def login_check(self, *args): # this methd checks if the login and psswd entered are correct # we get the login & psswrd entered user_login = self.login_box.text user_password = self.password_box.text ######################### Beginning of the CSV Method ######################### # DB CONNECTION db = MyDB() # we get the users dtf users_dataframe = db.get_dataframe(objct = Userd) # We check that the login and the psswrd match temp_user = users_dataframe[users_dataframe.user_login == user_login] if not temp_user.empty: # print(temp_user.user_password) if temp_user.user_password.item() == user_password: # we save the user log in the singleton User() user_logged = User( login = user_login, index = temp_user.index.item() ) # And launch the on_right_id method self.dispatch('on_right_id') # and stop the method return # if they are wrong # launch the on_wrong_id method self.dispatch('on_wrong_id')
def init_dataframes(self): ######################### Beginning of the CSV Method ######################### # init of the dtb # DB CONNECTION db = MyDB() # we get the id of the logged user user_id_logged = User().index # we get the modules dtf modules_dataframe = db.get_dataframe(objct = Module) # we get the tools dtf tools_dataframe = db.get_dataframe(objct = Tool) # we get the userstools dtf userstools_dataframe = db.get_dataframe(objct = UserTool) # we get the id of the tools available for the user tools_id_available = userstools_dataframe[ userstools_dataframe.index == user_id_logged ].tool_index # we get the tools available self.tools_dataframe = tools_dataframe[ tools_dataframe.index.isin(tools_id_available) ] # we get the modules for the tools self.modules_dataframe = modules_dataframe[ modules_dataframe.index.isin(self.tools_dataframe.module_index) ]
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ExerciseTool, self).__init__(**kwargs) #init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # init the dtf self.init_dtf() # gui building self.build_GUI()
def __init__(self, first_day = "2015-09-01", last_day = "2015-11-30", **kwargs): super(GantTool, self).__init__(**kwargs) # this var handles the way the scrolling works between the different # scrolls # the use of the "being_scrolled" var prevent from a loop between # the update_from_scroll method of all the scrollview to occur self.being_scrolled = False # We build the GUI self.build_GUI() # we init the height of row displayed self.set_row_height(50) # we init the list of the days displayed self.update_days_dataframe( new_days_list = build_list_of_days( first_day=first_day, last_day = last_day ), new_day_width = 100, init = True ) # print(self.days_dataframe) #init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # we get the task groups self.taskgroups_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = TaskGroup) # we get the ressource groups self.ressourcegroups_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = RessourceGroup ) # we get the ressources self.ressources_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Ressource) print(self.ressources_dataframe ) # and we add each ressource in the dataframe for ix in self.ressources_dataframe.index: self.add_ressource(self.ressources_dataframe.ix[ix], init = True) self.tasks_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Task) # print(self.tasks_dataframe) # and we add each task in the dataframe for ix in self.tasks_dataframe.index: self.add_task(self.tasks_dataframe.ix[ix], init = True)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(NoteTool, self).__init__(**kwargs) #init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # we get the note lists self.notelists_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = NoteList) # we build the notelists items self.init_notelistitems() # we get the notes self.notes_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Note) # we build the note items self.init_noteitems() self.moving_noteitem = None self.moving_notelistitem = None
class GantTool(FloatLayout): ##################### Constructeur ##################### def __init__(self, first_day = "2015-09-01", last_day = "2015-11-30", **kwargs): super(GantTool, self).__init__(**kwargs) # this var handles the way the scrolling works between the different # scrolls # the use of the "being_scrolled" var prevent from a loop between # the update_from_scroll method of all the scrollview to occur self.being_scrolled = False # We build the GUI self.build_GUI() # we init the height of row displayed self.set_row_height(50) # we init the list of the days displayed self.update_days_dataframe( new_days_list = build_list_of_days( first_day=first_day, last_day = last_day ), new_day_width = 100, init = True ) # print(self.days_dataframe) #init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # we get the task groups self.taskgroups_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = TaskGroup) # we get the ressource groups self.ressourcegroups_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = RessourceGroup ) # we get the ressources self.ressources_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Ressource) print(self.ressources_dataframe ) # and we add each ressource in the dataframe for ix in self.ressources_dataframe.index: self.add_ressource(self.ressources_dataframe.ix[ix], init = True) self.tasks_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Task) # print(self.tasks_dataframe) # and we add each task in the dataframe for ix in self.tasks_dataframe.index: self.add_task(self.tasks_dataframe.ix[ix], init = True) def update_days_dataframe( self, new_days_list = [], new_day_width = 0, init = False ): # This method update the days_dataframe according to: # a new day list if so # a new day width if so # If the init attr is = True, it creates the objects # self.number_of_days and self.day_width before creating the dtf # Using the init without any new_day... will create an empty dtf # if it's an init we need to create the var if init == True: self.day_width = new_day_width self.number_of_days = len(new_days_list) self.init_days_dataframe(self.number_of_days) = new_days_list self.days_dataframe.absc = self.get_address_list( number_of_days = self.number_of_days, day_width = self.day_width ) self.calendar_scrollview.days_list_upd() self.gant_scrollview.days_list_upd() else: # If there is a new day_list then we need to update the dtf if new_days_list != []: # If there is a new day width then if new_day_width != 0: self.day_width = new_day_width # the number of days in the new days_list new_number_of_days = len(days_list) # If this number of days is != from the old number_of_days, # we need to re-create a new dtf if self.number_of_days != new_number_of_days: self.number_of_days = new_number_of_days self.init_days_dataframe(new_number_of_days) = days_list self.days_dataframe.absc = self.get_address_list( number_of_days = new_number_of_days, day_width = self.day_width ) self.calendar_scrollview.days_list_upd() self.gant_scrollview.days_list_upd() # Else we dont need a new dtf, we can just replace values # in the current one else: = days_list self.days_dataframe.absc = self.get_address_list( number_of_days = new_number_of_days, day_width = self.day_width ) self.calendar_scrollview.days_list_upd() self.gant_scrollview.days_list_upd() # If the day_widh is the same else: # the number of days in the new days_list new_number_of_days = len(new_days_list) # If this number of days is != from the old number_of_days, # we need to re-create a new dtf if self.number_of_days != new_number_of_days: self.number_of_days = new_number_of_days self.init_days_dataframe(new_number_of_days) = new_days_list self.days_dataframe.absc = self.get_address_list( number_of_days = new_number_of_days, day_width = self.day_width ) self.calendar_scrollview.days_list_upd() self.gant_scrollview.days_list_upd() # if the number of day is the same AND the day width, we # just need t update the dates list in the dtf else: = new_days_list self.calendar_scrollview.days_list_upd() self.gant_scrollview.days_list_upd() # If there is no new_day_list else: # If there is a new day width then we just need to update the # absc list in the dtf if new_day_width != 0: self.day_width = new_day_width self.days_dataframe.absc = self.get_address_list( number_of_days = self.number_of_days, day_width = self.day_width ) self.calendar_scrollview.day_width_upd() self.gant_scrollview.day_width_upd() def init_days_dataframe(self, number_of_days): self.days_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(index = range(number_of_days), columns = ['date','absc']) def update_day_width_display(self): # We update the calendar accordingly self.calendar_scrollview.day_width = value # # We update the gant accordingly self.gant_scrollview.day_width = value def update_days_list_display(self, days_list): # We update the calendar accordingly self.calendar_scrollview.days_list_upd() # # We update the gant accordingly self.gant_scrollview.days_list_upd() def get_address_list(self, number_of_days, day_width): address_list = [] for i in range(number_of_days): address_list.append(i * day_width) return address_list def set_row_height(self, value): # we save the width in a var self.row_height = value # # We update the calendar accordingly self.gant_scrollview.row_height_upd() # The height of the header is controled by the height of the gant def add_ressource(self, ressource, init = False): if init == False: # we add the ressource in the var only if we are not at the init # of the project self.ressources_dataframe.ix[] = ressource # We update the header accordingly self.header_scrollview.add_ressource( # We update the gant accordingly self.gant_scrollview.add_ressource( def update_ressource(self, ressource): self.ressources_dataframe.ix[] = ressource # We update the header accordingly self.header_scrollview.ressource_updated( # We update the gant accordingly self.gant_scrollview.ressource_updated( def add_task(self, task, init = False): if init == False: # we add the tasks in the var only if we are not at the init # of the project self.tasks_dataframe.ix[] = task # We update the gant accordingly self.gant_scrollview.add_task( def add_taskgroup(self, taskgroup, init = False): if init == False: # we add the taskgroups in the var only if we are not at the init # of the project self.taskgroups_dataframe.ix[] = taskgroup def add_ressourcegroup(self, ressourcegroup, init = False): if init == False: # we add the taskgroups in the var only if we are not at the init # of the project self.ressourcegroups_dataframe.ix[ ] = ressourcegroup def delete_ressource(self, ressource_id = 1): self.ressources_dataframe = self.ressources_dataframe[ self.ressources_dataframe.index != ressource_id] self.header_scrollview.delete_ressource(ressource_id) self.gant_scrollview.delete_ressource(ressource_id) # need to delete the task inside! def delete_task(self, task_id): self.tasks_dataframe = self.tasks_dataframe[ self.tasks_dataframe.index != task_id] self.gant_scrollview.delete_task(task_id) def delete_all_ressources(self): self.header_scrollview.delete_all_ressources() self.gant_scrollview.delete_all_ressources() def delete_all_tasks(self): self.gant_scrollview.delete_all_tasks() def set_task_list(self): # self.gant_scrollview.task_list = task_list pass def met1(self): # This methode will be used to change the range of dates being # displayed # self.update_days_dataframe(new_days_list= # ['2015-09-01','2015-09-02','2015-09-03']) CP = RessourceGroup_Edit_Window( title = "New RessourceGroup", project = self, size_hint = (None, None), size = ("480dp", "400dp") ) def met2(self): # # This metode will be used to change the width of day columns # self.update_days_dataframe(new_day_width = self.day_width - 10) TEW = Task_Edit_Window( title = "New Task", project = self, size_hint = (None, None), size = (700, 350) ) def new_task(self, ressource_id = 1): TEW = Task_Edit_Window( title = "New Task", project = self, ressource_id = ressource_id, size_hint = (None, None), size = (700, 350) ) def met3(self): REW = Ressource_Edit_Window( title = "New Ressource", project = self, size_hint = (None, None), size = (700, 200) ) def new_ressource(self): REW = Ressource_Edit_Window( title = "New Ressource", project = self, size_hint = (None, None), size = (700, 200) ) def met4(self): CP = TaskGroup_Edit_Window( title = "New TaskGroup", project = self, size_hint = (None, None), size = ("480dp", "400dp") ) def new_taskgroup(self): CP = TaskGroup_Edit_Window( title = "New TaskGroup", project = self, size_hint = (None, None), size = ("480dp", "400dp") ) def new_ressourcegroup(self): CP = RessourceGroup_Edit_Window( title = "New RessourceGroup", project = self, size_hint = (None, None), size = ("480dp", "400dp") ) def met5(self): from kivy.core.window import Window # Window.maximize() # Window.close() # Window.minimize() # Window.toggle_fullscreen() # if Window.borderless == True: # Window.borderless = False # else: # Window.borderless = True pass def build_GUI(self): # L'interface graphique du mdule # Elle affiche 3 principaux objets : # Un objet "calendar_scrollview" qui est la zone scrollable haute, dans # laquelle on interragit avec les dates. self.calendar_scrollview = CalendarHeaderScroll( project = self, pos_hint = {'x': 0.17,'y': .94}, size_hint = (0.81, 0.04) ) # Un objet "Gant_scrollview" qui est la zone scrollable centrale, dans # laquelle on interragit avec les tests. self.gant_scrollview = GantMainScroll( project = self, pos_hint = {'x': 0.17,'y': .02}, size_hint = (0.81, 0.92) ) # Un objet "header_scrollview" qui est la zone scrollable # gauche, dans laquelle on interragit avec les ressources. self.header_scrollview = HeaderScroll( project = self, pos_hint = {'x': 0.02,'y': .02}, size_hint = (0.15, 0.92) ) # we display these 3 objects self.add_widget(self.calendar_scrollview) self.add_widget(self.gant_scrollview) self.add_widget(self.header_scrollview)
def get_expense_dtf(self): # init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # we get the expenses expenses_dataframe = pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Expense), ################ B TCE DTF ############### pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=TypeCenterExpense, index=False), pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Center, index=False), pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Service, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Location, index=False).drop("legalentity_id", axis=1), on="location_id", how="left", ).drop("location_id", axis=1), on="service_id", how="left", ).drop("service_id", axis=1), on="center_id", how="left", ).drop("center_id", axis=1), ################ E TCE DTF ############### on="tce_id", how="left", ).drop("tce_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Status, index=False), on="status_id", how="left", ).drop("status_id", axis=1), ################ B COSTELMT DTF ############### pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CostElement, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CEGroupCE, index=False), on="costelement_id", how="left", ), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CostElementGroup, index=False), # ADD .classification_id == ... on="costelementgroup_id", how="left", ).drop("costelementgroup_id", axis=1), ################ B COSTELMT DTF ############### on="costelement_id", how="left", ).drop("costelement_id", axis=1), ################ B WBS DTF ############### pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=WBSElement, index=False), ################ B CODE DTF ############### pd.merge( # pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Code, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CodeTyp, index=False), on="codetype_id", how="left", ).drop("codetype_id", axis=1), ################ B PROJECT DTF ############### pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Project, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=ProjectType, index=False), on="projecttype_id", how="left", ).drop("projecttype_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Customer, index=False).drop("address_id", axis=1), on="customer_id", how="left", ).drop("customer_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Location, index=False).drop("legalentity_id", axis=1), on="location_id", how="left", ).drop("location_id", axis=1), ################ E PROJECT DTF ############### on="project_id", how="left", ).drop("project_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Location, index=False).drop("legalentity_id", axis=1), on="location_id", how="left", ).drop("location_id", axis=1), # self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Center, index = False), # on = 'center_id' # ).drop( # 'center_id', # axis=1 # ), ################ E CODE DTF ############### on="code_id", how="left", ).drop("code_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=WBSCA, index=False), on="wbsca_id", how="left", ) .drop("wbsca_id", axis=1) .drop( [ "code_appdate", "code_clodate", "project_clodate", "project_editflag", "project_enmodification", "project_appdate", "project_rewdate", ], axis=1, ), ############### E WBS DTF ############### on="wbs_id", how="left", ).drop("wbs_id", axis=1) return expenses_dataframe
class CJSLTool(FloatLayout): ##################### Constructeur ##################### def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CJSLTool, self).__init__(**kwargs) # We build the GUI self.build_GUI() self.write_dtf_to_csv(self.get_expense_dtf()) self.launch_cjsl() def launch_cjsl(self): shutil.copyfile( "D:\\Programmation\\Mascaret\\Programme Mascaret 2.0\\tools\\cjsl\\excel\\cjsl.xlsm", "D:\\Programmation\\Mascaret\\Programme Mascaret 2.0\\temp\\cjsl.xlsm", ) p = subprocess.Popen( [ "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE", "D:\\Programmation\\Mascaret\\Programme Mascaret 2.0\\temp\\cjsl.xlsm", ] ) # ret_val = p.wait() def write_dtf_to_csv(self, dtf): dtf.to_csv("D:\\Programmation\\Mascaret\\Programme Mascaret 2.0\\temp\\exp.csv", index=False) def get_expense_dtf(self): # init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # we get the expenses expenses_dataframe = pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Expense), ################ B TCE DTF ############### pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=TypeCenterExpense, index=False), pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Center, index=False), pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Service, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Location, index=False).drop("legalentity_id", axis=1), on="location_id", how="left", ).drop("location_id", axis=1), on="service_id", how="left", ).drop("service_id", axis=1), on="center_id", how="left", ).drop("center_id", axis=1), ################ E TCE DTF ############### on="tce_id", how="left", ).drop("tce_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Status, index=False), on="status_id", how="left", ).drop("status_id", axis=1), ################ B COSTELMT DTF ############### pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CostElement, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CEGroupCE, index=False), on="costelement_id", how="left", ), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CostElementGroup, index=False), # ADD .classification_id == ... on="costelementgroup_id", how="left", ).drop("costelementgroup_id", axis=1), ################ B COSTELMT DTF ############### on="costelement_id", how="left", ).drop("costelement_id", axis=1), ################ B WBS DTF ############### pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=WBSElement, index=False), ################ B CODE DTF ############### pd.merge( # pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Code, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=CodeTyp, index=False), on="codetype_id", how="left", ).drop("codetype_id", axis=1), ################ B PROJECT DTF ############### pd.merge( pd.merge( pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Project, index=False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=ProjectType, index=False), on="projecttype_id", how="left", ).drop("projecttype_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Customer, index=False).drop("address_id", axis=1), on="customer_id", how="left", ).drop("customer_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Location, index=False).drop("legalentity_id", axis=1), on="location_id", how="left", ).drop("location_id", axis=1), ################ E PROJECT DTF ############### on="project_id", how="left", ).drop("project_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=Location, index=False).drop("legalentity_id", axis=1), on="location_id", how="left", ).drop("location_id", axis=1), # self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Center, index = False), # on = 'center_id' # ).drop( # 'center_id', # axis=1 # ), ################ E CODE DTF ############### on="code_id", how="left", ).drop("code_id", axis=1), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct=WBSCA, index=False), on="wbsca_id", how="left", ) .drop("wbsca_id", axis=1) .drop( [ "code_appdate", "code_clodate", "project_clodate", "project_editflag", "project_enmodification", "project_appdate", "project_rewdate", ], axis=1, ), ############### E WBS DTF ############### on="wbs_id", how="left", ).drop("wbs_id", axis=1) return expenses_dataframe def build_GUI(self): # L'interface graphique du mdule # Elle affiche 3 principaux objets : pass
class NoteTool(RelativeLayout): notelistcontaineritem = ObjectProperty(None) notelist_width = NumericProperty(200) spacing = NumericProperty(50) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(NoteTool, self).__init__(**kwargs) #init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # we get the note lists self.notelists_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = NoteList) # we build the notelists items self.init_notelistitems() # we get the notes self.notes_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Note) # we build the note items self.init_noteitems() self.moving_noteitem = None self.moving_notelistitem = None def init_notelistitems(self): self.notelistitems_dict = {} self.i = 0 for ix in self.notelists_dataframe.index: self.add_notelistitem(ix) def init_noteitems(self): self.noteitems_dict = {} for ix in self.notes_dataframe.index: self.add_noteitem(ix) def add_notelistitem_in_dict(self, notelistitem): self.notelistitems_dict[notelistitem.notelist_id] = notelistitem def add_noteitem_in_dict(self, noteitem): self.noteitems_dict[noteitem.note_id] = noteitem def del_notelisttiem_in_dict(self, notelistitem): del self.notelistitems_dict[notelistitem.notelist_id] def del_noteitem_in_dict(self, noteitem): del self.noteitems_dict[noteitem.note_id] def add_notelistitem(self, notelist_id): # we get the place_id place_id = self.get_notelist_attr( notelist_id = notelist_id, attr = 'notelist_place_id' ) # we create the notelistitem new_notelistitem = NoteListItem( notelist_id = notelist_id, notetool = self, place_id = place_id, width = self.notelist_width ) # we add it to the dict self.add_notelistitem_in_dict(notelistitem = new_notelistitem) # we display it self.notelistcontaineritem.add_notelistitem(notelistitem = new_notelistitem, notelist_place_id = place_id) def add_noteitem(self, note_id): # we get the notelist_id in wich the note is added linked_notelist_id = self.get_note_attr( note_id = note_id, attr = 'notelist_index' ) # we get the notelistitem linked_notelist = self.notelistitems_dict[linked_notelist_id] # we get the place_id place_id = self.get_note_attr( note_id = note_id, attr = 'note_place_id' ) # we create the note item new_noteitem = NoteItem( note_id = note_id, notetool = self, notecontainer = linked_notelist.notecontaineritem, place_id = place_id, notelist_id = linked_notelist_id ) # we add it to the dict self.add_noteitem_in_dict(noteitem = new_noteitem) # we ask the linked notelist to display it linked_notelist.add_noteitem(noteitem = new_noteitem, note_place_id = place_id) def get_notelistitem(self, notelist_id): # This method get a noteitem from the noteitem dict # Check if this noteitem exists if ( notelist_id in self.notelistitems_dict.keys() ): # If it does then it returns the header return ( self.notelistitems_dict[notelist_id] ) # else it returns None else: return None def get_note_attr(self, note_id, attr): # Method to get the required attr in the ressource dtf return self.notes_dataframe.loc[note_id, attr] def get_notelist_attr(self, notelist_id, attr): # Method to get the required attr in the notelist dtf return self.notelists_dataframe.loc[notelist_id, attr] def get_noteitem(self, note_id): # This method get a noteitem from the noteitem dict # Check if this noteitem exists if ( note_id in self.noteitems_dict.keys() ): # If it does then it returns the header return ( self.noteitems_dict[note_id] ) # else it returns None else: return None def on_touch_up(self,touch): # if there is a moving_noteitem in the notetool it mean the touch up is # the end of a grab of a noteitem. if self.moving_noteitem != None: # therfore we need to insert this # moving noteitem at the chosen place self.insert_moving_noteitem() if self.moving_notelistitem != None: # therfore we need to insert this # moving noteitem at the chosen place self.insert_moving_notelistitem() def insert_moving_noteitem(self): # method to insert a moving noteitem at the place of its new_place_noteitem # At first we clear it from the notetool self.clear_widgets([self.moving_noteitem]) # re-ref of the notelistitem self.moving_noteitem.notecontainer = self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem.notecontainer # re-Init of the place_id self.moving_noteitem.place_id = self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem.place_id # re-Init of the notelist_id self.moving_noteitem.notelist_id = self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem.notelist_id # this is a flag triggered when the note item is moved by touch self.moving_noteitem.move_flag = False # re-Init of the pos self.moving_noteitem.pos = self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem.pos # We clear the NewPlaceNoteItem from the container self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem.notecontainer.clear_widgets( [self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem] ) # We add it to the new container self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem.notecontainer.add_widget( self.moving_noteitem ) # we delete the NewPlaceNoteItem of the moving noteitem del self.moving_noteitem.new_place_noteitem # de-ref of the moving note item self.moving_noteitem = None Cursor().unblock() Cursor().update() def insert_moving_notelistitem(self): # method to insert a moving notelistitem at the place of its new_place_notelistitem # At first we clear it from the notetool self.clear_widgets([self.moving_notelistitem]) # re-Init of the place_id self.moving_notelistitem.place_id = self.moving_notelistitem.new_place_notelistitem.place_id # this is a flag triggered when the note item is moved by touch self.moving_notelistitem.move_flag = False # re-Init of the pos self.moving_notelistitem.pos = self.moving_notelistitem.new_place_notelistitem.pos # We clear the NewPlaceNoteListItem from the container self.notelistcontaineritem.clear_widgets( [self.moving_notelistitem.new_place_notelistitem] ) # We add it to the new container self.notelistcontaineritem.add_widget( self.moving_notelistitem ) # we delete the NewPlaceNoteItem of the moving noteitem del self.moving_notelistitem.new_place_notelistitem # de-ref of the moving note item self.moving_notelistitem = None Cursor().unblock() Cursor().update()
class ExerciseTool(ScreenManager): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ExerciseTool, self).__init__(**kwargs) #init of the db self.mydb = MyDB() # init the dtf self.init_dtf() # gui building self.build_GUI() def build_GUI(self): self.homepage = ExerciseToolHP(self) self.add_widget(Screen(name = 'hpscreen')) self.get_screen('hpscreen').add_widget(self.homepage) self.trainingintrolayout = TrainingIntroLayout(self) self.add_widget(Screen(name = 'trainingintroscreen')) self.get_screen('trainingintroscreen').add_widget(self.trainingintrolayout) def init_dtf(self): # we get the list of favorites workout self.trainings_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Training) self.favtrainings_dataframe = self.trainings_dataframe[self.trainings_dataframe.training_fav == 1] # print(self.favtrainings_dataframe.head(n=1).index.item()) self.workouts_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Workout) def get_wide(self): # This method must trigger the "fullpage" mode of the tool in mascaret # TO BE REPLACED BY A MODE (WIDE/NARROW) CHECK /B if self.to_window(*self.pos)[0] == 64: return else: print('go wide') # TO BE REPLACED BY A MODE (WIDE/NARROW) CHECK /E def show_training_intro(self, training_id): # dataframe of the exercises self.exercises_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = Exercise, index = False ) # dataframe with the exsc exercisescalings_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = ExerciseScaling, index = False ) # dataframe with the association exsc - training exsctrainings_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = ExScTraining, index = False ) # we keep only the asso exsc - training related to the actual training exsctrainings_dataframe = exsctrainings_dataframe[ exsctrainings_dataframe.training_id == training_id ] # dataframe with the workouts former_workouts_dataframe = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = Workout, index = False ) # we get the latest workout_id if not former_workouts_dataframe.empty: # if it is not our first workout: self.latest_workout_id = former_workouts_dataframe.workout_id.max() self.latest_appex_id = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = AppExercise, index = False ).appexercise_id.max() self.latest_serie_id = self.mydb.get_dataframe( objct = Serie, index = False ).serie_id.max() else: # if it is our first workout: # we init the ids and return self.latest_workout_id = 0 self.latest_appex_id = 0 self.latest_serie_id = 0 # print('latest_workout_id: ' + str(self.latest_workout_id)) # we keep only the workouts for the actual training former_workouts_dataframe = former_workouts_dataframe[ former_workouts_dataframe.training_id == training_id ] # if there are already workouts of the actual training if not former_workouts_dataframe.empty: # we get its informations self.latest_former_workout_serie = former_workouts_dataframe.ix[ former_workouts_dataframe.idxmax()['workout_n'] ] # the number of the latest workout of the actual training self.latest_workout_n = self.latest_former_workout_serie.workout_id # dataframe with the series merged with their appex self.former_series_dataframe = pd.merge( self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = Serie, index = False), self.mydb.get_dataframe(objct = AppExercise, index = False), how = 'left', on = 'appexercise_id' ) # we keep only the series of the latest workout of the actual # training self.former_series_dataframe = self.former_series_dataframe[ self.former_series_dataframe.workout_id == self.latest_workout_n ] else: self.latest_workout_n = 0 print('latest_workout_n: ' + str(self.latest_workout_n)) # dataframe with the exsc for the actual training sorted self.current_exercisescalings_dataframe = pd.merge( pd.merge( exsctrainings_dataframe, exercisescalings_dataframe, how = 'left', on = 'exercisescaling_id' ), exercises_dataframe, how = 'left', on = 'exercise_id' ).sort( columns = 'exercisescaling_n' ) self.trainingintrolayout.init_training(training_id) self.current = 'trainingintroscreen'