def loadDataset(self): print 'load MNIST dataset' dataset = data.load_train_data() dataset['data'] = dataset['data'].astype(np.float32) dataset['data'] /= 255 # 最終的にnpの行列データを取得 dataset['target'] = dataset['target'].astype(np.int32) return dataset
def load_data(data_path): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, imgs_patient_train = load_train_data(data_path) imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data(data_path) imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std return imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, imgs_patient_train, imgs_test
def train_unet(data_path, save_path, basename="", weight_load = "", valid_size=.2, batch_size = 32, nb_epoch = 10, dropout = .25): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, imgs_patient_train = load_train_data(data_path) imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] random_state = 51 X_train, X_valid, Y_train, Y_valid = train_test_split(imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, test_size=valid_size, random_state=random_state) print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = get_unet(dropout) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('unet.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) # pas à faire tout le temps... if weight_load: model.load_weights(weight_load) print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30), Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) Y_train_pred = model.predict(X_train, verbose=1) if (valid_size > 0): Y_valid_pred = model.predict(X_valid, verbose=1) score_training = np_dice_coef(Y_train, Y_train_pred) if (valid_size > 0): score_validation = np_dice_coef(Y_valid, Y_valid_pred) print('Score on training set: dice_coef = ', score_training) if (valid_size > 0): print('Score on validation set: dice_coef = ', score_validation) weight_save = save_path + '/unet' + basename + '.hdf5' if weight_save: model.save_weights(weight_save) return mean, std
def load_data(): imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('We have ',imgs_train.shape[0],' training samples') imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') print('We have ',imgs_test.shape[0],' test samples') return imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, imgs_test, imgs_id_test
def train_and_predict(): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] imgs_has_mask_train = (imgs_mask_train.reshape(imgs_mask_train.shape[0], -1).max(axis=1) > 0) * 1 print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('unet.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) remote_monitor = RemoteMonitor(root='http://localhost:9000') print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30), [imgs_mask_train, imgs_has_mask_train], batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint, remote_monitor]) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)[0] # Get output only for first output'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('unet.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=50, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') tst_mean = np.mean(imgs_test) tst_std = np.std(imgs_test) imgs_test -= tst_mean imgs_test /= tst_std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30) n_fold = 5 k_fold_train(imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, n_fold=n_fold) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() results = [] for i in range(n_fold): model.load_weights('unet_fold%s.hdf5' % i) print('-' * 30) print('%s Predicting masks on test data...' % i) print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1) results.append(imgs_mask_test) imgs_mask_test = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, results)/n_fold'imgs_mask_test_nfold.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def visualize(): from data import load_train_data imgs_train, imgs_train_mask = load_train_data() imgs_train_pred=np.load('imgs_train_pred.npy') total=imgs_train.shape[0] for i in range(total): # augmentation(imgs_train[i,0]) plt.subplot(221) plt.imshow(imgs_train[i,0]) plt.subplot(222) plt.imshow(imgs_train_mask[i,0]) plt.subplot(223) plt.imshow(imgs_train_pred[i,0]) img = prep(imgs_train_pred[i,0]) plt.subplot(224) plt.imshow(img)
unet.add(concatenated_de_convolution_layer(64)) unet.add(convolution_layer(64)) unet.add(convolution_layer(64)) unet.add(concatenated_de_convolution_layer(32)) unet.add(convolution_layer(32)) unet.add(convolution_layer(32)) unet.add(convolution_layer(1, kernel=(1, 1), activation='sigmoid')) unet.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=1e-5), loss=dice_coefficient_loss, metrics=[dice_coefficient]) x_train, y_train_mask = load_train_data() x_train = preprocess(x_train) y_train_mask = preprocess(y_train_mask) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(x_train) std = np.std(x_train) x_train -= mean x_train /= std y_train_mask = y_train_mask.astype('float32') y_train_mask /= 255., y_train_mask, batch_size=32, epochs=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True,
def main(argv=None): print('start running...') start_time = time.time() ############################################ build graph ############################################ monnet = mn.MonNet(FLAGS) if int(FLAGS.train) + int(FLAGS.test) + int(FLAGS.encode) != 1: print('please specify \'train\' or \'test\' or \'encode\'') return views = vw.Views(os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'view', FLAGS.view_file)) if FLAGS.train: train_names, train_sources, train_targets, train_masks, train_angles, num_train_shapes = data.load_train_data( FLAGS, views) valid_names, valid_sources, valid_targets, valid_masks, valid_angles, num_valid_shapes = data.load_validate_data( FLAGS, views) with tf.variable_scope("monnet") as scope: monnet.build_network( \ names=train_names, sources=train_sources, targets=train_targets, masks=train_masks, angles=train_angles, views=views, is_training=True) scope.reuse_variables() # sharing weights monnet.build_network( \ names=valid_names, sources=valid_sources, targets=valid_targets, masks=valid_masks, angles=valid_angles, views=views, is_validation=True) elif FLAGS.test: test_names, test_sources, test_targets, test_masks, test_angles, num_test_shapes = data.load_test_data(FLAGS, views) with tf.variable_scope("monnet") as scope: monnet.build_network( \ names=test_names, sources=test_sources, targets=test_targets, masks=test_masks, angles=test_angles, views=views, is_testing=True) elif FLAGS.encode: encode_names, encode_sources, encode_targets, encode_masks, encode_angles, num_encode_shapes = data.load_encode_data( FLAGS, views) with tf.variable_scope("monnet") as scope: monnet.build_network( \ names=encode_names, sources=encode_sources, targets=encode_targets, masks=encode_masks, angles=encode_angles, views=views, is_encoding=True) ############################################ compute graph ############################################ gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=FLAGS.gpu_fraction) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: if FLAGS.train: monnet.train(sess, views, num_train_shapes, num_valid_shapes) elif FLAGS.test: monnet.test(sess, views, num_test_shapes) elif FLAGS.encode: monnet.encode(sess, views, num_encode_shapes) sess.close() duration = time.time() - start_time print('total running time: %.1f\n' % duration)
def AugmentDS(self, Augentries): datagen = ImageDataGenerator( # featurewise_center=False, # featurewise_std_normalization=False, # samplewise_center=False, # samplewise_std_normalization=False, rescale=None, rotation_range=3, width_shift_range=0.08, height_shift_range=0.08, shear_range=0.07, zoom_range=0.07, horizontal_flip=True, vertical_flip=True, fill_mode='constant', cval=0.) args = self.arggen(Augentries) # trimgs,labimgs,data_path,num data_path, fext, num, cr = args[0], args[1], int(args[2]), float( args[3]) create_train_data(data_path, train_p, label_p, fext) imgs = load_train_data(data_path, train_npy, labels_npy) nLabels = np.max(imgs[1]) trimgs, labimgs = imgs[0], imgs[1] imgshape = trimgs[0].shape print('-' * 30) print('Augmenting train and labels dataset: ', num, 'replica per image...') print('-' * 30) # seed = np.random.randint(10000) seed = np.random.randint(10000, size=2 * len(trimgs) * num) tmpf = 'tmp' if tmpf in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(data_path, train_p))): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(data_path, train_p, tmpf), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(data_path, label_p, tmpf), ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_path, train_p, tmpf)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_path, label_p, tmpf)) global batchdata batchdata = [] j = 0 for x in trimgs: x[x == 0] = 1 x = x.reshape((1, ) + x.shape + (1, )) # the .flow() command below generates batches of randomly transformed images # and saves the results to the `preview/` directory i = 0 for batch in datagen.flow(x, batch_size=1, seed=seed[j]): self.save_tif(data_path, os.path.join(train_p, tmpf), 'img', batch[0, :, :, 0].astype('uint8'), seed[i + j * 2 * num], fext) i += 1 if i >= 2 * num: break # otherwise the generator would loop indefinitely j += 1 j = 0 for y in labimgs: y = y.reshape((1, ) + y.shape + (1, )) i = 0 for batch in datagen.flow(y, batch_size=1, seed=seed[j]): self.save_tif(data_path, os.path.join(label_p, tmpf), 'img', batch[0, :, :, 0].astype('uint8'), seed[i + j * 2 * num], fext) batchdata.append(batch[0, :, :, 0]) i += 1 if i >= 2 * num: break # otherwise the generator would loop indefinitely j += 1 create_train_data(data_path, os.path.join(train_p, tmpf), os.path.join(label_p, tmpf), fext) tmpimgs = load_train_data(data_path, train_npy, labels_npy) tmptr = tmpimgs[0] tmplab = tmpimgs[1] print(imgshape, cr) lencrop = int(((imgshape[0] * cr) // 16) * 16), int( ((imgshape[1] * cr) // 16) * 16) print(lencrop) delta = imgshape[0] - lencrop[0], imgshape[1] - lencrop[1] print(delta) seltr = [] sellab = [] j = 0 for i, img in enumerate(tmptr): tmpres = crop_no_black(tmptr[i], tmplab[i], lencrop) if tmpres is not None: seltr.append(tmpres[0]) sellab.append(tmpres[1]) j += 1 if j > len(trimgs) * (num + 1): break seltr = np.array(seltr) sellab = np.array(sellab) print(seltr.shape, sellab.shape), 'imgs_train.npy'), seltr) print('Augmented train data saved to:', os.path.join(data_path, 'imgs_train.npy')), 'imgs_labels.npy'), sellab) print('Augmented label data saved to:', os.path.join(data_path, 'imgs_labels.npy')) if selfold in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(data_path, train_p))): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(data_path, train_p, selfold), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(data_path, label_p, selfold), ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_path, train_p, selfold)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_path, label_p, selfold)) for i in range(len(seltr)): self.save_tif(data_path, os.path.join(train_p, selfold), 'img', seltr[i], i, fext) self.save_tif(data_path, os.path.join(label_p, selfold), 'img', sellab[i], i, fext) # create_train_data(data_path,train_p,label_p,fext) if tmpf in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(data_path, train_p))): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(data_path, train_p, tmpf), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(data_path, label_p, tmpf), ignore_errors=True) print('Done') return
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() existence_mask = get_object_existence(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std y_train = existence_mask.astype(np.uint8) print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint( 'weights.{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.2f}.hdf5', monitor='val_loss') model_save_best = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) #early_s = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5, verbose=1) model.load_weights('weights.h5') print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30) # TODO: experiment with different batch sizes # TODO: try k-fold ensemble training, y_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint, model_save_best]) exit print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('weights.h5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) imsave(os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id) + '_pred.png'), image)
def train_and_predict(bit): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and train data (bit = ' + str(bit) + ') ...') print('-' * 30) imgs_bit_train, imgs_bit_mask_train, _ = load_train_data(bit) print(imgs_bit_train.shape[0], imgs_bit_mask_train.shape[0]) imgs_bit_train = imgs_bit_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_bit_train) std = np.std(imgs_bit_train) imgs_bit_train -= mean imgs_bit_train /= std imgs_bit_mask_train = imgs_bit_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_bit_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model (bit = ' + str(bit) + ') ...') print('-' * 30) model = get_conv(f=16) csv_logger = CSVLogger('log_conv_' + str(bit) + '.csv') model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights_conv_' + str(bit) + '.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model (bit = ' + str(bit) + ') ...') print('-' * 30), imgs_bit_mask_train, batch_size=32, epochs=epochs, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[csv_logger, model_checkpoint]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data (bit = ' + str(bit) + ') ...') print('-' * 30) imgs_bit_test, imgs_mask_test, imgs_bit_id_test = load_test_data(bit) imgs_bit_test = imgs_bit_test.astype('float32') imgs_bit_test -= mean imgs_bit_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('weights_conv_' + str(bit) + '.h5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data (bit = ' + str(bit) + ') ...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_bit_test, verbose=1) if bit == 8: print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = 'preds_8' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_bit_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) imsave( os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id).split('/')[-1] + '_pred_conv.png'), image) elif bit == 16: print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = 'preds_16' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_bit_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) imsave( os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id).split('/')[-1] + '_pred_conv.png'), image)
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_present = load_nerve_presence() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) # centering and standardising the images imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) std = np.std(imgs_train) imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to be in {0, 1} instead of {0, 255} print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) # load model - the Learning rate scheduler choice is most important here model = get_unet(optimizer=OPTIMIZER, pars=PARS) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) early_stopping = EarlyStopping(patience=5, verbose=1) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30) if PARS['outputs'] == 1: imgs_labels = imgs_mask_train else: imgs_labels = [imgs_mask_train, imgs_present], imgs_labels, batch_size=128, epochs=50, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint, early_stopping]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('weights.h5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1) if PARS['outputs'] == 1:'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) else:'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test[0])'imgs_mask_test_present.npy', imgs_mask_test[1])
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() print(imgs_mask_train.shape) imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.reshape(imgs_mask_train.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1) imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.reshape(imgs_mask_train.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print(imgs_mask_train.shape) print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_model(imgs_train) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id, imgs_size = load_test_data() mean = np.mean(imgs_test) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_test) # std for data normalization imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print(imgs_test.shape) print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1) imgs_mask_test *= 255 i = 0 for img, name, size in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_id, imgs_size): img = cv2.resize(img, (int(size.split(',')[1]), int(size.split(',')[0]))) ret, img = cv2.threshold(img, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) cv2.imwrite("Data/test_output/" + str(name) + ".jpg", img) #cv2.imwrite("Data/output/" + str(name) + ".jpg", img) # было i += 1 print(imgs_mask_test.shape)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train(fold, plane, batch_size, nb_epoch, init_lr): """ train an Unet model with data from load_train_data() Parameters ---------- fold : string which fold is experimenting in 4-fold. It should be one of 0/1/2/3 plane : char which plane is experimenting. It is from 'X'/'Y'/'Z' batch_size : int size of mini-batch nb_epoch : int number of epochs to train NN init_lr : float initial learning rate """ print("number of epoch: ", nb_epoch) print("learning rate: ", init_lr) # --------------------- load and preprocess training data ----------------- print('-' * 80) print(' Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 80) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data(fold, plane) imgs_row = imgs_train.shape[1] imgs_col = imgs_train.shape[2] print(imgs_row, imgs_col) imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') # ---------------------- Create, compile, and train model ------------------------ print('-' * 80) print(' Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 80) model = get_deform_unet(imgs_row, imgs_col, pool_size=(2, 2, 2), init_lr=init_lr) print(model.summary()) print('-' * 80) print(' Fitting model...') print('-' * 80) ver = 'unet_deform_fd%s_%s_ep%s_lr%s.csv' % (cur_fold, plane, epoch, init_lr) csv_logger = CSVLogger(log_path + ver) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(model_path + ver + ".h5", monitor='loss', save_best_only=False, period=10) history =, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=nb_epoch, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint, csv_logger])
import numpy as np from train import get_unet, preprocess from data import load_test_data, load_train_data imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) std = np.std(imgs_train) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std model = get_unet() model.load_weights("final.h5") imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test_final.npy', imgs_mask_test)
x = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(x) predictions = Dense(200, activation='softmax')(x) model = Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=predictions) # optimizer=SGD sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy', precision, recall, f1score]) return model if __name__ == '__main__': x_train, y_train, train_ids = load_train_data() x_test, y_test, test_ids = load_test_data() x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, channels) x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, channels) input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, channels) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') x_train /= 255 x_test /= 255 print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape) print('y_train shape:', y_train.shape) print(x_train.shape[0], 'train samples') print(x_test.shape[0], 'test samples')
def train_and_predict(): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('unet.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_mask_test_truth = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_mask_test_result = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1) imgs_mask_test_result = postprocess(imgs_mask_test_result) #test results is converted to 0-255 due to resizing print(imgs_mask_test_result.max()) imgs_mask_test_result = imgs_mask_test_result.astype('float32') imgs_mask_test_result /= 255 print(imgs_mask_test_truth.shape) imgs_mask_test_truth = imgs_mask_test_truth.astype('float32') imgs_mask_test_truth /= 255 test_truth = imgs_mask_test_truth.flatten() test_result = imgs_mask_test_result.flatten() print(test_result.shape) print(test_truth.shape) intersect = test_result * test_truth dice_score = (2. * intersect.sum()) / (test_truth.sum() + test_result.sum()) print('Dice coefficient on testing data is : {0:.3f}.'.format(dice_score))
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = np.array([clahe(img) for img in imgs_train]) imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] y_bin = np.array([mask_not_blank(mask) for mask in imgs_mask_train]) # X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(imgs_train,imgs_mask_train,test_size=0.2,random_state=seed) skf = StratifiedKFold(y_bin, n_folds=10, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) for ind_tr, ind_te in skf: X_train = imgs_train[ind_tr] X_test = imgs_train[ind_te] y_train = imgs_mask_train[ind_tr] y_test = imgs_mask_train[ind_te] break # X_train_rotate = get_rotation(X_train) # y_train_rotate = get_rotation(y_train) # X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_rotate),axis=0) # y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_rotate),axis=0) # print(X_train.shape,y_train.shape) # X_train_rotate = get_rotation(X_train,degree=22.5) # y_train_rotate = get_rotation(y_train,degree=22.5) # X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_rotate),axis=0) # y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_rotate),axis=0) # print(X_train.shape,y_train.shape) # X_train_rotate = get_rotation(X_train,degree=11.25) # y_train_rotate = get_rotation(y_train,degree=11.25) # X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_rotate),axis=0) # y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_rotate),axis=0) # print(X_train.shape,y_train.shape) # X_train_flip = X_train[:,:,:,::-1] # y_train_flip = y_train[:,:,:,::-1] # X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_flip),axis=0) # y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_flip),axis=0) # X_train_flip = X_train[:,:,::-1,:] # y_train_flip = y_train[:,:,::-1,:] # X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_flip),axis=0) # y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_flip),axis=0) imgs_train = X_train imgs_valid = X_test imgs_mask_train = y_train imgs_mask_valid = y_test print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() model_name = 'unet_seed_1024_epoch_30_batch_8_aug_rotate_64_64_shiftbn_sgd_srelu_res_atrous.hdf5' model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\' + model_name, monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) plot(model, to_file='E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\%s.png' % model_name.replace('.hdf5', ''), show_shapes=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30) augmentation = False batch_size = 128 nb_epoch = 20 load_model = False use_all_data = False if use_all_data: imgs_train = np.concatenate((imgs_train, imgs_valid), axis=0) imgs_mask_train = np.concatenate((imgs_mask_train, imgs_mask_valid), axis=0) # model.load_weights('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\'+"unet_seed_1024_epoch_20_aug_rotate_64_80_shiftbn_sgd_srelu_plus5.hdf5") # model.save_weights('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\'+'unet_seed_1024_epoch_20_aug_rotate_64_80_shiftbn_sgd_srelu_plus10.npy') # return if load_model: model.load_weights('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\' + model_name) if not augmentation:, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint], validation_data=[imgs_valid, imgs_mask_valid]) pass else: datagen = ImageDataGenerator( featurewise_center=False, # set input mean to 0 over the dataset samplewise_center=False, # set each sample mean to 0 featurewise_std_normalization= False, # divide inputs by std of the dataset samplewise_std_normalization=False, # divide each input by its std zca_whitening=False, # apply ZCA whitening rotation_range= 45, # randomly rotate images in the range (degrees, 0 to 180) width_shift_range= 0.0, # randomly shift images horizontally (fraction of total width) height_shift_range= 0.0, # randomly shift images vertically (fraction of total height) horizontal_flip=True, # randomly flip images vertical_flip=False) # randomly flip images # compute quantities required for featurewise normalization # (std, mean, and principal components if ZCA whitening is applied) # fit the model on the batches generated by datagen.flow() model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=batch_size), samples_per_epoch=imgs_train.shape[0], nb_epoch=nb_epoch, callbacks=[model_checkpoint], validation_data=(imgs_valid, imgs_mask_valid)) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = np.array([clahe(img) for img in imgs_test]) imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\' + model_name) print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train(folder=0, weights_saving_path='weights', lr=0.001, weights=None, resuming_iter=0): net = ResUNet(pretrained=True) net.cuda() if weights is not None: print('Resume training from iter {:d}.'.format(resuming_iter)) state_dict = torch.load(weights)['state_dicts'] net.load_state_dict(state_dict) train_images, train_depths, train_masks = load_train_data(folder) val_images, val_depths, val_masks = load_val_data(folder) batch_size = 32 one_epoch_iters = len(train_images) // batch_size saving_interval = one_epoch_iters // 2 max_iters = one_epoch_iters * 500 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=1e-6) bce_loss_layer = torch.nn.BCELoss() bce_loss_layer.cuda() if not os.path.exists(weights_saving_path): os.makedirs(weights_saving_path) print('batch_size = {:d}'.format(batch_size)) print('one epoch iterations = {:d}'.format(one_epoch_iters)) print('saving interval = {:d}'.format(saving_interval)) print('max iterations = {:d} (~ {:d} epoches)'.format( max_iters, max_iters * batch_size // len(train_images))) print('lr = {:f}'.format(lr)) time_str = strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', gmtime()) file_name_suffix = '{:d}_{:s}'.format(folder, time_str) losses_file = open('losses_' + file_name_suffix + '.log', 'w') avg_losses_file = open('avg_losses_' + file_name_suffix + '.log', 'w') scores_file = open('scores_' + file_name_suffix + '.log', 'w') val_losses_file = open('val_losses_' + file_name_suffix + '.log', 'w') moving_avg_num = 50 losses = [] iter_idx = resuming_iter val_score = 0 loss_changed = False if weights is not None: loss_name = 'bce' val_loss, val_score = validate(net, val_images, val_depths, val_masks, loss_name) while iter_idx < max_iters: # randomly pick one batch picked_samples = np.random.random_integers(0, len(train_images) - 1, batch_size) batch_images = train_images[picked_samples] batch_depths = train_depths[picked_samples] batch_masks = train_masks[picked_samples] input1 = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_images) # input2 = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_depths) targets = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_masks) logits = net.forward(input1) if not loss_changed and (val_score < 0.81 and iter_idx <= 30 * one_epoch_iters): # if weights is None and iter_idx < first_stage_iters: loss = bce_loss_layer.forward(F.sigmoid(logits), targets) loss_name = 'bce' elif not loss_changed: loss = criterion(logits, targets) loss_name = 'lovasz' losses = [] optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr * .5, weight_decay=1e-6) loss_changed = True else: # loss has already changed, so we don't care the val score loss = criterion(logits, targets) loss_name = 'lovasz' optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() iter_idx += 1 loss = loss.item() losses.append(loss) moving_avg_loss = sum(losses[-moving_avg_num:]) moving_avg_loss /= len(losses[-moving_avg_num:]) losses = losses[-moving_avg_num:] losses_file.write('{:d} {:f}\n'.format(iter_idx, loss)) avg_losses_file.write('{:d} {:f}\n'.format(iter_idx, moving_avg_loss)) if iter_idx % saving_interval == 0: print( '[Iter {:8d}] [{:s} loss {:8.4f}] [avg_loss {:8.4f}] '.format( iter_idx, loss_name, loss, moving_avg_loss), end='', flush=False) val_loss, val_score = validate(net, val_images, val_depths, val_masks, loss_name) print('[val_{:s}_loss {:8.4f}] [val_score {:8.4f}]'.format( loss_name, val_loss, val_score)) saving_name = os.path.join( weights_saving_path, 'iter_{:d}_loss_{:.4f}_score_{:.4f}.weights'.format( iter_idx, val_loss, val_score)){'state_dicts': net.state_dict()}, saving_name) val_losses_file.write('{:d} {:f}\n'.format(iter_idx, val_loss)) scores_file.write('{:d} {:f}\n'.format(iter_idx, val_score)) else: print('[Iter {:8d}] [{:s} loss {:8.4f}] [avg_loss {:8.4f}]\r'. format(iter_idx, loss_name, loss, moving_avg_loss), end='', flush=False) if iter_idx % 20 == 0: # flush the log buffer, so we can plot the results in time. losses_file.flush() avg_losses_file.flush() scores_file.flush() val_losses_file.flush()
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() plot_model(model, to_file='model.png', show_shapes=True) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('unet.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30) datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rotation_range=5, vertical_flip=True, horizontal_flip=True, ) model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, shuffle=True), samples_per_epoch=len(imgs_train), nb_epoch=120, verbose=1, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] y_hat_train = np.max(imgs_mask_train, axis=(1, 2, 3)) print("total:", y_hat_train.shape, np.unique(y_hat_train), "label-1:", np.sum(y_hat_train)) y_hat_train_sums = np.sum(imgs_mask_train, axis=(1, 2, 3)) print(y_hat_train_sums) y_hat_train_sums_nonzero_ids = np.nonzero(y_hat_train_sums)[0] y_hat_train_sums = y_hat_train_sums[y_hat_train_sums_nonzero_ids] print(y_hat_train_sums.shape, np.min(y_hat_train_sums), np.max(y_hat_train_sums), np.mean(y_hat_train_sums)) # y = np.bincount(y_hat_train_sums.astype('int32')) # ii = np.nonzero(y)[0] # count = y[ii] # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # plt.plot(ii, count) # # raw_input("pause, input any to continue") print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30) n_fold = 5 k_fold_train(imgs_train, y_hat_train, n_fold=n_fold) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) # model = get_unet() model = get_keras_example_net() results = [] for i in range(n_fold): model.load_weights('unet_fold%s.hdf5' % i) print('-' * 30) print('%s Predicting masks on test data...' % i) print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1) results.append(imgs_mask_test) imgs_mask_test = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, results) / n_fold'imgs_mask_test_nfold.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_mask_train = np.bool_(imgs_mask_train) imgs_mask_train = ~imgs_mask_train # switch 1 and 0 so in format that works correctly with dice coefficient # imgs_train = preprocess_images(imgs_train) # imgs_mask_train = preprocess_masks(imgs_mask_train) # imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') # mean = np.mean(imgs_train, axis=3) # mean for data centering # std = np.std(imgs_train, axis=3) # std for data normalization # imgs_train -= mean # imgs_train /= std # imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') # imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(weight_path, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir='./logs/3', histogram_freq=1, write_graph=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split= 0, # <- changed from 0.2 because of ResourceExhaustedError during val callbacks=[model_checkpoint, tensorboard]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() # imgs_test = preprocess_imgs(imgs_test) # imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') # imgs_test -= mean # imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights(weight_path) print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'rg35K_test_mask_preds3.npy', imgs_mask_test) # name the name according to annotation type print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = prediction_path + 'preds_rg/' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) savepath = os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id) + '_pred.png') savepath = savepath.replace('gs/', '') imsave(savepath, image)
def problem2(): data = load_train_data() graph_p2(solve2(data))
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) log_filepath = '/tmp/logs/run_c' model = get_unet() #Visualize model plot_model(model, 'u-net-model-architecture.png', show_shapes=True) #model_file_format = 'model.{epoch:03d}.hdf5' #print model_file_format model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) tb_cb = TensorBoard(log_dir=log_filepath, write_images=False, histogram_freq=1, write_graph=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint, tb_cb]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('weights.h5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) else: shutil.rmtree(pred_dir) os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) imsave(os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id) + '_pred.png'), image)
def train_and_predict(): print("-" * 30) print("Loading and preprocessing train data") print("-" * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) std = np.std(imgs_train) # normalise imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train /= 255. print("-" * 30) print("Creating and compiling model...") print("-" * 30) model = get_unet() checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath='weights.hdf5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) print("-" * 30) print("Fitting Model") print("-" * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, epochs=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[checkpoint]) print("-" * 30) print("Loading and preprocessing test data ...") print("-" * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print("-" * 30) print("Loading saved weights ...") print("-" * 30) model.load_weights('weights.hdf5') print("-" * 30) print("Predicting on test data ...") print("-" * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) print("-" * 30) print("Saving predicted masks to files ...") print("-" * 30) pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") imsave(os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id) + '_pred.png'), image)
unet.add(concatenated_de_convolution_layer(64)) unet.add(convolution_layer(64)) unet.add(convolution_layer(64)) unet.add(concatenated_de_convolution_layer(32)) unet.add(convolution_layer(32)) unet.add(convolution_layer(32)) unet.add(convolution_layer(1, kernel=(1, 1), activation='sigmoid')) unet.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=1e-5), loss=dice_coefficient_loss, metrics=[dice_coefficient]) x_train, y_train_mask = load_train_data() x_train = preprocess(x_train) y_train_mask = preprocess(y_train_mask) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(x_train) std = np.std(x_train) x_train -= mean x_train /= std y_train_mask = y_train_mask.astype('float32') y_train_mask /= 255.,
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() model.summary() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('unet.hdf5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) history = LossAccHistory() callbacks_list = [history, model_checkpoint] print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=16, epochs=30, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=callbacks_list) #model.save_weights('unet.hdf5', overwrite = True) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): import numpy as np print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('weights.h5') #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np ''''' loss_x = list(map(int, np.linspace(1, len(train_loss_list), len(train_loss_list)))) axes = plt.gca() # axes.set_ylim([min(train_loss_list+test_loss_list)[0] ,max(train_loss_list+test_loss_list)[0]]) axes.set_ylabel('Loss') axes.set_xlabel('epoch') plt.plot(loss_x, train_loss_list, color='blue', marker='.', linestyle='-', linewidth=2, markersize=12, label='train') plt.plot(loss_x, test_loss_list, color='red', marker='.', linestyle='-', linewidth=2, markersize=12, label='test') plt.legend(loc='upper right') fig1 = plt.gcf() plt.draw() fig1.savefig('./loss.png') ''' '' print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) #imwrite(os.path.join(pred_dir, str(imgs_id) + '_pred.png'), image) imsave(os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id) + '_pred.png'), image) image_path = "./raw/test" for image_name in os.listdir(image_path): # for i in range(96): #for j in range(96): # if image[i][j] == 255: # mask[i, j, 2] = 230 # imsave(os.path.join(image_path, '_mask.png'), img[0]) imgid = image_name.split(".")[0] cv2.imwrite("./raw/predict/" + str(imgid) + "_mask.png", image)
def runner(): pro_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pro_sg') unique_sid = list() with open(os.path.join(pro_dir, 'unique_sid.txt'), 'r') as f: for line in f: unique_sid.append(line.strip()) n_items = len(unique_sid) train_data = load_train_data(os.path.join(pro_dir, 'train.csv'), n_items) vad_data_tr, vad_data_te = load_tr_te_data( os.path.join(pro_dir, 'validation_tr.csv'), os.path.join(pro_dir, 'validation_te.csv'), n_items) # Set hyperparameters N = train_data.shape[0] idxlist = range(N) # training batch size batch_size = 200 batches_per_epoch = int(np.ceil(float(N) / batch_size)) N_vad = vad_data_tr.shape[0] idxlist_vad = range(N_vad) # validation batch size (since the entire validation set might not fit into GPU memory) batch_size_vad = 1000 # the total number of gradient updates for annealing total_anneal_steps = 200000 # largest annealing parameter anneal_cap = 0.2 n_epochs = 200 # # train a Multi-VAE^{PR} #The generative function is a [200 -> 600 -> n_items] MLP, which means the inference # function is a [n_items -> 600 -> 200] MLP. Thus the overall architecture for # the Multi-VAE^{PR} is [n_items -> 600 -> 200 -> 600 -> n_items]. p_dims = [200, 600, n_items] tf.reset_default_graph() vae = MultiVAE(p_dims, lam=0.0, random_seed=98765) saver, logits_var, loss_var, train_op_var, merged_var = vae.build_graph() ndcg_var = tf.Variable(0.0) ndcg_dist_var = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64, shape=None) ndcg_summary = tf.summary.scalar('ndcg_at_k_validation', ndcg_var) ndcg_dist_summary = tf.summary.histogram('ndcg_at_k_hist_validation', ndcg_dist_var) merged_valid = tf.summary.merge([ndcg_summary, ndcg_dist_summary]) arch_str = "I-%s-I" % ('-'.join([str(d) for d in vae.dims[1:-1]])) log_dir = '/data/projects/vae_cf/ml-20m/log/VAE_anneal{}K_cap{:1.1E}/{}'.format( total_anneal_steps / 1000, anneal_cap, arch_str) if os.path.exists(log_dir): shutil.rmtree(log_dir) print("log directory: %s" % log_dir) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) chkpt_dir = '/data/projects/vae_cf/ml-20m/chkpt/VAE_anneal{}K_cap{:1.1E}/{}'.format( total_anneal_steps / 1000, anneal_cap, arch_str) if not os.path.isdir(chkpt_dir): os.makedirs(chkpt_dir) print("chkpt directory: %s" % chkpt_dir) idxlist = np.array(idxlist) ndcgs_vad = [] with tf.Session() as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() best_ndcg = -np.inf update_count = 0.0 for epoch in tqdm(range(n_epochs), total=n_epochs): np.random.shuffle(idxlist) # train for one epoch for bnum, st_idx in enumerate(range(0, N, batch_size)): end_idx = min(st_idx + batch_size, N) X = train_data[idxlist[st_idx:end_idx]] if sparse.isspmatrix(X): X = X.toarray() X = X.astype('float32') if total_anneal_steps > 0: anneal = min(anneal_cap, 1. * update_count / total_anneal_steps) else: anneal = anneal_cap feed_dict = { vae.input_ph: X, vae.keep_prob_ph: 0.5, vae.anneal_ph: anneal, vae.is_training_ph: 1 }, feed_dict=feed_dict) if bnum % 100 == 0: summary_train =, feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_writer.add_summary( summary_train, global_step=epoch * batches_per_epoch + bnum) update_count += 1 # compute validation NDCG ndcg_dist = [] for bnum, st_idx in enumerate(range(0, N_vad, batch_size_vad)): end_idx = min(st_idx + batch_size_vad, N_vad) X = vad_data_tr[idxlist_vad[st_idx:end_idx]] if sparse.isspmatrix(X): X = X.toarray() X = X.astype('float32') pred_val =, feed_dict={vae.input_ph: X}) # exclude examples from training and validation (if any) pred_val[X.nonzero()] = -np.inf ndcg_dist.append( NDCG_binary_at_k_batch( pred_val, vad_data_te[idxlist_vad[st_idx:end_idx]])) ndcg_dist = np.concatenate(ndcg_dist) ndcg_ = ndcg_dist.mean() ndcgs_vad.append(ndcg_) merged_valid_val =, feed_dict={ ndcg_var: ndcg_, ndcg_dist_var: ndcg_dist }) summary_writer.add_summary(merged_valid_val, epoch) # update the best model (if necessary) if ndcg_ > best_ndcg:, '{}/model'.format(chkpt_dir)) best_ndcg = ndcg_ # test model afterwards: test_data_tr, test_data_te = load_tr_te_data( os.path.join(pro_dir, 'test_tr.csv'), os.path.join(pro_dir, 'test_te.csv'), n_items) N_test = test_data_tr.shape[0] idxlist_test = range(N_test) batch_size_test = 2000 tf.reset_default_graph() vae = MultiVAE(p_dims, lam=0.0) saver, logits_var, _, _, _ = vae.build_graph() chkpt_dir = '/data/projects/vae_cf/ml-20m/chkpt/VAE_anneal{}K_cap{:1.1E}/{}'.format( total_anneal_steps / 1000, anneal_cap, arch_str) print("chkpt directory: %s" % chkpt_dir) n100_list, r20_list, r50_list = [], [], [] with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, '{}/model'.format(chkpt_dir)) for bnum, st_idx in enumerate(range(0, N_test, batch_size_test)): end_idx = min(st_idx + batch_size_test, N_test) X = test_data_tr[idxlist_test[st_idx:end_idx]] if sparse.isspmatrix(X): X = X.toarray() X = X.astype('float32') pred_val =, feed_dict={vae.input_ph: X}) # exclude examples from training and validation (if any) pred_val[X.nonzero()] = -np.inf n100_list.append( NDCG_binary_at_k_batch( pred_val, test_data_te[idxlist_test[st_idx:end_idx]], k=100)) r20_list.append( Recall_at_k_batch(pred_val, test_data_te[idxlist_test[st_idx:end_idx]], k=20)) r50_list.append( Recall_at_k_batch(pred_val, test_data_te[idxlist_test[st_idx:end_idx]], k=50)) n100_list = np.concatenate(n100_list) r20_list = np.concatenate(r20_list) r50_list = np.concatenate(r50_list) print("Test NDCG@100=%.5f (%.5f)" % (np.mean(n100_list), np.std(n100_list) / np.sqrt(len(n100_list)))) print("Test Recall@20=%.5f (%.5f)" % (np.mean(r20_list), np.std(r20_list) / np.sqrt(len(r20_list)))) print("Test Recall@50=%.5f (%.5f)" % (np.mean(r50_list), np.std(r50_list) / np.sqrt(len(r50_list))))
columns = [ 'target', 'ps_car_13', 'ps_reg_03', 'ps_car_14', 'ps_car_11_cat', 'ps_car_12', 'ps_car_01_cat', 'ps_ind_05_cat', 'ps_reg_02', 'ps_ind_06_bin', 'ps_ind_07_bin', 'ps_car_04_cat', 'ps_ind_03', 'ps_car_15', 'ps_car_06_cat', 'ps_ind_17_bin', 'ps_car_07_cat', 'ps_car_03_cat', 'ps_car_02_cat', 'ps_reg_01', 'ps_ind_16_bin', 'ps_car_09_cat', 'ps_ind_15', 'ps_car_05_cat', 'ps_car_11', 'ps_car_08_cat', 'ps_ind_01', 'ps_ind_04_cat', 'ft_pca' ] # # Loading data... # print("Loading data...") train_x, train_y, train_id = data.load_train_data(columns) print('Training...') dae = model.DualAutoencoder(len(columns) - 1, [40, 40, 40, 40]) dae.optimize(train_x, steps=10000, batch_size=10000) feature_columns = [ 'ft_dae_' + ('0' + str(i) if i < 10 else str(i)) for i in range(1, 81) ] print('Predicting train...') predict = pd.DataFrame(dae.predict(train_x), columns=feature_columns) predict['id'] = pd.DataFrame(train_id, columns=['id']) print('Exporting train...') predict.to_csv('./output/ft_dae_vars2_train.csv', sep=',', index=False)
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('weights.h5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for image, image_id in zip(imgs_mask_test, imgs_id_test): image = (image[:, :, 0] * 255.).astype(np.uint8) imsave(os.path.join(pred_dir, str(image_id) + '_pred.png'), image)
def train_and_predict(): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, coeffs_train = load_train_data() masked =[:,0],0.0) imgs_train = imgs_train[~masked.mask,...] coeffs_train = coeffs_train[~masked.mask,...] imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std coeffs_train = coeffs_train[:,0:2] coeffs_train = coeffs_train.astype('float32') print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = resnet(img_rows,img_cols) model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-5), loss='mean_squared_error') model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('resnet.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30) #print (coeffs_train) prog = ProgbarLogger(), coeffs_train, batch_size=64, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[prog,model_checkpoint],validation_split = 0.2) coeffs_train = model.predict(imgs_train, verbose=1)'coeffs_train_predicted.npy',coeffs_train) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing valid data...') print('-'*30) imgs_valid, coeffs_valid = load_valid_data() imgs_valid = preprocess(imgs_valid) imgs_valid = imgs_valid.astype('float32') imgs_valid -= mean imgs_valid /= std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('resnet.hdf5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting on valid data...') print('-'*30) coeffs_valid_predicted = model.predict(imgs_valid, verbose=1)'coeffs_valid_predicted.npy', coeffs_valid_predicted) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing valid data...') print('-'*30) imgs_valid, coeffs_valid = load_valid_data() imgs_valid = preprocess(imgs_valid) imgs_valid = imgs_valid.astype('float32') imgs_valid -= mean imgs_valid /= std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting on valid data...') print('-'*30) coeffs_valid_predicted = model.predict(imgs_valid, verbose=1)'coeffs_valid_predicted.npy', coeffs_valid_predicted) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('resnet.hdf5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting on test data...') print('-'*30) coeffs_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'coeffs_test.npy', coeffs_test) dif = coeffs_valid[:,0:2] - coeffs_valid_predicted print(dif.shape) dif = dif[coeffs_valid[:,0]>0,:] print(dif.shape) check = np.mean(np.sum(dif*dif,axis=1)) print('check',check)
max_epochs=150, on_epoch_finished=[ AdjustVariable('update_learning_rate', epochs=[50, 100], rates=[2e-3, 2e-4]) ], regularization_rate=1e-5, batch_iterator_train=BatchIterator(batch_size=128), objective_loss_function=loss, y_tensor_type=y_tensor_type) return net0 np.random.seed(1) X, y, encoder, scaler = data.load_train_data('data/train.csv') X_test, ids = data.load_test_data('data/test.csv', scaler) num_classes = len(encoder.classes_) num_features = X.shape[1] skf = cv.StratifiedKFold(y, 5) train, val = next(iter(skf)) X_train, y_train = X[train], y[train] X_val, y_val = X[val], y[val] net1 = build_net(), y_train) predicted_val = np.array(net1.predict_proba(X_val)) loss1 = log_loss(y[val], predicted_val) print "loss1", loss1
def main(): # import time # start = time.time() # model = resnet() # duration = time.time() - start # print("{} s to make model".format(duration)) # start = time.time() # model.output # duration = time.time() - start # print("{} s to get output".format(duration)) # start = time.time() # model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="sgd") # duration = time.time() - start # print("{} s to get compile".format(duration)) # current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # model_path = os.path.join(current_dir, "resnet_50.png") # plot(model, to_file=model_path, show_shapes=True) # exit() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train, rows,cols) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train, rows/2,cols/2) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = imgs_train.mean(0)[np.newaxis,:] # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = resnet() # model.load_weights('resnet.hdf5') model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('resnet.hdf5', monitor='loss',verbose=1, save_best_only=True) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) # for i in range(3): # model.train(imgs_train[:3],imgs_mask_train[:3]) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test, rows,cols) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('resnet.hdf5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) print('-'*30) print('Predicting masks on train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_train, verbose=1)'imgs_train_pred.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): stats = {} pp_head(config) open('config.txt', 'w').write(str(config)) if True or config['FIT']: pp_head('Loading and preprocessing train data...') imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') stats['mean'] = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering stats['std'] = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= stats['mean'] imgs_train /= stats['std'] imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] open('stats.txt', 'w').write(str(stats)) else: stats = eval(open('stats.txt', 'r').read()) # Read previously saved values from a file, needed to transform test images pp_head('Creating and compiling model...') if config['LOAD_MODEL']: model = model_from_json(open('my_model_architecture.json').read()) else: model = get_unet() json_string = model.to_json() open('my_model_architecture.json', 'w').write(json_string) if config['LOAD_LAST']: model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') if config['FIT']: pp_head('Fitting model...') model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('unet.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) model_checkpoint2 = ModelCheckpoint("weights.{epoch:02d}-{loss:.2f}.hdf5", monitor='loss', save_best_only=True), imgs_mask_train,validation_split=config['VALIDATION'], batch_size=config['BATCH'], nb_epoch=config['EPOCH'], verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint,model_checkpoint2]) # batch size originally 32 #else: # model.test_on_batch(imgs_train, imgs_mask_train) pp_head(str(model.summary())) pp_head('Loading and preprocessing test data...') imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test, True) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= stats['mean'] imgs_test /= stats['std'] pp_head('Loading saved weights...') model.load_weights('unet.hdf5') pp_head('Predicting masks on test data...') imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1) # USe batch to speed up on large picture #imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test,1, verbose=1) # USe batch to speed up on large picture'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('train info...') print('date = {0}'.format('%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'))) print('input h,w,c = {0},{1},{2}'.format(img_rows, img_cols, img_channels)) print('weights = {0}'.format(weights)) print('train size = {0}*{1}'.format(train_group_size, train_size / train_group_size)) print('nb epoch = {0}'.format(nb_epoch)) print('batch size = {0}'.format(batch_size)) print('test size = {0}'.format(test_size)) print('-' * 30) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) train_images, train_masks = load_train_data() train_images = preprocess(train_images, train_size) train_masks = preprocess(train_masks, train_size) train_images = train_images.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(train_images) # mean for data centering std = np.std(train_images) # std for data normalization train_images -= mean train_images /= std train_masks = train_masks.astype('float32') train_masks /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights( weights) # keep this commented if no pretrained waights are needed model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(weights, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), train_masks, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) test_images, test_image_ids = load_test_data() test_images = preprocess(test_images, test_size) test_images = test_images.astype('float32') test_images -= mean test_images /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights(weights) print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) test_masks = model.predict(test_images, verbose=1) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) save_test_results(test_masks, test_image_ids)
def process_data(): imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] y_bin = np.array([mask_not_blank(mask) for mask in imgs_mask_train ]) skf = StratifiedKFold(y_bin, n_folds=10, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) for ind_tr, ind_te in skf: X_train = imgs_train[ind_tr] X_test = imgs_train[ind_te] y_train = imgs_mask_train[ind_tr] y_test = imgs_mask_train[ind_te] break X_train_rotate = get_rotation(X_train) y_train_rotate = get_rotation(y_train) X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_rotate),axis=0) y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_rotate),axis=0) print(X_train.shape,y_train.shape) X_train_rotate = get_rotation(X_train,degree=22.5) y_train_rotate = get_rotation(y_train,degree=22.5) X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_rotate),axis=0) y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_rotate),axis=0) print(X_train.shape,y_train.shape) # X_train_rotate = get_rotation(X_train,degree=11.25) # y_train_rotate = get_rotation(y_train,degree=11.25) # X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_rotate),axis=0) # y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_rotate),axis=0) # print(X_train.shape,y_train.shape) X_train_flip = X_train[:,:,:,::-1] y_train_flip = y_train[:,:,:,::-1] X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_flip),axis=0) y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_flip),axis=0) X_train_flip = X_train[:,:,::-1,:] y_train_flip = y_train[:,:,::-1,:] X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_flip),axis=0) y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_flip),axis=0) print(X_train.shape,y_train.shape) imgs_train = X_train imgs_valid = X_test imgs_mask_train = y_train imgs_mask_valid = y_test imgs_train = lasagne.utils.floatX(imgs_train) imgs_valid = lasagne.utils.floatX(imgs_valid) imgs_mask_train = lasagne.utils.floatX(imgs_mask_train) imgs_mask_valid = lasagne.utils.floatX(imgs_mask_valid) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std imgs_test = lasagne.utils.floatX(imgs_test) return imgs_train,imgs_valid,imgs_mask_train,imgs_mask_valid,imgs_test
def TrainModel(self, TMentries): args = self.arggen(TMentries) data_path, mName, epchs, vspl, nCl = args[0], args[2], int( args[3]), float(args[4]), int(args[5]) if nCl > 1: nLab = nCl + 1 else: nLab = nCl print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data(data_path, train_npy, labels_npy) img_rows, img_cols = imgs_train[0].shape[0], imgs_train[0].shape[1] imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train, img_rows, img_cols) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train, img_rows, img_cols) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std # imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') # imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] # imgs_mask_train *= (nCl) # generates the labes as integers imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('uint8') if np.max(imgs_mask_train) != nCl: print( 'Warning: the number of classes does not matches with the intesities of the label images' ) if nLab > 1: imgs_mask_train = getSegmentationArr(imgs_mask_train, nLab) # global imgs_mask_train2 # imgs_mask_train2 = np.copy(imgs_mask_train) else: imgs_mask_train[imgs_mask_train > 0.5] = 1 imgs_mask_train[imgs_mask_train <= 0.5] = 0 print(imgs_mask_train.shape) print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) # model = get_unet(imgs_train[0].shape) # model = Model4(imgs_train[0].shape) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_path, model_p)) and len([ x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(data_path, model_p)) if ('.hdf5') in x ]) > 0: print('loading weights and compiling the model') latest = max(glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, model_p, '*.hdf5')), key=os.path.getctime) model = getattr(Nmodels, mName)(nLab, imgs_train[0].shape, latest) else: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_path, model_p)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_path, model_p)) model = getattr(Nmodels, mName)(nLab, imgs_train[0].shape, '') # model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join( data_path, model_p, 'weights.ep{epoch:02d}-il{loss:.3f}-vl{val_loss:.3f}.hdf5'), monitor='loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30) #, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=34, nb_epoch=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, # validation_split=0.2, # callbacks=[model_checkpoint]), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=10, epochs=epchs, verbose=1, validation_split=vspl, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint]) return
def dice_coef_loss(y_true, y_pred): return -dice_coef(y_true, y_pred) def preprocess(imgs): imgs_p = np.ndarray((imgs.shape[0], imgs.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols), dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(imgs.shape[0]): imgs_p[i, 0] = cv2.resize(imgs[i, 0], (img_cols, img_rows), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) return imgs_p print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-'*30)
def problem1(): data = load_train_data() graph_p1(solve1(data))
#preprocessing image size img_rows = 64 img_cols = 80 smooth = 1. def preprocess(imgs): imgs_p = np.ndarray((imgs.shape[0], imgs.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols), dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(imgs.shape[0]): imgs_p[i, 0] = cv2.resize(imgs[i, 0], (img_cols, img_rows), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) return imgs_p print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs, imgs_mask = load_train_data() imgs = preprocess(imgs) imgs_mask = preprocess(imgs_mask) imgs = imgs.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs) # std for data normalization imgs -= mean imgs /= std imgs_mask = imgs_mask.astype('float32') imgs_mask /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1]
def train_and_predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = create_model() print('-' * 30) print('Building data augmentation object...') print('-' * 30) datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=15, width_shift_range=0.15, height_shift_range=0.15, shear_range=0.15, horizontal_flip=True, vertical_flip=True) total = imgs_train.shape[0] img = [] count = 0 for batch in datagen.flow(imgs_train, batch_size=1, seed=1337): img.append(batch) count += 1 if count > total * stack: break imgs_train = np.array(img)[:, 0] mask = [] count = 0 for batch in datagen.flow(imgs_mask_train, batch_size=1, seed=1337): mask.append(batch) count += 1 if count > total * stack: break imgs_mask_train = np.array(mask)[:, 0] callbacks = [ EarlyStopping(monitor='loss', patience=5, verbose=0), ModelCheckpoint('weights.hdf5', monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) ] print('-' * 30) print('Begin training...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=4, nb_epoch=100, verbose=1, shuffle=True, callbacks=callbacks) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model.load_weights('weights.hdf5') print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
def train_and_predict(): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] y_bin = np.array([mask_not_blank(mask) for mask in imgs_mask_train ]) # X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(imgs_train,imgs_mask_train,test_size=0.2,random_state=seed) skf = StratifiedKFold(y_bin, n_folds=10, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) for ind_tr, ind_te in skf: X_train = imgs_train[ind_tr] X_test = imgs_train[ind_te] y_train = imgs_mask_train[ind_tr] y_test = imgs_mask_train[ind_te] break X_train_flip = X_train[:,:,:,::-1] y_train_flip = y_train[:,:,:,::-1] X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_flip),axis=0) y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_flip),axis=0) X_train_flip = X_train[:,:,::-1,:] y_train_flip = y_train[:,:,::-1,:] X_train = np.concatenate((X_train,X_train_flip),axis=0) y_train = np.concatenate((y_train,y_train_flip),axis=0) imgs_train = X_train imgs_valid = X_test imgs_mask_train = y_train imgs_mask_valid = y_test print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = get_unet() model_name = 'unet_seed_1024_epoch_20_aug_64_80_shiftbn_sgd_srelu_plus10.hdf5' model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\'+model_name, monitor='loss', save_best_only=True) plot(model, to_file='E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\%s.png'%model_name.replace('.hdf5',''),show_shapes=True) print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30) augmentation=False batch_size=128 nb_epoch=10 load_model=True use_all_data = False if use_all_data: imgs_train = np.concatenate((imgs_train,imgs_valid),axis=0) imgs_mask_train = np.concatenate((imgs_mask_train,imgs_mask_valid),axis=0) if load_model: model.load_weights('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\'+model_name) if not augmentation: #, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, verbose=1, shuffle=True, # callbacks=[model_checkpoint], # validation_data=[imgs_valid,imgs_mask_valid] # ) pass else: datagen = ImageDataGenerator( featurewise_center=False, # set input mean to 0 over the dataset samplewise_center=False, # set each sample mean to 0 featurewise_std_normalization=False, # divide inputs by std of the dataset samplewise_std_normalization=False, # divide each input by its std zca_whitening=False, # apply ZCA whitening rotation_range=45, # randomly rotate images in the range (degrees, 0 to 180) width_shift_range=0.0, # randomly shift images horizontally (fraction of total width) height_shift_range=0.0, # randomly shift images vertically (fraction of total height) horizontal_flip=True, # randomly flip images vertical_flip=False) # randomly flip images # compute quantities required for featurewise normalization # (std, mean, and principal components if ZCA whitening is applied) # fit the model on the batches generated by datagen.flow() model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(imgs_train, imgs_mask_train, batch_size=batch_size), samples_per_epoch=imgs_train.shape[0], nb_epoch=nb_epoch, callbacks=[model_checkpoint], validation_data=(imgs_valid,imgs_mask_valid)) print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_id_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('E:\\UltrasoundNerve\\'+model_name) print('-'*30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test)
from __future__ import print_function from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from data import load_train_data, get_data_mean from utils import * create_paths() log_file = open(global_path + "logs/log_file.txt", 'a') # CEAL data definition X_train, y_train = load_train_data() labeled_index = np.arange(0, nb_labeled) unlabeled_index = np.arange(nb_labeled, len(X_train)) # (1) Initialize model model = get_unet(dropout=True) # mean_data, std_data = get_data_mean() # model.load_weights(initial_weights_path) model.load_weights(global_path + "models/active_model10.h5") print('input shape', X_train.shape) # nb_labeled = 2640 test_num = 10 out = model.predict(X_train[nb_labeled:nb_labeled + test_num]) # x_train = (X_train*255).astype(np.uint8).transpose([0,2,3,1]) # print(x_train.shape) import numpy as np #print(np.unique(out))
eval_size=0.0, verbose=1, max_epochs=150, on_epoch_finished=[ AdjustVariable('update_learning_rate', epochs=[50,100],rates=[2e-3,2e-4])], regularization_rate=1e-5, batch_iterator_train=BatchIterator(batch_size=128) ) return net0 np.random.seed(1) X,y,encoder,scaler,ids_val= data.load_train_data('data/train.csv') X_test,ids=data.load_test_data('data/test.csv',scaler) num_classes=len(encoder.classes_) num_features=X.shape[1] scores=[] p=None folds=5 eps=1e-4 delta=1 num=0 scores=np.zeros((y.shape[0],9)) prev_loss=10 while (delta>eps):
def train_and_predict(): print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-'*30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train) imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization imgs_train -= mean imgs_train /= std #Normalization of the train set imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') print('-'*30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-'*30) model = get_unet() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) #Saving the weights and the loss of the best predictions we obtained print('-'*30) print('Fitting model...') print('-'*30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=10, epochs=20, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[model_checkpoint])'my_model') print('-'*30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_test, imgs_maskt = load_test_data() imgs_test = preprocess(imgs_test) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test -= mean imgs_test /= std #Normalization of the test set print('-'*30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-'*30) model.load_weights('weights.h5') print('-'*30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-'*30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, verbose=1)'imgs_mask_test.npy', imgs_mask_test) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for k in range(len(imgs_mask_test)): a=rescale_intensity(imgs_test[k][:,:,0],out_range=(-1,1)) b=(imgs_mask_test[k][:,:,0]).astype('uint8') io.imsave(os.path.join(pred_dir, str(k) + '_pred.png'),mark_boundaries(a,b)) #Saving our predictions in the directory 'preds' plt.plot(history.history['dice_coef']) plt.plot(history.history['val_dice_coef']) plt.title('Model dice coeff') plt.ylabel('Dice coeff') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend(['Train', 'Test'], loc='upper left')
def setUp(self): self.train_data = extract_features(load_train_data()) self.test_data = extract_features(load_test_data())
def train_and_predict(): # Horovod: initialize Horovod. hvd.init() # Horovod: pin GPU to be used to process local rank (one GPU per process) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.intra_op_parallelism_threads = 10 config.inter_op_parallelism_threads = 1 K.set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_train, imgs_mask_train = load_train_data() imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train[..., np.newaxis] #imgs_train = preprocess(imgs_train,'I') #imgs_mask_train = preprocess(imgs_mask_train,'M') # print(imgs_train.shape) print(imgs_mask_train.shape) imgs_train = imgs_train.astype('float32') #mean = np.mean(imgs_train) # mean for data centering #std = np.std(imgs_train) # std for data normalization #imgs_train -= mean #imgs_train /= std imgs_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] imgs_mask_train = imgs_mask_train.astype('float32') imgs_mask_train /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() print('hvd size:', hvd.size()) print('learning rate:', .001 * hvd.size()) callbacks = [ # Horovod: broadcast initial variable states from rank 0 to all other processes. # This is necessary to ensure consistent initialization of all workers when # training is started with random weights or restored from a checkpoint. hvd.callbacks.BroadcastGlobalVariablesCallback(0), ] if hvd.rank() == 0: callbacks.append( keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint('/workspace/checkpoint-{epoch}.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True)) #model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint('weights.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True) print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=8, epochs=10, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.01, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=1 if hvd.rank() == 0 else 0) if hvd.rank() == 0:'/workspace/unetmodel.h5', include_optimizer=False)