Exemple #1
def gather_perf_data(alg, rev, index, latest):
    """Gathers performance data for a single revision of an algorithm"""
    print 'gathering perf data for %s (rev=%s index=%u latest=%s)' % (alg, rev, index, str(latest))

    # get the results
    results = {} # maps (|V|, |E|) to ResultAccumulator
    ds = DataSet.read_from_file(PerfResult, PerfResult.get_path_to(rev))
    for data in ds.dataset.values():
        key = (data.input().num_verts, data.input().num_edges)
        result = results.get(key)
        if result is None:
            result = ResultAccumulator(data.time_sec)
            result.defaultCI = DEFAULT_CI
            results[key] = result

    # put the results in order
    keys_density = results.keys()
    keys_pom = results.keys()
    keys = {}
    keys['density'] = keys_density
    keys['pom'] = keys_pom

    # compute stats for all the results
    for num_verts in results.keys():

    # generate dat files for each x-axis cross important vertex counts
    for xaxis in keys:
        if xaxis == 'pom':
            computex = lambda v, e : get_percent_of_max(v, e)
        elif xaxis == 'density':
            computex = lambda v, e : get_density(v, e)
            print >> sys.stderr, "unexpected x-axis value: " + str(xaxis)
        header_txt = '#|V|\t|E|\t' + xaxis + '\tLower\tAverage\tUpper\t#Runs  (Lower/Upper from ' + str(DEFAULT_CI) + '% CI)'

        for vip in IMPORTANT_VERTS:
            # open a file to output to
            dat = get_output_dat_name(xaxis, alg, rev, index, vip)
            print 'creating ' + dat
            if latest:
                latest_fn = make_latest(xaxis, alg, rev, index, vip)
                fh = open(dat, 'w')

                # compute relevant stats and output them
                print >> fh, header_txt
                count = 0
                for (v, e) in keys[xaxis]:
                    if vip=='all' or vip==v:
                        count += 1
                        r = results[(v, e)]
                        x = computex(v, e)
                        print >> fh, '%u\t%u\t%.6f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%u' % (v, e, x, r.lower99, r.mean, r.upper99, len(r.values))

                # don't create empty files
                if count == 0:
                    if latest:

            except IOError, e:
                print sys.stderr, "failed to write file: " + str(e)
                return -1
Exemple #2
    elif options.inputs_list_file is not None:
        input_solns = DataSet.read_from_file(InputSolution, options.inputs_list_file)

    # prepare for a correctness data collection
    if options.correctness:
        num_on += 1
        get_results_for_rev = lambda rev : DataSet.read_from_file(CorrResult, CorrResult.get_path_to(rev))
        options.inputs_list_file_arg = '' if options.inputs_list_file is None else ' -l ' + options.inputs_list_file
        collect_missing_data = lambda w,x,y,z: collect_missing_correctness_data(w,x,y,z,options.inputs_list_file_arg)

    # make sure no more than 1 type of data collection was specified
    if num_on > 1:
        parser.error('at most one of -c, -d, and -e may be specified')
    elif num_on == 0:
        # prepare for a performance data collection (default if nothing else is specified)
        get_results_for_rev = lambda rev : DataSet.read_from_file(PerfResult, PerfResult.get_path_to(rev))
        collect_missing_data = collect_missing_performance_data

    # prepare the inputs and revisions for non-weight data collection schemes
    if options.num_vertices == 0:
        # get all performance inputs if we are not collecting for a single graph
        if input_solns is None:
            input_path = InputSolution.get_path_to(1, 0, 0, 100000)
            input_solns = DataSet.read_from_file(InputSolution, input_path)

        # prepare the revisions to collect data for
        if options.rev is not None:
            if options.rev.lower() == 'all':
                revs = get_tracked_revs()
                revs = [options.rev]