def _backfill_labels(tag_manifest, manifest, repository): tmls = list( TagManifestLabel.annotated == tag_manifest)) if not tmls: return for tag_manifest_label in tmls: label = tag_manifest_label.label try: TagManifestLabelMap.get(tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label) continue except TagManifestLabelMap.DoesNotExist: pass try: manifest_label = ManifestLabel.create(manifest=manifest, label=label, repository=repository) TagManifestLabelMap.create( manifest_label=manifest_label, tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label, label=label, manifest=manifest, tag_manifest=tag_manifest_label.annotated) except IntegrityError: continue
def create_manifest_label(tag_manifest, key, value, source_type_name, media_type_name=None): """ Creates a new manifest label on a specific tag manifest. """ if not key: raise InvalidLabelKeyException("Missing key on label") # Note that we don't prevent invalid label names coming from the manifest to be stored, as Docker # does not currently prevent them from being put into said manifests. if not validate_label_key(key) and source_type_name != "manifest": raise InvalidLabelKeyException( "Label key `%s` is invalid or reserved" % key) # Find the matching media type. If none specified, we infer. if media_type_name is None: media_type_name = "text/plain" if is_json(value): media_type_name = "application/json" media_type_id = _get_media_type_id(media_type_name) if media_type_id is None: raise InvalidMediaTypeException() source_type_id = _get_label_source_type_id(source_type_name) with db_transaction(): label = Label.create(key=key, value=value, source_type=source_type_id, media_type=media_type_id) tag_manifest_label = TagManifestLabel.create( annotated=tag_manifest, label=label, repository=tag_manifest.tag.repository) try: mapping_row = TagManifestToManifest.get(tag_manifest=tag_manifest) if mapping_row.manifest: manifest_label = ManifestLabel.create( manifest=mapping_row.manifest, label=label, repository=tag_manifest.tag.repository, ) TagManifestLabelMap.create( manifest_label=manifest_label, tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label, label=label, manifest=mapping_row.manifest, tag_manifest=tag_manifest, ) except TagManifestToManifest.DoesNotExist: pass return label
def clear_rows(initialized_db): # Remove all new-style rows so we can backfill. TagToRepositoryTag.delete().execute() Tag.delete().execute() TagManifestLabelMap.delete().execute() ManifestLabel.delete().execute() ManifestBlob.delete().execute() ManifestLegacyImage.delete().execute() TagManifestToManifest.delete().execute() Manifest.delete().execute()
def delete_manifest_label(label_uuid, manifest): """ Deletes the manifest label on the tag manifest with the given ID. Returns the label deleted or None if none. """ # Find the label itself. label = get_manifest_label(label_uuid, manifest) if label is None: return None if not label.source_type.mutable: raise DataModelException("Cannot delete immutable label") # Delete the mapping records and label. # TODO: Remove this code once the TagManifest table is gone. with db_transaction(): (TagManifestLabelMap.delete().where( TagManifestLabelMap.label == label).execute()) deleted_count = TagManifestLabel.delete().where( TagManifestLabel.label == label).execute() if deleted_count != 1: logger.warning( "More than a single label deleted for matching label %s", label_uuid) deleted_count = ManifestLabel.delete().where( ManifestLabel.label == label).execute() if deleted_count != 1: logger.warning( "More than a single label deleted for matching label %s", label_uuid) label.delete_instance(recursive=False) return label
def delete_manifest_label(label_uuid, tag_manifest): """ Deletes the manifest label on the tag manifest with the given ID. """ # Find the label itself. label = get_manifest_label(label_uuid, tag_manifest) if label is None: return None if not label.source_type.mutable: raise DataModelException('Cannot delete immutable label') # Delete the mapping records and label. (TagManifestLabelMap.delete().where( TagManifestLabelMap.label == label).execute()) deleted_count = TagManifestLabel.delete().where( TagManifestLabel.label == label).execute() if deleted_count != 1: logger.warning( 'More than a single label deleted for matching label %s', label_uuid) deleted_count = ManifestLabel.delete().where( ManifestLabel.label == label).execute() if deleted_count != 1: logger.warning( 'More than a single label deleted for matching label %s', label_uuid) label.delete_instance(recursive=False) return label
def backfill_label(tag_manifest_label):"Backfilling label %s", # Ensure that a mapping row doesn't already exist. If it does, we've been preempted. if lookup_map_row(tag_manifest_label): return False # Ensure the tag manifest has been backfilled into the manifest table. try: tmt = TagManifestToManifest.get( tag_manifest=tag_manifest_label.annotated) except TagManifestToManifest.DoesNotExist: # We'll come back to this later. logger.debug( "Tag Manifest %s for label %s has not yet been backfilled",,, ) return True repository = tag_manifest_label.repository # Create the new mapping entry and label. with db_transaction(): if lookup_map_row(tag_manifest_label): return False label = tag_manifest_label.label if tmt.manifest: try: manifest_label = ManifestLabel.create(manifest=tmt.manifest, label=label, repository=repository) TagManifestLabelMap.create( manifest_label=manifest_label, tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label, label=label, manifest=tmt.manifest, tag_manifest=tag_manifest_label.annotated, ) except IntegrityError: return False"Backfilled label %s", return True
def _garbage_collect_legacy_manifest(legacy_manifest_id, context): assert legacy_manifest_id is not None # Add the labels to be GCed. query = TagManifestLabel.annotated == legacy_manifest_id) for manifest_label in query: context.add_label_id(manifest_label.label_id) # Delete the tag manifest. with db_transaction(): try: tag_manifest = == legacy_manifest_id).get() except TagManifest.DoesNotExist: return False assert == legacy_manifest_id assert tag_manifest.tag.repository_id == # Delete any label mapping rows. (TagManifestLabelMap.delete().where( TagManifestLabelMap.tag_manifest == legacy_manifest_id).execute()) # Delete the label rows. TagManifestLabel.delete().where( TagManifestLabel.annotated == legacy_manifest_id).execute() # Delete the mapping row if it exists. try: tmt = ( TagManifestToManifest.tag_manifest == tag_manifest).get()) context.add_manifest_id(tmt.manifest_id) tmt_deleted = tmt.delete_instance() if tmt_deleted: gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="TagManifestToManifest").inc() except TagManifestToManifest.DoesNotExist: pass # Delete the tag manifest. tag_manifest_deleted = tag_manifest.delete_instance() if tag_manifest_deleted: gc_table_rows_deleted.labels(table="TagManifest").inc() return True
def lookup_map_row(tag_manifest_label): try: TagManifestLabelMap.get(tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label) return True except TagManifestLabelMap.DoesNotExist: return False
def _garbage_collect_manifest(manifest_id, context): assert manifest_id is not None # Make sure the manifest isn't referenced. if _check_manifest_used(manifest_id): return False # Add the manifest's blobs to the context to be GCed. for manifest_blob in ManifestBlob.manifest == manifest_id): context.add_blob_id(manifest_blob.blob_id) # Retrieve the manifest's associated image, if any. try: legacy_image_id = ManifestLegacyImage.get( manifest=manifest_id).image_id context.add_legacy_image_id(legacy_image_id) except ManifestLegacyImage.DoesNotExist: legacy_image_id = None # Add child manifests to be GCed. for connector in ManifestChild.manifest == manifest_id): context.add_manifest_id(connector.child_manifest_id) # Add the labels to be GCed. for manifest_label in ManifestLabel.manifest == manifest_id): context.add_label_id(manifest_label.label_id) # Delete the manifest. with db_transaction(): try: manifest = == manifest_id).get() except Manifest.DoesNotExist: return False assert == manifest_id assert manifest.repository_id == if _check_manifest_used(manifest_id): return False # Delete any label mappings. deleted_tag_manifest_label_map = (TagManifestLabelMap.delete().where( TagManifestLabelMap.manifest == manifest_id).execute()) # Delete any mapping rows for the manifest. deleted_tag_manifest_to_manifest = ( TagManifestToManifest.delete().where( TagManifestToManifest.manifest == manifest_id).execute()) # Delete any label rows. deleted_manifest_label = (ManifestLabel.delete().where( ManifestLabel.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestLabel.repository == context.repository, ).execute()) # Delete any child manifest rows. deleted_manifest_child = (ManifestChild.delete().where( ManifestChild.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestChild.repository == context.repository, ).execute()) # Delete the manifest blobs for the manifest. deleted_manifest_blob = (ManifestBlob.delete().where( ManifestBlob.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestBlob.repository == context.repository).execute()) # Delete the security status for the manifest deleted_manifest_security = (ManifestSecurityStatus.delete().where( ManifestSecurityStatus.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestSecurityStatus.repository == context.repository, ).execute()) # Delete the manifest legacy image row. deleted_manifest_legacy_image = 0 if legacy_image_id: deleted_manifest_legacy_image = ( ManifestLegacyImage.delete().where( ManifestLegacyImage.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestLegacyImage.repository == context.repository, ).execute()) # Delete the manifest. manifest.delete_instance() context.mark_manifest_removed(manifest) gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="TagManifestLabelMap").inc(deleted_tag_manifest_label_map) gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="TagManifestToManifest").inc(deleted_tag_manifest_to_manifest) gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="ManifestLabel").inc(deleted_manifest_label) gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="ManifestChild").inc(deleted_manifest_child) gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="ManifestBlob").inc(deleted_manifest_blob) gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="ManifestSecurityStatus").inc(deleted_manifest_security) if deleted_manifest_legacy_image: gc_table_rows_deleted.labels( table="ManifestLegacyImage").inc(deleted_manifest_legacy_image) gc_table_rows_deleted.labels(table="Manifest").inc() return True
def test_tagbackfillworker(clear_all_rows, initialized_db): # Remove the new-style rows so we can backfill. TagToRepositoryTag.delete().execute() Tag.delete().execute() if clear_all_rows: TagManifestLabelMap.delete().execute() ManifestLabel.delete().execute() ManifestBlob.delete().execute() ManifestLegacyImage.delete().execute() TagManifestToManifest.delete().execute() Manifest.delete().execute() found_dead_tag = False for repository_tag in list( # Backfill the tag. assert backfill_tag(repository_tag) # Ensure if we try again, the backfill is skipped. assert not backfill_tag(repository_tag) # Ensure that we now have the expected tag rows. tag_to_repo_tag = TagToRepositoryTag.get(repository_tag=repository_tag) tag = tag_to_repo_tag.tag assert == assert tag.repository == repository_tag.repository assert not tag.hidden assert tag.reversion == repository_tag.reversion if repository_tag.lifetime_start_ts is None: assert tag.lifetime_start_ms is None else: assert tag.lifetime_start_ms == (repository_tag.lifetime_start_ts * 1000) if repository_tag.lifetime_end_ts is None: assert tag.lifetime_end_ms is None else: assert tag.lifetime_end_ms == (repository_tag.lifetime_end_ts * 1000) found_dead_tag = True assert tag.manifest # Ensure that we now have the expected manifest rows. try: tag_manifest = TagManifest.get(tag=repository_tag) except TagManifest.DoesNotExist: continue map_row = TagManifestToManifest.get(tag_manifest=tag_manifest) assert not map_row.broken manifest_row = map_row.manifest assert manifest_row.manifest_bytes == tag_manifest.json_data assert manifest_row.digest == tag_manifest.digest assert manifest_row.repository == tag_manifest.tag.repository assert tag.manifest == map_row.manifest legacy_image = ManifestLegacyImage.get(manifest=manifest_row).image assert tag_manifest.tag.image == legacy_image expected_storages = {} for parent_image_id in tag_manifest.tag.image.ancestor_id_list(): expected_storages.add(Image.get(id=parent_image_id).storage_id) found_storages = { manifest_blob.blob_id for manifest_blob in ManifestBlob.manifest == manifest_row) } assert expected_storages == found_storages # Ensure the labels were copied over. tmls = list( TagManifestLabel.annotated == tag_manifest)) expected_labels = {tml.label_id for tml in tmls} found_labels = { m.label_id for m in ManifestLabel.manifest == manifest_row) } assert found_labels == expected_labels # Verify at the repository level. for repository in list( tags = RepositoryTag.repository == repository, RepositoryTag.hidden == False) oci_tags = == repository) assert len(tags) == len(oci_tags) assert { for t in tags} == { for t in oci_tags} for tag in tags: tag_manifest = TagManifest.get(tag=tag) ttr = TagToRepositoryTag.get(repository_tag=tag) manifest = ttr.tag.manifest assert tag_manifest.json_data == manifest.manifest_bytes assert tag_manifest.digest == manifest.digest assert tag.image == ManifestLegacyImage.get( manifest=manifest).image assert tag.lifetime_start_ts == (ttr.tag.lifetime_start_ms / 1000) if tag.lifetime_end_ts: assert tag.lifetime_end_ts == (ttr.tag.lifetime_end_ms / 1000) else: assert ttr.tag.lifetime_end_ms is None assert found_dead_tag
def _garbage_collect_manifest(manifest_id, context): assert manifest_id is not None # Make sure the manifest isn't referenced. if _check_manifest_used(manifest_id): return False # Add the manifest's blobs to the context to be GCed. for manifest_blob in == manifest_id): context.add_blob_id(manifest_blob.blob_id) # Retrieve the manifest's associated image, if any. try: legacy_image_id = ManifestLegacyImage.get(manifest=manifest_id).image_id context.add_legacy_image_id(legacy_image_id) except ManifestLegacyImage.DoesNotExist: legacy_image_id = None # Add child manifests to be GCed. for connector in == manifest_id): context.add_manifest_id(connector.child_manifest_id) # Add the labels to be GCed. for manifest_label in == manifest_id): context.add_label_id(manifest_label.label_id) # Delete the manifest. with db_transaction(): try: manifest = == manifest_id).get() except Manifest.DoesNotExist: return False assert == manifest_id assert manifest.repository_id == if _check_manifest_used(manifest_id): return False # Delete any label mappings. (TagManifestLabelMap.delete().where(TagManifestLabelMap.manifest == manifest_id).execute()) # Delete any mapping rows for the manifest. TagManifestToManifest.delete().where( TagManifestToManifest.manifest == manifest_id ).execute() # Delete any label rows. ManifestLabel.delete().where( ManifestLabel.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestLabel.repository == context.repository ).execute() # Delete any child manifest rows. ManifestChild.delete().where( ManifestChild.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestChild.repository == context.repository ).execute() # Delete the manifest blobs for the manifest. ManifestBlob.delete().where( ManifestBlob.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestBlob.repository == context.repository ).execute() # Delete the manifest legacy image row. if legacy_image_id: ( ManifestLegacyImage.delete() .where( ManifestLegacyImage.manifest == manifest_id, ManifestLegacyImage.repository == context.repository, ) .execute() ) # Delete the manifest. manifest.delete_instance() context.mark_manifest_removed(manifest) return True
def create_manifest_label(manifest_id, key, value, source_type_name, media_type_name=None, adjust_old_model=True): """ Creates a new manifest label on a specific tag manifest. """ if not key: raise InvalidLabelKeyException() # Note that we don't prevent invalid label names coming from the manifest to be stored, as Docker # does not currently prevent them from being put into said manifests. if not validate_label_key(key) and source_type_name != 'manifest': raise InvalidLabelKeyException('Key `%s` is invalid' % key) # Find the matching media type. If none specified, we infer. if media_type_name is None: media_type_name = 'text/plain' if is_json(value): media_type_name = 'application/json' try: media_type_id = Label.media_type.get_id(media_type_name) except MediaType.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidMediaTypeException() source_type_id = Label.source_type.get_id(source_type_name) # Ensure the manifest exists. try: manifest = (Manifest .select(Manifest, Repository) .join(Repository) .where( == manifest_id) .get()) except Manifest.DoesNotExist: return None repository = manifest.repository # TODO: Remove this code once the TagManifest table is gone. tag_manifest = None if adjust_old_model: try: mapping_row = (TagManifestToManifest .select(TagManifestToManifest, TagManifest) .join(TagManifest) .where(TagManifestToManifest.manifest == manifest) .get()) tag_manifest = mapping_row.tag_manifest except TagManifestToManifest.DoesNotExist: tag_manifest = None with db_transaction(): label = Label.create(key=key, value=value, source_type=source_type_id, media_type=media_type_id) manifest_label = ManifestLabel.create(manifest=manifest_id, label=label, repository=repository) # If there exists a mapping to a TagManifest, add the old-style label. # TODO: Remove this code once the TagManifest table is gone. if tag_manifest: tag_manifest_label = TagManifestLabel.create(annotated=tag_manifest, label=label, repository=repository) TagManifestLabelMap.create(manifest_label=manifest_label, tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label, label=label, manifest=manifest, tag_manifest=tag_manifest) return label