Exemple #1
class Predict():
    def __init__(self,
        # model can be one of lstm, lrcn, mlp, conv_3d, c3d
        self.model_type = model_type
        self.seq_length = seq_length
        self.data_type = data_type
        filepath = os.path.join(
            '..', 'data', 'checkpoints', model_type + '-' + data_type +
            '.{:03d}-{:.3f}.hdf5'.format(epoch, val_loss))
        # print('Loading the model:', filepath)
        # model = load_model(filepath)

        # Get the data and process it.
        self.data = DataSet(seq_length=seq_length, class_limit=None)

        # Get the model.
        print("Model Type:", model_type)
        self.rm = ResearchModels(len(self.data.classes), self.model_type,
                                 self.seq_length, filepath)

        # read the video IDs
        # self.all_video_ids = sorted([os.path.basename(name).split('.webm')[0] for name in glob.glob('../*/*/*.webm')])
        self.all_video_ids = sorted([
            for name in glob.glob('../*/videos_safe_viewing/*.webm')
        assert (len(self.all_video_ids) != 0)
        remove_list = read_remove_list()

        # Not needed any more
        # for item in remove_list:
        #     try:
        #         self.all_video_ids.remove(item)
        #     except:
        #         print(item, 'not in list')

        self.showing_ids = []
        print('Ready to accept ReST calls!')

    def get_videos_ids(self, count=12):
        # pick some at random to display
        self.showing_ids = random.sample(self.all_video_ids, count)
        # self.showing_ids = self.all_video_ids[2000:2000+count]
        return self.showing_ids

    def predict_video_id(self, video_id, top_N=2):
        sample = self.data.get_frames_by_filename(video_id, self.data_type)
        if sample is not None:
            prediction = self.rm.model.predict(np.expand_dims(sample, axis=0))
            return (self.data.get_top_N_from_prediction(
                np.squeeze(prediction, axis=0)))
            return ([])

    def predict_all_showing_ids(self):
        predictions = []
        for video_id in self.showing_ids:
            prediction = self.predict_video_id(video_id)
            predictions.append({"id": video_id, "label": prediction})
        return predictions

    def get_all_video_ids(self):
        return self.all_video_ids

    def get_GT_from_id(self, video_id):
        return video_id.split('_')[1]  # sample format, v_RopeClimbing_g01_c01