Exemple #1
    def get_physical_topo():
        matrix = {}

        # get switch and lldp info
            switchs = NetworkDevice.select()
        except Exception:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: get network_device from db failed'
            return {}
        for switch in switchs:
            # get hostname
            cmd = '%s %s %s %s %s %s "%s" JSON HOSTNAME' \
                % (SCRIPT_SWITCH_CONF, 'show', switch.brand, switch.mip,
                   switch.username, switch.password, switch.enable)
            rc, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if rc:
                print >> sys.stderr, \
                    'Error: cmd [%s] failed: rc=%d out=%s' % \
                    (cmd.replace(switch.password, '*').replace(
                        '"%s"' % switch.enable, '*'), rc, output)
            hostname = json.loads(output).get('OUTPUT')
            if not hostname:

            # get lldp neighbour
            cmd = '%s %s %s %s %s %s "%s" JSON LLDP' \
                % (SCRIPT_SWITCH_CONF, 'show', switch.brand, switch.mip,
                   switch.username, switch.password, switch.enable)
            rc, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if rc:
                print >> sys.stderr, \
                    'Error: cmd [%s] failed: rc=%d out=%s' % \
                    (cmd.replace(switch.password, '*').replace(
                        '"%s"' % switch.enable, '*'), rc, output)
            edges = []
            if output:
                # OUTPUT:
                #    [{
                #        'LOCAL_PORT_NAME': 'Ethernet21',
                #        'REMOTE_PORT_NAME': 'eth22',
                #        'REMOTE_NODE': 'KVM-81'
                #    }]
                edges = json.loads(output).get('OUTPUT', [])

            switch.name = hostname
            matrix[switch.mip] = ('SWITCH', switch, edges)

        # get host info
            hosts = HostDevice.select()
        except Exception:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: get host_device from db failed'
            return {}
        for host in hosts:
            matrix[host.name] = ('HOST', host)
            matrix[host.ip] = ('HOST', host)

        # get rack info
            racks = Rack.select()
        except Exception:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: get rack from db failed'
            return {}
        for rack in racks:
            matrix[rack.id] = ('RACK', rack)

        return matrix  # {switch.mip/host.name/host.ip/rack.id: info}
Exemple #2
    def get_physical_topo():
        matrix = {}

        # get switch and lldp info
            switchs = NetworkDevice.select()
        except Exception:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: get network_device from db failed'
            return {}
        for switch in switchs:
            # get hostname
            cmd = '%s %s %s %s %s %s "%s" JSON HOSTNAME' \
                % (SCRIPT_SWITCH_CONF, 'show', switch.brand, switch.mip,
                   switch.username, switch.password, switch.enable)
            rc, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if rc:
                print >> sys.stderr, \
                    'Error: cmd [%s] failed: rc=%d out=%s' % \
                    (cmd.replace(switch.password, '*').replace(
                        '"%s"' % switch.enable, '*'), rc, output)
            hostname = json.loads(output).get('OUTPUT')
            if not hostname:

            # get lldp neighbour
            cmd = '%s %s %s %s %s %s "%s" JSON LLDP' \
                % (SCRIPT_SWITCH_CONF, 'show', switch.brand, switch.mip,
                   switch.username, switch.password, switch.enable)
            rc, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if rc:
                print >> sys.stderr, \
                    'Error: cmd [%s] failed: rc=%d out=%s' % \
                    (cmd.replace(switch.password, '*').replace(
                        '"%s"' % switch.enable, '*'), rc, output)
            edges = []
            if output:
                # OUTPUT:
                #    [{
                #        'LOCAL_PORT_NAME': 'Ethernet21',
                #        'REMOTE_PORT_NAME': 'eth22',
                #        'REMOTE_NODE': 'KVM-81'
                #    }]
                edges = json.loads(output).get('OUTPUT', [])

            switch.name = hostname
            matrix[switch.mip] = ('SWITCH', switch, edges)

        # get host info
            hosts = HostDevice.select()
        except Exception:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: get host_device from db failed'
            return {}
        for host in hosts:
            matrix[host.name] = ('HOST', host)
            matrix[host.ip] = ('HOST', host)

        # get rack info
            racks = Rack.select()
        except Exception:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: get rack from db failed'
            return {}
        for rack in racks:
            matrix[rack.id] = ('RACK', rack)

        return matrix  # {switch.mip/host.name/host.ip/rack.id: info}