def split_routine(): while True: chunk = "" with chunk_q_cv: while chunk_q.empty(): chunk_q_cv.wait() #get chunk from chunk_q chunk = chunk_q.get() chunk_q_cv.notify_all() #split chunk sents = "" if chunk == "EOF": sents = "EOF" else: sents = data.split_to_sentences(chunk) del chunk with sent_q_cv: while sent_q.full(): sent_q_cv.wait() sent_q.put(sents) sent_q_cv.notify_all() if sents == "EOF": break print("Finished splitting file.") with log_lock: with open(logfile, 'a') as f_log: f_log.write('Finished splitting file on %s\n' % (data.format_date(time.time()))) f_log.flush()
def batch_routine(word_to_ix): while True: sents = "" with sent_q_cv: while sent_q.empty(): sent_q_cv.wait() #get sent chunk from sent_q sents = sent_q.get() sent_q_cv.notify_all() if sents == "EOF": break sents_by_len = {} for s in sents: n = len(s.split()) if n in sents_by_len: sents_by_len[n].append(s) else: sents_by_len[n] = [s] del sents for k, s in sents_by_len.items(): batches = create_batches(s) with batch_q_cv: while batch_q.full(): batch_q_cv.wait() batch_q.put(batches) batch_q_cv.notify_all() #batching is over, once training thread gets no batch from batch_q, end training end_training_event.set() print("Finished batching.") with log_lock: with open(logfile, 'a') as f_log: f_log.write('Finished batching on %s\n' % (data.format_date(time.time()))) f_log.flush()
def read_routine(filename, chunk_dim): base = os.path.basename(filename) sb_filename = 'batches/%s.b0' % (base) if os.path.exists(sb_filename): chunk = "EOF" with chunk_q_cv: while chunk_q.full(): chunk_q_cv.wait() chunk_q.put(chunk) chunk_q_cv.notify_all() else: print('Reading %s' % (filename)) #read file in chunks with open(filename) as f_in: while True: chunk = f_in.readlines(chunk_dim) if not chunk: chunk = "EOF" with chunk_q_cv: while chunk_q.full(): chunk_q_cv.wait() chunk_q.put(chunk) chunk_q_cv.notify_all() if chunk == "EOF": break print("Finished reading file.") with log_lock: with open(logfile, 'a') as f_log: f_log.write('Finished reading file on %s\n' % (data.format_date(time.time()))) f_log.flush()
def train_routine(filename, print_every, save_every, num_epoch, max_sb_len): base = os.path.basename(filename) first = True stored_batches = list() sb_count = 0 batch_count = 0 epoch = 0 while epoch < num_epoch: epoch += 1 loss_acc = 0 #first epoch has to wait for batches to be produced if first: while True: #if not set, eventually wait for batch to be produced if not end_training_event.is_set(): with batch_q_cv: while batch_q.empty(): batch_q_cv.wait() #get batches from batch_q try: batches = batch_q.get_nowait() if first: print("Starting training.") with log_lock: with open(logfile, 'a') as f_log: f_log.write('Starting training on %s\n' % (data.format_date(time.time()))) f_log.flush() batch_count, loss_acc = train(batches, batch_count, loss_acc, epoch, print_every, save_every) stored_batches.append(batches) if len(stored_batches) % max_sb_len == 0: sb_filename = 'batches/%s.b%d' % (base, sb_count) pkl.dump(stored_batches, open(sb_filename, 'wb')) sb_count += 1 stored_batches = list() except Exception: break finally: first = False with batch_q_cv: batch_q_cv.notify_all() if len(stored_batches) > 0: sb_filename = 'batches/%s.b%d' % (base, sb_count) pkl.dump(stored_batches, open(sb_filename, 'wb')) sb_count += 1 stored_batches = list() #batches already produced for next epochs else: if sb_count == 0: num_epoch += 1 sb_count = 1 i = 0 while True: sb_filename = 'batches/%s.b%d' % (base, i) i += 1 if os.path.exists(sb_filename): stored_batches = pkl.load(open(sb_filename, 'rb')) for batches in stored_batches: batch_count, loss_acc = train(batches, batch_count, loss_acc, epoch, print_every, save_every) stored_batches = list() else: break #training over msg = ('%s - Epochs: %d Batches: %d Loss: %f' % (data.elapsed(start), num_epoch, batch_count, loss_acc / (batch_count + 1))) msg = ('%s\nTraining ended on %s.\n' % (msg, data.format_date(time.time()))) print(msg) with log_lock: with open(logfile, 'a') as f_log: f_log.write('%s\n' % (msg)) f_log.flush() bakfile = modelfile + ".bak" copyfile(modelfile, bakfile), modelfile)
(msg, data.format_date(time.time()))) print(msg) with log_lock: with open(logfile, 'a') as f_log: f_log.write('%s\n' % (msg)) f_log.flush() bakfile = modelfile + ".bak" copyfile(modelfile, bakfile), modelfile) print("Initializing...") start = time.time() with open(logfile, 'w') as f_log: f_log.write('Inizialization on %s\n' % (data.format_date(start))) f_log.flush() word_to_ix, ix_to_word = data.init_dictionary(dictionary_dim) model = WordGuesser(hidden_units, context_dim, embedding_dim, len(word_to_ix), batch_dim) if len(sys.argv) == 3: modelfile = sys.argv[2] model.load_state_dict(torch.load(modelfile)) model.train() model = model.cuda() loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adagrad(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) model.hidden = model.init_hidden()