tt.arg.weight_decay = 1e-6 tt.arg.dec_lr = 15000 if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini' else 30000 tt.arg.dropout = 0.1 if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini' else 0.0 np.random.seed(tt.arg.seed) torch.manual_seed(tt.arg.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(tt.arg.seed) random.seed(tt.arg.seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False gcn_module = TRPN(n_feat=tt.arg.emb_size, n_queries=tt.arg.num_ways_test * 1) if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini': test_loader = MiniImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='test') elif tt.arg.dataset == 'tiered': test_loader = TieredImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='test') else: print('Unknown dataset!') data_loader = {'test': test_loader} # create trainer tester = ModelTrainer( gcn_module=gcn_module, data_loader=data_loader) checkpoint = torch.load(tt.arg.test_model + '/model_best.pth.tar')
if not os.path.exists('asset/checkpoints'): os.makedirs('asset/checkpoints') if not os.path.exists('asset/checkpoints/' + tt.arg.experiment): os.makedirs('asset/checkpoints/' + tt.arg.experiment) enc_module = EmbeddingImagenet(emb_size=tt.arg.emb_size) gnn_module = GraphNetwork(in_features=tt.arg.emb_size, node_features=tt.arg.num_edge_features, edge_features=tt.arg.num_node_features, num_layers=tt.arg.num_layers, dropout=tt.arg.dropout) if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini': train_loader = MiniImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='train') valid_loader = MiniImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='val') elif tt.arg.dataset == 'tiered': train_loader = TieredImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='train') valid_loader = TieredImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='val') else: print('Unknown dataset!') data_loader = {'train': train_loader, 'val': valid_loader } # create trainer trainer = ModelTrainer(enc_module=enc_module, gnn_module=gnn_module, data_loader=data_loader)
def test(): tt.arg.test_model = 'asset/checkpoints/WRN_mini_5_5' if tt.arg.test_model is None else tt.arg.test_model tt.arg.device = 'cuda:0' if tt.arg.device is None else tt.arg.device # replace dataset_root with your own tt.arg.dataset_root = '/root/IPN/' if tt.arg.dataset_root is None else tt.arg.dataset_root tt.arg.dataset = 'mini' if tt.arg.dataset is None else tt.arg.dataset tt.arg.num_ways = 5 if tt.arg.num_ways is None else tt.arg.num_ways tt.arg.num_shots = 5 if tt.arg.num_shots is None else tt.arg.num_shots tt.arg.num_unlabeled = 0 if tt.arg.num_unlabeled is None else tt.arg.num_unlabeled tt.arg.meta_batch_size = 20 if tt.arg.meta_batch_size is None else tt.arg.meta_batch_size tt.arg.seed = 222 if tt.arg.seed is None else tt.arg.seed tt.arg.num_gpus = 1 if tt.arg.num_gpus is None else tt.arg.num_gpus tt.arg.features = False tt.arg.num_ways_train = tt.arg.num_ways tt.arg.num_ways_test = tt.arg.num_ways tt.arg.num_shots_train = tt.arg.num_shots tt.arg.num_shots_test = tt.arg.num_shots # model parameter related tt.arg.emb_size = 640 # train, test parameters tt.arg.train_iteration = 100000 if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini' else 200000 tt.arg.test_iteration = 10000 tt.arg.test_interval = 5000 tt.arg.test_batch_size = 10 tt.arg.log_step = 100 = 1e-3 tt.arg.grad_clip = 5 tt.arg.weight_decay = 1e-6 tt.arg.dec_lr = 15000 if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini' else 30000 tt.arg.dropout = 0.1 if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini' else 0.0 # set random seed np.random.seed(tt.arg.seed) torch.manual_seed(tt.arg.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(tt.arg.seed) random.seed(tt.arg.seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False enc_module = wide_res(num_classes=64, remove_linear=True) ccmnet_module = CCMNet(in_features=tt.arg.emb_size, hidden_features=tt.arg.emb_size) dif_module = DifNet() if tt.arg.dataset == 'mini': test_loader = MiniImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='test') elif tt.arg.dataset == 'tiered': test_loader = TieredImagenetLoader(root=tt.arg.dataset_root, partition='test') else: print('Unknown dataset!') data_loader = {'test': test_loader} # create trainer tester = ModelTrainer(enc_module=enc_module, ccmnet_module=ccmnet_module, dif_module=dif_module, data_loader=data_loader) wrn_checkpoint = torch.load(tt.arg.test_model + '/pretrained_wrn.pth.tar') checkpoint = torch.load(tt.arg.test_model + '/model_best.pth.tar') state_dict = OrderedDict() for k in wrn_checkpoint['enc_module_state_dict']: name = k # loaded model is single GPU but we will train it in multiple GPUS! if name[:7] != 'module.' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: name = 'module.' + name # add 'module' # loaded model is multiple GPUs but we will train it in single GPU! elif name[:7] == 'module.' and torch.cuda.device_count() == 1: name = k[7:] # remove `module.` state_dict[name] = wrn_checkpoint['enc_module_state_dict'][k] tester.enc_module.load_state_dict(state_dict) print("load pre-trained enc_module done!") state_dict = OrderedDict() for k in checkpoint['ccmnet_module_state_dict']: name = k # loaded model is single GPU but we will train it in multiple GPUS! if name[:7] != 'module.' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: name = 'module.' + name # add 'module' # loaded model is multiple GPUs but we will train it in single GPU! elif name[:7] == 'module.' and torch.cuda.device_count() == 1: name = k[7:] # remove `module.` state_dict[name] = checkpoint['ccmnet_module_state_dict'][k] tester.ccmnet_module.load_state_dict(state_dict) print("load pre-trained ccmnet_module done!") tester.val_acc = checkpoint['val_acc'] tester.global_step = checkpoint['iteration'] print(tester.val_acc) print(tester.global_step) with torch.no_grad(): tester.eval(partition='test')