Exemple #1
def main():

    args = setup_args()
    outfile = args.out_dir + args.comment
    f_out = open(outfile, 'w')

    #Write meta-info about the particular run into the master file before each run
    timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    f = open(master_meta_info_file, 'a+')
    f.write(timestr + " #### " + args.comment + " ##### " + str(args) + "\n")

    hole_feature_filename = args.out_dir + "hole_features_" + args.comment

    dataset = getData(args.hole_window_size,
                      args.num_files * args.num_of_holes_per_file,
                      args.dataset_type, args.sup_window_size,
                      args.num_sup_tokens, args.num_of_holes_per_file,
                      args.sup_def, args.method)

    #Get the size of the vocabulary
    vocab_size, encoder = get_vocab_size()

    model = Seq2SeqModel(vocab_size, bias_init=None)

    if args.load_model:
        y = tf.reshape(tf.Variable(1, dtype=tf.int32), (1, 1))
        model(y, y, False)
            args.model_load_dir).expect_partial()  #to supress warnings
        print("Loaded Weights from: ", args.model_load_dir)

    size = args.num_files * args.num_of_holes_per_file
    bar = tqdm(total=size)

    print("Evaluating " + args.dataset_type + " Data.......")

    subword_loss, token_loss, error, hole_features = evaluate(
        model, dataset, args.method, bar, args.inner_learning_rate,
        args.sup_batch_size, args.num_of_updates)

    print(args.dataset_type + " Statistics..........")
    f_out.write(args.dataset_type + " Statistics..........")

    print("Token Cross-Entropy = {:.4f} ".format(token_loss))
    print("{:.4f} confidence error over mean cross-entropy = {:.4f}".format(
        CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, error))

    f_out.write("Token Cross-Entropy = {:.4f} ".format(token_loss))
        "{:.4f} confidence error over mean cross-entropy = {:.4f}".format(
            CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, error))
    with open(hole_feature_filename, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(hole_features, f)
Exemple #2
def main():

  args = setup_args()
  outfile = args.out_dir + args.comment
  f_out = open(outfile, 'w')

  #Write meta-info about the particular run into the master file before each run
  timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
  f = open(master_meta_info_file, 'a+')
  f.write(timestr+" #### "+ args.comment+ " ##### " + str(args)+"\n")

  dataset_train = getData(args.hole_window_size, args.num_train_files*args.num_of_holes_per_file, 'train', args.sup_window_size, args.num_sup_tokens, args.num_of_holes_per_file,
                          args.sup_def, is_eval=False, data_type='hole_and_sup')

  dataset_val = getData(args.hole_window_size, args.num_val_files*args.num_of_holes_per_file, 'val', args.sup_window_size, args.num_sup_tokens, args.num_of_holes_per_file,
                          args.sup_def, is_eval=True, data_type='hole_and_sup')

  #Get the size of the vocabulary
  vocab_size, encoder = get_vocab_size()

  # define bias initializer based on log(prob in vocab)
  subword_dict = pickle.load(open(subword_vocab_filename, 'rb'))
  subword_dict = {k: v / total for total in (sum(subword_dict.values()),) for k, v in subword_dict.items()}
  lowest_entry = min(subword_dict, key=subword_dict.get)
  subword_vocab = np.zeros(vocab_size)
  for i in range(vocab_size):
      if i in subword_dict:
          subword_vocab[i] = np.log(subword_dict[i])
          subword_vocab[i] = np.log(subword_dict[lowest_entry])

  def bias_init(shape, dtype=None, partition_info=None):
      return tf.convert_to_tensor(subword_vocab, dtype=tf.float32)

  #Define the optimizers and initialize the seq2seq model
  optimizer_outer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = args.outer_learning_rate)
  optimizer_inner = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = args.inner_learning_rate)
  model = Seq2SeqModel(vocab_size, bias_init)

  #the model save directory is named based on the comment (so that it is easy to restore it if needed)
  model_save_dir = args.checkpoint_dir + args.comment +"/"
  if not os.path.exists(model_save_dir):

  if args.load_model:
      y = tf.reshape(tf.Variable(1, dtype=tf.int32), (1,1))
      model(y, y, False)
      print("Loaded Weights from: ", args.model_load_dir)

  # required for tqdm bar progress
  train_size = args.num_train_files*args.num_of_holes_per_file

  #calculate initial perplexity over the training data (without training)
  tqdm.write('Calculating Initial Train Cross-Entropy')
  bar = tqdm(total=train_size)

  init_subword_loss, init_token_loss, init_train_error, hole_features = evaluate(model, dataset_train, bar, args.inner_learning_rate, args.batch_size_sup, args.num_of_updates)

  print("Init Token Train Cross-Entropy = {:.4f} ".format(init_token_loss))
  print("{:.4f} confidence error over init train mean cross-entropy = {:.4f}".format(CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, init_train_error))

  f_out.write("Init Token Train Cross-Entropy = {:.4f}  ".format(init_token_loss)+"\n")
  f_out.write("{:.4f} confidence error over init train mean cross-entropy = {:.4f}".format(CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, init_train_error)+"\n\n")

  # required for tqdm bar progress
  val_size = args.num_val_files*args.num_of_holes_per_file

  best_token_loss = None
  val_losses = []

  for epoch in range(args.num_epochs):

    hole_feature_filename = args.out_dir + "epoch_"+str(epoch+1)+"_hole_features_"+ args.comment

    #Train 1 epoch
    bar = tqdm(total=train_size)
    # calculate epoch wise train cross-entropy
    outfile = args.out_dir + args.comment
    train_subword_loss, train_token_loss, error = train(model, optimizer_inner, optimizer_outer, dataset_train, args.train_method, bar, args.epsilon_reptile, args.batch_size_sup, args.num_of_updates)

    #Evaluate 1 epoch
    bar = tqdm(total=val_size)
    # calculate val cross-entropy
    val_subword_loss, val_token_loss, val_error, hole_features = evaluate(model, dataset_val, bar, args.inner_learning_rate, args.batch_size_sup, args.num_of_updates)

    with open(hole_feature_filename, 'wb') as f:
      pickle.dump(hole_features, f)

    # checkpoint if the val_loss decreases
    if not best_token_loss or val_token_loss < best_token_loss:
      if args.save_model:
        model.save_weights(model_save_dir, save_format='tf')
        print("\nSaved Weights to: ", model_save_dir)

      best_subword_loss = val_subword_loss
      best_token_loss = val_token_loss

    #early stopping if val_loss doesn't improve
    if len(val_losses) >= args.val_monitor_interval:
      if np.all(np.array(val_losses)> best_token_loss):
        print("\n Early Stopping because val loss didn't improve after ", args.val_monitor_interval, "intervals")

    #print epoch-wise statistics
    print('\nEpoch {}: Train Token Cross-Entropy = {:.4f}, Val Token Cross-Entropy = {:.4f}'.format(epoch + 1, train_token_loss, val_token_loss))
    print('\n{:.4f} confidence error over mean train_train cross-entropy = {:.4f}, mean val cross-entropy = {:.4f}'.format(CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, error, val_error)+"\n")

    f_out.write('Epoch {}: Train Token Cross-Entropy = {:.4f}, Val Token Cross-Entropy = {:.4f}'.format(epoch + 1, train_token_loss, val_token_loss)+"\n")
    f_out.write('{:.4f} confidence error over mean train_train cross-entropy = {:.4f}, mean val cross-entropy = {:.4f}'.format(CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, error, val_error)+'\n\n')

  #print best performance on val data over all epochs
  print("\n Best Token Val Cross-Entropy = {:.4f} ".format(best_token_loss))
  f_out.write("Best Token Val Cross-Entropy = {:.4f} ".format(best_token_loss)+"\n")