def scheduler_task(): start_date, end_date = data.get_dates() for salesman in c.config.SALESMEN: delete_pdfs() report_pdf = run_ninja(start_date, end_date, salesman) send_email('Weekly Sales Report', [salesman['email']], ['*****@*****.**'], [report_pdf])
def blog_post(slug): if slug.startswith('draft') and config.SHOW_DRAFTS == False: return render_template('404.html'), 404 key = str('post_%s' % slug) post = get_post('' % slug ) tags = get_tags() dates = get_dates() return render_template('blog/post.html', post=post, tags=tags, dates=dates)
def blog_archive(year, month): key = 'blog_archive_%s_%s' % (year, month) posts = get_posts() tags = get_tags() dates = get_dates() archive_posts = [] for post in posts: if post['created'].month == month and post['created'].year == year: archive_posts.append(post) return render_template('blog/archive.html', posts=archive_posts, tags=tags, dates=dates)
def timeline(): dates = get_dates('static/dms_portfolio.json') time_data = process_timeline('static/dms_portfolio.json') write_to_json('static/data_time.json', time_data) return render_template("timeline.html", data=time_data, dates=dates)
def blog_index(): posts = get_posts()[:20] tags = get_tags() dates = get_dates() return render_template( 'blog/index.html', posts=posts, tags=tags, dates=dates)
def blog_tagged(tag): tags = get_tags() dates = get_dates() tagged_posts = [post for post in get_posts() if tag in post['tags']] return render_template('blog/tagged.html', tagged_posts=tagged_posts, tag=tag, tags=tags, dates=dates)
def blog_tags(): tags = get_tags() dates = get_dates() return render_template('blog/tags.html',tags=tags, dates=dates)
def grid(df: pd.DataFrame, locs, column: Column, width, height, out_name, increment=False, average=1): fig: plt.Figure = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height), facecolor='papayawhip') gs = fig.add_gridspec(math.ceil(len(locs)/4), 4) # , wspace=0.05, hspace=0.1) for i, location in enumerate(locs): ax: plt.Axes = fig.add_subplot(gs[i]) series: pd.Series = get_series(df, location, column.label, increment, average) series.plot(ax=ax) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.set_facecolor('whitesmoke') # Annotate maximum max_x = series.idxmax() max_y = series.loc[max_x] ax.plot(max_x, max_y, 'rx', markersize=8) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) # ax.annotate('peak={}\n{}'.format(int(max_y), time_repr(max_x)), # xy=(max_x, max_y), xycoords='data', # xytext=(-50, -0), # textcoords='offset pixels', ha='right', va='top', # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), # fontsize='small', fontweight='bold') # add month markers month = pd.Timestamp(year=series.index.min().year, month=series.index.min().month+1, day=1) while month < series.index.max(): ax.axvline(month, ls=':', color='silver', linewidth=1) ax.text(month, -0.01, month.month_name(), va='top', transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), color='grey') month = month + pd.DateOffset(months=1) # add a text box with additional information. To automatically place it in the best place, create # a fake legend (legends have a loc='best' feature), as in: # # 3 fake handles, one per line in the fake legend handles = [mpl_patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="white", ec="white", lw=0, alpha=0)] * 2 labels = [ # 'confirmed={}'.format(get_outbreak(df, location)), # 'active={}'.format(get_active(df, location)), # 'deaths={}'.format(get_deaths(df, location)), 'last={} on {}'.format(int(series.iloc[-1]), time_repr(max_x)), 'peak={} on {}'.format(int(max_y), time_repr(max_x)) ] legend: plt.legend = ax.legend(handles, labels, fontsize='10', title=location, facecolor=ax.get_facecolor(), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, frameon=False, loc='upper left' if location != 'China' else 'best') legend_title: plt.Text = legend.get_title() legend_title.set_fontweight('bold') legend_title.set_fontsize(12) legend._legend_box.align = "left" dates = [time_repr(dt) for dt in get_dates(df)] fig.suptitle('{}{}{}, from {} to {}'.format( 'Daily ' if increment else '', column.label, ', {} days average'.format(average) if average > 1 else '', dates[0], dates[-1]), fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.1, w_pad=0.8, rect=(0, 0.01, 1, 0.965)) fig.text(1, 0, ' ', va='bottom', ha='right') fig.savefig(out_name, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) print('![{}]({})'.format(out_name, out_name))