def edit(): """Edit view Returns a view of the edit page. The edit page is a list of all the currently existing projects in the database. Returns ------- render_template """ db = data.load("data.json") # Delete project if request.method == "POST": p_id = request.form["delete"] data.remove_project(db, int(p_id)), "data.json") # Remove file if os.path.isdir(app.config["PROJECT_IMAGE_DIR"] + p_id + "/"): rmtree(app.config["PROJECT_IMAGE_DIR"] + p_id + "/") flash("Project deleted.", "success") all_projects =, search="") table_fields = [ "project_id", "project_name", "short_description", "course_id" ] return render_template("add.html", **locals())
def unfollow(username, message, privileges): if message == "!unfollow": user = data.get_element(username, main_users) if user is not None: user_privileges = int(user[eUser.privileges]) else: user_privileges = 0 if user_privileges >= privileges: if data.has(main_channel_list, "#"+username): try: shutil.rmtree(config.PATH+"channel/#"+username) for key in main_channel_list: if key[0] == "#"+username: main_channel_list.remove(key)"channel/channel.csv", main_channel_list) break except OSError: main_whisper.whisper(username, "Something went wrong. Please contact a Bot_Omb developer!") for i in range(len(bot_threads)): if "#"+username == bot_threads[i].getName(): shutdown(bot_threads[i]) break main_whisper.whisper(username, "It seems like, it is time to say goodbye!") else: main_whisper.whisper(username, "First things first. If you want me to unfollow your chat, I have to follow first.") else: main_whisper.whisper(username, "Your privileges level is not high enough to perform this command! You need at least a level of {0}.".format(privileges))
def respondToUserInput(self, event): if self.transitionTimer < 64: return self for e in self.menu_list.handle(event): if e.type == graphics.userInterface.BUTTONCLICKED \ or (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN \ and self.menu_list.buttons[0].active == True): transitionTimer = 0 display = pygame.display.get_surface() static = display.copy() blackness = pygame.Surface((data.config.WIDTH, data.config.HEIGHT)) blackness.fill(0x000000) while transitionTimer <= 255: display.blit(static, (0, 0)) blackness.set_alpha(transitionTimer, pygame.RLEACCEL) display.blit(blackness, (0, 0)) transitionTimer += 1 pygame.display.flip() ranking = data.load("ranking") ranking.append((self.menu_list.getText("name"), self.score)) ranking = sorted(ranking, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[0:10], "ranking") return screen.Ranking(fadin=True, showCredits=self.color == 0x262626) return self
def do_proof(model, which): (trX, trY, teX) = proof(which) (trX, teX) = normalize(trX, teX), trY) teY = model.predict_proba(teX)[:,1] save(teY, 'pred.csv') return model
def guard_add(self, username, message): guard_difficulty = message[message.rfind(' ')+1:len(message)] message = message[0:message.rfind(' ')] guard_name = message[message.rfind(' ')+1:len(message)] self.__guards.append([guard_name, guard_difficulty])"channel/"+self.__channel_name+"/bank/guards.csv", self.__guards)["lan"]["guard_add"].format(guard_name, guard_difficulty))
async def save_subscriptions(): data_s = {} data_s['feeds'] = [] for name, feed in feeds.items(): channels = await feed.get_feed_channels() data_s["feeds"].append({'name': name, 'channels': channels}) await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
def test_save_book(): library = data.modify_book('9780316038379', 'Twilight 2', 'Meyer Stephenie 2', '1/1/2020') # save to file books = data.read_books() assert books[3]['title'] == 'Twilight 2' assert books[3]['author'] == 'Meyer Stephenie 2' assert books[3]['year_published'] == '1/1/2020'
def __greet(self, users): usernames = "" for i in range(len(users)): if i == 0: usernames += users[i] else: usernames += ", " + users[i] self.__greeted.append([users[i]])"channel/"+self.__name+"/greetings.csv", self.__greeted)["greetings"].format(usernames))
async def save_searches(): """Saves list of searches as JSON object""" data_s = {} data_s['searches'] = [] for search in search_list: data_s["searches"].append( {'url': search.url, 'channel_id': f"{}"}) await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
def saveSystems(self, xmlfile): "ssys.xml",, "Systems", "ssys", True, {"jumps": "jump", "planets": "planet", "fleets": "fleet"}, None, {"nebulae": "volatility"}, )
def gen_dataset(size,maxedges,num_datapoints,num_strategies,weight): sumcount = 0 i = len(data) data.append([]) # for size in range(start_size,end_size): for point in range(0,num_datapoints): test = nash(0,generate_graph(size,maxedges,num_strategies,weight)) data[i].append((size,test[1],test[3])) sumcount += test[3] print("Avg. deviations:", sumcount/num_datapoints)[i])
def saveState(self, recoverable): try: # save the current state, so we can restore if not dt.config.has_section('general'): dt.config.add_section('general') dt.config.set('general', 'layout', dt.fileName) with open(appConfigFileName, 'w') as f: dt.config.write(f) IOT.disconnect(recoverable) # close network connection, for cleanup except: logging.exception('failed to save application state')
def __init__(self, fadin=False, showCredits=True): try: self.list = data.load("ranking") except:[], "ranking") self.list = data.load("ranking") self.ranking_list = graphics.userInterface.Interface() self.ranking_list.addButton(0, "arrow_back.png", data.config.WIDTH * 0.1, data.config.HEIGHT * 0.1, mask="arrow_leftMask.png") self.ranking_list.addSlider(1, "slider.png", "slidermask.png", (0, 1000), 0, data.config.WIDTH * 0.75 + 180, data.config.HEIGHT * 0.55, vertical=True, visible=len(self.list) > 5) self.fadin = 256 if fadin else -1 self.showCredits = showCredits
def TCP_connect(ip, port_number, time_out=2): TCPsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) TCPsocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) TCPsocket.settimeout(time_out) try: TCPsocket.connect((ip, port_number)) if TCPsocket.connect: port_number = str(port_number) services = port_reader(port_number) save(ip, port_number, services) print(port_number + ": " + services) except: pass
def login(self, widget): account = Account(password=self.entry_password.props.text, number=self.entry_number.props.text) if == 1: account.type = Account.TELECOM elif == 2: account.type = Account.CAMPUS else: print("erro") if save(account) self.login_notify( login(account,
def generate_isa_pairs(s):'processing #{}, domain: {}'.format(s.index, s.domain)) try: pairs = syntactic_extraction(s) for pair in pairs: document = {} # document['sup'], document['sub'] = pair document['type'] = s.domain document['location'] = s.index save(document) except Exception as e: return False return True
def test_save(self): expected_response = 2 data.connect = MagicMock(return_value=[self.conn, self.conn]) data.prefetch_quote_ids = MagicMock() self.conn.fetchone = MagicMock(return_value=[2]) received_response ="I am a quote!") self.assertEqual(expected_response, received_response)
def main(): print_header() # player = start_choice() player = start() if not player: player = start_choice() info(player) sleep(2) active = True while active: option = menu() # Quest Option if option == "quest": if # check that a quest exists confirm = input("Start quest?: {} (y/n) \n>>>".format( if confirm.find("y") != -1: # TODO: make a good system for this, cuz 2 lines of extra elifs per quest cant be great print( "[!]Warning: This version of Quest is in beta. Proceed with caution." ) if == "Clap the Dragon": quests.clap_the_dragon(player) elif == "Dab on Turtles": quests.battle_turtles(player, 5) else: print("ok then") else: print("ok maybe next time") # Inventory Option elif option == "inventory": print("----{INVENTORY}----") if not player.inventory: # if nothing exists in the inventory print("[*] Nothing!") else: for item in player.inventory: print("[*] {} ({})".format(item, player.inventory[item])) # Shop Option elif option == "shop": # Exit Option elif option == "exit": print("See ya later!") active = False
def run(self): while self.__active: time.sleep(60) if self.__api.getOnlineState(self.__channel_name): self.__users = data.load(config.PATH+"channel/"+self.__channel_name+"/users.csv") if self.__active: users_chat = self.__api.getChatters(self.__channel_name) if users_chat is not None: for i in range(len(users_chat)): user = data.get_element(users_chat[i].lower(), self.__users) if user is not None: watched = int(user[eUser.watchtime]) + 1 if not data.update(users_chat[i].lower(), [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, watched], self.__users): self.__users.append([users_chat[i].lower(), 0, 100, False, 0, 0, 0, watched]) else: watched = 1 self.__users.append([users_chat[i].lower(), 0, 100, False, 0, 0, 0, watched])"channel/"+self.__channel_name+"/users.csv", self.__users)
def train(self,LR=2e-4,B1=0.5,B2=0.999,iterations=50000,sample_frequency=10, sample_overlap=500,save_frequency=1000,domain_a="a",domain_b="b"): self.trainer_D = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LR,beta1=B1,beta2=B2).minimize(self.l_disc,var_list=self.disc_params) self.trainer_G = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LR,beta1=B1,beta2=B2).minimize(self.l_g,var_list=self.gen_params) with self.sess as sess: if if not os.path.exists("logs"): os.makedirs("logs") self.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.getcwd()+'/logs',graph=sess.graph) for i in range(iterations): realA = data.get_batch(self.batch_size,domain_a) realB = data.get_batch(self.batch_size,domain_b) op_list = [self.trainer_D,self.l_disc,self.trainer_G,self.l_g,self.merged_summary_op] _,dLoss,_,gLoss,summary_str =,feed_dict={self.x_a:realA,self.x_b:realB}) realA = data.get_batch(self.batch_size,domain_a) realB = data.get_batch(self.batch_size,domain_b) _,gLoss =[self.trainer_G,self.l_g],feed_dict={self.x_a:realA,self.x_b:realB}) if i%10 == 0: self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, i) print("Generator Loss: " + str(gLoss) + "\tDiscriminator Loss: " + str(dLoss)) if i % sample_frequency == 0: realA = data.get_batch(1,domain_a) realB = data.get_batch(1,domain_b) ops = [self.g_ba,self.g_ab,self.g_aba,self.g_bab] out_a,out_b,out_ab,out_ba =,feed_dict={self.x_a:realA,self.x_b:realB})"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_a[0])"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_b[0])"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_ba[0])"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_ab[0]) if i % save_frequency == 0: if not os.path.exists(self.model_directory): os.makedirs(self.model_directory),self.model_directory+'/model-'+str(i)+'.ckpt') print("Saved Model") """ Restore previously saved weights from trained / in-progress model """ def restore(): try: self.saver.restore(self.sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_directory)) except: print("Previous weights not found")
def follow(username, message, privileges): if message == "!follow": user = data.get_element(username, main_users) if user is not None: user_privileges = int(user[eUser.privileges]) else: user_privileges = 0 if user_privileges >= privileges: if not data.has(main_channel_list, "#"+username): try: os.mkdir(config.PATH+"channel/"+"#"+username) os.mkdir(config.PATH+"channel/"+"#"+username+"/bank") files = [ {"file_name" : "quotes.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : ""}, {"file_name" : "guards.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/bank/", "file_data" : "Karl;20\nMark;50\nLisa;40\n"}, {"file_name" : "whitelist.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : "bot_omb\nnightbot\ntipeeebot\nwizebot\nmikuia\nmoobot\n"}, {"file_name" : "commands.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : ""}, {"file_name" : "announcements.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : ""}, {"file_name" : "greetings.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : ""}, {"file_name" : "settings.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : "language_chat;english\nwarning_url;False\nwarning_caps;False\nwarning_long_text;False\ngreetings;False\ngreetings_interval;60\ncommand_mode;True\nbet_mode;True\nfollow_mode;True\nannounce_mode;True\nsmm_mode;True\npoll_mode;True\nrank_mode;True\nbank_mode;True\nwhitelist_mode;True\nwatchtime_mode;False\nquote_mode;False\nhelp;0\ncoins;0\ncommand_add;99\ncommand_remove;99\ncommand_show;99\nprivileges;99\nsetting;99\nsetting_show;99\nurl;99\nbet;0\nbet_start;99\nbet_stop;99\nbet_reset;99\nfollow;0\nfollow_member;0\nfollow_member_other;99\nunfollow;0\ninfo;0\nannounce_add;99\nannounce_remove;99\nannounce_show;99\nsmm_level_submit;99\nsmm_level_submit_other;99\nsmm_level_show;99\nsmm_level_next;99\npoll_start;99\npoll_vote;99\npoll_result;99\nlanguage;99\nupsince;0\nrank_add;99\nrank_remove;99\nrank_show;99\nrank_show_me;0\nbank_robbery;99\nbank_spy;99\nbank_robbery_flee;99\nbank_guard_add;99\nbank_guard_remove;99\nbank_guard_show;99\nwhitelist_add;99\nwhitelist_remove;99\nwhitelist_show;99\nclam_ask;99\nroulette;99\nwatchtime_me;99\nhug_random;99\nhug_other;99\nquote_add;99\nquote_remove;99\nquote_show;99\n"}, {"file_name" : "users.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : username+";100;100;False;0;0;0\n"}, {"file_name" : "ranks.csv", "file_path" : config.PATH+"channel/#"+username+"/", "file_data" : ""} ] data.create(files) main_channel_list.append(["#"+username])"channel/channel.csv", main_channel_list) except OSError: main_whisper.whisper(username, "Something went wrong. Please contact a Bot_Omb developer!") new_bot_thread = Bot_Omb(["#"+username]) new_bot_thread.setName("#"+username) new_bot_thread.setDaemon(True) bot_threads.append(new_bot_thread) new_bot_thread.start() main_whisper.whisper(username, "I joined your stream! If you want to use my full power, you just need to make me a Mod. Otherwise the auto moderation function will not work.") else: main_whisper.whisper(username, "I already joined your Chat!") else: main_whisper.whisper(username, "Your privileges level is not high enough to perform this command! You need at least a level of {0}.".format(privileges))
def config(): """ The main driver for a configuration session. Prompts the user for all information required to send e-mail through whatever smtp service they choose to use. """ user_data = data.create() print 11 * '-' print "Email Setup" print 11 * '-' user_data.username = raw_input("Please enter your email username: "******"SMTP Server address: ") user_data.smtp_port = get_smtp_port() user_data.tls = get_y_n("Use TLS? (Y/N): ") user_data.ssl = get_y_n("Use SSL? (Y/N): ")"Saving user data.") try: except IOError: logging.error("Could not save data to file.") print "Could not save data to file. Please make sure your storage device is working and try again."
def add_quote(quote): """Adds a quote to the database via the data layer. Arguments: - quote (unicode) the quote to be added to the database Returns: - message (string) a message indicating whether or not the quote has been added to the database """ s_quote = str(quote) id = if id == -1: QUOTE_REQUESTS.labels(command_type="addquote", result="failure").inc() return "There was an error saving the quote" QUOTE_REQUESTS.labels(command_type="addquote", result="success").inc() return "Quote #{} saved".format(id)
async def process_as_results_come_in(): for url, req in run(): response = await request_get(url, req) result = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8')) # logging.debug(result['results']) save("Jobs", *result['results'])
from gradewindow import GradeWindow from data import root from data import save from data import student_dict root.minsize(1368, 720) GradeWindow() root.mainloop() save()
while not login: try: inputUsername = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "username"))) inputPassword = driver.find_element_by_id("password") inputUsername.send_keys(username) inputPassword.send_keys(password) inputPassword.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) finally: login = True if data.isEmpty(): while True: c = input("Vuoi salvare i dati? [y o n]\n>") if c == "y":, username, password) break if c == "n": break # seconda pagina try: WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.ID, "menu-servizialunno:vot"))).click() finally: pass # terza pagina (Voti) mediaPrimoQuad = 0.0 nVotiPrimoQuad = 0.0
def save(self, to, path=None, save_coefficient=True, save_spectral=True, save_kinetic=True): """ Save date to an open HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- to: str or tables.File A file name or a parent HDF5 node to save to path : str, optional HDF5 name to save under save_coefficient : bool, optional Whether to save kinetic coefficients save_spectral : bool, optional Whether to save spectral data save_kinetic : bool, optional Whether to save kinetic data. Notes ----- Geometry is saved in all cases. """ if isinstance(to, str): file = tables.openFile(to, 'w') to = file.root else: file = None if path: to = data.create_group(to, path) try:, 'geometry', self.geometry) if save_spectral:, 'spectral', self.spectral) if save_coefficient:, 'coefficient', self.coefficient) if save_kinetic:, 'kinetic', self.kinetic) if self.G != None:, 'G/G', self.G), 'G/E', self.G_E) finally: if file is not None: del to file.close()
from classify import classify import data import random import util def run(): data.load() server.connect() for (uid, message) in server.fetch()[:50]: try: #if message['from'] in data.contacted: # logger.log("contacted", message) #else: scams = classify(message) if scams: scam = random.choice(scams) response = random.choice(data.responses[scam]) else: response = random.choice(data.default) server.reply(message, response) data.contacted.add(message['from']) logger.log("classified", str(scams), message.as_string(), response) server.seen(uid) except Exception, e: print e server.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': run()
from sklearn import svm from numpy import arange from data import draft, proof, eval, save, normalize #(trX, trY, teX) = proof() #clf = svm.SVC(probability=True, kernel='rbf', C = 5.0, gamma = 0.1), trY) #teY_svm01 = clf.predict_proba(teX)[:,1] #save(teY_svm01) def do_svm(which = ''): (trX, trY, teX) = draft(which) (trX, teX) = normalize(trX, teX) clf = svm.SVC(probability=True), trY) teY = clf.predict_proba(teX)[:,1] return teY #save(teY) print eval(do_svm('_f03')) (trX, trY, teX) = proof('_f03') (trX, teX) = normalize(trX, teX) clf = svm.SVC(probability=True), trY) teY = clf.predict_proba(teX)[:,1] save(teY)
import data # Available offline datasets old = data.file() # Get the latest day. Will replace this day start = data.pandas.to_datetime(old.index[-1]) print('Checking for data since {} ...'.format(start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) # If today hasn't concluded, there is no need to update if start >= data.yesterday(): print('No new data is expected') quit() # Retrieve the newer set using the same symbol set symbols = old.columns.levels[1].tolist() new =, start=start) # Verify if new row is different u = old.iloc[-1] v = new.iloc[0] if new.shape[0] is 1 and all(u.sub(v).values < 1.0e-3): print('No change in data, skip saving data') quit() # Concatenate the datasets and discard the last day of the offline data print('Saving new data ...') big = data.pandas.concat([old.iloc[:-1], new])
def _set_data(key, data, save=False): global doodle_data doodle_data[key] = data if save:, doodle_data)
def savePlanets(self, xmlfile):"planet.xml", self.planets, "Planets", "planet", True, {"commodities": "commodity"})
for i in range(iterations): realA = data.get_batch(BATCH_SIZE,domainA) realB = data.get_batch(BATCH_SIZE,domainB) _,dLoss =[trainer_D,l_disc],feed_dict={x_a:realA,x_b:realB}) _,gLoss =[trainer_G,l_g],feed_dict={x_a:realA,x_b:realB}) realA = data.get_batch(BATCH_SIZE,domainA) realB = data.get_batch(BATCH_SIZE,domainB) _,gLoss =[trainer_G,l_g],feed_dict={x_a:realA,x_b:realB}) print("Generator Loss: " + str(gLoss) + "\tDiscriminator Loss: " + str(dLoss)) if i % sample_frequency == 0: out_a,out_b,out_ab,out_ba =[g_ba,g_ab,g_aba,g_bab],feed_dict={x_a:realA,x_b:realB})"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_a[0])"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_b[0])"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_ba[0])"/img"+str(i%sample_overlap)+'.png',out_ab[0]) if i % save_frequency == 0: if not os.path.exists(model_directory): os.makedirs(model_directory),model_directory+'/model-'+str(i)+'.ckpt') print("Saved Model")
def beat_the_dev(player): # fight is somewhat broke nibba dev = Enemy("Heckin-doggo", 9999999, 1, 50000) sleep(2) print("\n-Heh...") sleep(3) print("-You think you can really clap me, eh?") sleep(3) print( "-I created this world. You are but another player object. Watch this." ) sleep(3) print("[!] Your Health and Max Health have dropped to 1!") oldhealth = oldmax = player.max_health oldweapon = player.weapon = 1 player.max_health = 1 sleep(1) print("[!] You feel a noticeable lack of weapon...") player.weapon = "Fists" sleep(2) if "UNKOWN" in player.inventory: player.weapon = "UNKOWN" print("") print("[!] Equipped weapon.ERROR: Weapon Does not Exist!") print("Let's fight, if that's what you're here for. :)") result = battle(player, [dev]) if result == "Lost": print("-Did you really think that was a good idea? I didn't.") sleep(0.5) print("-Here's your stats back, by the way.") print( "[!] You feel whole and weighted again! Although you really didn't need those extra pounds back..." ) = oldhealth player.max_health = oldmax player.weapon = oldweapon return False elif result == "Won": print("-Holy frick how did you manage to do that?!?!") sleep(1) print("-Do, do you have some unknown powers?") sleep(1) print("-WAIT!!") sleep(3) print("-Do you... do you have the powers of UNKOWN?") sleep(2) print("-I thought I sealed those powers away in the title screen." "Apparently, I didn't do it that great, since here we are.") sleep(3) print( "-I'll give you 50000 more XP and 100,000G not to tell anyone about it, deal?" ) deal = input("(y/n) \n>>>").lower().strip() if deal.find("ye") != -1 or deal == "y": += 100000 player.xp += 50000 player.inventory.pop("UNKOWN") player.completed.append("Beat up the Developer") print("-Cool, also I completed the mission for ya.") print("-See ya later my guy") return True else: print( "-Well sucks to be you, I have the UNKOWN now. You need to pay attention to your pockets pal." ) print( "[!] Everything in you inventory is missing! Maybe if you left now, you could retrieve your save." ) sleep(1) print( "-Wait, WHAT?! Don't leave the game! DONT! IM GONNA SAVE IT RIGHT NOW. " "NO MONEY OR ANYTHING. ILL DELETE YOU!!!") print("[!] The game froze. Now's your chance!") sleep(5) print("I'll...") sleep(3) print("...dab...on...") sleep(7) print( "...YOUUUUUU!!@!!!23123#Fveqwy3543g?%%%%!!!@313323" ) sleep(1) print("[!] PLAYER {} NOT FOUND. COMMENCING FILE REMOVAL.".format( player.weapon = "Fists" = 0 = 0 player.xp = -1 player.level = ": None!" = "do nothing. You don't exist." player.inventory = { "There's Nothing Here...": "You should just make a new save pal." } = "DELETED" print("----{GAME SAVED}----") sleep(1) print("----{WORLD DELETED}----")
# 最適なクラスタ数を考える ############# # picpath = './elbow.png' # vectors = data.load(vecpath) # elbow(vectors, picpath) # for i in range(2, 7): # silhouette(vectors, i) ############# # k-means ############# n_cluster = 4 print('n_cluster:', n_cluster) mwelist = data.load(mwepath) vectors = data.load(vecpath) km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_cluster, random_state=43, n_jobs=-1) cluster_labels = km.labels_ cluster_to_words = defaultdict(list) for cluster_id, word in zip(cluster_labels, mwelist): cluster_to_words[cluster_id].append(word) for i, cluslist in cluster_to_words.items(): cluspath = './result/clusterlist_' + str(i + 1) + '.pickle', cluslist) print('-------------------') print(len(cluslist)) # for clus in cluslist: # print(clus)
numpy arrays representing the participant data (for recent matches) @authors : Azwad Sabik, Rohit Bhattacharya @emails : [email protected], [email protected] """ import data import vectorize SUMMONER_NAME = 'C9 Sneaky' NUMBER_OF_MATCHES = 5 if __name__ == "__main__": r = data.Retriever() md = r.retrieve_player_match_details(SUMMONER_NAME, NUMBER_OF_MATCHES), SUMMONER_NAME + '_match_details_dict') po = vectorize.get_participant_objects(md, summoner_name = SUMMONER_NAME) po_win = vectorize.get_participant_objects(md, winners = True, summoner_name = SUMMONER_NAME) rs = vectorize.vectorize_participants_relevant_stats(po) rs_win = vectorize.vectorize_participants_relevant_stats(po_win) s0 = vectorize.vectorize_participants_segment_stats(po, 0) s0_win = vectorize.vectorize_participants_segment_stats(po_win, 0) s1 = vectorize.vectorize_participants_segment_stats(po, 1) s1_win = vectorize.vectorize_participants_segment_stats(po_win, 1), SUMMONER_NAME + '_relevant_stats'), SUMMONER_NAME + '_relevant_stats_wins'), SUMMONER_NAME + '_segment_0_stats'), SUMMONER_NAME + '_segment_0_stats_wins'), SUMMONER_NAME + '_segment_1_stats'), SUMMONER_NAME + '_segment_1_stats_wins')
import data def words(str): return set( filter(lambda x: not x.isspace(), map(lambda x: x.encode('utf8'), jieba.cut_for_search(str)))) def buildList(pages): inverted = {} cnt = -1 for page in pages: cnt += 1 # not only used to display progress page["title"] = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(page["title"]) print "%d: working on %s %s" % (cnt, page["date"], page["title"]) for word in (words(page['title']) | words(page['content'])): if not inverted.has_key(word): inverted[word] = [] inverted[word].append(cnt) return inverted if __name__ == '__main__': pages = data.load('pages')'inverted', buildList(pages))
eps = 0.0001 W = rand(N,N)*eps X = rand(N,N) for i in range(trY.shape[0]): l = identities[i][0]-1 r = identities[i][1]-1 X[l, r] = trY[i] + rand() * eps W[l, r] = 1.0 ntf = beta_ntf.BetaNTF(X.shape, n_components=2, beta=2, n_iter=90,verbose=True), W) U = ntf.factors_[0] V = ntf.factors_[1] teY = [] for i in range(trY.shape[0], trY.shape[0] + teX.shape[0]): l = identities[i][0]-1 r = identities[i][1]-1 teY.append(dot(U[l,:], V[r,:].T)) from numpy import max,min m = min(teY) x = max(teY) teY = (teY-m)/(x-m) teY = array(teY) save(teY, 'pred_pmf02_iter90.csv')
import random import util def run(): data.load() server.connect() for (uid, message) in server.fetch()[:50]: try: #if message['from'] in data.contacted: # logger.log("contacted", message) #else: scams = classify(message) if scams: scam = random.choice(scams) response = random.choice(data.responses[scam]) else: response = random.choice(data.default) server.reply(message, response) data.contacted.add(message['from']) logger.log("classified", str(scams), message.as_string(), response) server.seen(uid) except Exception, e: print e server.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': run()
try: html = load("" + item["htmlurl"]) break except urllib2.HTTPError as err: print " ---- fails: HTTP ", err.reason if err.code == 404: fails.append(item['title']) html = '' break print " ---- retry" except urllib2.URLError as err: print " ---- fails: ", err.reason print " ---- retry" result ='<article.*?>(.*?)</article>', html, re.S) if (result == None): contentHtml = '' else: contentHtml = item["content"] = htmlToText(contentHtml) print " -- fails:" for item in fails: print " ---- ", item return index if __name__ == '__main__':'pages', loadPages(loadIndex()))
def test_save_fails(self): expected_response = -1 data.connect = MagicMock(return_value=[self.conn, self.conn]) self.conn.fetchone = MagicMock(side_effect=psycopg2.Error) received_response ="I am a quote!") self.assertEqual(expected_response, received_response)
def main(): print_header() # player = start_choice() player = start() if not player: player = start_choice() info(player) sleep(1) active = True while active: option = menu() # Quest Option if option == "quest": if # check that a quest exists confirm = input("Start quest?: {} (y/n) \n>>>".format( if confirm.find("y") != -1: # TODO: make a good system for this, cuz 2 lines of extra elifs per quest cant be great # if == "Clap the Dragon": # quests.clap_the_dragon(player) if == "Dab on Turtles": quests.battle_turtles(player, 3) elif == "Beat up the Developer": quests.beat_the_dev(player) elif == "Mess with Goblins": quests.mess_with_goblins(player) elif == "Ryan's Battle": # test battle - only accessable via debug mode quests.ryans_battle(player) elif == "Defeat Ryan": quests.defeat_ryan(player) elif == "Defeat the Outlaws": quests.defeat_outlaws(player) else: print("You don't have a quest!") else: print( "ok then be that way man all this work i do to launch quests and u be that way ok cool" ) else: print( "You don't have a quest! Go find one before trying to start! There may be some in town..." ) # Inventory Option elif option == "inventory": inventory.use_item(player) # Shop Option elif option == "shop": # Player Info elif option == "player": info(player) # Debug mode elif option == "debug": player.debug() # World Option elif option == "world": world.world_init(player) selection = world.select_world() if selection == "Test World": world.test_world(player) elif selection == "Start Town": world.start_world(player) elif selection == "Topshelf": world.topshelf(player) elif selection == "Ptonio" and "Ptonio" in player.metadata: world.ptonio(player) # Save the game! elif option == "save": data.save_settings(settings) print("[!] Saved game!") # I NEED HELP!!! elif option == "help": game_help() # Set some tings elif option == "settings": change_settings() # Exit Option elif option == "exit": # print("See ya later!") data.save_settings(settings) active = False
def modify(project_id): """Modify view Returns a view of the modify page. The modify page supports both HTML GET and POST methods. The GET method is used to request the desired project, and is passed into the modify function through Flask's routing method. This data is then used to populate the fields on the page. The POST method is used to populate the WTForm instance, which is then used to edit the actual database. Parameters ---------- project_id : int The integer representing the desired project_id key in the database. Returns ---------- render_template """ def allowed_file(filename): """ Decide if the file extension is acceptable Determines whether or not a filename is valid, based upon the ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS field in app.config. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to check. Return --------- bool """ if filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1] in app.config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"]: return True def file_upload(): """ Save the file and make directories Function handles all of the os file path and os file saving implementations. It will return the name of all of the files so they can be put in a list within the project. Returns --------- list : list A list of all the filenames of the uploaded files. """ if request.files: files = request.files.getlist("images") for f in files: if allowed_file(f.filename): sec_filename = secure_filename(f.filename) # Check if the project path exists, create it if it doesn't if not os.path.isdir(app.config["PROJECT_IMAGE_DIR"] + str( + "/"): os.mkdir(app.config["PROJECT_IMAGE_DIR"] + str( + "/") # Save the file app.config["PROJECT_IMAGE_DIR"] + str( + "/", sec_filename))) flash("File " + sec_filename + " uploaded successfully.", "success") else: flash( "Invalid file format. Valid formats are: " + app.config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"], "danger") return [f.filename for f in files] db = data.load("data.json") if project_id == "add": form = forms.ModifyFormAdd(request.form, database=db) # Add new project. if request.method == "POST" and form.validate(): filenames = file_upload() db.append({}) for k, v in if k == "techniques_used": v = v.split(" ") v = [x for x in v if x != ""] db[-1][k] = v elif k == "images": db[-1][k] = filenames else: db[-1][k] = v, "data.json") flash("Project modified successfully.", "success") elif (project_id.isdigit() and int(project_id) in [x["project_id"] for x in db]): # Get current project and its index project =, search=project_id, search_fields=["project_id"]) p_index = db.index(project[0]) form = forms.ModifyForm(request.form, data=project[0], database=db) file_upload() # Modify the project. if request.method == "POST" and form.validate(): flash("Project modified successfully.", "success") for k, v in if project[0][k] != v: if k == "techniques_used": v = v.split(" ") v = [x for x in v if x != ""] project[0][k] = v, "data.json") else: abort(404) # Instantiated WTForm of ModifyForm type class_kw = forms.class_kw return render_template("modify.html", **locals())
subsets = [] aucs = [] (trX, trY, teX) = draft() stop = 20 at = 0 for subset in findsubsets(range(11), 4): subsets.append(subset) auc = eval(dead_simple(trX, trY, teX, subset))[0] aucs.append(auc) print subset, eval(dead_simple(trX, trY, teX, subset)) at += 1 if at == stop: break from numpy import array, sum aucs = array(aucs) aucs = aucs / sum(aucs) (trX, trY, teX) = proof() prediction = None for (subset, auc) in zip(subsets, aucs): print auc if prediction == None: prediction = dead_simple(trX, trY, teX, subset)*auc else: prediction += dead_simple(trX, trY, teX, subset)*auc save(prediction, 'orders/first5.csv')
def reset(self): if self.isEditing: self.endEdit() # first save the current layout, so we don't loose current data self._clearUI() IOT.disconnect(False) # new layout, so close connection to previous