def createMails(f, m): print("开始导入邮件") rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"001": "\n开始筛选邮件"})) l = traffic.createAllMails(f, m) s = "已生成邮件" rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"005": s})) print("已生成邮件 %d" % l)
def initRoute(): global g_ROUTES global g_ROUTES_MAP global g_ROUTES_LIST s = "导入经转关系..." rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"001": s})) print(s) # g_ROUTES = rabbitmq.redisHGet("routeAll" + g_projectId) # + g_projectId g_ROUTES = pd.read_csv(g_filepPath + '/' + g_projectId + '/route' + '.csv', encoding="utf8", dtype=object, header=0) g_ROUTES_LIST = g_ROUTES.values.tolist() for row in g_ROUTES_LIST: g_ROUTES_MAP[row[0] + row[1]] = row[2] g_ROUTES = g_ROUTES.set_index(['src', 'dst'])
def mainControl(env): global g_node global g_doLine global g_cMail global g_inittime global g_mails_created_last global g_mails_created global g_hours_gone global g_timeUpdateToWeb global g_trigger_interval while True: # command if rabbitmq.g_command['com'] != '': if rabbitmq.g_command['com'] == 'pause': rabbitmq.g_command = {"com": ""} while True: time.sleep(1) if rabbitmq.g_command['com'] == 'resume': rabbitmq.g_command = {"com": ""} break if rabbitmq.g_command['com'] == 'stop': rabbitmq.g_command = {"com": ""} break if rabbitmq.g_command['com'] == 'factor': rabbitmq.g_command = {"com": ""} g_inittime = int( #update timeslot yield env.timeout(20) sec = int( lt = time.localtime(sec) monthday = str(lt.tm_mday) yd = lt.tm_yday hh = str(lt.tm_hour).zfill(2) imm = lt.tm_min mm = str(imm).zfill(2) hm = hh + ":" + mm th = {"000": sec} g_timeUpdateToWeb = th #trigger node and line g_trigger_interval = 5 if (imm % g_trigger_interval) == 0: g_node.syncHM = hm g_node.syncNow = sec g_node.syncDD = monthday g_node.trigger.succeed() g_node.trigger = env.event() g_doLine.syncHM = hm g_doLine.syncNow = sec g_doLine.syncDD = monthday g_doLine.trigger.succeed() g_doLine.trigger = env.event() #trigger mail traffic if g_mails_created < g_mail_sim_numAll: g_cMail.syncHM = hm g_cMail.syncNow = sec g_cMail.syncCreateYDay = yd # g_cMail.syncDD=monthday g_cMail.doTask_notThread() yield env.timeout(40) #make statics if (imm % 10) == 0: # each 10 min. imm % g_factor_command pass #rabbitmq.redis_command ("PUBLISH", "BACKEND",json.dumps(th)) #s="%s/%s %d %d %d %d/m" % (monthday,hm,g_hours_gone,g_mails_created,g_mails_received,(g_mails_created-g_mails_created_last)/10) #rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "ECHO", s) #bren print(s) #g_mails_created_last = g_mails_created if imm == 0: # each hour. that is min==0 t = str(sec) g_hours_gone = int((sec - g_inittime) / 3600) s = { "t": t, "mails_created": g_mails_created, "mails_created_f1": g_mails_created_f1, "mails_created_f2": g_mails_created_f2, "mails_received": g_mails_received, "mails_received_f1": g_mails_received_f1, "mails_received_f2": g_mails_received_f2 } rabbitmq.redisHSet("MAILSMIRROR", "mailnum", json.dumps(s)) s = json.dumps(NODES_MAILS_STATICS) rabbitmq.redisHSet("NODES_MAILS_STATICS", "content", s) rabbitmq.redisHSet("NODES_MAILS_STATICS", "timestamp", t) s = json.dumps(LINES_IO_STATICS) rabbitmq.redisHSet("LINES_IO_STATICS", "content", s) rabbitmq.redisHSet("LINES_IO_STATICS", "timestamp", t) s = json.dumps(END_TO_END_STATICS) rabbitmq.redisHSet("END_TO_END_STATICS", "content", s) rabbitmq.redisHSet("END_TO_END_STATICS", "timestamp", t) s = int((g_mails_received * 100) / g_mails_created) rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"006": s})) if g_hours_gone % 24 == 0: pass if g_hours_gone % 5 == 1: nCar = 0 for car in list(LINES_IO.keys()): if LINES_IO[car] == {}: del LINES_IO[car] continue if LINES_IO[car]["status"] == "RUN": nCar = nCar + 1 if (g_mails_received > 0) and (g_mails_created == g_mails_received): #created mail num of each node. s = json.dumps(NODES_MAILS_STATICS) rabbitmq.redisHSet("NODES_MAILS_STATICS", "content", s) rabbitmq.redisHSet("NODES_MAILS_STATICS", "timestamp", str(sec)) s = json.dumps(LINES_IO_STATICS) rabbitmq.redisHSet("LINES_IO_STATICS", "content", s) rabbitmq.redisHSet("LINES_IO_STATICS", "timestamp", str(sec)) s = json.dumps(END_TO_END_STATICS) rabbitmq.redisHSet("END_TO_END_STATICS", "content", s) rabbitmq.redisHSet("END_TO_END_STATICS", "timestamp", str(sec)) s = { "t": t, "mails_created": g_mails_created, "mails_created_f1": g_mails_created_f1, "mails_created_f2": g_mails_created_f2, "mails_received": g_mails_received, "mails_received_f1": g_mails_received_f1, "mails_received_f2": g_mails_received_f2 } rabbitmq.redisHSet("MAILSMIRROR", "mailnum", json.dumps(s)) print("mails: %s" % json.dumps(s)) # mails delivered days. rabbitmq.redisHSet("MAILS_DAY_NUM", "content", json.dumps(STAT_RECEIVE_MAILS_DAY_NUM)) s = int((g_mails_received * 100) / g_mails_created) rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"006": s})) #truck info. nCar = 0 for car in LINES_IO: if LINES_IO[car] == {}: continue if LINES_IO[car]["status"] == "RUN": nCar = nCar + 1 # print("total truck %d, city truck %d,yuxian num %d fullLoad50 %d" % (nCar,g_cityCar_num,g_yuxian_num,g_fullload_num50)) # print("g_redis_mess_num: %d" % rabbitmq.g_redis_mess_num) break
def startSimulation(isInit=True): global g_node global g_doLine global g_cMail global g_env global g_inittime global g_factor global timer_stat global g_sim_started # global g_mails_created # global g_mails_received # global g_stat_averCheJu # global g_stat_averYunJu # global g_stat_averYunShi if not g_mail_inited: s = "未初始化邮件" rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"005": s})) print(s) return 0 if not g_initPlan: s = "未初始化发运计划" rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"005": s})) print(s) return 0 initNode() if g_node_inited == False: s = "节点初始化失败" rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"005": s})) print(s) return 0 timer_stat = threading.Timer(10, timer_func_stat) timer_stat.start() g_env = simpy.Environment(g_inittime) #g_env = simpy.rt.RealtimeEnvironment(g_inittime, g_factor, False) g_node = nodeModel(g_env) g_doLine = lineModel(g_env) # g_cMail=mailModel(g_env, 110000, 420100) g_cMail = mailModel(0, 0) g_sim_started = True s = "启动仿真 开始时间:%s, 计划生成邮件 %d 件/天, 天数 %d " % (time.strftime( '%Y%m%d', time.localtime(g_inittime)), g_mail_eachDay, g_mail_days) rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"002": s})) rabbitmq.freshPipeLine() # try: # rabbitmq.redisPipeline.execute() # except Exception: # print('redis pipeline error') # print(Exception) g_sim_started = False g_cMail.threadRunning = False # + g_testDay * 24 * 3600) print("TOTAL: 共生成邮件 created: %d ,共投 received: %d" % (g_mails_created * (1 / g_mail_numFactor), g_mails_received * (1 / g_mail_numFactor))) time.sleep(3) timer_stat.cancel() if g_mails_created > 0: f = int((g_mails_received * 100) / g_mails_created) else: f = 0 s = "仿真完成,共 %d 小时. 邮件量%d, 完成 %d, %d%%" % (g_hours_gone, g_mails_created, g_mails_received, f) rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"003": s})) if g_mails_received > 0: s = "平均运距 %d, 平均运时 %d, 平均车距 %d" % ( g_stat_averYunJu / g_mails_received, g_stat_averYunShi / g_mails_received, g_stat_averCheJu / g_mails_received) else: s = "平均运距 0, 平均运时 0, 平均车距 0" rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"003": s})) ll = map(lambda x: geobasedata.codetoNameDict_3216[x], g_citiesFilter) s = { "planName": g_projectId, "nodeNum": len(NODE_SET), "mailDays": g_mail_days, "directNum": str(g_direct_Num), "planLimit": "-", "simArea": ("全国" if g_citiesFilter == [] else "地市"), "mailArea": ("县市" if g_mail_arealayer == "xian" else "地市"), "trafficModel": g_trafficModel, "truckPlan": "固定班次", "city": list(ll) } rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"004": s})) print(s) del g_node del g_doLine del g_cMail g_env = None
def initNode(): global NODES_IO global NODES_PLAN global g_node_inited # global NODES_CURRENT_MAIL_NUM # global NODES_CREATE_MAIL_NUM global NODES_MAILS_STATICS global STAT_RECEIVE_MAILS_DAY_NUM global LINES_IO global MAILS_IO_ON_CAR global g_mails_created_f1 global g_mails_created_f2 global g_yuxian_num global g_fullload_num50 global g_mails_created global g_cityCar_num global g_hours_gone global g_mails_received_f1 global g_mails_received_f2 global g_mails_received global g_stat_averYunJu global g_stat_averYunShi global g_stat_averCheJu global g_mails_created_last global NODE_SET g_mails_created_f1 = 0 g_mails_created_f2 = 0 g_yuxian_num = 0 g_fullload_num50 = 0 g_mails_created = 0 g_mails_created_last = 0 g_mails_received_f1 = 0 g_mails_received_f2 = 0 g_cityCar_num = 0 g_hours_gone = 0 g_mails_received = 0 g_stat_averYunJu = 0 g_stat_averYunShi = 0 g_stat_averCheJu = 0 NODES_PLAN.clear() LINES_IO.clear() MAILS_IO_ON_CAR.clear() MAILS_IO.clear() # NODES_CURRENT_MAIL_NUM.clear() # NODES_CREATE_MAIL_NUM.clear() NODES_MAILS_STATICS.clear() END_TO_END_STATICS.clear() STAT_RECEIVE_MAILS_DAY_NUM = { "1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 0, "7": 0, "8": 0, "9": 0, "10": 0, "11": 0 } rabbitmq.redis_command("DEL", "MAILS") rabbitmq.redis_command("DEL", "CARS") rabbitmq.redis_command("DEL", "CARS2") rabbitmq.redis_command("DEL", "MAILSMIRROR") rabbitmq.redis_command("DEL", "LONGTIMEMAILS") g_node_inited = False # get nodes s = "生成网络节点 ... \n" rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"001": s})) print(s + "\n") time.sleep(1) # create NODES_PLAN and NODES_IO[nodeId] n = pd.read_csv(g_filepPath + '/' + g_projectId + '/node' + '.csv', encoding="utf8", dtype=object, header=0) k = n.values.tolist() # NODE_SET=n['code'].tolist() for id in k: ids = str(id[0]) NODE_SET.append(ids) NODES_PLAN[ids] = {'cap': id[2]} #baseapi.getNodePlan(ids) NODES_IO[ids] = { "status": True, "trigger": None, "in": collections.deque() } NODES_MAILS_STATICS[ids] = { 'create': 0, 'current': 0, 'waitsort': 0, "waitgo": 0 } # for id in NODE_SET: # ids = str(id) # NODES_PLAN[ids] = baseapi.getNodePlan(ids) # NODES_IO[ids] = {"status": True, "trigger": None, "in": collections.deque()} # NODES_MAILS_STATICS[ids]={'create':0,'current':0,'waitsort':0,"waitgo":0} # for key in NODES_IO: # if len(key)>6: # NODES_IO[key]['out']=[] tt = "nodes number: " + str(len(NODE_SET)) print(tt) rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"001": tt})) print("仿真开始\n") rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"001": "\n初始化完成, 仿真开始"})) time.sleep(1) g_node_inited = True
def initLinePlan(): global NODES_IO global g_direct_Num global LINES_PLAN_F global LINES_PLAN_START_TIME_LIST global LINES_PLAN_MATRIX global LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD global LINES_IO_STATICS global g_initPlan global g_projectId g_initPlan = False NODES_IO.clear() LINES_IO_STATICS.clear() LINES_PLAN_MATRIX = [] rabbitmq.redis_command("DEL", "LINESIO") s = "导入发运计划..." rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"001": s})) print(s) #+g_projectId lineplan = pd.read_csv(g_filepPath + '/' + g_projectId + '/plan' + '.csv', encoding="utf8", dtype=object, header=0) #dtype=object, lineplan['dis'] = lineplan['dis'].astype('int') LINES_PLAN_MATRIX = lineplan.values.tolist() LINES_PLAN_F = {} LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD = pd.DataFrame(LINES_PLAN_MATRIX, columns=[ 'src', 'dst', 'start', 'dis', 'maxload', 'type', 'transfer', 'end', 'duration', 'speed' ]) LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD['transfer'].fillna('', inplace=True) LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD['type'].fillna('', inplace=True) LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD = LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD.set_index( ['src', 'dst', 'start'], drop=False) print(LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD.head(10)) # print(LINES_PLAN_MATRIX_PD) for row in range(0, len(LINES_PLAN_MATRIX)): srcId = LINES_PLAN_MATRIX[row][0] dstId = LINES_PLAN_MATRIX[row][1] f = LINES_PLAN_MATRIX[row][2] NODES_IO[srcId + dstId] = {"out": []} LINES_IO_STATICS[srcId + '-' + dstId + '-' + f] = { 'total': 0, 'times': 0, 'overTimes': 0, 't': 0, 'dis': 0 } # END_TO_END_STATICS[srcId+'-'+dstId+'-'+f]={'totalT':0,'num':0} print(srcId + '-' + dstId + '-' + f) if f not in LINES_PLAN_F.keys(): LINES_PLAN_F[f] = [] LINES_PLAN_START_TIME_LIST.append(f) LINES_PLAN_F[f].append([srcId, dstId]) s = "已生成发运计划" rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps({"005": s})) g_initPlan = True
def doSort(self, nodeId): global g_mails_received global g_mails_received_f1 global g_mails_received_f2 global END_TO_END_STATICS # global NODES_CURRENT_MAIL_NUM global NODES_MAILS_STATICS global STAT_RECEIVE_MAILS_DAY_NUM #if NODES_IO[nodeId]["status"]: inqueue = NODES_IO[nodeId]["in"] currentNUM = 0 while len(inqueue) > 0: intv = self.syncNow - MAILS_IO[inqueue[0]]["currentT"] if g_LIMITED: if intv < (3600 * 2): break if (int(NODES_PLAN[nodeId]['cap']) * g_trigger_interval) / 60 < currentNUM: break currentNUM += 1 itemkey = inqueue.popleft() item = MAILS_IO[itemkey] # get route of next city dstCity = item["dstCity"] nextId = "" if nodeId == item["dst"]: nextId = "" elif nodeId == dstCity: nextId = item["dst"] elif nodeId == item["src"] and nodeId != item["srcCity"]: nextId = item["srcCity"] else: try: nextId = g_ROUTES_MAP[nodeId + dstCity] except: print("route error %s %s" % (nodeId, dstCity)) if nextId == "": item["currentT"] = self.syncNow item["status"] = "DONE" totalhour = (item["currentT"] - item["createT"]) / 3600 lt = time.localtime(self.syncNow) ryday = lt.tm_yday if ryday < item["cyday"]: ryday = ryday + 365 days = ryday - item["cyday"] + 1 item["his"] = item[ "his"] + "," + nodeId + " " + self.syncDD + "/" + self.syncHM + " A " + str( int(totalhour)) + " " + str(days) if days > 11: days = 11 STAT_RECEIVE_MAILS_DAY_NUM[str( days)] = STAT_RECEIVE_MAILS_DAY_NUM[str(days)] + 1 if item['f'] != '': endkey = item['src'] + '-' + nodeId + '-' + item['f'] else: endkey = item['src'] + '-' + nodeId if endkey not in END_TO_END_STATICS: END_TO_END_STATICS[endkey] = {'num': 0, 'totalT': 0} END_TO_END_STATICS[endkey]['num'] += 1 END_TO_END_STATICS[endkey][ 'totalT'] += item["currentT"] - item["createT"] if g_mails_received * 100 / g_mails_created > 99.8: s = json.dumps(item) sMsg = '{"101":' + s + '}' rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "TEST", sMsg) rabbitmq.redisHSet("LONGTIMEMAILS", itemkey, s) if item['src'] == '1': print("%s << 邮件抵达 %s, 总耗时:%.2fh" % (self.syncHM, json.dumps(item['his']), totalhour)) if item["f12"] == "f1": g_mails_received_f1 += 1 else: g_mails_received_f2 += 1 g_mails_received += 1 del item NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId][ 'current'] = NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId]['current'] - 1 NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId][ 'waitsort'] = NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId]['waitsort'] - 1 else: try: sd = nodeId + str(nextId) NODES_IO[sd]["out"].append(itemkey) NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId][ 'waitsort'] = NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId][ 'waitsort'] - 1 NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId][ 'waitgo'] = NODES_MAILS_STATICS[nodeId]['waitgo'] + 1 item[ "currentT"] = self.syncNow #can not be used since the 2 hours item["currentP"] = nodeId item["status"] = "SORTED" item["his"] = item[ "his"] + "," + nodeId + " " + self.syncDD + "/" + self.syncHM + " S" except: print("** [%s %s %s] no plan" % (itemkey, nodeId, nextId)) print("*** %s" % (str(item))) print("***%s %s %s" % (nodeId, dstCity, g_ROUTES_MAP[nodeId + dstCity])) del item return
def timer_func_stat(): global g_env global timer_stat rabbitmq.redis_command("PUBLISH", "BACKEND", json.dumps(g_timeUpdateToWeb)) timer_stat = threading.Timer(1, timer_func_stat) timer_stat.start()