +

    original_pick_winning_probabilities = pd.Series(
    return original_pick_winning_probabilities
Exemple #5
def recommend_best_champions(banned_champs, our_champs, other_champs,

    :param banned_champs: (list[int]) 6 banned champions. champion_id.
    :param our_champs: (list[int]) champion_id * 5 + role
    :param other_champs: (list[int]) champion_id * 5 + role
    :param coefficients: (list) intercept and 45 betas.

    :return best_champions: (dict)
        ex) our_champs = [8, 14]
                0(role): 19(champion_id),
                1: 192,
                2: 123
            There are 3 and 4 role in our champs. So, we will not recommend 3 and 4.

    #### top 0, jungle 1 , mid 2, carry 3, support 4
    ## x1 0,1 -> 1 x2 0,2 -> 2 x3 0,3 -> 3 x4 0,4 -> 4 x5 1,2 -> 5 x6 1,3 x7 1,4 x8 2,3 4+3+1 x9 2,4 4+3+2 x10 3,4

    NUMBER_OF_OTHER_CHAMPS = len(other_champs)
    NUMBER_OF_OUR_CHAMPS = len(our_champs)
    ROLE = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    champs = get_champs()
    champs['cal_champs'] = 5 * champs['champion_id'] + champs['role']

    champs_list = np.array(champs['champion_id'].drop_duplicates()).tolist()

    # except champs_id: banned_champs + our_champs_id + other_champs_id
    other_champs_id = []
    other_champs_role = []
    other_champs_index_list = []

    for i in range(NUMBER_OF_OTHER_CHAMPS):
        other_champs_id.append(other_champs[i] // 5)
        other_champs_role.append(other_champs[i] % 5)

        other_champs_index = champs.iloc[np.where(
            champs['cal_champs'] == other_champs[i])]
        other_champs_index = other_champs_index.index


    our_champs_id = []
    our_champs_role = []
    our_champs_index_list = []

    for j in range(NUMBER_OF_OUR_CHAMPS):
        our_champs_id.append(our_champs[j] // 5)
        our_champs_role.append(our_champs[j] % 5)
        our_champs_index = champs.iloc[np.where(
            champs['cal_champs'] == our_champs[j])]
        our_champs_index = our_champs_index.index


    except_champs_id = other_champs_id + banned_champs + our_champs_id
    champs_list_except_selected_ones = list(
        set(champs_list) - set(except_champs_id))
    champs_list_except_selected_ones_clean = [
        x for x in champs_list_except_selected_ones if x is not None

    remain_roles = list(set(ROLE) - set(our_champs_role))
    collaborative_distances = calculate_collaborative_distances()
    competitive_distances = calculate_competitive_distances()

    best_champions = {}
    for role in remain_roles:
        best_champions_list = []
        best_xb = -2
        x_array = np.array(np.ones(46))
        b_array = np.array(coefficients)
        for champ_id in champs_list_except_selected_ones_clean:
            champs_index = champs.iloc[np.where(
                champs['champion_id'] == champ_id)]
            champs_index = champs_index.iloc[np.where(
                champs_index['role'] == role)]
            champs_index = champs_index.index
            champs_index = np.array(champs_index)[0]

            ### our champ - new our champ##
            for m in our_champs_index_list:
                m_role = champs['role'][m[0]]
                m_champs_roles = champs['role'][champs_index]

                coeff_m_num = 0
                for m1 in range(min(m_role, m_champs_roles)):
                    coeff_m_num = coeff_m_num + (4 - m1)
                coeff_m_num = abs(m_role - m_champs_roles) + coeff_m_num
                x_array[coeff_m_num] = collaborative_distances[champs_index,

            ### other champ - new our champ ##
            for n in other_champs_index_list:
                n_role = champs['role'][n[0]]
                n_champs_roles = champs['role'][champs_index]
                coeff_n_num = 0
                coeff_n_num = coeff_n_num + 21 + 5 * n_champs_roles + n_role
                x_array[coeff_n_num] = competitive_distances[champs_index,

            ### our champ - our champ##
            for m1 in our_champs_index_list:
                for m2 in our_champs_index_list:
                    if m1 == m2:
                        m1_role = champs['role'][m1[0]]
                        m2_role = champs['role'][m2[0]]

                        coeff_m1_num = 0
                        for min_m1 in range(min(m1_role, m2_role)):
                            coeff_m1_num = coeff_m1_num + (4 - min_m1)
                        coeff_m1_num = abs(m1_role - m2_role) + coeff_m1_num
                        x_array[coeff_m1_num] = collaborative_distances[m2[0],

            ### other champ - other champ##
            for n1 in other_champs_index_list:
                for n2 in other_champs_index_list:
                    if n1 == n2:
                        n1_role = champs['role'][n1[0]]
                        n2_role = champs['role'][n2[0]]

                        coeff_n1_num = 0
                        for min_n1 in range(min(n1_role, n2_role)):
                            coeff_n1_num = coeff_n1_num + (4 - min_n1) + 10
                        coeff_n1_num = abs(n1_role - n2_role) + coeff_n1_num
                        x_array[coeff_n1_num] = collaborative_distances[n2[0],

            ### our champ _ other_champ##
            for o1 in our_champs_index_list:
                for o2 in other_champs_index_list:
                    o1_role = champs['role'][o1[0]]
                    o2_role = champs['role'][o2[0]]

                    coeff_o1_num = 0
                    coeff_o1_num = coeff_o1_num + 21 + 5 * o1_role + o2_role
                    x_array[coeff_o1_num] = competitive_distances[o1[0], o2[0]]

            xb_sum = np.inner(x_array, b_array)

            if best_xb < xb_sum:
                best_xb = xb_sum

                if champs_index != None:
                if champ_id == champs_list_except_selected_ones_clean[-1]:
                    best_champions_role = champs['role'][
                    best_champions_id = champs['champion_id'][
                    best_champions_winning_rate = np.exp(best_xb) / (
                        1 + np.exp(best_xb))
                    best_champions[best_champions_role] = (
                        best_champions_id, best_champions_winning_rate)

                if champ_id == champs_list_except_selected_ones_clean[-1]:

                    best_champions_role = champs['role'][
                    best_champions_id = champs['champion_id'][
                    best_champions_winning_rate = np.exp(best_xb) / (
                        1 + np.exp(best_xb))
                    best_champions[best_champions_role] = (
                        best_champions_id, best_champions_winning_rate)


    return best_champions